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Chinese man caught with holstered semi-automatic gun in South Pattaya

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The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


No, i think it's a hand gun

All the Glock models mentioned are handguns. I don't think Glock even makes any rifles or smg's. And, 9mm NATO is a pistol cartridge but it is also used in smg's (sub-machine guns.) Neversure was surely right this time.

yeah, very interesting but unlike some i don't get an erection thinking about hand guns.

I will go out on a limb here and do some profiling: They are probably <deleted>

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The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


Maybe they meant a Glock G26 with 12 round clips.

12 in the gun + 2 magazines

36 people on his todo list maybe.

Or maybe he anticipated getting into a complete shoot out.

Some years ago one guy took down 6 dudes with a 6 shoot revolver.

He was very proud upon arrest pointing out he did not miss a single one of his targets.


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


No, i think it's a hand gun

All the Glock models mentioned are handguns. I don't think Glock even makes any rifles or smg's. And, 9mm NATO is a pistol cartridge but it is also used in smg's (sub-machine guns.) Neversure was surely right this time.

yeah, very interesting but unlike some i don't get an erection thinking about hand guns.

Then you don't know your're alive!! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif


Pattaya One said it was a Glock 12 which is not a model Glock has ever produced to my knowledge. It looks like a Glock 9mm 26 subcompact - maybe a fake but the real ones are not expensive without tax and legit dealer mark-up. I wonder why he was so gung ho as to go around with an illegal gun in a holster, where it could be seen, rather than hiding it in a shoulder bag or fanny bag or something.

Looks like the morsai driver did society a good turn by getting him put away, unless he has money and high level connections to prove it was just another 'honest mistake'.


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


Maybe they meant a Glock G26 with 12 round clips.

Beat me to the punch. Yes, it's probably a Glock 26. .40 ammunition is hard to find and expensive in Thailand which makes its use by criminals less likely and easier to trace, if they do use it, although some Russian criminals in Pattaya have used Russian or Chinese made Makarov 9x18mm ammo, which is totally unavailable in Thailand, indicating they don't mind standing out of the crowd. Handgun ammo that is readily available and cheap is only .38 special, 9x19mm, and .45ACP. In the pic he had 13 rounds which would explain why two mags as the 26 standard mag holds only 10. Perhaps he had already fired off a few shots which explains why the mags weren't full. The police the police arranged the rounds, it looks like he had one up the spout and was ready for action. I guess he did his training in the PLA.


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


The BIB can't count. It looks just like a stock bog standard Model 19


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


The BIB can't count. It looks just like a stock bog standard Model 19

Could be a 19 but looks a bit smaller in the pic.


I doubt that it was brought with him on a plane, more likely purchased here. Number 1 source of Glock and other pistols in LoS ... the brown catsuit boys.

A very scary looking guy, even without the gun.


Yes, they can charge any amount they like. It's called a capitalist market. If you don't like the price, negotiate or walk. If you're one of those who's always complaining "how expensive Thailand is getting these days" then maybe you need to get a better job, go back home, or stop drinking/smoking/eating out/etc...

Quality Chinese tourist gigglem.gif


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


i thought the same thing. no 12 listed on the glock site. i have a glock 27 compact 40 S&W.

Man this guy has a big career in Hollywood. "scary looking hit man."


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


No, i think it's a hand gun

No, I believe it's a handgun.



When i was on Kho Chang,in low season,i found the days rather boring.So,i picked up book from the hotel reception.It was a Stephen Leather book.It had 3 stories in tota.One was called 'The Chinaman' a great story for those of us who like S.L.i wont go into detail's for fear of spoiling it for S.L lover's who haven't read it yet.But its basically a story about revenge.The point I'm getting to,is,that if they ever make a movie of this story,this frightening,looking,s.o b would make a great actor for the title part.



The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


No, i think it's a hand gun

No, I believe it's a handgun.


I believe it's an extension for something that's too small


The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


The BIB can't count. It looks just like a stock bog standard Model 19

Could be a 19 but looks a bit smaller in the pic.

Yeah, it's too small for a 19 or its brother the 23. Look at the barrel and grip length in relation to the trigger guard. This is a subcompact (as Glocks go) the 26 or 27.



Looks scary even without the gun. No wonder the moto guy did him in. Strange to hire a motorcycle to take a tour of the town with a holstered gun. Could have been an assasin hunting for his target.

That's what I thought, if he was then glad he's caught.

He is not to smart though, maybe mentally deranged, he looks that way, Pattaya he thought was dodge city and ok to carry.


Pretty sure he is an alien!

He's a 'Grey' on a scouting mission with his 'cloaking device' on, elsewise he'd scare the living crap out of everyone. Thank god they caught him before the ox mutilations started. The taxi cab driver will probably become an 'abductee' who later shows up in Berlin without any notion of when or how he got there as he's questioned by German authorities right after his arrest for carrying a Glock 26 9mm while aimlessly walking through the Reichstag in the middle of the night.


I believe it's a model 26. Looking at the pictures in the original article there are 2 magazines. One is a standard G26 10 round. The other is a G26+ 12 round.

You can tell the difference when you look at the magazine floor plate. The 10 round magazine is flat, while the extension G26+ 12 round magazine is thicker and angled. This is to give you somewhere to place your little finger if you find the reduced grip annoying.


I believe it's a model 26. Looking at the pictures in the original article there are 2 magazines. One is a standard G26 10 round. The other is a G26+ 12 round.

You can tell the difference when you look at the magazine floor plate. The 10 round magazine is flat, while the extension G26+ 12 round magazine is thicker and angled. This is to give you somewhere to place your little finger if you find the reduced grip annoying.

and this is important because.......

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