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The Views of a 25 Year Old Female Expat on the Gay Scene in Pattaya


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Come to Buri Ram young lady,

Shmbo being stuck (funnily enough in Pattaya) and having no prejudices against gay ladies (or men, or those of indeterminate gender) I spent New Years Eve dancing with 5 lovely ladies of the same persuasion as you, less pneumatic, but more beautiful cos they were Thai (555).

Great fun girls anyway.

Keep having a great holiday and <deleted> to all those who would put you down. Well I would but not unkindly.

Chock De na

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i had a plumbing and heating business back in the UK.We also had a 24 hour emergency service.We advertised in the 'Pink news paper' every body laughed at us,but we found that we got quite a lot of business from it.We advertised ourselves straight plumber's.The amount of work we got was quite substantial.The reason being is that there are two types of gay men.Those in stable, long term relationship's and those who thrive on casual sex with stranger's.Part of our 'ad' was,"we wont hit on your partner" knowing their partner was safe from us,we generated a lot of work.You would be surprised how many guy's were happy to know they could go off to work,knowing 'the little woman' was not going to score with any hunky plumber/heat engineer that came to their houses.We got a lot of feedback in their paper,all good.We even got a mention in the 'sun' news paper.I'm as straight as you can get,but their money is as good as anybody's.And at certain times they paid better.


Some of them in Thailand great business people as well.

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You haven't been sold out,you did that well enough your selves.How many gay guy's are there on the TV that play up on being more camper than a row of pink tent's? How can you say you've been sold out?Are you saying that revenue and fame is not important to gay's as well as straight's? Just count how many musician's and film stars are worth fortunes and have come out as being gay?I myself have no problem with gay people,god knows Ive worked in enough hotels and political 'gentleman's clubs to witness homsexuality at first hand.There are some people whom you will never convince that homosexuality is right,and there are those of us who don't give a toss and accept you for what you are.you are what you are,just get on with it and try not to be a martyr.


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....so this is what we have come to.....

...relevant to whom......

...except for exposure and revenue for her no doubt....

...thanks for selling us out......

Respect to you all, but something is going right over my head here I think. She is gay, she came to Thailand and found lots of openly gay people (especially in Pattaya) and had a good time and like most tourists (gay or straight) was knocked out by the great time she is having and wants to tell others. Whats the problem?

We used to say that the first timers wandering around with a stupid grin on their faces were "pussy whipped". Presumably that same feeling could apply to a female?

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Starting with that picture on front, this looks to be more of a set up article.

Now we come to the guessing part, or the non-factual part, of this thread.

I believe this is a genuine article, and it has been posted in the gay forum because it is controversial and therefore generates clicks.

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....so this is what we have come to.....

...relevant to whom......

...except for exposure and revenue for her no doubt....

...thanks for selling us out......

Respect to you all, but something is going right over my head here I think. She is gay, she came to Thailand and found lots of openly gay people (especially in Pattaya) and had a good time and like most tourists (gay or straight) was knocked out by the great time she is having and wants to tell others. Whats the problem?

We used to say that the first timers wandering around with a stupid grin on their faces were "pussy whipped". Presumably that same feeling could apply to a female?

I don't believe she is gay, I believe she is hetero and likes to hang around with gay guys. They "all so cute" and all "so good-looking"...

She also admits in her article that she is a fag hag. That makes her straight in my book.

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smotherb said, "t seems rather ill-informed, aren't lesbians gay?"

possum said, "Yes but the context was obviously referencing gay men specifically."

Leally, I thought gays were gays. I saw no limitations; next time specify your limits.

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....so this is what we have come to.....

...relevant to whom......

...except for exposure and revenue for her no doubt....

...thanks for selling us out......

Respect to you all, but something is going right over my head here I think. She is gay, she came to Thailand and found lots of openly gay people (especially in Pattaya) and had a good time and like most tourists (gay or straight) was knocked out by the great time she is having and wants to tell others. Whats the problem?

We used to say that the first timers wandering around with a stupid grin on their faces were "pussy whipped". Presumably that same feeling could apply to a female?

I don't believe she is gay, I believe she is hetero and likes to hang around with gay guys. They "all so cute" and all "so good-looking"...

She also admits in her article that she is a fag hag. That makes her straight in my book.

Oh shoot, are we in the gay forum? and me so cute and good looking and an andsum man too. Whats a fag hag ? I presume not a heavy smoker.

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....so this is what we have come to.....

...relevant to whom......

...except for exposure and revenue for her no doubt....

...thanks for selling us out......

Respect to you all, but something is going right over my head here I think. She is gay, she came to Thailand and found lots of openly gay people (especially in Pattaya) and had a good time and like most tourists (gay or straight) was knocked out by the great time she is having and wants to tell others. Whats the problem?

We used to say that the first timers wandering around with a stupid grin on their faces were "pussy whipped". Presumably that same feeling could apply to a female?

I don't believe she is gay, I believe she is hetero and likes to hang around with gay guys. They "all so cute" and all "so good-looking"...

She also admits in her article that she is a fag hag. That makes her straight in my book.

Oh shoot, are we in the gay forum? and me so cute and good looking and an andsum man too. Whats a fag hag ? I presume not a heavy smoker.

Andsum man (please send pics), a fag hag is a woman who likes to hang out with gay guys. Please do read the article in the OP that this thread is about.

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Gays kept their sexuality locked in the closet for so many years...now that it is vogue with the young folk to be gay or bi...they are free to express themselves and their sexuality in a liberated world...

Not for me...but it really is none of my business what turns other folks on...(over the top displays of public affection are still not advisable IMHO)

This comment about over-the-top public affection applies to both straight and gay couples, right?

Actually, I was thinking in terms of some offended party taking the gay couple to task...some people are intolerant and believe they know what is best for everyone...

What are you saying? Gays should go back in time and hide in the closet?

Of course not...but with your lack of wit or substance...maybe YOU should...

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Starting with that picture on front, this looks to be more of a set up article.

Obvious click baiting for an internet publication of the "media group" ThaiVisa is now part of.

I wonder when they will acknowledge that the pool of English-speaking expats in Thailand is not that big and already well covered?

It's all the same news and especially the same advertisers over and over again.

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....so this is what we have come to.....

...relevant to whom......

...except for exposure and revenue for her no doubt....

...thanks for selling us out......

Respect to you all, but something is going right over my head here I think. She is gay, she came to Thailand and found lots of openly gay people (especially in Pattaya) and had a good time and like most tourists (gay or straight) was knocked out by the great time she is having and wants to tell others. Whats the problem?

We used to say that the first timers wandering around with a stupid grin on their faces were "pussy whipped". Presumably that same feeling could apply to a female?

I don't believe she is gay, I believe she is hetero and likes to hang around with gay guys. They "all so cute" and all "so good-looking"...

She also admits in her article that she is a fag hag. That makes her straight in my book.

Oh shoot, are we in the gay forum? and me so cute and good looking and an andsum man too. Whats a fag hag ? I presume not a heavy smoker.

Andsum man (please send pics), a fag hag is a woman who likes to hang out with gay guys. Please do read the article in the OP that this thread is about.

Thanks very, I did read it but this bit went over my head as it seems a bit of an "off" reference to me.

I am sorry, but if I post pictures I will never have time to keep up with all the responses.

But I can assure you I am a genuine andsum man. Every time I go out in Pattaya or walk anywhere near Soi Cowboy or Patpong or Nana scores of nubile young ladies and more than a few gay boys and katoies tell me I am, so it simply must be.

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I tried to read the article but the seriously bad punctuation gave me a headache. It's far worse than even the Thais manage to do. blink.png

Maybe due to the editing of all the sweety, darling, etc superfluous ?

Obviously the pic was meant to be the thousand words. laugh.png

I agree, that might have been the intention. Too bad for her.

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Different view that I had never considered. The only real concern I have here in Pattaya is the "tweeners" who can become very violent. Other than that everyone is free to "stomp their own snakes" as we say in the South of the USA. Nice looking young lady who is straight but seems to prefer the company of gay men over all others Life goes on.

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Different view that I had never considered. The only real concern I have here in Pattaya is the "tweeners" who can become very violent. Other than that everyone is free to "stomp their own snakes" as we say in the South of the USA. Nice looking young lady who is straight but seems to prefer the company of gay men over all others Life goes on.

Having read the stuff again it is clear the picture is very badly photoshoped (is that a verb or a noun now? One or two p's?) Plus the girl is not gay.

Back on your head miKT - all that New Year revelry has (like the lady in the pic) unhinged your andsum bonce.

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The biggest difficulty finding a good guy is the language. Most of them don't speak a word of English or it is very basic and most good guys have a day job so you don't find them in bars.

I agree with what you say (even though it is off-topic in this thread).

Except, I don't agree about the language: All Thais that I know speak Thai, and we are in Thailand.

What comes to this so called article, I find it superficial and not really going to any depth. Under the surface, at least what I have witnessed and seen, the (commercial) gay scene here is not necessarily a very happy one. A lot of drugs, HIV and STDs, gambling, debts and early deaths by own hand. I've seen it all. I had many Thais that were engaged in the industry. Very few of them came through without some form of damage. Use of amphetamine was common. One ended up dead with AIDS, one lost his mind and is now going around Pattaya collecting bottles from garbage bins. One I know that quit and is now selling orange juice and makes okay money. Mostly if and when they had a foreign boyfriend they gambled or lost everything. Some more than twice, repeating the pattern. The "industry" benefits mostly the mafia behind it. Loan sharks, drug pushers and so on. When one realizes this, is there any point in engaging oneself pretending it to be "fun"?

When it comes to language, I find it extremely difficult to have relationship with someone who barely understands me. I mean, it's all about sharing. Right? So when it is based on pigeon English it is like being with a servant or something. I prefer equal relationship. Very hard to find but that's just me and communication is very important in that regard. I can't talk about feelings and problems with someone with very limited vocabulary.

I actually don't get where you are coming from? I speak some Thai. English is not my first language. I speak three languages somewhat fluently, two pretty basic and some Thai. I understand better than I speak. My partner speaks very good English. I find it as a very far fetch idea that when I arrived 15+ years ago I should have spoken fluent Thai on top of everything else. In my estimate it takes about a decade to come anywhere close speaking it on understandable level. Not to mention writing it and when getting older it just gets more and more difficult to remember. I get by with my daily activities speaking Thai. With my partner we speak English. It is a great asset also since he can join me to move to Europe at a later moment in time. Why, BTW, it is just foreigners should be able to learn Thai? I expect someone living with me also be able to learn to communicate. Thais aren't stupid. Some of them are lazy which I find to be especially the treat of people working in the "industry".

When I looked someone to live with, I had a sort of a list. He should be like:

- not working in a tourist area or for tourism (we all know that perception changes)

- no naked images on internet (tells volumes about someone)

- working (do I need to explain why?)

- speaks understandable level of English (communication is everything)

- is +/- 10 years older or younger than me (I don't know what to say to a young guy and too old just doesn't interest me, he is 7 years younger)

- doesn't drink, smoke or use drugs (I don't like alcoholics or the smell of cigarettes, not to mention drugs, I have a problem with drinking so prefer sober guys)

- no previous relationship with a foreigner (just my own reasons)

When I got serious about looking something more permanent I had been here around five years. There were many guys that I started chatting and finally I ended up with two. After chatted with him about 4 months and finally met. Been together ever since. Not always been an easy ride but both have learned and respect is mutual. Relationship is a working process, never finished and in my estimate even more demanding when the two are from different cultural backgrounds.

The article is so typical of this time. It merely scratches the surface.

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Starting with that picture on front, this looks to be more of a set up article.

Now we come to the guessing part, or the non-factual part, of this thread.

I believe this is a genuine article, and it has been posted in the gay forum because it is controversial and therefore generates clicks.

I'm not homophobic and I happen to have numerous openly gay friends. However, none of the gay gals that I know now, and that I've know in the past, ever looked like this nubile and well-endowed young lady who is obviously posing pretty for the camera. Some of my gay women friends are very feminine looking, but then again, none of them to my knowledge have posted pictures of themselves in what looks like a Playboy camera shoot. Generally they post picture of themselves just having fun and hanging out. Humm.

So, I still think this is a bit of a setup, troll post. Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary. And the picture looks Photoshopped.

Edited by connda
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