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Why are you still in Thailand?


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Why am I still here? Because I live as a rich man, compared to a life in Australia watching every cent.

Every day is an adventure for me.

Incidentally, OP, I loved the bit about a cleaner and safer place to live. Louisiana is a cesspool of chemical dumps. Presumably you live in a gated community. Trump is standing for President, and the NRA's solution to the mass shootings ( which are America's specialty ) is more guns.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Don't even get me started on your medical system, if you can call it that. The name Martin Shkreli ring any bells? Perhaps with your huge earnings, he's your business model.

If you think Thailand is a "clean" place to live, do a little research.

Matter of fact, do a lot of research.

Then you will realize the majority of environmental disasters all over Thailand, the rubbish dumped along every roadside, the air quality in Bangkok 100 times over the limit.

Read and educate yourself.

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My Situation:

Lived in Thailand for over 10 straight years
Found the Thai wife, have a kid
Moved back to Florida USA - Back to Corporate America, near the beach, climate same although cooler than Thailand, lots of Thai people, numerous Thai restaurants, Thai grocery stores to buy anything Thai and cook your own.
So basically everything is the same as in Thailand except it is much safer and cleaner where I live.
What is not the same:
Have huge income
Nicer house and vehicles
Nicer places to visit on weekends, holidays, cruises, etc. It's Florida!
Kid is in an excellent school, will be able to go on to Uni and actually have a future when he graduates
We even have a Thai temple
As is in Thailand, we have Thai's here working at Walmart just getting by but most appear to prefer it to Thailand
»So what is keeping you in Thailand?«
For me, it’s because I have a much better life here, than at “home” – not because I had a bad life there, it’s just better here; and so is the weather.
But we are all individuals and have different backgrounds – and age – so what may be a success for some, may not work that well for others; and like OP says, most of us know sad stories about folks who need to return to nothing...
But just to compare with OP, my “not the same” situation seem almost opposite: whistling.gif
My Situation:
–Lived in Thailand for more than 10 straight years
–Found a lovely Thai girlfriend and we have a kid
–Found an outstanding spot by the beach to build a house, pretty close to what I could only dream about; climate warmer than Denmark and about same all year round, 28-34 centigrade, and only about two month rain-season; some Scandinavians and other foreigners living here (but I hardly mingle); numerous of farang restaurants, grocery stores stock almost all kind of farang stuff (including my homeland butter and cheese etc.) I can buy and cook myself.
So basically everything is the same as in Denmark, except the weather is much better, I feel more save than Copenhagen and suburbs, and the neighborhood I live in is nice and clean.
What is not the same:
–Have higher income due to legally be freed from some of the Danish “you name-it, we tax-it” rules; furthermore I can buy little more for my money
–Nicer house, and I even for years had a vehicle (American) I could only dream about at “home”, now I drive a similar nice car as I had at home, but it was cheaper here
–Nicer places to visit on weekends, holidays, cruises, etc. it's Samui and her sisters, and only 50 minutes flight from Bangkok or 1½ hour from Hong Kong and Singapore!
–My daughter is in an excellent EP-school – better than public schools at “home”, when I compare and ask friends – she will be able to attend University just 10 kilometers from where we live, and actually have a future when she graduates (in Denmark she may just be unemployed).
We even have a Christian church (or two); however I’m not religious and we visit the temples instead...
We have Tesco with Thai workers instead of Walmart – same, same, but different – but we don’t have snow and White Christmas, unless we take a trip to Bangkok’s “Snow Town” (artificial); however snow is also rare in Denmark and there are no mountains, so if you wish to ski, you’ll have to travel to Norway or the Alps, same here, I’ve heard there should be excellent ski-sport in Korea, maybe try that one winter.

What kind of future do you see your daughter having graduating from a Thai Uni, which is a worthless piece of paper outside of Thailand and graduate salaries are 15,000 thb per month?

To my knowledge half or more of the students at the local Samui branch of Surat Thani University comes from abroad – so it cannot be that bad – and job positions, even locally, pays better than normal minimum salary. With some practical experience on top, good positions abroad may also be an option – if she wish so – but perhaps she choose something completely different, when Uni-time comes...

My God man!

Have you ever read the 100's of educational rankings for schools in Asia?

Thailand is at the very bottom, one step above Cambodia.

Do a little research and get the facts instead of making a wild guess.

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We've been here for 19+ years to include numerous long trips back to the US. Every time we go back to the US, we think to ourselves, "isn't this better than what we have in Thailand?," to the point that we've considered moving back many times. But when we return to our small home in the jungle, it takes all of a week or two to remind ourselves that what we have here is not attainable in the US, no matter how much money we have. And so we remain.

Different strokes for different folks..........if you're happy in the US, then be happy. But don't deride others who choose to live here....especially when you failed at trying to do so.

And for what it's worth.....I can count the number of Thai/American marriages that are over the 25 year mark on many many more hands than those that have failed. Several nearing the 50 year mark.

Does that count the 700 farangs that got divorced in Khon Kaen in one month?
I have lived in Khon Kaen for over 10 years, and to be honest, your quotation of 700 farangs it the biggest BS I have ever read, or even, the most likely I will ever read on Thai Visa.

Never got a response from OP.

Here is a direct quote from Thai Law

There are no clear statistics for how many Thai/foreign marriages last, although in 2007 in the north-eastern province of Khon Kaen 142 divorce cases were filed from Thais married to foreigners in just three months, far more than the norm. At the time a leading official said it seemed that the Thai women had become disillusioned with their relationships.

So as I originally said, your quote of 700 in one month was complete and utter BS !

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One can guarantee any kind of post which hits a nerve with some people will result in negativity flowing in leaps and bounds.

One can see it is the same posters by name that are always the most combative and resentful.

Many people, especially the negative ones, will never post anything factual other than their own misguided opinions because they know they really have no facts to post.

It does not matter to anyone what I post, were I live, why I moved, etc. But for some, the message seems to get them rightfully upset time and time again.

These posters can not see past their own point of view for one reason or another.

One poster here is happy about hearing about a job in Texas. He is happy, good for him. Do you want to bash him because he failed in Thailand or be happy because he is happy? Most bashings here come out of jealousy from those that have zero options.

2 other posters contacted me and live right here in Florida. Very happy after returning from Thailand. Do they need to be bashed as failures.

The point of this whole post was stir emotions which is always does.

Have negative posters commenting on the reasons why I did this or that. They have no clue but continue to act like they have all the answers when they have none.

The idea of a post is hopefully get some factual stories about what is possible and why and how people made them possible.

Did I fail because I moved to Florida? Fail at what? I am not a Thai citizen or resident. Some might think they are but until you become a legal resident or citizen, you are not.

For those of you that think moving from Thailand is a failure? What about those moved from their own countries to Thailand? Are they failures too because you said so?

This post did highlight some good factual experience. Options should always be planned.

Because Thailand has be great to you doesn't mean it won't be without hardship?

Anyone remember 1997? Could happen again, then where will you be with no options?

I would hope every single grown man on this forum would understand what is best for him, his family and their future.

When you start thinking you have all the answers for people you don't even know, you are already out of options.

If you do something, anything and have the balls to post up the facts, that is not being pompous, that is being honest.

If your whole life exists to post your opinions, well who really cares? show some factual accomplishments in Thailand.

If you live your life one day at a time, one week at a time, don't be surprised when life throws you a curveball.

The fact remains the country has not gotten any easier for foreigners the past 20 years, quite the opposite.

There are many Thai people in Florida that have managed to move here, open their own businesses, buy land and houses and cars not being married to Americans or farangs.

What exactly have you, not your wife, been able to do in their country?

Short of your wife having land and a house, what exactly have you the expat achieved? Landing a job as a school teacher.

I moved back to Florida, entire family is well adjusted and happy as hell. Our son will get a first world education and have his own future. Did I fail Thailand? I bet they were happy as hell to see another farang leave. I did not need anyones advice, just made it happen. It happened. Nothing pompous about it.

No need to be sad, jealous, combative. It is what you make of it and no one else matters except your family. My family has their entire lives to adjust to the USA, where they are finding out they can fit in and be accepted, go to school and be what ever they want to be.

Good Lord. Why would you spend all this time writing this stuff? If you left, you left. Your happy Your happy. It was the right decision for you. What point are you trying to make?

Before you go off with another half page dissertation( justification) aimed at me, I am an exec at a large US company, I am married to a wonderful Thai wife, no children. We have a beautiful home in Northern Thailand. We rent a nice house here in the states by choice. I have been in Thailand on 2 to 4 year runs, I love it there. Simple as that. I never understood why foreigners (You included OP) get so spun up around the axle about not being a citizen. I know I will never be a citizen, doesn't matter to me in the least bit. There are no perks to being a citizen anyway unlike all the things you can bilk off the US once a citizen. I am not trapped in any location but clearly if I stayed in the states my cash outlay, laws and requirements are 10X more than they will ever be in Thailand. I will semi retire and move back home very soon to relax and get off the hamster wheel. I am glad my wife got to come see America and live here. She finally got to see it for what it is, and what it isn't. I know many Asian people that migrated here and are utterly miserable and would love to go back to their home country but are now trapped so deeply in debt and cannot leave. to a great degree your post makes it seems like living in the states is like fluffly little bears and big fields of flowers and its all rosy. I get some of what you are talking about in your post but struggle to see what you had hoped to achieve by it.

Anyway I hope you feel better. smile.png

Why does anyone write a post?

Because it is a forum and that is what a forum is for.

The only people I know renting houses in the USA either have poor credit or cannot afford to buy a house????

A company executive that does not own a house is probably pretty strange at best.

You have been to Thailand, you never lived in Thailand long term.

You know many Thais living here in the USA that are miserable, I know many restaurant owners, doctors, lawyers that love it here?

If you migrate here from Thailand with all the farang filled hot air that everyone in the USA is wealthy, of course they are going to hate it here. Thai farmers are not going to migrate and be millionaires like they think. Use your head.

I have never seen a beautiful house in Northern Thailand? Did you spend more than 9,000,000 thb for it or did the land belong to your wife?

No perks to be a citizen? How about not having to do VISA runs or having a VISA? How about owning your own land, so in the event (wait, it will never happen to me) and your wife divorces you, you would still have a place to live.

Thailand is still third world not matter what you think. Let me after 10+ years or more how you feel about living there.

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I am in Thailand because at this point in life it suits me the best.

Just the same like OP came to Thailand at one point in his life because it suited him the best.

This is why I find the whole essay so god damn hypocritical.

Hey genius have you lived in the same location your entire life and never moved?

There is your answer. Pretty simple.

If you have a lot of life left there is NO guarantee you will still be in the same place, just like you are not in the same place you were born.

People move, you moved. If anyone is being hypocritical about moving it is you.

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i fail to see how you didnt mention the roving bands of lawless Tatmadaw/gestapo doing home invasions and terrorizing farang into signing document written in thai that the hapless farang cannot understand. asking people what you do, where you go, who visits you, who you are having relationships with,how many times a week you change your underwear, how many farts before breakfast, etc.

yes sure there are reasons to relocate but not to the penal colony you mention as an alternate, it has too many loonies like you that upon encountering just one of these ameriguns would put you off your breakfast for at least a year.

safe! some of us do hail from safe countries, it is only the unfortunates like yourself who dont understand what safe is by comparison. eg recently saw a headline that the barbarian police since christmas have killed/shot dead more of its own citizens than germany had killed in the whole previous year..

Edited by loonytune
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i fail to see how you didnt mention the roving bands of lawless Tatmadaw/gestapo doing home invasions and terrorizing farang into signing document written in thai that the hapless farang cannot understand. asking people what you do, where you go, who visits you, who you are having relationships with,how many times a week you change your underwear, how many farts before breakfast, etc.

yes sure there are reasons to relocate but not to the penal colony you mention as an alternate, it has too many loonies like you that upon encountering just one of these ameriguns would put you off your breakfast for at least a year.

safe! some of us do hail from safe countries, it is only the unfortunates like yourself who dont understand what safe is by comparison. eg recently saw a headline that the barbarian police since christmas have killed/shot dead more of its own citizens than germany had killed in the whole previous year..

Is this post about how many people got killed in Germany?

You are in the wrong post

Loony is right!

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Most sane human beings realize that there are good things about every country on Earth and if they could afford it would probably travel all over the world. I know I would like nothing better than to hop from one private plane to 5 Star hotel to private plane. Ramen in Japan, Christmas in Paris, etc.

No, august is the best month to see Paris....then most parisians are on holiday and the streets are so much more easy going than other months....believe me !

Best regards..

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Something else I do not understand.

I see a lot of of Falang in their 50's with their families one or two kids. Especially in the north. But in Pattaya also.

They look like decent guys.

Clean, well kept, clean clothes, maybe a little belly but groomed.

They are with wives who look terrible. Maybe around age 40, messy hair, fat, t-shirt, dolphin shorts and flip flops.

Plus, absolutely no makeup! In fact, I have not seen many Thai women over 40 who wear makeup.

What is the attraction? You can come to the USA and meet a pig who actually speaks English and maybe even has a job at WalMart, if that is what you are looking for.

Just to add, I rarely see a smile from any of them.

Haha post of the year! So true

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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never looked for anything let alone found... i have lived in satun (2 years), mae sariang (3 years) and thong pha phum (2 years). am somewhere totally different since 2010 (never bkk never isaan and never pattaya or phuket) and the questions have remained the same. thai are obsessed with money. period. just back from pharmacy buying a little cream and 4 different people in 4 different places have asked me how much i paid. the pharmacist herself did not ask any money related question, lucky me.... but she did ask how long i have been in los and if i can eat spicy food. cheesy.gif

I have lived in Thailand since JAN 2004 and rarely if ever hear those questions from Thais at least not anymore. In Thailand some of those questions are just idle chit-chat and maybe someone practicing their English.

sure, especially cuz they ask it in thai (i only know 1 person here who speaks a little EN) clap2.gif

idle chit chat or not, it's an obsession with money and in 95% of the cases it's PEEEEEEENG.

I guess I must hang out with the 5% of the cases that don't bother to ask.

me thinks you mostly hang out with people YOUNGER than you and therefore not ALLOWED to ask such questions according to Thai Customs (unless they are bg's). but since I'm at least 20 years younger than the average TVF'er I'm sure different rules apply to me. also, my Thainess is @ ADVANCED level ;-)

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For me, I got "stuck" here in Thailand...I had a very good job in the USA, secure with a stable, but not huge income...I met a Thai girl and brought her to the USA...married in Thailand, but not the USA...after she could not adjust to the USA, we moved to Thailand, where I knew I could continue the same work, albeit at a much lower salary...quite literally 3 days upon my arrival here, it came to light that she had a couple of other fellows that she was stringing along the same as me...keep in mind that I thought that we were exclusive to each other for almost 5 years...she had a fellow from the UK and one from Norway, in addition to me...apparently, my settling in Thailand made her deceptions come unraveled...I never thought a "good" girl (government worker) could even consider such a lie that destroyed 4 people's lives...but of course this is Thailand...and I now know firsthand that there is no code of behavior...and no one thinks about their future happiness...today is what matters most, even if it is at the expense of others.

so I am stuck...i brought my assets here...I am too old to return to the USA and hope to find meaningful work, even though I was top in my field, it would mean starting over...I've decided to take my savings and squander them here...I have enough money saved to drink until I am drunk every day...I have enough to rent a decent place...and enough to have a woman anytime I feel the urge...and the women here are usually prettier than the drug addled whores available in the USA...On the upside, I take care of dogs in the area, I garden, I read and study...but I do not even consider to help Thai people...I figure the additional cost I pay for taxis, food, rent, clothes, and even electricity (yes, the pricing structure for utilities is set up to force farangs to pay more) is charity enough...I will never help a Thai, because they will never help themselves.

Before you berate me for being so cynical...I dare say that my story is far more common than the one where a farang meets a Thai and they live happily ever after, sharing life and planning a future together...

Thailand is filled with whores, cowards, liars, and thieves...and some of us try to make the best of it...for many farang this is heaven, because these are the people that attracted us...for more of us, it is just the best alternative...

I don't berate you for being cynical; it's understandable.

I berate you for making some idiotic life choices and then having the gall to tar an entire nation and its people with the same brush because you were too gullible to see the con.

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Why does anyone write a post?

Because it is a forum and that is what a forum is for.

The only people I know renting houses in the USA either have poor credit or cannot afford to buy a house????

A company executive that does not own a house is probably pretty strange at best.

You have been to Thailand, you never lived in Thailand long term.

You know many Thais living here in the USA that are miserable, I know many restaurant owners, doctors, lawyers that love it here?

If you migrate here from Thailand with all the farang filled hot air that everyone in the USA is wealthy, of course they are going to hate it here. Thai farmers are not going to migrate and be millionaires like they think. Use your head.

I have never seen a beautiful house in Northern Thailand? Did you spend more than 9,000,000 thb for it or did the land belong to your wife?

No perks to be a citizen? How about not having to do VISA runs or having a VISA? How about owning your own land, so in the event (wait, it will never happen to me) and your wife divorces you, you would still have a place to live.

Thailand is still third world not matter what you think. Let me after 10+ years or more how you feel about living there.

While I am not sure why I am responding again I will give it a go to have some fun.

Firstly I get it, its a forum and all people should have the right to post, I am not saying you shouldn't post I just didn't understand what you had planned on achieving from it. If it was a debate and to wind people up then it appears mission accomplished.smile.png. Just remember, moving back to the states doesn't make you better than others.

Not that it is any of your business, My credit rating is well over 800. I make a very good salary with perks in my current position. I recently sold my very nice house in Silicon Valley as part of my semi retiring plan. It appreciated very nicely over the last 10 years. I could easily buy another house in the US but chose not to because I do not want a mortgage payment for 30 more years and a property tax bill until I die. I want to retire early and go live life. I chose to take my one time tax exemption to avoid capital gains tax albeit the sell price was beyond the allowable amount. Government nabbed me for some. So it goes. US government always has their hand in your pocket....

I have lived in Thailand as I said on 2 to 4 year business operations assignments and have been since late 2004 early 2005. I know Thailand pretty well. I was working not sitting in a house some where or a bar.

As for nice houses in the North...clearly you did not get out much during your time here which again shows your blatant ignorance. There are some stunning houses in the North(in fact all over Thailand) and no, I did not spend 9 mil baht on my house. Not even half that and still quite nice. And to answer your next bunch of silly questions; Its not on a rice paddy either, no I didn't buy the parents a buffalo, Yes my wife speaks very good English and she had her own medical career before we met so she didn't need me, Yes we decided to build it on the land her parents left to her in a very nice mooban. cheesy.gif.

As for Visa border runs, sorry, I do not so those. I just drop by immigration office which is about 8kms away and they stamp me and say see you in 3 months. I actually like it. Better than the US that's lets every loser into its borders and loses track of them then can't get rid of them and the tax payers pay for it all.

As for divorce, most certainly anything can happen. Relationships are hard in any country with any women. Its no different then you bringing your wife back to the US. In fact its likely worse. She leaves you, half the house is hers plus assets. You are her guarantor so she gets alimony and child support plus expenses. So enjoy your "Corporate America" job and that sense of false security. thumbsup.gif Did you think moving here makes your relationship invulnerable? Sheeese settle down. Take a big deep breath. Look at what you are ranting on about. For someone who claims to be so smart you actually come across quite inept and moreover very angry. I have seen quite of you type over my years visiting a few Thai based forums.

To me it seems like you were miserable in Thailand for your own set of reasons. Honestly I can appreciate that. Could have been where you lived, could have been your lack of money or the fact you were running out of it and felt trapped. Could be you do not speak the language and you got frustrated. I get all that. Im not saying by any means that early on I did have moments. I just took the time to understand the dynamics of it all. Some times the best plans do not work out. Its Ok. No worries. You did what was best for you. But lashing out at others that have the means, are quite happy and screaming at the top of your lungs the US is so much better is really quite silly.


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^^^^ The immigrants are coming into America to make their lives better.....and you call them losers.

I hope you call the Burmese losers as well....i won't hold my breadth

so you are a hypocrite, lashing out at others who didn't have the opportunity you did......


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I pissed and whinged about Thailand for months after living here nine years. I figured I'd had it with all the illogical day to day happenings.

THEN I moved to Mexico.

I've already secured my old apartment and job back in Thailand and will be back end of February. You never really know how good you have it until you try something different.

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^^^^ The immigrants are coming into America to make their lives better.....and you call them losers.

I hope you call the Burmese losers as well....i won't hold my breadth

so you are a hypocrite, lashing out at others who didn't have the opportunity you did......


Not all are losers but there are far more that are versus actual contributors. There is a fine line between Improving ones life and being a scammer loser IMHO. Many come here to improve there lives but put nothing into the system and live off very lenient rules . Its a huge scam that happens daily. Think about all the illegal Mexicans that are in the US. In fact the government just announced after the attack in France that over 1 Million middle eastern people are here and their visa's have long expired. What are they doing? They cannot work legally, no SS numbers(legal that is). I have restaurant owner friends that willing know that they hired help that have fake ID's and SSN's. They will wait for another "Amnesty" package and guess what the US Taxpayer carries the burden.

I am far from a hypocrite. Follow the rules, become a legal citizen, pay your taxes into the system. I did and always have.

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I pissed and whinged about Thailand for months after living here nine years. I figured I'd had it with all the illogical day to day happenings.

THEN I moved to Mexico.

I've already secured my old apartment and job back in Thailand and will be back end of February. You never really know how good you have it until you try something different.

Being from California I have been to Mexico many times.

You did what? I am sure you had you reasons.

Mexico is much more <deleted> then Thailand I think.

Good thing you can move back.

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I am in Thailand because at this point in life it suits me the best.

Just the same like OP came to Thailand at one point in his life because it suited him the best.

This is why I find the whole essay so god damn hypocritical.

Hey genius have you lived in the same location your entire life and never moved?

There is your answer. Pretty simple.

If you have a lot of life left there is NO guarantee you will still be in the same place, just like you are not in the same place you were born.

People move, you moved. If anyone is being hypocritical about moving it is you.

Please someone pass the English dictionary to this proud American.

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^^^^ The immigrants are coming into America to make their lives better.....and you call them losers.

I hope you call the Burmese losers as well....i won't hold my breadth

so you are a hypocrite, lashing out at others who didn't have the opportunity you did......


Not all are losers but there are far more that are versus actual contributors. There is a fine line between Improving ones life and being a scammer loser IMHO. Many come here to improve there lives but put nothing into the system and live off very lenient rules . Its a huge scam that happens daily. Think about all the illegal Mexicans that are in the US. In fact the government just announced after the attack in France that over 1 Million middle eastern people are here and their visa's have long expired. What are they doing? They cannot work legally, no SS numbers(legal that is). I have restaurant owner friends that willing know that they hired help that have fake ID's and SSN's. They will wait for another "Amnesty" package and guess what the US Taxpayer carries the burden.

I am far from a hypocrite. Follow the rules, become a legal citizen, pay your taxes into the system. I did and always have.

can not. need a green card.
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As for divorce, most certainly anything can happen. Relationships are hard in any country with any women. Its no different then you bringing your wife back to the US. In fact its likely worse. She leaves you, half the house is hers plus assets. You are her guarantor so she gets alimony and child support plus expenses. So enjoy your "Corporate America" job and that sense of false security. thumbsup.gif Did you think moving here makes your relationship invulnerable? Sheeese settle down. Take a big deep breath. Look at what you are ranting on about. For someone who claims to be so smart you actually come across quite inept and moreover very angry. I have seen quite of you type over my years visiting a few Thai based forums.

I agree with all your points, especially the divorce-in-America scenario. Does Mr. bwpage really think that he's somehow insulated in the USA? Once his wife gets to be friends with fellow American females and they introduce her to the world of US divorce attorneys, the boy is going to experience first-hand what getting fleeced feels like.

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Why does anyone write a post?

Because it is a forum and that is what a forum is for.

The only people I know renting houses in the USA either have poor credit or cannot afford to buy a house????

A company executive that does not own a house is probably pretty strange at best.

You have been to Thailand, you never lived in Thailand long term.

You know many Thais living here in the USA that are miserable, I know many restaurant owners, doctors, lawyers that love it here?

If you migrate here from Thailand with all the farang filled hot air that everyone in the USA is wealthy, of course they are going to hate it here. Thai farmers are not going to migrate and be millionaires like they think. Use your head.

I have never seen a beautiful house in Northern Thailand? Did you spend more than 9,000,000 thb for it or did the land belong to your wife?

No perks to be a citizen? How about not having to do VISA runs or having a VISA? How about owning your own land, so in the event (wait, it will never happen to me) and your wife divorces you, you would still have a place to live.

Thailand is still third world not matter what you think. Let me after 10+ years or more how you feel about living there.

While I am not sure why I am responding again I will give it a go to have some fun.

Firstly I get it, its a forum and all people should have the right to post, I am not saying you shouldn't post I just didn't understand what you had planned on achieving from it. If it was a debate and to wind people up then it appears mission accomplished.smile.png. Just remember, moving back to the states doesn't make you better than others.

Not that it is any of your business, My credit rating is well over 800. I make a very good salary with perks in my current position. I recently sold my very nice house in Silicon Valley as part of my semi retiring plan. It appreciated very nicely over the last 10 years. I could easily buy another house in the US but chose not to because I do not want a mortgage payment for 30 more years and a property tax bill until I die. I want to retire early and go live life. I chose to take my one time tax exemption to avoid capital gains tax albeit the sell price was beyond the allowable amount. Government nabbed me for some. So it goes. US government always has their hand in your pocket....

I have lived in Thailand as I said on 2 to 4 year business operations assignments and have been since late 2004 early 2005. I know Thailand pretty well. I was working not sitting in a house some where or a bar.

As for nice houses in the North...clearly you did not get out much during your time here which again shows your blatant ignorance. There are some stunning houses in the North(in fact all over Thailand) and no, I did not spend 9 mil baht on my house. Not even half that and still quite nice. And to answer your next bunch of silly questions; Its not on a rice paddy either, no I didn't buy the parents a buffalo, Yes my wife speaks very good English and she had her own medical career before we met so she didn't need me, Yes we decided to build it on the land her parents left to her in a very nice mooban. cheesy.gif.

As for Visa border runs, sorry, I do not so those. I just drop by immigration office which is about 8kms away and they stamp me and say see you in 3 months. I actually like it. Better than the US that's lets every loser into its borders and loses track of them then can't get rid of them and the tax payers pay for it all.

As for divorce, most certainly anything can happen. Relationships are hard in any country with any women. Its no different then you bringing your wife back to the US. In fact its likely worse. She leaves you, half the house is hers plus assets. You are her guarantor so she gets alimony and child support plus expenses. So enjoy your "Corporate America" job and that sense of false security. thumbsup.gif Did you think moving here makes your relationship invulnerable? Sheeese settle down. Take a big deep breath. Look at what you are ranting on about. For someone who claims to be so smart you actually come across quite inept and moreover very angry. I have seen quite of you type over my years visiting a few Thai based forums.

To me it seems like you were miserable in Thailand for your own set of reasons. Honestly I can appreciate that. Could have been where you lived, could have been your lack of money or the fact you were running out of it and felt trapped. Could be you do not speak the language and you got frustrated. I get all that. Im not saying by any means that early on I did have moments. I just took the time to understand the dynamics of it all. Some times the best plans do not work out. Its Ok. No worries. You did what was best for you. But lashing out at others that have the means, are quite happy and screaming at the top of your lungs the US is so much better is really quite silly.


"seems to me"

Unless you are a psychic try not to judge others you don't even know.

We see posts every single week how everyone has it all figured out, all kinds of success stories and not one shred of evidence to back it up. But then other comments like having to use your wife's land and a less than stellar house tell a different story.

Working in Thailand on an expat salary is not the same as living there retired. Not even close.

Were you on business assignments in the far north or Isaan or in the city? Apples and oranges.

Could be I can speak the language and just wanted to move?

Could be a million things you waste time guessing on.

Another keyboard millionaire, build on land that wasn't even yours, and then stating what a "nice" house you have.

You my friend do not have anything, your wife has it all.

You would do best to educate yourself by reading the 10 thousands of posts from people that have retired in Thailand and grew old of it, bored with, divorced from it or 100 other reasons.

Everyone claims to know Thailand pretty well. Ever drive from Chiang Rai to Phuket? How about Phuket to Nong Kai? You do not know Thailand well.

You have never retired or living Thailand permanently so you have no experience to give anyone on that matter.

To each own. Should read some more posts as their is a growing number that thought Thailand was the promised land, not thinking so much these days.

Do a read on what happened in 1997. Living in the third world? Nothing is ever guaranteed.

Here is a clip from the news headlines today:

"... The department said 13.3 million tonnes of that garbage, or 49%, was dumped wherever people felt like leaving it."

When you do get out and see Thailand, you realize it is not a wonderland after all. It is still the third world.

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I pissed and whinged about Thailand for months after living here nine years. I figured I'd had it with all the illogical day to day happenings.

THEN I moved to Mexico.

I've already secured my old apartment and job back in Thailand and will be back end of February. You never really know how good you have it until you try something different.

Well Mexico is a pretty big country with good places and bad.

Same as Thailand.

I am sure if you lived in Klong Toey you would be wanting to move back to Mexico.

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As for divorce, most certainly anything can happen. Relationships are hard in any country with any women. Its no different then you bringing your wife back to the US. In fact its likely worse. She leaves you, half the house is hers plus assets. You are her guarantor so she gets alimony and child support plus expenses. So enjoy your "Corporate America" job and that sense of false security. thumbsup.gif Did you think moving here makes your relationship invulnerable? Sheeese settle down. Take a big deep breath. Look at what you are ranting on about. For someone who claims to be so smart you actually come across quite inept and moreover very angry. I have seen quite of you type over my years visiting a few Thai based forums.

I agree with all your points, especially the divorce-in-America scenario. Does Mr. bwpage really think that he's somehow insulated in the USA? Once his wife gets to be friends with fellow American females and they introduce her to the world of US divorce attorneys, the boy is going to experience first-hand what getting fleeced feels like.

I thought Thailand had outlawed fortune tellers? Better keep your talents a secret!

You should use your gifted talents for lottery numbers or something that could help yourself out.

Who calls other grown men "boy"?

Edited by bwpage3
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As for divorce, most certainly anything can happen. Relationships are hard in any country with any women. Its no different then you bringing your wife back to the US. In fact its likely worse. She leaves you, half the house is hers plus assets. You are her guarantor so she gets alimony and child support plus expenses. So enjoy your "Corporate America" job and that sense of false security. thumbsup.gif Did you think moving here makes your relationship invulnerable? Sheeese settle down. Take a big deep breath. Look at what you are ranting on about. For someone who claims to be so smart you actually come across quite inept and moreover very angry. I have seen quite of you type over my years visiting a few Thai based forums.

I agree with all your points, especially the divorce-in-America scenario. Does Mr. bwpage really think that he's somehow insulated in the USA? Once his wife gets to be friends with fellow American females and they introduce her to the world of US divorce attorneys, the boy is going to experience first-hand what getting fleeced feels like.

You seem to have some direct experience with getting fleeced?

Maybe the common denominator is you? clap2.gif

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Why does anyone write a post?

Because it is a forum and that is what a forum is for.

The only people I know renting houses in the USA either have poor credit or cannot afford to buy a house????

A company executive that does not own a house is probably pretty strange at best.

You have been to Thailand, you never lived in Thailand long term.

You know many Thais living here in the USA that are miserable, I know many restaurant owners, doctors, lawyers that love it here?

If you migrate here from Thailand with all the farang filled hot air that everyone in the USA is wealthy, of course they are going to hate it here. Thai farmers are not going to migrate and be millionaires like they think. Use your head.

I have never seen a beautiful house in Northern Thailand? Did you spend more than 9,000,000 thb for it or did the land belong to your wife?

No perks to be a citizen? How about not having to do VISA runs or having a VISA? How about owning your own land, so in the event (wait, it will never happen to me) and your wife divorces you, you would still have a place to live.

Thailand is still third world not matter what you think. Let me after 10+ years or more how you feel about living there.

While I am not sure why I am responding again I will give it a go to have some fun.

Firstly I get it, its a forum and all people should have the right to post, I am not saying you shouldn't post I just didn't understand what you had planned on achieving from it. If it was a debate and to wind people up then it appears mission accomplished.smile.png. Just remember, moving back to the states doesn't make you better than others.

Not that it is any of your business, My credit rating is well over 800. I make a very good salary with perks in my current position. I recently sold my very nice house in Silicon Valley as part of my semi retiring plan. It appreciated very nicely over the last 10 years. I could easily buy another house in the US but chose not to because I do not want a mortgage payment for 30 more years and a property tax bill until I die. I want to retire early and go live life. I chose to take my one time tax exemption to avoid capital gains tax albeit the sell price was beyond the allowable amount. Government nabbed me for some. So it goes. US government always has their hand in your pocket....

I have lived in Thailand as I said on 2 to 4 year business operations assignments and have been since late 2004 early 2005. I know Thailand pretty well. I was working not sitting in a house some where or a bar.

As for nice houses in the North...clearly you did not get out much during your time here which again shows your blatant ignorance. There are some stunning houses in the North(in fact all over Thailand) and no, I did not spend 9 mil baht on my house. Not even half that and still quite nice. And to answer your next bunch of silly questions; Its not on a rice paddy either, no I didn't buy the parents a buffalo, Yes my wife speaks very good English and she had her own medical career before we met so she didn't need me, Yes we decided to build it on the land her parents left to her in a very nice mooban. cheesy.gif.

As for Visa border runs, sorry, I do not so those. I just drop by immigration office which is about 8kms away and they stamp me and say see you in 3 months. I actually like it. Better than the US that's lets every loser into its borders and loses track of them then can't get rid of them and the tax payers pay for it all.

As for divorce, most certainly anything can happen. Relationships are hard in any country with any women. Its no different then you bringing your wife back to the US. In fact its likely worse. She leaves you, half the house is hers plus assets. You are her guarantor so she gets alimony and child support plus expenses. So enjoy your "Corporate America" job and that sense of false security. thumbsup.gif Did you think moving here makes your relationship invulnerable? Sheeese settle down. Take a big deep breath. Look at what you are ranting on about. For someone who claims to be so smart you actually come across quite inept and moreover very angry. I have seen quite of you type over my years visiting a few Thai based forums.

To me it seems like you were miserable in Thailand for your own set of reasons. Honestly I can appreciate that. Could have been where you lived, could have been your lack of money or the fact you were running out of it and felt trapped. Could be you do not speak the language and you got frustrated. I get all that. Im not saying by any means that early on I did have moments. I just took the time to understand the dynamics of it all. Some times the best plans do not work out. Its Ok. No worries. You did what was best for you. But lashing out at others that have the means, are quite happy and screaming at the top of your lungs the US is so much better is really quite silly.


"seems to me"

Unless you are a psychic try not to judge others you don't even know.

We see posts every single week how everyone has it all figured out, all kinds of success stories and not one shred of evidence to back it up. But then other comments like having to use your wife's land and a less than stellar house tell a different story.

Working in Thailand on an expat salary is not the same as living there retired. Not even close.

Were you on business assignments in the far north or Isaan or in the city? Apples and oranges.

Could be I can speak the language and just wanted to move?

Could be a million things you waste time guessing on.

Another keyboard millionaire, build on land that wasn't even yours, and then stating what a "nice" house you have.

You my friend do not have anything, your wife has it all.

You would do best to educate yourself by reading the 10 thousands of posts from people that have retired in Thailand and grew old of it, bored with, divorced from it or 100 other reasons.

Everyone claims to know Thailand pretty well. Ever drive from Chiang Rai to Phuket? How about Phuket to Nong Kai? You do not know Thailand well.

You have never retired or living Thailand permanently so you have no experience to give anyone on that matter.

To each own. Should read some more posts as their is a growing number that thought Thailand was the promised land, not thinking so much these days.

Do a read on what happened in 1997. Living in the third world? Nothing is ever guaranteed.

Here is a clip from the news headlines today:

"... The department said 13.3 million tonnes of that garbage, or 49%, was dumped wherever people felt like leaving it."

When you do get out and see Thailand, you realize it is not a wonderland after all. It is still the third world.

That's crazy logic. Who IN their right mind would want to drive chang rai to phuket?

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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@ bwpage3

Too many quotes on quotes so let me answer from your last response aimed at me. your statements highlighted in grey and numbered.

1) We see posts every single week how everyone has it all figured out, all kinds of success stories and not one shred of evidence to back it up. But then other comments like having to use your wife's land and a less than stellar house tell a different story.

^ Yes there are many fools that land in Thailand(SEAsia) and make some terrible errors in judgment, we all read about them. In fact I have met a few. in speaking with a few most never had a plan. We call it rose colored glasses and a lot of booze.

2) Working in Thailand on an expat salary is not the same as living there retired. Not even close.

You are absolutely right on being retired versus living there on an expat salary. I personally think it is the best way to see the place. You have ample time on weekends and holidays to go see the country. I enjoyed Malaysia the same way(not for nearly as long). Hated China. This afforded me time to assess the place.

3) Were you on business assignments in the far north or Isaan or in the city? Apples and oranges.

My assignments were outside BKK, I seldom went into the city. I preferred the outskirts. While I agree that BKK versus Isaan is vastly different, work is work, people are people. I was afforded an excellent opportunity which allowed me to see what Thailand is and isn't. I didn't make a decision on retiring there based on a few holiday weekends in Pattaya.

4)Another keyboard millionaire, build on land that wasn't even yours, and then stating what a "nice" house you have. You my friend do not have anything, your wife has it all.

Well I have to say, I wish I was a millionaire(I guess somewhere on paper I am but that's just paper). See I am of the opinion one should only invest in Thailand what one is willing to lose(this should be a rule anywhere IMHO). My investment in the house on HER land (since you have a hang up about that) was all OK with me. I completely understand the rules. Now the house is in our name but I do not see that being anything advantageous. She insisted on it. Its just us 2 and if something should happen to her I can stay. See I don't judge my wife by what all the others have posted that had happen to them. People do not come to forums to talk about good things, they come to whinge, bitch piss and moan(just like you). Not all are the scamming undermining cheaters that many men come on and whinge about. In fact I laugh at those guys because they were the ignorant ones.

Btw, now that you are back and comfy in the US, who owns your house and the land?. Hmm. I thought so..A BANK! You own nothing just a bit like Thailand No? However now you have to work to keep the bank happy and your credit rating up or you could lose it all. I do not have to do any of that. All paid in full.

5)You would do best to educate yourself by reading the 10 thousands of posts from people that have retired in Thailand and grew old of it, bored with, divorced from it or 100 other reasons.

Why in the hell would I do that. I do not care what 10,000 people posted on a forum. I am me and live my life for me. I own it. Anyone who can be swayed by others whinging on a Thai forum strike me as pretty weak in their personal make up. While I am not saying there are not things to learn from some of them, most are simply tools that never had a plan, the means or thought it through.

6)Everyone claims to know Thailand pretty well. Ever drive from Chiang Rai to Phuket? How about Phuket to Nong Kai? You do not know Thailand well.

Interestingly, yes I have driven virtually north to south and east to west. After meeting my GF(now wife) we did that trek before coming back to the US. She resigned from her job and we spent appx 2 months messing around. Was a great trip. We left just outside Chiang Mai. The drive out of the mountains was pretty typical but gave me an idea of the North. We stopped at the elephant reserve in Lampang, From there to Ayutthaya was scenic but not much to see. I enjoyed all the road stops and she picked up spices and items to bring to the US. I liked Cha Am, did not care for Hua Hin, I enjoyed Pran Buri, Ao Luk, Krabi. We didn't quite make it into Phuket but I didn't really want to just like I have never been to Pattaya. Just too touristy for my personal taste(btw, I have been to virtually all the islands in case you wondered about that). On the return back we went to Mae Sot to the Burma Border then blew across to Chiang Rai then to her friends house in Korat. We logged a ton of kms on her car(yes I have a Thai drivers license and drove a lot). We flew to Cambodia to Angkor Wat for a week as I always wanted to visit it. See I was not a sit at home type. Every holiday while working I went and saw new places. The North and BKK Thai language was a challenge to understand. I could go on and on but you seem to have judged me like you tell me not to judge you.

7) You have never retired or living Thailand permanently so you have no experience to give anyone on that matter.

Well why does one have to be retired in Thailand to offer advice to others? To me your angst reads like you moved to Thailand,thought it was the "promise land", got pigeon holed away out in Isaan and felt trapped. I get it, you didn't have a plan and it ate you up mentally. You are not alone. You got married, had a child and you got a wake up call. (I could poke a dig at you but won't, I will let it go).Retiring anywhere is tough unless you really think it out. Wait until you retire in the US if you even can, you will likely work until you die like 90% of the population. Now maybe that's what you want to do. Some can't think of a life without work, they are conditioned to it. Wait until your wife has her moments in the states and her rose colored glasses come off. I know my wife had her moments. Its comfy for you to be back but what about your wife? Give it time. The US isn't the "promise land" either

8)To each own. Should read some more posts as their is a growing number that thought Thailand was the promised land, not thinking so much these days.

Do a read on what happened in 1997. Living in the third world? Nothing is ever guarantee

Again, I do not alter my life to whinging posters on a Thai forum(seems you do though). If you do that's your choice but I guarantee you your POV will be extremely jaded. I have never ever thought of Thailand as the "promise land". That's ridiculous. who thinks like that anyway? Anyone considering moving abroad should do their homework, it does not matter to what country. I am clearly aware of Thailand's position and what I can and cannot do and the pro's and con's. Every place has them.

Good Luck back in the states.

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