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Topless foreign tourists educated, fined by Phuket police

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I wish all those fat men with their tits hanging down would be fined 500 Baht and told to cover up.

A Phuket headline from January 2014:

Button Up: Topless Tourists Face Arrest

and its about men riding on motorbikes half naked biggrin.png

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Come on people, get real. Showing in a bar or pub in Thailand or anywhere else is one thing- but showing your junk in a public arena is not permitted and shows a complete disregard for other people's sensitivities. These girls are narcissistic and somehow believe that this is having fun. It maybe fun to some people- but the community which is Thailand says it is not and thus they were arrested and fined. They don't belong in jail but I would suggest some psychological counselling. Also, those who enjoy staring and applauding may want to look up the definition of voyeurism. Comparisons to men walking shirtless are spurious. However, a tourist visiting a country should not walk on the street uncovered whether male or female. Whatever happened to decency and being polite. Oh, I forgot, that is not part of the new generation lifestyle and that is why most of you are unemployed or underemployed.

hello.....decency and polite. Would you lecture two lightly dressed foreign women in the sex tourist society your own people have made with one goal in sight, more money, well that's decency


Why all the HaTe?

We all know why Thailand is popular. Its the girls and what you can do with them..........................lol.


20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte both sent me their resume last week looking for a job...

and 20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte also applied to our grad school, one of the best in the country.

20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte also loves using their iphone....

live by the sword, die by the sword.

20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte are both shamed...for life.


If it was in a temple, ok, but fining some tourists having fun after drinking is double standard at it's best again.

It's a tourist island. When a country decides to make their money from tourism they should be aware that this will mean giving up their old prudish life style.

It's not possible to be a beach island and only expect 'normal' tourists to visit. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Women who are showing their breasts without asking for money was probably too shocking, 555

si fueris Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; si fueris alibī, vīvitō sicut ibi ‎(“if you should be in Rome, live in the Roman manner; if you should be elsewhere, live as they do there”)

Thailand is a major tourist destination for people to see Thailand and the Thai people - as they are. Thailand encourage it and sure, benefit from it. What Thailand has to do (and actually doing it) is make sure there is enough accommodation to cater for tourists, there are enough food places, lots of activities and so on. It is not in their interest nor duty to change their beliefs or "giving up their old prudish life style" for this. I am sure that when you have guests staying at your home they also have to adhere to your house rules


20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte both sent me their resume last week looking for a job...

and 20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte also applied to our grad school, one of the best in the country.

20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte also loves using their iphone....

live by the sword, die by the sword.

20-year-old American, Adrianna Martin, and 25 -year-old Austrian, Camille Charlotte are both shamed...for life.

I seriously doubt these gals are shamed in any way. If you're willing to bare it in public and get a slap on the wrist fine, they'll just have a good laugh and consider it part of their vacation experience. Only puritans indoctrinated in their 'faith' to abhor the showing of flesh are shamed by something like this. Do you think Paris Hilton feels shame each time a sex video surfaces of her on the Internet. No, it's part of her public persona. Same with these gals. Some 'shame and guilt ridden' religious types are the ones who feel shame. And then they project their moral concept on others thinking wrongly that everyone is like them. Lol There is nothing intrinsically shameful about the human body. The only thing that makes it 'shameful' is aberrant social conditioning and indoctrination by morally self-righteous parents and their churches.

I'll tell you what is shameful and criminal: religious authority figures preying on young parishioners. Sexual predators in Sunday schools and within the Catholic church. Two of my sister-in-law's children were sexually molested by upstanding bible-thumping, scripture quoting Baptist men from our own highly religious extended family. One was the step-father of my 12 year old niece, and one was the uncle of my 6 year old niece. Both are in jail. Both should have the testicles cut off. That's how I define "Shameful". You take people who profess morality and ethics in public, and repress their sexuality and make the human form into an object of craving and desire. The result: aberrant sexual behavior. The human form is nothing special unless people make it an object of shame, but at the same time an object of desire. Repressed sexuality is as dangerous as Thais repressing anger. When the genie is final out of the bottle, innocence people get hurt, often scarred for life.

The body is flesh, not an object of desire. Only when we 'connect' with a person of the opposite sex are the seeds of desire sown. At that point, consensual sex between adults is natural, not some evil, shameful act. But repressed sexuality directed at the vulnerable such as children -- <head shake> pedophiles should be castrate or shot.

Try concentrating on the real monsters in the world. Those highly religious follower of whatever religion who profess moral superiority and then prey on the weak. A couple of gals given the public a 'boob shot'. The puritanical crowd has it's priorities seriously confused.


They do this deliberately to gain publicity, get themselves a name on the media and show off to their mates. To them it`s just a laugh and the 500 baht fine means nothing, money well spent as far as they are concerned.

A prison sentence or a heavy fine would have been more appropriate otherwise this behavior is going to gain more popularity in the future.

Hope your last sentence was in jest!!! Otherwise-- I'd be forced to call you some bad names!


Girls on the beaches in thong String bikinis with the thong so far up the crack of their ass that you can't see it, so from behind looks like they wearing nothing at all... is OK ? and I see quite a few sun bathing topless on the beach but no Thai guy goes and tells then it is against their culture, and to cover up. Actually

most like that I wish they would cover up. Do they think they look good? and a sexy girl in a nice bikini looks much better, leaves something to the imagination !


I wonder how many Thai and Russian boobies are being aired out in the go go bars right about now? Finance minister needs to levy 500 baht fines for those venues and see a dramatic increase in GDB (Gross Domestic Boobies)

Most bars dont do nuditee! That should be something the police should look into...............................hahahaha.


To get a job, respect from employees, friends, etc.... THEY GOOGLE YOUR NAME.

This will come up.

They broke the law......broke the law!!!! I'm sure in your world, that's fine....so let your kids walk around naked....and see what happens. you will be disgraced as well at work, in your neighborhood, bad parents.....

this video will stay with them forever....

paris hilton had massive cash to fall back on....big, big difference. these kids will need money

if you want to focus on bigger problems.....fly to North Korea and try to help



I wonder how many Thai and Russian boobies are being aired out in the go go bars right about now? Finance minister needs to levy 500 baht fines for those venues and see a dramatic increase in GDB (Gross Domestic Boobies)

Most bars dont do nuditee! That should be something the police should look into...............................hahahaha.[/quote}

Lol... Years ago, when first arriving in LOS, I was amazed at the amount of poles erected in bars, and stopped many a time, hoping to see a girl doing some pole dancing.... Never happened

It's been my experience that these poles have become an object of competition between drunken males, racing to the top ( or trying to), which can be quite funny at times.

Now that does need changing!

But unfortunately it's true what other people have posted... Thais are against nudity, and as it's their country, this should be respected.... Unfortunately, because I will happily admit to being a voyeir


I don't understand the comparison with go-go bars?

These girls wanted attention (=clicks), and they got lots of it for a mere 500 Baht. Now wait for the copycats.


I am a little bit confused, as I know around the start of the 20th century it was normal to see topless female commoners on the streets of Bangkok, totally naked from the waist up. That is Thai culture, right? I was not around at the time but I have seen photos.

As for the Hippo Russian women with G-strings, I just wish they could cover themselves from head to toe with something, preferably a big bag.

So why are men allowed to go around topless and not women?


Thailand is the world's biggest brothel, an now this! Pure hypocrisy, covered by "Thai culture".

On what basis do you make the statement Thailand is the world's biggest brothel - bigotry?


It's amazing how fast they can track down and charge to girls for a petty offence.

Now burn down a police station and injure police.

Well what can one say.

Becoming more pathetic everyday


Pretty stupid thing to do topless or not !!! I would guess drunk and could easily have fallen out and been killed.....

Some people need to cut the police a bit of slack.. a bit different finding these two and warning them not to do it again and giving them a small fine,

than finding the rioters that damaged the police station a while back when hundreds were involved.. But I read there are 80 odd arrest warrants out for those involved, but it does take a while longer, as anyone with half a brain could imagine !!!!


Pretty stupid thing to do topless or not !!! I would guess drunk and could easily have fallen out and been killed.....

Some people need to cut the police a bit of slack.. a bit different finding these two and warning them not to do it again and giving them a small fine,

than finding the rioters that damaged the police station a while back when hundreds were involved.. But I read there are 80 odd arrest warrants out for those involved, but it does take a while longer, as anyone with half a brain could imagine !!!!

I agree... Stupid... That's why cars should be fitted with sunroofs.... Much safer, cause you wouldn't want that precious cargo damaged

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