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Suspected child rapist beaten to death in Thailand’s Nonthaburi prison


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I suspect the bloodlusters rounded on this story as the ACCUSED man was Thai. Would have been a completely diffrent type of thread if the Accused was Farrang. !!!!!!

As we will never know if he was innocent or guilty now, he will by the blood lusting sickophants (probably spelt wrong will wait for the sickophant gramer police) on here be guilty by default hey he is only Thai after all he must be guilty.

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I am appalled by the bloodlust of some contributors on this forum! This guy was a suspect, i.e. not convicted! He deserved a trial! Secondly, where were the Prison Officers while this was going on. Surely they must be implicated or at least negligent in their duties. Would all of you who applaud such barbarity be happy if the Koh Tao two were given the same treatment! I think not. It is no wonder the world is in such bad shape while there are people who advocate disbanding justice, however poorly administered, in favour of mob rule! Shame on you all!

He could have a been a scapegoat just like the B2 in Koh Tao.

Correct- you couldn't trust the BIB out of sight on a dark night..

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to <deleted>!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.

He was not 'accused', troll, he was in prison for the crime!

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

Exactly...I have had 2 Thai gf tell me that if I broke up with them they would call the police and accuse me of rape...I realize the alleged victim here is an adolescent, but it isn't far fetched to imagine parents compelling their daughter to accuse someone for payment...after all, how many parents happily send their compliant daughters to the bar to pay for a new motorbike or car?

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Moral justice if he was guilty. Should be extended to all freaks of nature.

I guess we will never find out.

Pretty shoddy for him not to be isolated from the other convicted criminals....

Ironic they got to be his judge, jury and executioners considering their qualifications......

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

Exactly...I have had 2 Thai gf tell me that if I broke up with them they would call the police and accuse me of rape...I realize the alleged victim here is an adolescent, but it isn't far fetched to imagine parents compelling their daughter to accuse someone for payment...after all, how many parents happily send their compliant daughters to the bar to pay for a new motorbike

Are you for real

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A 37 year old Thai man accused of raping a 15-year-old girl

The operative word is ACCUSED, not found guilty. Did he confess? Accused implies he did not.

This is another example of the lack of order in the local justice system.

The imbecilic comments of a number of TV members, (member being the operative description) are enlightening.

I despair for both. If the accused was found guilty of force sexual realtions with a fully mature young woman,(15 years old, able to bear children) then he deserves his punishment, whatever that is determined to be by the law of his land. Until that time he should be kept in a safe environment. The authorities in the prison in question have aided and abetted an act of murder, and , in any civilized society would be held accountable.

As to the stupid comments of Thai visa subscribers, it shows a serious lack of forethought (that being very polite), and if these subscribers have any level of responsibility they should be chiding themselves, and making sure that they engage brain before mouth/keyboard . Any young woman they know could accuse them of rape. Unless they have a rock solid aliby, or some money or clout, then they too could be incarcerated, accused, but not found guilty. So be very careful in what you wish for.

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to F/off!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.


The man was a "Suspected" Child Rapist...

It's a despicable crime, but whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Did he, too, not deserve a chance to defend himself?

What are you? Judge, jury and executioner?

I sincerely hope you find yourself in a similar situation one day, irrespective of the crime, and then we'll see what tune you'll be singing.

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Moral justice if he was guilty. Should be extended to all freaks of nature.

What a stupid statement. Should this be extended to those born malformed, with impaired minds, very fat people? Please engage your brain before you spout inane comments.

don't forget ginger hair, ginger hair is a crime.

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Moral justice if he was guilty. Should be extended to all freaks of nature.

And slime bags that haunt ThaiVisa posing as intellectuals promoting their sick philosophy who in themselves are freaks of nature..

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If the guy was in fact guilty then I think he got his just desserts. If not, the prison authorities have some serious issues to address (as they did before anyhow)

No he did not, beaten to death for alleged rape is not justice, the girl is still alive.

You almost seem to suggest that being beaten to death would have been justified if the girl was dead.

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As a last observation on this there are some sick mother ******* on this site. Be very sure you are never ACCUSED of anything. Pity really just sometimes this site can be useful but reading the vile inhumane posts on this story has made me realize I don't want to be part of it.

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I am really shocked by comments on this issue.. I imagine the ones who write that type of things would be the first to denounce the charia and abuses from islamic laws... !!!!!!!!!

For God's sake, we are not animals.. there is a law.. The guy was innocent until proven guilty.. in any western country he would have been isolated from other inmates (at least it is the case in France).. and don't tell me guards didn't hear anything.. they may even have participated... so 24 in the cell, noone did it and nobody heard anything.. That is a joke... All 23 should be charged with murder.. Other point where did the rubber bands come from

I am highly against rape.. and more against child rapist but killing somebody like this assuming he is guilty when not proven is something which cannot be admitted..

Have a nice day..

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If the guy was in fact guilty then I think he got his just desserts. If not, the prison authorities have some serious issues to address (as they did before anyhow)

Yeah, my understanding is that there is a lot of this crap going on in the upcountry. If we saw more backlash like this, maybe it would stop. So, while I'm not in favor of vigilante justice, I guess protesting this case won't be high on my agenda.

Edited by moto77
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The man was suspected and had not gone to trial, yet the self-appointed judges applaud his death. They too could be victims of vigilantism. A point their limited intellect fails to consider.

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What goes around comes around.

I would have tied him to an ants nest first and then beaten him to death.

I hope you are never "accused" of a crime if that's the case.

If you are accused of a crime you can tell the accuser to F/off!!!

If you are arrested of a serious crime their is strong evidence against you, and you can get a lawyer, to represent you.

If you are arrested of being pedophile, (who by the way are always innocent of any crime) then if you don't get locked up in solitary, your short lived life will end in long and painful way.

That is the risk you take being a pedophile and that's life.

In Thailand? Are you sure?

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Funny how some humanoids on here condemn Thai justice when a girl and a boy are raped and killed and those defendants are found guilty, yet are happy to see someone who has yet to put on trial for raping a girl is killed extrajudicially.

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The end of civilized criminal law and people applauding?


Those housed in jail have their own form of civilized criminal law. It is called Jailhouse justice. Rarely have inmates who met out their own form of justice (mainly to pedophiles, rapists and snitches) have been wrong in their assessments of the accused or convicted.

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Accused is NOT guilty , therefore his death is a murder.

Had he been found guilty in a court of law and NOT kept secure then the authorities would have a problem.

Either way as I see it, the Prison authorities have a problem and I hope the suspects family sue for wrongful death.

What he did or did not do is now irrelevant , there will be NO court case, the evidence ( if any ) will NEVER come to light, just another cock-up by the authorities

( no pun intended )

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