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18 asylum-seekers linked to crimes in Cologne at New Year


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18 asylum-seekers linked to crimes in Cologne at New Year

FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — German police have identified 18 asylum-seekers among 31 suspects in connection with robberies and assaults committed in Cologne at New Year, officials said Friday.

They were detained by federal police on suspicion of committing crimes ranging from theft to assault, and in one case verbal abuse of a sexual nature, Interior Ministry spokesman Tobias Plate told reporters in Berlin. They were believed to be among a group of up to 1,000 people in front of Cologne's main railway station on Thursday evening.

None of the 31 is currently suspected of committing sexual assaults of the kind that have prompted outrage in Germany over the past week.

Plate said the suspects were nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, two Germans and one person each from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

Cologne police said Friday they have received a total of 170 criminal complaints related to New Year, including 120 of a sexual nature. In addition to the 31 suspects detained by federal officers, city police arrested two men from North Africa, aged 16 and 23, early Friday.

Police said the attacks on women were committed by small groups of men who were among some 1,000 people described as being of "Arab or North African origin" that had mingled with revelers in front of Cologne's main train station and gothic cathedral.

The incident has triggered calls for tighter immigration laws, particularly from politicians opposed to Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door policy that allowed nearly 1.1 million refugees to enter the country last year.

Government spokesman Georg Streiter said the chancellor wants "the whole truth" about the incidents in Cologne and that "nothing should be held back and nothing should be glossed over."

"It doesn't just harm our rule of law but also the great majority of completely innocent refugees who have sought protection" in Germany, he said.

Plate said authorities were investigating possible links to similar sexual assaults in other cities to see whether there had been any coordination. Swedish police said Friday that at least 15 young women reported being groped by groups of men on New Year's Eve in the city of Kalmar.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-08

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"Der Spiegel" reports that North-Rhine-Westfalia Minister of the Interior Ralf Jaeger assigned the Head of Cologne Police, Polizeipräsident Albers, to non-active status ("einstweiliger Ruhestand").

Cologne Police was heavily criticized by politicians and the public for not doing a proper job. It seems that a few of the officers who were actually on duty that night got a bit upset and told the media their version of the events. In short: highly aggressive people working together to assault and steal and to prevent police from helping. Although understaffed, Police arrested/detained more than 70 people. According to these police sources, only very few of the detained/arrested people were from North-Africa. Quite a number (no specifics given) were Syrian refugees according to the documents they showed (registration as asylum seekers).

I guess, the incoming Head of Cologne Police will request more than the usual number of riot police units for Carnival next month.

Edited by jope
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jope, on 08 Jan 2016 - 23:17, said:

"Der Spiegel" reports that North-Rhine-Westfalia Minister of the Interior Ralf Jaeger assigned the Head of Cologne Police, Polizeipräsident Albers, to non-active status ("einstweiliger Ruhestand").

Cologne Police was heavily criticized by politicians and the public for not doing a proper job. It seems that a few of the officers who were actually on duty that night got a bit upset and told the media their version of the events. In short: highly aggressive people working together to assault and steal and to prevent police from helping. Although understaffed, Police arrested/detained more than 70 people. According to these police sources, only very few of the detained/arrested people were from North-Africa. Quite a number (no specifics given) were Syrian refugees according to the documents they showed (registration as asylum seekers).

I guess, the incoming Head of Cologne Police will request more than the usual number of riot police units for Carnival next month.

Surprise surprise.

I was in North - Rhine - Westphalia in the 80's.

The trouble at that time was not caused by Turks either. Apparently.

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I can't believe the dishonesty in play here. The attacks were very wide spead in several countries. In Cologne it was reported on non MSM that upwards of 100 of these scumbags were arrested, the vast majority carrying temporary residence permits ie they were asylum seekers. Some were reported to have said only Sharia applies to them, they are not under german law, others claimed they were untouchable as syrian refugees because Merkel had personally invited them to stay. All told, it is exactly what I expected and foresaw. It was so blindingly obvious. Now, just wait for the Cologne carnival for the escalation.

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I think,those Arab boys did nothing unusual,they behaved like they always do in their home countries.

Single women don't walk on streets there,because if they are alone,without relatives company - then they are

attacked by opportunist strangers.

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Just like I have predicted at the begging of the influx of those so called refuges, and Merkel

will have a earful yet for her hasty decisions to let those jetsam and flotsam of those dubious

origin, hoards of people.... and this is only the beginning....

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"It doesn't just harm our rule of law but also the great majority of completely innocent refugees who have sought protection" in Germany, he said.

And just how does he know they are "completely innocent?" Has anybody interviewed them at length, done background checks, investigated whether they committed mass murder, rape, and arson before? No. They were just waved through, while Merkel kept a big grin on her ugly face.

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Any asylum-seeker caught breaking the law needs to have either a special long prison sentence or be deported. It's unacceptable that they repay the generosity of a country with crimes.

And they're spoiling it for the other refugees who are grateful and just want to live decent lives.

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I can't believe the dishonesty in play here. The attacks were very wide spead in several countries. In Cologne it was reported on non MSM that upwards of 100 of these scumbags were arrested, the vast majority carrying temporary residence permits ie they were asylum seekers. Some were reported to have said only Sharia applies to them, they are not under german law, others claimed they were untouchable as syrian refugees because Merkel had personally invited them to stay. All told, it is exactly what I expected and foresaw. It was so blindingly obvious. Now, just wait for the Cologne carnival for the escalation.

Try posting the truth on social media and the result is tumbleweeds, so complete and oppressive is the liberal politically correct environment we live in.
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I read somewhere about 1000 offenders

I am afraid political correctness will will safe them from any punishment

- so they can stay and don't need to change

and continue as parasites living a lazy and violent life from the German taxpayers money.

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What was their crime?...grouping a female?...same thing that happens in crowded Junior High and High School hallways...

The problems Germany and the rest of Europe will face in the coming years...is how to hold onto power and keep their citizens safe in the face of coordinated Muslim insurrection...

You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!

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What was their crime?...grouping a female?...same thing that happens in crowded Junior High and High School hallways...

The problems Germany and the rest of Europe will face in the coming years...is how to hold onto power and keep their citizens safe in the face of coordinated Muslim insurrection...

You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!

"You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!"

Who asked for it? I don't recall the citizens of European countries being offered a vote on it.

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What was their crime?...grouping a female?...same thing that happens in crowded Junior High and High School hallways...

The problems Germany and the rest of Europe will face in the coming years...is how to hold onto power and keep their citizens safe in the face of coordinated Muslim insurrection...

You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!

"You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!"

Who asked for it? I don't recall the citizens of European countries being offered a vote on it.

Yes but the get their chance to elect their leaders, every few years or so. European PC liberal governments, particularly those in favor of a Federal Europe State, multicultural and respectful to other cultures whilst wanting to eliminate their own, see their role as ruling and governing the people, shaping the future they want to impose on the people. Certainly not serving or representing the people.

As one senior German politician and member of Merkel's government put it " elections must not be allowed to change anything". Very DDR and Soviet style thinking.

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What was their crime?...grouping a female?...same thing that happens in crowded Junior High and High School hallways...

The problems Germany and the rest of Europe will face in the coming years...is how to hold onto power and keep their citizens safe in the face of coordinated Muslim insurrection...

You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!

"You asked for it...and will soon enough get it!"

Who asked for it? I don't recall the citizens of European countries being offered a vote on it.

Yes you are right unfortunately.

Policy against the own people

Merkel the gravedigger of a free Europe, asked for it - can she be in her right mind?

Edited by sweatalot
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deport them all, have a zero tolerance level for all offences caused by immigrants. IN ALL EU MEMBER STATES.

I'm an American living in a EU country on a residence permit. I have always assumed that if I committed a crime I would run the risk of being deported, unless there is reason to believe my home country wouldn't punish me sufficiently. There is a balance between taxpayers in a host country paying for a foreign prisoner and taxpayers in a host country being assured that the lawbreaker is properly punished. In the case of the EU's new immigrants, being sent back to their home crappy 3rd world country would be more than enough punishment.

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How could they not see this coming ? Rapes, robberies, riots, terrorist attacks etc

What did they expect would happen once they arrived in the Germany ?

Wait till a young German school girl gets raped and murdered by a group of "asylum seekers"

Then the s...t will hit the fan.

Germans can very, very nasty people.

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"Der Spiegel" reports that North-Rhine-Westfalia Minister of the Interior Ralf Jaeger assigned the Head of Cologne Police, Polizeipräsident Albers, to non-active status ("einstweiliger Ruhestand").

Cologne Police was heavily criticized by politicians and the public for not doing a proper job. It seems that a few of the officers who were actually on duty that night got a bit upset and told the media their version of the events. In short: highly aggressive people working together to assault and steal and to prevent police from helping. Although understaffed, Police arrested/detained more than 70 people. According to these police sources, only very few of the detained/arrested people were from North-Africa. Quite a number (no specifics given) were Syrian refugees according to the documents they showed (registration as asylum seekers).

I guess, the incoming Head of Cologne Police will request more than the usual number of riot police units for Carnival next month.

From a report dated January 8, No mention of 'aggressive drunks' as previously reported

German federal police said they had identified 32 people who were suspected of playing a role in the violence, 22 of whom were in the process of seeking asylum in Germany.

The federal police documented 76 criminal acts, most them involving some form of theft, and seven linked to sexual molestation. Of the 32 suspects, nine were Algerian, eight Moroccan, five Iranian, and four Syrian. Three German citizens, an Iraqi, a Serb and a U.S. citizen were also identified.

These alleged criminals are going to turn the host population against asylum seekers / Muslims.


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"Der Spiegel" reports that North-Rhine-Westfalia Minister of the Interior Ralf Jaeger assigned the Head of Cologne Police, Polizeipräsident Albers, to non-active status ("einstweiliger Ruhestand").

Cologne Police was heavily criticized by politicians and the public for not doing a proper job. It seems that a few of the officers who were actually on duty that night got a bit upset and told the media their version of the events. In short: highly aggressive people working together to assault and steal and to prevent police from helping. Although understaffed, Police arrested/detained more than 70 people. According to these police sources, only very few of the detained/arrested people were from North-Africa. Quite a number (no specifics given) were Syrian refugees according to the documents they showed (registration as asylum seekers).

I guess, the incoming Head of Cologne Police will request more than the usual number of riot police units for Carnival next month.

From a report dated January 8, No mention of 'aggressive drunks' as previously reported

German federal police said they had identified 32 people who were suspected of playing a role in the violence, 22 of whom were in the process of seeking asylum in Germany.

The federal police documented 76 criminal acts, most them involving some form of theft, and seven linked to sexual molestation. Of the 32 suspects, nine were Algerian, eight Moroccan, five Iranian, and four Syrian. Three German citizens, an Iraqi, a Serb and a U.S. citizen were also identified.

These alleged criminals are going to turn the host population against asylum seekers / Muslims.


I think it is rather difficult to get "real" numbers. There is an official report from the federal police and there are official and leaked reports from the state police and leaked information from officers involved.

What I found rather irritating is the blame game. "Of course" it had to be the police that failed. But from own experience I know how difficult it is to handle such an unorganized and chaotic mass event and that really all officers do their best to pull it off. It does not become better when I read that the respective police coordination department offered Cologne Police a full riot police unit for back up but the offer was rejected. And later the officer in charge allegedly refused to include the nationalities of the suspects into the final report (if he did, I would not really blame him, latest at ministry level somebody would have deleted it anyway and would have told him off). So, for me in this specific situation it is more about the officers on the front line who do their best and in return are even insulted for their engagement. Provocative question: would there be such a public outcry, if there had been more than 100 crime reports involving men being pushed and stolen from instead of women being harassed? Just wondering...

I also think that this event will turn some moderate people against refugees now. I do not think that that is a good thing.

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Didnt take long for the honeymoon to end did it ?

Just think, this is the same station where just a few weeks ago clapping women of a politically far left persuasion were handing out flowers and hugs to the arriving migrants. Probably some of the very same women that were given a rather warm welcome on NYE. It is a terrible time to be one of the indigenous population, but I will take the laughs as and when I can.

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Came across this video showing migrants shooting guns & hurling fireworks in Berlin (allegedly) on New Years Eve. Looks like something out of a war zone. Wonder if it's legit?


After watching that one, clicked on this (unbelievable):

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