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Donald Trump praises Kim Jong-un for how he 'wipes out' political opponents


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Donald Trump praises Kim Jong-un for how he 'wipes out' political opponents
Adam Withnall

'He goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible'

LONDON: -- The US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has praised North Korea's despotic leader Kim Jong-un, saying the way he executes his political opponents shows "he's the boss".

Speaking at a Republican rally in Iowa on Saturday, Mr Trump was met with a silent protest as he repeated his now-familiar assertion that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to enter the US.

But while he continues to denigrate whole swathes of the population for following a religion, the billionaire reserved some praise for North Korea's dictator.

After coming to power when he was 28, Mr Kim cemented his rule through a series of purges, including the execution of his uncle Jang Song Thaek.

Full story: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-praises-kim-jong-un-for-how-he-wipes-out-political-opponents-a6804576.html

-- INDEPENDENT 2016-01-11

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Well that statement really proves Trump the Chump has completely lost the plot.

Beware Americans that if this character and his cronies assume positions of power you all might all end up being residents in a satellite or cloned state of North Korea.

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Well that statement really proves Trump the Chump has completely lost the plot.

Beware Americans that if this character and his cronies assume positions of power you all might all end up being residents in a satellite or cloned state of North Korea.

He has lost the plot. Initially, I liked his straight forward talks. Now, just think he's an egotistical nut. He'll never get elected.

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


Typical of the MSM. They are so afraid of Trump they lie, edit videos and everything else they can do to discredit him.

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


I love it. The old, He didn't say that crap. Yeah, he said it.

Tomorrow, Trump doubles down with admiration for Stalin, Mao and Hitler.

Your leading Republican candidate for President of the United States.

What a man. clap2.gif

Edited by Pinot
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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


I love it. The old, He didn't say that crap. Yeah, he said it.

Tomorrow, Trump doubles down with admiration for Stalin, Mao and Hitler.

Your leading Republican candidate for President of the United States.

What a man. clap2.gif

You obviously didn't read the entire text of the speech...

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


I love it. The old, He didn't say that crap. Yeah, he said it.

Tomorrow, Trump doubles down with admiration for Stalin, Mao and Hitler.

Your leading Republican candidate for President of the United States.

What a man. clap2.gif

At least he didn't worship at the altar of Saul Alinsky like the Current Democrat President and the wanna be Democrat President.

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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

What other country is so transparent about it? There aren't any backroom deals here nor is any important group's "boy" getting an advantage. It's all in your face, American style.

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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

What other country is so transparent about it? There aren't any backroom deals here nor is any important group's "boy" getting an advantage. It's all in your face, American style.

No backroom deals? That's why corporate America is sponsoring the candidates?
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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


Those defending Trump (as usual) don't seem to grasp the "context" of what he's saying. To be so cavalier about a ruthless dictator who murders his own people and keeps the rest in perpetual poverty, not to mention brainwashing his minions to worship him while living a life of extravagant excess. This is a guy who didn't earn his position but was born into it. And I'm sure he's in violation of international law by selling arms to terrorist groups, not to mention drug and people trafficking. Whether Trump was intentionally being facetious or not, he gives the impression that he just doesn't understand what's really going on in North Korea.

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


Whatever context was omitted does nothing to temper his praise for the North Korean Nutcase. Here's the clip from that speech with context:


He didn't use the term "nutcase" or "madman playing with nukes". He called Kim a maniac but then went on to admire his ruthlessness.

You obviously didn't read the entire text of the speech...

I listened to the entire speech. Here it is:

Can you tell us which part makes Trump's fawning admiration for Kim Jong-Un more palatable?

Edited by attrayant
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"If you look at North Korea, this guy, I mean, he's like a maniac, OK? And you've got to give him credit. How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals," Trump said in Ottumwa, Iowa.

The Republican presidential front-runner said Kim's willingness to push aside generals and "wipe out" his uncle demonstrated why the US needs to treat North Korea's nuclear arsenal as a serious threat.

"And all of a sudden — and you know it's pretty amazing when you think of it — how does he do that? Even though it is a culture and it's a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, and he's the boss," Trump recalled. "It's incredible. He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn't play games. And we can't play games with him. Because he really does have missiles. And he really does have nukes."


Trump is not a polished politician, obviously. And many love that as he's talking about things many won't. I get what he says. Trump was to a certain degree born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but is also a self made man.

His point is we have to be serious with this guy. Hard to argue with that.

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


Those defending Trump (as usual) don't seem to grasp the "context" of what he's saying. To be so cavalier about a ruthless dictator who murders his own people and keeps the rest in perpetual poverty, not to mention brainwashing his minions to worship him while living a life of extravagant excess. This is a guy who didn't earn his position but was born into it. And I'm sure he's in violation of international law by selling arms to terrorist groups, not to mention drug and people trafficking. Whether Trump was intentionally being facetious or not, he gives the impression that he just doesn't understand what's really going on in North Korea.

he doesn't understand what's going on anywhere, he's a red neck with money

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Just wow!

Hitler was a cool dude, too!


On NPR, I heard a story about a woman whose grandparents were both in a concentration camp in ww2. They told her that educated , normal people in pre ww2 Germany never took Hitler seriously, they considered him a ridiculous bufoon. They never expected that he could possibly come to power. Let's hope we are not seeing a parallel situation here.

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


Whatever context was omitted does nothing to temper his praise for the North Korean Nutcase. Here's the clip from that speech with context:


He didn't use the term "nutcase" or "madman playing with nukes". He called Kim a maniac but then went on to admire his ruthlessness.

You obviously didn't read the entire text of the speech...

I listened to the entire speech. Here it is:

Can you tell us which part makes Trump's fawning admiration for Kim Jong-Un more palatable?

Trump is absolutely right.

It is amazing what happened. It is amazing the generals didn't cut his throat the minute his father died.

You do not have to admire or like someone to be amazed that they pulled something off.

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It barely matters that it was taken out of context. He simply says what is on his mind, and in a way that is a good thing as it gives a clear indication of where his insane mind is, and where his admiration and praise lies. In my opinion, he would attempt to seize the degree of power that Fat Kim enjoys, within the first year or so. Make no mistake. Disgusting Don is a madman and a despot in the making. He would attempt to subvert the constitution, and his power grab would make the Bush and Cheney days look like Charlie Brown and Company. That is all he knows. He does not know how to play fair. He has no interest in doing what is right by his people. He just wants massive power, and unlimited glory. That is the extent of his agenda.

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Yes, while the abbreviated report on TV is only part of what he said & as usual gets blown out of proportion.

Think the criticism in this instance should be on the reporting; not the man. He was admiring the skills of such a young leader who was thrust into the position on the death of his father.

Thumper Trump is playing the game of being controversial to get the public's attention and he's certainly doing just that & dividing his own party.

Doubt has qualities to be President; let alone a world leader!!

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Go Donald go! You couldn't make this stuff up. What will it say about the republican party if they nominate Trump? I guess there are many who have selective hearing and only hear what they want to hear.

Please, please, please republicans, find a credible candidate before it is too late. America needs a viable opposition to the democrats but it has to be someone electable. Trump is just a joke and a bad joke at that.

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This is out of context. Trump called him a "nutcase" and a "madman playing with nukes" and a "maniac". He also said he was amazing to be able to take control of that country at such a young age.

I hate the MSM.


Typical of the MSM. They are so afraid of Trump they lie, edit videos and everything else they can do to discredit him.

Never mind. The more discredits the better.

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