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Israel summons Swedish diplomat after ‘delusional’ Palestinian comments


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Israel summons Swedish diplomat after ‘delusional’ Palestinian comments


JERUSALEM: -- Israel has summoned the Swedish ambassador after the country’s foreign minister called for a probe into claims by human rights groups. that Israeli forces have carried out extrajudicial killings of Palestinians.

The claims come amid a surge of Palestinian street attacks.

“…that the Israeli response was reportedly disproportionate to the degree that extrajudicial killings could be strongly suspected,” said Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström. “Human rights groups and international law experts have expressed similar concerns. It is vital that there are thorough, credible investigations into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability.”

Israel has rejected the minister’s statement as “delusional.”

The European Union, the US and the United Nations have all expressed concern, saying that while they recognise Israel’s right to self-defence, restraint is necessary to ensure the violence does not escalate further.

Some 170 Palestinians and 26 Israelis were killed during 2015 in attacks in the occupied territories and Israel, according to data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Most since October’s surge in violence, fueled in part by increased Jewish presence in areas also revered by Palestinians, the growth of Jewish settlements on land Palestinians want for a state, and frustration over the collapse of peace talks.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-14

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A shame on you Sweden for allow such a person to be in such position of power to run amok with her relentless bigoted and hatred comments about Israel, how does that help anything at all? This women has made Israel the target of a hatred diatribe and diarrhea of the mouth, not stopping to think and consider her actions and words, SHAME ON YOU SWEDEN...

Take not Sweden, just like in France and Belgium and other countries, your day will come where terrorists and their supporters will wreck havoc on your cities and don't be surprise if some of the terrorists will be Palestinians sympathizers....

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Some 170 Palestinians and 26 Israelis were killed during 2015 in attacks in the occupied territories and Israel, according to data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Most since October’s surge in violence, fueled in part by increased Jewish presence in areas also revered by Palestinians, the growth of Jewish settlements on land Palestinians want for a state, and frustration over the collapse of peace talks.

Well now that says it all about the treatment of Palestinians by the State of Israel.

As ye sow so ye shall reap.

Edited by shunter
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A shame on you Sweden for allow such a person to be in such position of power to run amok with her

relentless bigoted and hatred comments about Israel, how does that help anything at all?

This women has made Israel the target of a hatred diatribe and diarrhea of the mouth, not stopping

to think and consider her actions and words, SHAME ON YOU SWEDEN...

Take not Sweden, just like in France and Belgium and other countries, your day will come where

terrorists and their supporters will wreck havoc on your cities and don't be surprise if some of the

terrorists will be Palestinians sympathizers....

I believe it is shameful for the Government of Israel to respond to comments from officials of another country in this way. The word 'delusional' is not only not diplomatic but it is childishly arrogant and dismissive. It is reminiscent of the TVF right wing rage mongers who spread their bigotry, racism and bile with abandon. Sweden, France and Belgium will be entirely disinterested in the advice of an extremist nobody on TVF. They exist in the real world dealign with real issues and challenges. The response of the Government of Israel to a call for an investigation i.e. an attempt to establish truth is unworthy of a government that calls itself a democracy.

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It's just the usual Israeli tactic...deny, deflect, besmirch the messenger.

More people globally are becoming aware via the social media of the great Israeli hoax: they are the aggressor/invaders, but attempt to play the victim.

I wonder how many coronial inquiries there have been into the extra judicial murders of the 170 Palestinians. Of course the Swedish ambassador is correct...there should be an independent investigation.

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I am a Jew, and I have no right to criticize Israel. I have learned this time and time again, that to say anything negative about Israel, is considered a betrayal by my Jewish friends, and my liberal friends. Yet, I continue to criticize Israel, as their hawkish policies, and their treatment of the Palestinians in my opinion continues to resemble Apartheid. Netanyahu seem to feel compelled to side with the extremist elements within his coalition, and they are completely insane. It is everybody's right to criticize Israel, and any other country that practices heinous policies and commits human rights abuses, as Israel does with the Palestinians. Israel is nothing special. Just another country. However, because they consider themselves to be the (self appointed) chosen ones, you cannot say anything negative about them, without being labeled a Jew hater. There is nothing "chosen" about the Jews. Nothing. It is all a fiction, designed to anoint special status. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my case, when it comes to being labeled a Jew hater. I simply like to practice the tenets of democracy, and have been told I have the right to criticize something I do not approve of, within a democracy. Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

So why not give us some examples of constructive criticism of Israel? I suspect that you, like most of the die-hard Israel supporters here, won't be able to come up with any.

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

Exactly! Netanyahu is one of the most impartial leaders you guys have ever had. passifier.gif

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A shame on you Sweden for allow such a person to be in such position of power to run amok with her relentless bigoted and hatred comments about Israel, how does that help anything at all? This women has made Israel the target of a hatred diatribe and diarrhea of the mouth, not stopping to think and consider her actions and words, SHAME ON YOU SWEDEN...

Take not Sweden, just like in France and Belgium and other countries, your day will come where terrorists and their supporters will wreck havoc on your cities and don't be surprise if some of the terrorists will be Palestinians sympathizers....

Look Ezra, just because you are Jewish and support anything coming out of Tel Aviv telavivision, does not mean you can dictate thinking terms to any others.

Americans and much of the world is quite tired of Israel trying to tell us what we have to think about Israeli policy, or else we are threatened to be declared as antisemitic, delusional individuals.

What a pretense, and a long established one.

The Israeli response to Sweden was a fallacy, bluntly. When you attack a person, rather than refute their argument, that is called an ad hominem attack. It is illogical, unfair, and smug as a turd in the toilet (and smells about as good at that).

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Swedish politicians in deep doo doo from their own delusional immigration policies are trying to divert attention elsewhere, whilst hoping (in vain) that an anti-Israel stance will placate the army of culture enrichers they have allowed to run amok at home.

In a nutshell Swedish ministerial comments are but a projection of their own self-loathing.

P.s Glad to see Israel responding promptly with diplomatic repercussions to anyone who exhibits the delusional bias Sweden has.


Edited by Steely Dan
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A shame on you Sweden for allow such a person to be in such position of power to run amok with her relentless bigoted and hatred comments about Israel, how does that help anything at all? This women has made Israel the target of a hatred diatribe and diarrhea of the mouth, not stopping to think and consider her actions and words, SHAME ON YOU SWEDEN...

Take not Sweden, just like in France and Belgium and other countries, your day will come where terrorists and their supporters will wreck havoc on your cities and don't be surprise if some of the terrorists will be Palestinians sympathizers....

Ahh Ezzra Ezzra Ezra, defending the indefensible yet again. Si now a diplomat cannot call into question the alleged crimes of a bully state without being labeled with all and sundry names and threats of diplomatic action? Yet here you quite openly criticize the government of Thailand for doing the same. Israel and its supporters biased and hypocritical? Oh perish the thought. Next you'll be saying they tell porkies.

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

Are you saying that the Swedish Foreign minister (iso the embassador) has no intention of being fair or impartial and is out to destroy the jewish nation?

I think, as it appears, in your mind all anti Israeli sentiments are to be qualified as Israel or jew haters. Please refrain from using the word "hater".

Edited by wabothai
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Swedish politicians in deep doo doo from their own delusional immigration policies are trying to divert attention elsewhere, whilst hoping (in vain) that an anti-Israel stance will placate the army of culture enrichers they have allowed to run amok at home.

In a nutshell Swedish ministerial comments are but a projection of their own self-loathing.

P.s Glad to see Israel responding promptly with diplomatic repercussions to anyone who exhibits the delusional bias Sweden has.


Yes, lets hope there are repercussions. If Israel won't listen to reasonable criticism, perhaps it will heed sanctions. Israel needs Europe more than Europe needs Israel.

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A shame on you Sweden for allow such a person to be in such position of power to run amok with her relentless bigoted and hatred comments about Israel, how does that help anything at all? This women has made Israel the target of a hatred diatribe and diarrhea of the mouth, not stopping to think and consider her actions and words, SHAME ON YOU SWEDEN...

Take not Sweden, just like in France and Belgium and other countries, your day will come where terrorists and their supporters will wreck havoc on your cities and don't be surprise if some of the terrorists will be Palestinians sympathizers....

so a Swedish government spokesperson has spoken about possible Israeli supported terrorism (possible government policy) and the Is Israeli response is to call the comments delusional.

Yes their is a problem in what I will call Palestine but Israeli government allowing illegal activities and occupation in the area is definitely happened

the fact that the holocaust occurred is a fact but it should not used as an excuse by present day governments as an excuse for their own form of ethnic cleaning

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Swedish politicians in deep doo doo from their own delusional immigration policies are trying to divert attention elsewhere, whilst hoping (in vain) that an anti-Israel stance will placate the army of culture enrichers they have allowed to run amok at home.

In a nutshell Swedish ministerial comments are but a projection of their own self-loathing.

P.s Glad to see Israel responding promptly with diplomatic repercussions to anyone who exhibits the delusional bias Sweden has.


'In a nutshell Swedish ministerial comments are but a projection of their own self-loathing.' A philosopher, to boot.

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If the Israelis have nothing to hide, then it would make them look good to agree with her and appoint an independent body to investigate these deaths.

The childish carping with which they have responded demonstrates that they indeed have plenty to hide and probably did murder these people in cold blood.

This is not any defence of the murderers on the other side, but the fact is that Israel cannot continue to portray itself as the good guy vs the bad guys when it does the same as they do.

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

You are defeating your own argument. You go to prove that no one is allowed to disagree with the government of Israel without being called a "hater" and being accused of wanting to "destroy the Jewish nation".

Edited by kamahele
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Someone once said "If you are not with us, you are against us". That guy went on to break the World that his Daddy's friends gave him to play with. Any statement that does not unequivocally endorse everything the Government of Israel does is attacked. I won't refer to some of the names TVF posters have given to this current 'criticism' by Sweden since they have disappeared strangely along with my original attempt to make a point on this issue.

What do we have in this case. Ms. Wallström, the Foreign Minister of Sweden calls for an investigation, a probe. What is the problem with this. She has not endorsed the criticisms offered by some NGO's and 'experts' but merely says that they should be investigated. Yet this is entirely unacceptable to the 'with us or against us' lobby.

Justice Brandeis in a 1913 Harper's Weekly publication said "If the broad light of day could be let in upon men's actions, it would purify them as the sun disinfects" https://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2009/05/26/brandeis-and-the-history-of-transparency/

What then is threatening about a call for an investigation to the Government of Israel? Any Western Liberal Democracy would be not only required to act upon such accusations but be willing to do so. If the Government of Israel wishes to engage at a Peer level with other Western Liberal Democracies, its response to calls for an attempt to find Truth must be more than attacking the person who calls for this as 'delusional'. A Western Liberal Democracy cannot claim to keep that name if there is any questions about human rights abuses or disproportionate response by authorities to protest.

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Well done to the Swedish Foreign Minister who courageously refused to be bullied by Israel...

Israel is well aware of its crimes against humanity but how dare that ANYONE hold it accountable, they really are the worlds leaders in double standards. No wonder as a state they are so disliked all over the planet and thankfully the truth is getting out about realities in the occupied territories.

Funny how it took a woman to stand up to the zionist bullies, what happened to the so-called men??

Edited by jazzyfrosty
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How dare an independent country have its own views. Any opposing views are jew haters and anti semitic. Israel can do no wrong.

Bring the ambassador in for attitude adjustment.

Sarcasm, but in some posters minds it is reality.

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