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US, Iran forge new relationship as nuke deal advances


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US, Iran forge new relationship as nuke deal advances

WASHINGTON (AP) — For diplomats from countries without diplomatic relations, Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javid Zarif sure are doing a lot of diplomacy.

As Iran races to satisfy the terms of last summer's nuclear deal and the U.S. prepares to suspend sanctions on Tehran as early as Friday, Kerry is talking to Zarif more than any other foreign leader. Those talks included several emergency calls Tuesday to secure the release of 10 U.S. sailors after Iran detained them in the Persian Gulf.

Since the beginning of the year, Kerry and Zarif have spoken by phone at least 11 times, according to the State Department. They've focused on nuclear matters, Iran's worsening rivalry with Saudi Arabia and peace efforts in Syria.

By contrast, America's top diplomat has talked to Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir only twice. He has consulted once each with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Jordan's King Abdullah and the foreign ministers of Britain, Egypt, France, Germany, Russia and the European Union.

Kerry is departing Wednesday evening to meet al-Jubeir in London. He may extend the trip to see Zarif, too, elsewhere in Europe.

Not everyone is happy with the new friendship between the once hostile foes. But the White House, Pentagon, Kerry and Zarif are all crediting the relationship forged over two-and-a-half years of nuclear negotiations with quickly resolving the detention of the sailors, which could have been a new crisis just as President Barack Obama delivered his final State of the Union speech to Congress.

"We can all imagine how a similar situation might have played out three or four years ago, and the fact that today this kind of issue can be resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure and strong," Kerry said Wednesday.

Denis McDonough, the White House chief of staff, said the open lines between Kerry and Zarif are "extraordinarily important." Defense Secretary Ash Carter thanked Kerry for his efforts. And in Tehran, Zarif tweeted that he was "happy to see dialogue and respect, not threats and impetuousness, swiftly resolved the sailors episode. Let's learn from this latest example."

For the Obama administration, the budding Kerry-Zarif relationship offers opportunities and pitfalls. As negotiations with Tehran accelerated in 2013, U.S. officials insisted the diplomacy concerned only ending the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran and shouldn't signal a strategic realignment that would forsake longstanding U.S. allies like Israel or the Gulf state Sunni monarchies.

As the deal came together last July, Obama and his top aides vowed to "double down" on Iran's activities like its support for Syrian leader Bashar Assad's government and anti-Israel and anti-U.S. groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

The record, however, has been mixed.

The U.S. has modestly expanded sanctions on Hezbollah, but hasn't followed through on pledges to impose penalties after a recent ballistic missile test by Iran that violated a U.N. Security Council ban. Washington also offered no response to an Iranian navy rocket fired near a U.S. warship in the Strait of Hormuz.

At the same time, the U.S. has expanded outreach efforts to Iran. The Obama administration included the Iranians for the first time in international mediation efforts to secure a cease-fire between Assad's government and rebel groups.

Echoing Saudi and Israeli concerns, Republican lawmakers say they're unsettled by the warming ties. They say the nuclear deal that they opposed is preventing Obama from dealing assertively with Iran, because he is more concerned with protecting his signature foreign policy achievement.

Conscious of these perceptions, the administration moved warily into the Saudi-Iran spat that erupted over New Year's weekend. The U.S. did not want to play mediator between a longtime ally in Riyadh and a government that, at least officially, remains hostile to the United States some three-and-a-half decades after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and U.S. Embassy hostage crisis.

But the U.S. has a lot at stake in calming tensions. Saudi Arabia and Iran already are backing opposing sides in Syria and refusing to cooperate against the Islamic State. They're trading accusations over the war in Yemen, where a Saudi-led intervention hasn't uprooted the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

If the Saudi-Iranian crisis escalates, diplomats fear the newest stab at Syria peace talks could unravel before the scheduled start later this month. And unlike previous efforts, Washington now believes uniting Assad and rebels in a unity government is critical for defeating the Islamic State.

The U.S. is banking on its new dynamic with Iran, and particularly Kerry's relationship with Zarif.

The secretary of state is trying to "de-escalate the tensions, restore some sense of calm, encourage dialogue and engagement between these countries bilaterally, but also to make the point that there are other pressing issues in the region," State Department spokesman John Kirby said. He spoke last week after the Saudis executed a leading Shiite cleric, an Iranian mob stormed the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, and the Saudis and some other Sunni countries severed diplomatic ties with Iran.

For Zarif, the regular exchanges with Kerry are something of a liability at home. Iranian hardliners have criticized him for overstepping his limited mandate to speak with Kerry about nuclear matters.

While he and Kerry exchanged a "few words" about the Saudi-Iranian dispute, Zarif said last week, "it does not mean that we have launched negotiations with the U.S."

The conversations are likely to broaden, even though the U.S. still considers Iran the leading state sponsor of terrorism and Iranian officials routinely denounce a nation they sometimes call "the Great Satan."

Tehran is set to satisfy its obligations from July's nuclear accord in the coming days, diplomats reported Wednesday, obliging Washington to open up lucrative oil, trade and financial opportunities for the Iranians. As they make good on their promises, both Kerry and Zarif have raised the prospect of even more engagement to come.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-14

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

The boat did drift into their territory. And they were taken well care of and released very quickly. That would have never happened 10 years ago! We'll see, but it does look like an improvement.

I'm no fan of Iran's leadership. Though the people I've met from there are fantastic. And I like the food! LOL

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

How did Iran violate the deal?

How is obtaining their release in less than 24 hours doing nothing?

How do you explain the launching of ballistics missiles last week, forbidden by the agreement, and the shots fired at a US

naval ship directions, and those sailors in a drifting boat, couldn't they have been giving

aid and towed to international waters instead to take them as prisoners? what more do you need

to see that the Iranians don't really care what Obama and his administration think or do...

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

How did Iran violate the deal?

How is obtaining their release in less than 24 hours doing nothing?

How do you explain the launching of ballistics missiles last week, forbidden by the agreement, and the shots fired at a US

naval ship directions, and those sailors in a drifting boat, couldn't they have been giving

aid and towed to international waters instead to take them as prisoners? what more do you need

to see that the Iranians don't really care what Obama and his administration think or do...

You may think it should have been included, but ballistic missiles are not included in the agreement, so the Iranians have not violated the agreement. You may think Obama should have beaten his chest and made threats over this incident. However, the fact that the sailors and the vessels were released in less than 24 hours after straying into Iranian territorial waters is a pretty good result compared to similar incidents in the past, such as the British marines who were held for 10 days back in 2007.

I don't like Muslim theocracies any better than anyone else, in fact I despise them, but using belligerent diplomacy when not necessary seems like a pretty bad approach.

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The removal of sanctions from Iran will start the clock ticking on impending military action to remove the Mullahs once and for all. The regressives may hate the thought so are suddenly portraying Iran as Cinderella and Saudi Arabia and Israel as the ugly sisters. The only question remaining to my mind is who will last longer Obama or the Mullahs? For once I favour Obama.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

Yeah, should have gone in with air strikes immediately then send in the ground troups. Perhaps about 10,000 deaths would be reasonable to teach them a lesson. Im sure that would have gained the soldiers unharmed release a lot faster.


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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

OK mr. unwanted member, please educate all of us "israel enemies and pro-terrorists" what Obama should have done. We all are aware of your stand on Iran and other islam nations. There are people on this planet who do not share your rethoric and applaud any effort done to ease relations with the West and Iran. To me you and some of your known friends are the warmongers and are a threat to world peace and peace on this forum which most of us pursue. As long as you keep on your under the belt war you will be met with appropriate response.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

OK mr. unwanted member, please educate all of us "israel enemies and pro-terrorists" what Obama should have done. We all are aware of your stand on Iran and other islam nations.

There are people on this planet who do not share your rethoric and applaud any effort done to ease relations with the West and Iran.

To me you and some of your known friends are the warmongers and are a threat to worldpeace and peace on this forum which most of us pursue.

As long as you keep on your under the belt war you will be met with appropriate response.

What???..........."mr. unwanted member?" Where did that come from?

Ulysses is 100% correct when he stated "Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our solders." Obama and his merry band of minions who follow him like puppies are weak. The Iranians are playing Obama for the Amateur he is. Obama has been over his head from day one and even after seven years of on-the-job-training this guy is still lost.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

How did Iran violate the deal?

How is obtaining their release in less than 24 hours doing nothing?

It's spin... it's propaganda... it's in your face constantly.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

I wonder what the good-ole USA would have done if an Iranian warship had accidently drifted into American territorial waters .......

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

OK mr. unwanted member, please educate all of us "israel enemies and pro-terrorists" what Obama should have done. We all are aware of your stand on Iran and other islam nations.

There are people on this planet who do not share your rethoric and applaud any effort done to ease relations with the West and Iran.

To me you and some of your known friends are the warmongers and are a threat to worldpeace and peace on this forum which most of us pursue.

As long as you keep on your under the belt war you will be met with appropriate response.

What???..........."mr. unwanted member?" Where did that come from?

Ulysses is 100% correct when he stated "Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our solders." Obama and his merry band of minions who follow him like puppies are weak. The Iranians are playing Obama for the Amateur he is. Obama has been over his head from day one and even after seven years of on-the-job-training this guy is still lost.

right above his identification photo you will find "unwanted member". Not my idea.

strange you haven't noticed.

For the rest I don't feel to respond to rubbish.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

The boat did drift into their territory. And they were taken well care of and released very quickly. That would have never happened 10 years ago! We'll see, but it does look like an improvement.

I'm no fan of Iran's leadership. Though the people I've met from there are fantastic. And I like the food! LOL

I sort of agree (also love the food) but I don't trust the Iranian regime as far as you can shake them. They used the soldiers for PROPAGANDA and there was no way they weren't going to release them with the BILLIONS IN FUNDS about the be released. I do not believe Iran will honor their nuclear deal. This conflict isn't over and there won't be a U.S. embassy in Iran anytime soon.

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I do not believe Iran will honor their nuclear deal.

Fortunately, it doesn't really matter what you believe.

Iran Ships Over 25K Pounds Of Uranium To Russia As Part Of Nuke Deal
Updated December 29, 20156:58 AM ETPublished December 28, 20155:28 PM ET


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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

Iran leverages the event into a linkage, telegraphing a connection between the capture and release of naval personnel and upcoming negotiations- bellicose.

Iran takes pictures of the men in a deplorable state, impotent, subdued (and also adds a feeding photo), and typical of Cult of Personality States that use humans as levers- bellicose.

Iran demands an apology. This utterly meaningless event came after the US noted its vessel were disabled and asked for repatriation. The demand was the equivalent of a boot on a face... and then the twist left and right of the sole- bellicose.

Iran is behaving in the only way Iran can behave- it is a theocratic terror state that sees the US as evil and their own mandate divine. Caught between appearing one way to the world when negotiating and another at home this event displays the local Iranian reality regarding the US/West- bellicose, antagonistic, confrontational. This primarily for Iranian news behavior is a window into their perpetual mindset.

The fallacious argument from Obama & Company that there are two Irans, two lines of Stewards- the moderates and the hardliners- is pure fiction. If we feed into the confrontation with the hardliners we empower them at home. However, if we apologize and grovel we empower moderates has got to be the most ignorant, dangerous delusion in diplomatic history. This period will go down in history books alongside Chamberlain, Trojan Horse, and "we don't need a scouting party."

Of course the only "new relationship" forged lately is between Obama and the islamic world, or is that an old relationship?

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

In 2007 Iran seized 15 Royal British Navy personnel for violating Iranian territorial waters and held them for 13 days. UK had no relationship with Iran. Within a day Obama gets US Navy personnel released because of his relationship with Iran.

Not bad for a new relationship.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

In 2007 Iran seized 15 Royal British Navy personnel for violating Iranian territorial waters and held them for 13 days. UK had no relationship with Iran. Within a day Obama gets US Navy personnel released because of his relationship with Iran.

Not bad for a new relationship.

If Obama had good relations with Iran, the American sailors would have been towed back into international waters, not taken hostage, and humiliated by releasing photos and video footage of the captive sailors. If that wasn't bad enough, John Kerry thanked the Iranian authorities for giving the sailors blankets and lunch. What??? That is like thanking a school bully who just took your lunch money.

It is no secrete, Iran supports Islamic terrorism, and are not nor should they be friends of the U.S.

Iran has already violated the idiotic nuke deal, that simple minded John Kerry made with Obamas blessing. Obama has proved over and over again, he has zero leadership skills and is an amateur posing as a world leader. Obama is weak but dangerous with his idiotic policies.

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President Obama has done a superior job concerning Iran to the point of leading the international community to get a nuclear weapons agreement accepted by every significant nation except one or just a few.

The twelve years of Reagan and GHW Bush cemented abysmal non-relations with Iran, even considering that Iran leaders were themselves hostile. Bill Clinton's foreign policy pretty much ignored Iran. The Bush-Cheney eight years took a super aggressive attitude, pronouncing "we don't negotiate with evil."

In 2002 the EU-3 of Germany, France, UK began lonely tentative nuclear weapons negotiations with Iran while Washington opposed it. By 2007 the P5+1 had formed to negotiate with Iran but only after dragging Bush-Cheney kicking and screaming into the action.

President Obama boosted and advanced the negotiations significantly and with the gravitas of the USA involved. Since John Kerry became SecState the upgraded sessions have successfully negotiated the most critical final stages to an Agreement being implemented this very day.

Decades of US and European policy blunders in Iran have been reversed. The United States exercised its vital leadership but only due to the wisdom and direction of President Barack Obama with SecState John Kerry doing the heavy lifting.

President Eisenhower with European allies removed the elected PM of Iran in 1953. In 2016 the USA and Iran have created the first real opportunity to have their two peoples connect. For this to occur, the next necessary step is to send and keep the hard-line leaders in each country moved out of the way.

Edited by Publicus
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By the amount of some of our posts we clearly have time on our hands. Lets allow a bit more time then to watch Iran's behavior following the release of hundreds of billions and unimaginable international legitimacy loaned to it by the fantasy deal. Since this Obama surrender with Iran we have only noted a small series of Iranian actions which might be called bellicose by me, provocations, or to some, nothing to see here, move on. Yet give it more time. It is inevitable that Iran will move even more aggressively within the next year. Iran has only so many more days it can rape its bacha bazi in the white house before January 2017.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

In 2007 Iran seized 15 Royal British Navy personnel for violating Iranian territorial waters and held them for 13 days. UK had no relationship with Iran. Within a day Obama gets US Navy personnel released because of his relationship with Iran.

Not bad for a new relationship.

If Obama had good relations with Iran, the American sailors would have been towed back into international waters, not taken hostage, and humiliated by releasing photos and video footage of the captive sailors. If that wasn't bad enough, John Kerry thanked the Iranian authorities for giving the sailors blankets and lunch. What??? That is like thanking a school bully who just took your lunch money.

It is no secrete, Iran supports Islamic terrorism, and are not nor should they be friends of the U.S.

Iran has already violated the idiotic nuke deal, that simple minded John Kerry made with Obamas blessing. Obama has proved over and over again, he has zero leadership skills and is an amateur posing as a world leader. Obama is weak but dangerous with his idiotic policies.

No one says they are "good". The US and Iran are hardly allies. However, the result shows that they are vastly better than at any point since 1979. Again, they were released in under 24 hours rather than being held and creating a huge international incident. Surely that is an improvement, even if every thing about it was not completely kosher. Why can't the Obama bashers at least acknowledge that much?

Also, again, Iran has NOT violated the nuclear deal. How exactly do you think they have violated it? Something is not true just because you believe it is true or because you read it on some right wing web site somewhere. Facts should matter.

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Again, they were released in under 24 hours rather than being held and creating a huge international incident. Surely that is an improvement, even if every thing about it was not completely kosher. Why can't the Obama bashers at least acknowledge that much?

Because it is SPIN. The soldiers should not have been detained and humiliated in the first place. The Iranians violated the Geneva Convention by distributing propaganda photos of the soldiers and they violated the (idiotic) nuclear deal a few weeks ago by testing long-range ballistic missles.

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By the amount of some of our posts we clearly have time on our hands. Lets allow a bit more time then to watch Iran's behavior following the release of hundreds of billions and unimaginable international legitimacy loaned to it by the fantasy deal. Since this Obama surrender with Iran we have only noted a small series of Iranian actions which might be called bellicose by me, provocations, or to some, nothing to see here, move on. Yet give it more time. It is inevitable that Iran will move even more aggressively within the next year. Iran has only so many more days it can rape its bacha bazi in the white house before January 2017.

Time will tell statements are the weakest form of argument because it indicates there's nothing else to argue about Iran and the P5+1 Agreement. It is the culmination of 13 years of negotiations finally shepherded to its final conclusion by President Obama and SecState Kerry.

The hundreds of billions is an exaggeration as Iran's temporarily seized money being released is in fact $150 bn (one hundred fifty) that will go to a number of pressing needs as well as to more sinister operations. A lot of new investment is poised to enter Iran now yet one should not expect an overturning of a long discombobulated economic and financial dark hole.

To speak in terms of an "Obama surrender" is OTT extremist nonsense rhetoric, i.e., empty. No one has said Iran's ayatollahs are good guys. The P5+1 and Iran Agreement is a very possible beginning of some kind of normal and working relations which is a good thing. Keep in mind 99% of governments of the world do not want Iran to have nuclear weapons.

People who lack confidence in their own modern and developed society, culture, civilisation in a competition with an ancient regime of superstitious fanatics need to be spanked and sent to bed without any dinner. The United States is the most advanced, developed and powerful place in human history. The ayatollahs are no more formidable presently than are the primitive and confused leaders of China or Russia.

Disagreement with the policy of a given POTUS is one thing, continually and obsessively accusing POTUS of treason is just not a credible position to assume or pursue. It is in fact crackpot stuff spoken always in a white heat. Those who argue insane positions naturally haven't any clue that they advance those they have identified as the enemy within.

It is indeed a waste of time to commit to engaging such people.

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Again, they were released in under 24 hours rather than being held and creating a huge international incident. Surely that is an improvement, even if every thing about it was not completely kosher. Why can't the Obama bashers at least acknowledge that much?

Because it is SPIN. The soldiers should not have been detained and humiliated in the first place. The Iranians violated the Geneva Convention by distributing propaganda photos of the soldiers and they violated the (idiotic) nuclear deal a few weeks ago by testing long-range ballistic missles.

Well, I think detaining them was legit but the propaganda show was disgusting. What should we expect from state sponsor of terror, Iran? It's pretty shocking about the billions they are going to get now being released that messed up fanatic REGIME. Anyone who actually believes they won't continue to pursue nuclear weapons, I've got a bridge to sell them.

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A few facts for the anti-Obama crowd here to consider: Iran's nuclear program was restarted and accelerated while GW Bush was President, not Obama. Under Obama existing sanctions were significantly tightened by a Democrat congress and signed by Obama in 2010, and then again later on by Presidential executive order, so it can easily be argued that Obama has been far harder on the Iranians than the all talk no action Republicans ever were. The Obama administration joined existing multi-party talks by the Europeans on Iran's nuclear program, and convinced Russia and China to also join, giving it some teeth.

If you want to believe that Obama is weak, speculate that Iran will not abide by the agreement, and accept all the noise being made by the Republican primary candidates, go right ahead, but that is opinion, not fact.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

More feeble straw-clutching I'm afraid.

Iran are keeping their part of the nuclear bargain. Get over it.

As for your soldiers, I realise that you've got used to them invading countries over the years, but it doesn't make it legal.

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I think 20 sailors in two very small craft can hardly qualify as an invasion, particularly when one of the boats is not operable.

It would probably take twice that many to pull off a credible invasion of Iran.

Edited by chuckd
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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

I wonder what the good-ole USA would have done if an Iranian warship had accidently drifted into American territorial waters .......

Good wonder. I don't know. Whatever they would do, they wouldn't do a propaganda humiliation show as put on by the Islamo-fascist state terror sponsor regime of Iran.

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Iran violates the deal and slaps America in the face by detaining our soldiers. Obama does absolutely nothing about it. THAT is the new relationship. bah.gif

I wonder what the good-ole USA would have done if an Iranian warship had accidently drifted into American territorial waters .......

Good wonder. I don't know. Whatever they would do, they wouldn't do a propaganda humiliation show as put on by the Islamo-fascist state terror sponsor regime of Iran.

"I wonder what the good-ole USA would have done if an Iranian warship had accidently (sic) drifted into American territorial waters ......."

If a disabled Iranian ship drifted into US waters, the US Navy would help solve their problems and send them on their way.

If it was an unintentional navigation error, the US Navy would escort them back to international waters.

If it was an invasion fleet consisting of two very small patrol boats and ten sailors (one of which was female) they would be taken into custody, fed well and handed over to their own diplomats.

Then the very likely US Navy reaction would be...cheesy.gif

Edited by chuckd
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