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Drought crisis in Thailand to get worse this year


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Thailand has ample rainfall.................badly managed and appallingly maintained.

The local waterways by me are de weeded with a makro as they leave them so long, this in turn breaks the concrete sides which goes un-repaired for years at a time wasting lots of water.

True most years, however the last raining season was a bit dry. Not much rain fall - at least not in my area (north of Chiang Mai). And they are expecting an even drier "wet season" for this year.

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stop watering the golf courses

Should be compusory for golf courses to have their own bores sunk and not where it adversley affects the water table.

Yes and no. Water derived from bores usually adds to the salt load, which will eventually kill the grass if it's not alleviated by rainfall.

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There are more than enough water in the oceans, which can be desalinated into water usable for growing rice or even for drinking. So far it is more expensive to desalinate water, but there should be done some heavy research in this field, as we will have to depend on ocean water in the future.

Uses vast amounts of electricity

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As another member has already pointed out, there is enough rainfall during the year, but due to mismanagement and neglect (read ignorance), a lot of it goes to waste.

It's time for a major over-haul on how rainwater is stored. Rainwater harvesting is vital for regions like this. Maybe the government could fund the initial costs in the form of grants.

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I have posted about this subject on quite a few occasions I still think ground water wells and desalination plants are the solution to this problem and in my opinion people have had sufficient time to address the problem .

desalination plants are extremely expensive to build run and maintain. not to mention they require vast amounts of energy (in oz that is CO2 coal fired power, not sure about thailand) ontop of this desal plants produce fresh water at sea level requiring more power to pump up country where required. thailand has enough rainfall, it just needs to be captured and used more efficiently.

interestingly a friend of mine works for a company that builds dams, he now spends more time investigating why dam building projects fail rather than actually getting them built.

ground water is not a limitless supply, it is also resupplied by rainwater. sucking it up just means more draining down to replace it.

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There are more than enough water in the oceans, which can be desalinated into water usable for growing rice or even for drinking. So far it is more expensive to desalinate water, but there should be done some heavy research in this field, as we will have to depend on ocean water in the future.

Yes desalination ocean water is expensive that is if you ONLY desalinate.

When I was working in Saudi Arabia setting up the Madinat Al-Jubail Technical Institute down the road from this was the desalination plant designed and manufactured in Japan. This plant desalinated by spinning the Gulf saltwater with centrifuge(s) to make pure drinking water the centrifuge(s) were driven by steam turbine(s) and in this Japanese design the unused power output at the opposite end of the steam turbine(s) did drive alternator(s) producing AC electric power.

Get the idea, we had pure drinking water and for FREE we had AC electric power. Then by selling the electric power to the power grid we had drinking water at a much lower cost.

Yes these plants are more expensive than just a single desalination plant. But as the saying goes, "You get what you pay for".

By the way this drinking water was so pure that everybody in the work camps around Jubail landed up with vitamin deficiency so next bottles with Multavite appeared on the dining room tables.

I have suggested this system of desalination in a few countries but always get shot down with, "It is too expensive" Singapore was one of these countries.


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Every shop owner in Chiang Mai hoses down the roads at least 2 times a day to stop the dust. The dry season causes the dust & the hosing down wastes the water. This needs to stop. Fine them if they don't. Put gutters on your houses & install rain water tanks. Use the water for you garden, the streets & for the toilet.

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I am still seeing rice being grown, fields being flooded. Warnings falling on deaf ears.

But you fail to state where in Thailand.

I am sure that in Thailand there are provinces that have plenty of water and rain but there are far more in central, northern and north east Thailand that don't.

Up here in rural Khampaeng Phet side of the Mae Wong national park we have had NO rain for more than 5 weeks.


January 0 mm


December 12.4 mm

November 27.2 mm

October 134.1 mm

Total for

2015 914.7 mm

2014 1281.1 mm

2013 1527.1 mm

2012 full data not collected

2011 no data

2010 1594.4 mm

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farmers are going to get in serious trouble

These thai farmers refuse for many years to change their planting habits. Could save them not only water but also lots of money for fertilizer and pesticides.

They should look to Vietnam or also India. They changed due to the climate change. They have to adapt or the will suffer.

I wonder why the government does not do anything to educate them...

You could say the same about the governments over the past 30 or more years.

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I am still seeing rice being grown, fields being flooded. Warnings falling on deaf ears.

But you fail to state where in Thailand.

Apologies, chiangmai and lamphun

I confirm

Here in CM they still pump like hell direct to paddies even if the river is near dry

pumps running 24/7 for about 2 weeks now

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I am still seeing rice being grown, fields being flooded. Warnings falling on deaf ears.

Yes STUPIDLY down by me in Pranburi one of the driest parts of Thailand where they normally grow pineapples there are some idiots growing rice.............unfoookinbeleeeevable.................I got tired with there being no water here for weeks on end, drilled my own 85 metre deep wells and leave the winkers to get on with their local black coloured shitfilled water supply

I had this with village water for years. Finally installed a 2000 litre tank on a ball valve and a constant pressure water pump. I can now have a normal shower like a normal person.

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I am still seeing rice being grown, fields being flooded. Warnings falling on deaf ears.

But you fail to state where in Thailand.
Apologies, chiangmai and lamphun
I confirm

Here in CM they still pump like hell direct to paddies even if the river is near dry

pumps running 24/7 for about 2 weeks now

Is it possible to post a recent picture of the Ping River?

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US congleramates have already started with research for rice-crops -

which can grow without water ;

Normal rice grows without much water. There are plenty of methods published freely on the Internet. No "research" from US conglomerates necessary.

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