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No information on entry of IS militants to Thailand - Thai PM

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He wouldn't know if they were already in the next room ! Thai ''Intelligence Services'' are well known for not being very intelligent and besides; a big enough brown envelope will get anyone into the country.

Just a reminder; where is the former intelligence boss?

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He wouldn't know if they were already in the next room ! Thai ''Intelligence Services'' are well known for not being very intelligent and besides; a big enough brown envelope will get anyone into the country.

Thailand has a very long sea border with plenty of islands and a land border well over 1,000 km with Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia.

It cannot be patrolled for every metre length of it and as posters have already mentioned a donation to the right people at the right place may help them gain entry.

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A positive note is that lots and lots of normal Thai's own guns meaning that Thai citizens are not a soft target for ISIS militants as people in Europe are [ except Swiss ] and the UK . Imagine if ISIS militants tried to rape women in Texas !.... Bang!....brains splattered all the way back to the middle east.

The Thais would not know the difference between them and the people from the south.

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A positive note is that lots and lots of normal Thai's own guns meaning that Thai citizens are not a soft target for ISIS militants as people in Europe are [ except Swiss ] and the UK . Imagine if ISIS militants tried to rape women in Texas !.... Bang!....brains splattered all the way back to the middle east.

Oh dear, having a gun under your pillow, or stashed in the glovebox of your car, will be utterly useless when some lunatic detonates himself in the muddle of a crowd in Bangkok and his mates start legging it around the town spraying bursts from AK47s.

Stick to your"Rambo" movies.

You'll probably know when they cross the border. They usually drive around in Toyota pickup trucks carrying AK47s and have big black flags with evil looking writing on.

You'll certainly know - eventually - when they kick off.

Edited by JAG
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Dear PM/General; I read the other day there are 50,000 ISIS/ISIL sympathizers in Malaysia, and you should expect they are here too ! Several of the 9/11 Terrorist had visited Thailand prior to their flight into the Towers !!

They have no regard for human life and we should treat them the same way. You can not reason with a Cobra or Alligator !!

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A positive note is that lots and lots of normal Thai's own guns meaning that Thai citizens are not a soft target for ISIS militants as people in Europe are [ except Swiss ] and the UK . Imagine if ISIS militants tried to rape women in Texas !.... Bang!....brains splattered all the way back to the middle east.

Yeah a lot of thais own small caliber guns the kind they have to shoot someone 9 times before a noticeable limb is seen. And it doesn't matter they couldn't hit anyone while running in the opposite direction of their human target.

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A positive note is that lots and lots of normal Thai's own guns meaning that Thai citizens are not a soft target for ISIS militants as people in Europe are [ except Swiss ] and the UK . Imagine if ISIS militants tried to rape women in Texas !.... Bang!....brains splattered all the way back to the middle east.

Oh dear, having a gun under your pillow, or stashed in the glovebox of your car, will be utterly useless when some lunatic detonates himself in the muddle of a crowd in Bangkok and his mates start legging it around the town spraying bursts from AK47s.

Stick to your"Rambo" movies.

You'll probably know when they cross the border. They usually drive around in Toyota pickup trucks carrying AK47s and have big black flags with evil looking writing on.

You'll certainly know - eventually - when they kick off.

Yes, the "vigilante justice bloodbath" scenario is popular with a certain segment of the American male population. Some of these guys are friends and acquaintances. I just smile and change the subject.

My fantasies run toward smallish brown- skinned ladies. But I blissfully digress.

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Well....these war mongers need R&R as some call it in Pattaya after bombing the crap out of a country or 3 ...

I assume there are a few radicals sucking on a Hookah cuddled up to a fat lady boy down that skanky soi that runs through to Walking Street as I type.


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Daesh, ISIS, ISIL: "Boo!"

General public: "Ayyyyyeeee!"

Fear mongering: Priceless!

I'm with PM Prayut on this one. Better to keep vigilant on the government's side, and calm on the public side. Keep it in perspective. The Jakarta attack killed about as many people as Thai roads claim in one day.

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A positive note is that lots and lots of normal Thai's own guns meaning that Thai citizens are not a soft target for ISIS militants as people in Europe are [ except Swiss ] and the UK . Imagine if ISIS militants tried to rape women in Texas !.... Bang!....brains splattered all the way back to the middle east.

Maybe, maybe not. Based on past performance here, people might just stand around and watch. Been known to happen. coffee1.gif

And, just because the PM does not have any information, does not mean they did not cross the border. as another poster mentioned, it seems that all they might need is a small brown envelope. coffee1.gif

Re: unarmed people standing around to watch....

Assaults, usually involve circumstances where the physically superior party can inflict overwhelming injury to the victim. If bystanders are unarmed, it seems natural for them to avoid intervention when the attacker appears to have an advantage. A gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and defender . Moreover, a gun makes lethal force easier, and therefore favors of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is at least level.

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Only one way stamp out any threat from the Daesh militant group general get on your working togs and all the medals on your chest and take a few pals with you jump into your bullet proof Mercedes and head out to Syria and / or Iraq and then eradicate daesh from the face of the earth easy peasy for the Thai military soldier boys they can take over a country without firing a shot a fine example of being here, then send in the RTP to arrest any stragglers left over.

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Surely they will pop up soon, they must be due for their 90 day report?

Watching the CBS evening news in the USA recently about the California terrorist shooter woman from Pakistan.

They said, "Authorities asked her if she was a terrorist when she applied for her entry visa, but she said she wasn't a terrorist".

Apparently 'Authorities' the world over expect terrorists to be honest and never lie.

Lying is a time honored profession best left to politicians, so I'm sure these honorable ISIS folks will dutifully report to their friendly local immigration office every 90 days.

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Surely they will pop up soon, they must be due for their 90 day report?

Watching the CBS evening news in the USA recently about the California terrorist shooter woman from Pakistan.

They said, "Authorities asked her if she was a terrorist when she applied for her entry visa, but she said she wasn't a terrorist".

Apparently 'Authorities' the world over expect terrorists to be honest and never lie.

Lying is a time honored profession best left to politicians, so I'm sure these honorable ISIS folks will dutifully report to their friendly local immigration office every 90 days.

In the US, they ask a whole series of questions like that, not because they expect the truth, but because if they investigate and find you lied about anything, they can instantly deny entry or revoke the visa. This simplifies the process. Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Prawit said there are no IS terrorists in Thailand and we all know that everyone will believe that.

PM said "..but there is no information of those people's (Daesh militants) entry into Thailand,.." These two are not telling them same story. I'll go with the PM's version in this case.

I do not know how Prawit can categorically say there are NO IS terrorists in Thailand. blink.png

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Surely they will pop up soon, they must be due for their 90 day report?

Watching the CBS evening news in the USA recently about the California terrorist shooter woman from Pakistan.

They said, "Authorities asked her if she was a terrorist when she applied for her entry visa, but she said she wasn't a terrorist".

Apparently 'Authorities' the world over expect terrorists to be honest and never lie.

Lying is a time honored profession best left to politicians, so I'm sure these honorable ISIS folks will dutifully report to their friendly local immigration office every 90 days.

In the US, they ask a whole series of questions like that, not because they expect the truth, but because if they investigate and find you lied about anything, they can instantly deny entry or revoke the visa. This simplifies the process.

There is nothing simple about any government process, anywhere.

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How the hell would they know if IS had entered Thailand.These people have already been told to shave off their beards and wear western clothing.Its fascicle to state that no IS members are here,Theres enough Muslims on Nerm plab wan.has nobody thought that among that community there could be 'sleepers',just waiting for the call.When i had my bar,i once tried to explain to the girls what would happen if IS took over.There would be no more bars,no more television,no more sexy dresses,and they would all have to wear the black shit.That they would all just become free sex objects for any muslim who took it in to his mind to make it so.Their lives would change beyond all recognition.They just looked at me as if i was stupid.And thats what scared me.This race is so apathetic that its worrying.If IS take over,you watch all the coppers suddenly convert to Islam.


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Sadly Thailand is an easy target, and as already mentioned, no doubt the terrorists are already here.

Don't worry it will be like the last time here and in Indonesia a couple days ago. The PM there stated there and here that everything is back to normal. He did drop the interest rate by a quarter point just to assure people. Doesn't that just give you that warm fuzzy feeling?

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Surely they will pop up soon, they must be due for their 90 day report?

Watching the CBS evening news in the USA recently about the California terrorist shooter woman from Pakistan.

They said, "Authorities asked her if she was a terrorist when she applied for her entry visa, but she said she wasn't a terrorist".

Apparently 'Authorities' the world over expect terrorists to be honest and never lie.

Lying is a time honored profession best left to politicians, so I'm sure these honorable ISIS folks will dutifully report to their friendly local immigration office every 90 days.

In the US, they ask a whole series of questions like that, not because they expect the truth, but because if they investigate and find you lied about anything, they can instantly deny entry or revoke the visa. This simplifies the process.

There is nothing simple about any government process, anywhere.

They must justify their over inflated salaries somehow!!

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Prawit said there are no IS terrorists in Thailand and we all know that everyone will believe that.

PM said "..but there is no information of those people's (Daesh militants) entry into Thailand,.." These two are not telling them same story. I'll go with the PM's version in this case.

I do not know how Prawit can categorically say there are NO IS terrorists in Thailand. blink.png

Article 44? Seems to work for everything else!

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