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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies govt with publicity drive


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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies junta with publicity drive

BANGKOK: -- Former Thai prime ministers Thaksin Shinawatra and his sister Yingluck are cranking up their promotional machines to reconnect with supporters in apparent defiance of the military that toppled their governments.

The publicity drive, which includes a cooking display by Yingluck Shinawatra and the distribution of free books, could signal the family's intention to one day return to power, one expert said.

Yingluck, who was overthrown in 2014 by the junta that has ruled Thailand since then, gave thousands of photo books about herself to journalists and diplomats as a New Year gift.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-politics-idUSKCN0UW06H

-- Reuters 2016-01-18

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"Yinglucks kitchen nightmares" A new show coming soon called "Yinglucks government nightmares"

I can see it now, Yinglucks special roasted rice

mix the rice into that bowl untill full (clearly half empty)

mix in other rotten ingredients to make it look full

and put in oven.......

here is one I made earlier, opens oven removes lid and ......would you believe it - an empty bowl

well I'm sure it's around here somewhere - you can't trust anyone these days

Edited by smedly
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Oh no!, they love us dearly, especially as we rip them off, lie and cheat them, line our own pockets at their expense, you poor uneducated troglodytes, we love you - just make sure you support us again ...........

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

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The best thing the junta and their fanbois on here should do is simply shrug and move on - the junta enjoy 99% popularity after all - but somehow I doubt they are capable of that. Their paroxysms of rage of will course play straight into the hands of their enemies, but I don't think they will understand that in a million years...

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"Yinglucks kitchen nightmares" A new show coming soon called "Yinglucks government nightmares"

I can see it now, Yinglucks special roasted rice

mix the rice into that bowl untill full (clearly half empty)

mix in other rotten ingredients to make it look full

and put in oven.......

here is one I made earlier, opens oven removes lid and ......would you believe it - an empty bowl

well I'm sure it's around here somewhere - you can't trust anyone these days

Now if ya swaped Yingluck and rice for Suthep, for land title deeds down Phuket way, then something about palm oil, and lets not forget his own party wanting him out because of he was just to corrupt even for them, and how a bout the bags of cash that just kinda magically disappeared, now that was a neat trick.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

"You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least."

The only way that anyone could think that the junta is better than their predecessors is to be inaccurate, manipulate the facts and be biased.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

That's your view, though how you reconcile it with the military's violence, corruption and political meddling is hard to understand.

In any case it matters not what you or I think.Ultimately it's a matter for the Thai people in a fairly conducted election under a democratic constitution.

But that of course what you and your kind cannot bear to contemplate.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

That's your view, though how you reconcile it with the military's violence, corruption and political meddling is hard to understand.

In any case it matters not what you or I think.Ultimately it's a matter for the Thai people in a fairly conducted election under a democratic constitution.

But that of course what you and your kind cannot bear to contemplate.

Obviously not! The rabble keep voting in the wrong people instead of the altruistic noblemen who graciously took power and are now busy making sure that any future election will be meaningless - all in the name of Thailand, of course.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Get off the grass mate, are you really denying that good O'L uncle Suthep didn't block backs, didn't make threats if loans were made there would be repercussions???

being late is not refusal of payment, it just that late, and what government has never ever been late in making payments, anyone who has ever done work for a government will most defiantly say that it happens a lot and that they are some times the worst to work for as far as payment...

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

As it was good PR for the junta when the rubber farmer commit suicide last week?

Don't tell me: I've just invited myself into a penile measuring contest - how many inches (dead farmers) is yours? Yep, you'll no doubt win unless I cheat and include the disappeared, the dead in custody and those who were shot in 2010.



Yingluck welcomed reporters to her Bangkok home on Jan. 8 to show off her organic vegetable garden.

She then mixed up a salad dressing, throwing back her hair and smiling when a photographer called her prime minister."

Funny master chef class in PR the junta can only dream on!

Edited by Squeegee
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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Get off the grass mate, are you really denying that good O'L uncle Suthep didn't block backs, didn't make threats if loans were made there would be repercussions???

being late is not refusal of payment, it just that late, and what government has never ever been late in making payments, anyone who has ever done work for a government will most defiantly say that it happens a lot and that they are some times the worst to work for as far as payment...

Yes he blocked the banks because YL had not made provisions so payment could have been illigal and the people paying could have been facing legal problems. Had YL made the provisions before she stepped down (like a responsible PM should have) his blocking of banks would not have any use. She just left others to clean up her mess.

They were many months behind already.. people had killed themselves because of it already. But hey follow the red line and rewrite history its what your good at.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

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