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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies govt with publicity drive


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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

Handing out purple notes to get a vote is fair and democratic in your book aye? Selling national interests to create personal wealth o.k. for you too?

I think we all know what and when this family is positioning themselves for and man, I think it might end up being civil war when all that goes down.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

Didn't you get the circular? Those who invoke farmers' suicides - especially without details or context - automatically lose the argument.

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All You Need To Know About Rice Cook Book by YL


* How To Cook The Books in as easy as 5 min.

* Stir fry Rice Scheme.

* How to fry rotten rice the Good Old Fashion Way.

* How to Rake over the coals a Rice Farmer to the brink of despair.

* How to Store rice and have it disappear the silo way.

* With special guest Chefs "I Don't Know Where The Money Went"

and "I Did Nothing Wrong".

Get this cook book NOW for only double the market price !!!

Sounds like a Best Seller ​

Edited by GeckosDiving
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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

Interesting how some folks can twist anything into anything that suits their purposes and all the time deliberately ignoring the surrounding facts and details.

Strange how this also describes the shin family. Obvious example, the paymasters statement (many many times) 'I have done nothing wrong' and knowing full well that he has been convicted of a well proven non political charge of serious abuse of authority and sentenced to 2 years in jail.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

Interesting how some folks can twist anything into anything that suits their purposes and all the time deliberately ignoring the surrounding facts and details.

Strange how this also describes the shin family. Obvious example, the paymasters statement (many many times) 'I have done nothing wrong' and knowing full well that he has been convicted of a well proven non political charge of serious abuse of authority and sentenced to 2 years in jail.

Silliest post of the year!

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

That's your view, though how you reconcile it with the military's violence, corruption and political meddling is hard to understand.

In any case it matters not what you or I think.Ultimately it's a matter for the Thai people in a fairly conducted election under a democratic constitution.

But that of course what you and your kind cannot bear to contemplate.

Which is why, ultimately, a substantial percentage of the Thai people will support, covertly if not openly, "other means".

But they don't get it.

They never do. Until it's too late.

Edited by Enoon
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All You Need To Know About Rice Cook Book by YL


* How To Cook The Books in as easy as 5 min.

* Stir fry Rice Scheme.

* How to fry rotten rice the Good Old Fashion Way.

* How to Rake over the coals a Rice Farmer to the brink of despair.

* How to Store rice and have it disappear the silo way.

* With special guest Chefs "I Don't Know Where The Money Went"

and "I Did Nothing Wrong".

Get this cook book NOW for only double the market price !!!

Sounds like a Best Seller ​

clap2.gif she was a scammer alright !! and to think she was 'trying' to run the country !! cheesy.gif

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

Interesting how some folks can twist anything into anything that suits their purposes and all the time deliberately ignoring the surrounding facts and details.

Strange how this also describes the shin family. Obvious example, the paymasters statement (many many times) 'I have done nothing wrong' and knowing full well that he has been convicted of a well proven non political charge of serious abuse of authority and sentenced to 2 years in jail.

Interesting how some folks can twist anything into anything that suits their purposes and all the time deliberately ignoring the surrounding facts and details.

Yes, isn't it though?

First off, let's look at the "legalities" of his "conviction". Thai law clearly states that for a woman to buy property, she has to have the written consent of her husband. Which is what he did....according to the law. There was no "abuse" of power there.

Secondly, her bid for the land was an "Open Bid", which means it, and the other bids were actually published in the paper, and her's was the highest bid. So where is the "abuse of power" there?

So how do you convict someone of "abuse of power", when NO ABUSE is actually proven?

Third, the courts later ruled the entire land deal "null & void", which means, legally, IT NEVER HAPPENED. And, under the law, ruling something "null & void" also means that ANY and ALL actions leading up to the event are also NULL & VOID.

So, his bogus conviction SHOULD have been wiped from the books as well. But this is Thailand, and following the actual rules of law seldom applies to one's political opponents.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

Interesting how some folks can twist anything into anything that suits their purposes and all the time deliberately ignoring the surrounding facts and details.

Strange how this also describes the shin family. Obvious example, the paymasters statement (many many times) 'I have done nothing wrong' and knowing full well that he has been convicted of a well proven non political charge of serious abuse of authority and sentenced to 2 years in jail.

Personally I find it interesting how "some folks" can consistently ignore the settled will of the Thai electorate in the last four general elections (lets ignore for the moment the two which were prevented because of a likely unpalatable outcome). I find quite especially fascinating the mental and verbal gymnastics which "some folks" will go to in order to justify (to themselves because they don't fool anyone else) the seizure of power by the military on behalf of a self serving, wealthy, corrupt, and nepotistic elite.

Edited by JAG
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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

The law blocks a babysitting govt from putting the country further into debts. The Shins forgot this point when they dissolved Parliament. Guess who was at fault?

But I don't blame them in forgetting this point as the scheme was after all self-financing...?

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And the same party decries former-PM Abhisit, as having not been elected democratically

No knowledge of the subject

Abhisit was democratically elect MP.

All former Thai constitutions said only member of parlement could be select as Premier.

in the last constitutions, all prime minister has elected by parlement not by people. It is not democracy but oligarchy

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

if your going to comment at least get it right, yl and the ptp stopped paying farmers months before they lost govt and when they did step down they never arranged for the money to pay the farmers anyway before leaving. After they stepped down they were not allowed to borrow the money by law as well so if anyone is at fault it is the ptp and yl for never doing what they should have, Pity you cant stick to the facts instead of trying to use innuendo to make yl look good, everyone is aware of the truth it appears except you and your ptp appologist friends, suggest you try reading up on what actually happened, the truth is out there if you really want to know it

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Didnt know that to be true??????

So you are saying, an illegal military junta is not "thieving abuse" which stole the country from an elected government? How about violence against their own countrymen in the form of "detention camps and reeducation centers"

I hope you are being sarcastic

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Didnt know that to be true??????

So you are saying, an illegal military junta is not "thieving abuse" which stole the country from an elected government? How about violence against their own countrymen in the form of "detention camps and reeducation centers"

I hope you are being sarcastic

Adding to you good post, is that corruption is endemic and without a reduction NO sane person would want to invest or buy a property in Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Let them print all the books they like, all the advertising that makes them happy, the upside is that the money spent is helping put food on the table of many people, and so long as these people realise that a mob of criminals are doing it and remember not to ever vote them back in.....

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

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Whatever happens the Shinawatra family won't start anything until the time is right , and it doesn't take much to think this time ain't right., As has been said before the Junta is just wasting its time if it thinks peace, harmony and reconciliation has come to Thailand, then again the Shins could bank roll the students , now that would get mother Prayut in a spin............................................coffee1.gif

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Sundaravej was forced to resign for running a harmless cooking show.

Actually he was the PM at the time and under Thai law the PM is not allowed to take a second job.

Also he lied and said that he was not paid for it when in fact he was.

He could have been put back in as PM again but as he was not a member of the Shinawatra clan the PPP refused to nominate him and the job went to Thaksin's brother in law, Somchai Wongsawat.

Nepotism once again.


The late-PM Samak was going off-message, showing dangerous signs of becoming more independent, so PPP replaced him with a family-member, instead of merely putting him back in charge again, as they could have done. wink.png

And the same party decries former-PM Abhisit, as having not been elected democratically, while forgetting how former-PM Somchai came to power. facepalm.gif

Things got heated, just shortly after some of Thaksin's assets were seized in 2010, and now the heat is being turned-up again, when his sister is in some jeopardy in the courts. Coincidence or causal-connection ? whistling.gif

i thought Samak was removed as PM from a court ruling not replaced by or MP's of his party. Is this another case of re-writing history?

"Is this another case of re-writing history?"

Not at all ! wink.png No need to get shirty or offensive ! wai2.gif

PPP, as the party leading the governing-coalition, chose who to have as PM after Samak had temporarily stepped-down, due to his legal problem.

They might have put him back in again, but chose not to do so, and put in Somchai instead. Who happened to be related to Thaksin.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

How about you being honest and tell us why they would need a loan, when the whole rotten scheme was promised to be self financing? How many weeks in a row were the farmers promised "you will be paid next week". You may love the Shins, but be honest they promised the moon, and delivered shattered dreams. One thing you are is consistent, everyone knows what to expect from you, blind defense of anything Shin, shameful really.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Ah yes, and reconciliation has gone so well and the Junta with its bike lanes and beach chair management has made remarkable progress for Thailand. Oh please. 60% of the population is going to keep on supporting them.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

You mean greater then the Farmers who committed suicide, over the price of rubber, or the mismanagement of the dams; because the army let too much water out last year ? etc etc. All the problems started in 2006 with the coup. 2003, 04, 05, 06, Thailand was number two in Asia for GDP. Now they are 8-9 Th. Since then 2 coups.

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