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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies govt with publicity drive


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you missed the 2007 interim government extending compulsory education three years from P6 (10 years old) to M3 (15 years old). Abhisits government keeping this amendment and also giving an allowance to allow poorer family's to purchase the required uniform (allowance scrapped by Yingluck government). Abhisits government keeping the health care scheme and scrapping the 30 co-payment as it was actually costing more to take the 30b (Yinglucks government tried bringing the co-payment back, unsuccessfully)

Thaksin did indeed bring about great change (mostly for the better) in his first term. Unfortunately they got to used to the trough!

Ok cool, Good to see you can acknowledge the few listed policies (which all to often are ignored) by others who have a dislike for PTP/Shinz and refuse to acknowledge the things that were accomplished.

My point was the many policies implemented by Thaksin were far reaching and had massive positive affect on the country as a whole.

Although extending the compulsory education is quite a good policy and YES your right has had a major positive affect on the country.

Now as far as Mark keeping the health scheme isn't a thing to crow about as scrapping it would have been a massive disaster which Mark fully knows.

You accuse others of ignoring his good policies, while you refuse to admit that Thaksin was a self-serving corrupt criminal. How much more could have been achieved in a time of global boom if he had paid his taxes, stopped his corrupt practices, and acted in the interest of his country rather than himself?

so funny... Thaksin was just "lucky" and the Junta "unlucky" with the economy looor?

Thaksin was lucky that after a few years of austerity by the Chuan government, global economy started picking up again and Thailand could export, export, export. By 2006 his thaksinomics had run out of steam and the World economy wasn't too brisk either.

With China a bit down and IMF forcasting slower growth in the developing countries, with Europe still trying to stabilise and with the USA in an election year, possibilities for economical growth are limited. If only Thailand still had those 500++ billion lost on the 'self-financing' RPPS, if only Thailand's government didn't need seven yearly installments of 107 billion Baht to repay BAAC for the money borrowed by the previous government.

Anyway, Shinawatras try a publicity drive. Distract from all criminal cases, distract from responsibility and accountability. Just remind people of the good old days of 'free money'. Remind people how the Amply Rich got rich and the poor stayed poor. remind them.

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She was P.M. of a government Elected by THE PEOPLE.

She was PM of a government selected and run by her brother and bought with the election promises.

She was removed from office in a case of 'conflict of interest' ('promoting' a person to make a position vacant for a relative). She's in court to explain why losing 500++ billion Baht isn't negligence. In a way she's ending up like Silvio Berlusconi.

bought with the election promises.

As do every one who want to be elected on democratic basis

She was removed from office by a coup, so not really the same as Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio had a fair trial (or two, or more) and I highly doubt it will be the case for Yingluk.

The thing is, in a democratic system, when the peole are not happy with a government, they simply not elect them in the next poll, and I am quite sure the scammed farmers wouldn't vote for thaksin one more time after the rice scam...but we will never know

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Ok cool, Good to see you can acknowledge the few listed policies (which all to often are ignored) by others who have a dislike for PTP/Shinz and refuse to acknowledge the things that were accomplished.

My point was the many policies implemented by Thaksin were far reaching and had massive positive affect on the country as a whole.

Although extending the compulsory education is quite a good policy and YES your right has had a major positive affect on the country.

Now as far as Mark keeping the health scheme isn't a thing to crow about as scrapping it would have been a massive disaster which Mark fully knows.

You accuse others of ignoring his good policies, while you refuse to admit that Thaksin was a self-serving corrupt criminal. How much more could have been achieved in a time of global boom if he had paid his taxes, stopped his corrupt practices, and acted in the interest of his country rather than himself?

so funny... Thaksin was just "lucky" and the Junta "unlucky" with the economy looor?

Thaksin was lucky that after a few years of austerity by the Chuan government, global economy started picking up again and Thailand could export, export, export. By 2006 his thaksinomics had run out of steam and the World economy wasn't too brisk either.

With China a bit down and IMF forcasting slower growth in the developing countries, with Europe still trying to stabilise and with the USA in an election year, possibilities for economical growth are limited. If only Thailand still had those 500++ billion lost on the 'self-financing' RPPS, if only Thailand's government didn't need seven yearly installments of 107 billion Baht to repay BAAC for the money borrowed by the previous government.

Anyway, Shinawatras try a publicity drive. Distract from all criminal cases, distract from responsibility and accountability. Just remind people of the good old days of 'free money'. Remind people how the Amply Rich got rich and the poor stayed poor. remind them.

Anyway, Shinawatras try a publicity drive. Distract from all criminal cases, distract from responsibility and accountability. Just remind people of the good old days of 'free money'. Remind people how the Amply Rich got rich and the poor stayed poor. remind them.

Your last sentences can be applied to any government, or Junta in this case.

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She was P.M. of a government Elected by THE PEOPLE.

She was PM of a government selected and run by her brother and bought with the election promises.

She was removed from office in a case of 'conflict of interest' ('promoting' a person to make a position vacant for a relative). She's in court to explain why losing 500++ billion Baht isn't negligence. In a way she's ending up like Silvio Berlusconi.

bought with the election promises.

As do every one who want to be elected on democratic basis

She was removed from office by a coup, so not really the same as Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio had a fair trial (or two, or more) and I highly doubt it will be the case for Yingluk.

The thing is, in a democratic system, when the peole are not happy with a government, they simply not elect them in the next poll, and I am quite sure the scammed farmers wouldn't vote for thaksin one more time after the rice scam...but we will never know

So you doubt and therefore this nonsense?

Anyway, the Shinawatras and their minions, 'supporters' and so out in force. Still the 'but, but', 'democracy', 'elections' bits and complete denials of how democracy is Thailand was being corrupted by those Shinawatras.

A criminal fugitive telling an American newspaper he's running the country. Democracy anyone?

Ms. Yingluck on trial and a constant suggestion she doesn't get a fair trial 'of course'. Some even have it she shouldn't go on trial as the voters could choose not to vote for her again. Politicians and criminals lose 500

== billion Baht and let have an election?

Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?

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You accuse others of ignoring his good policies, while you refuse to admit that Thaksin was a self-serving corrupt criminal. How much more could have been achieved in a time of global boom if he had paid his taxes, stopped his corrupt practices, and acted in the interest of his country rather than himself?

so funny... Thaksin was just "lucky" and the Junta "unlucky" with the economy looor?

Thaksin was lucky that after a few years of austerity by the Chuan government, global economy started picking up again and Thailand could export, export, export. By 2006 his thaksinomics had run out of steam and the World economy wasn't too brisk either.

With China a bit down and IMF forcasting slower growth in the developing countries, with Europe still trying to stabilise and with the USA in an election year, possibilities for economical growth are limited. If only Thailand still had those 500++ billion lost on the 'self-financing' RPPS, if only Thailand's government didn't need seven yearly installments of 107 billion Baht to repay BAAC for the money borrowed by the previous government.

Anyway, Shinawatras try a publicity drive. Distract from all criminal cases, distract from responsibility and accountability. Just remind people of the good old days of 'free money'. Remind people how the Amply Rich got rich and the poor stayed poor. remind them.

Anyway, Shinawatras try a publicity drive. Distract from all criminal cases, distract from responsibility and accountability. Just remind people of the good old days of 'free money'. Remind people how the Amply Rich got rich and the poor stayed poor. remind them.

Your last sentences can be applied to any government, or Junta in this case.

Of course, the usual suggestion of all the same.

Well, here it's Shinawatra time. Publicity offence with TVF posters helping. Ms. Yingluck in court and that seems to hurt some. Thaksin getting impatient and that hurts him. My heart is bleeding for those 'what about us' Shinawatras.

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The contempt that the junta supporters hold for the Thai people is incredible. You just look down on the Thais as second class people not worthy of the same rights that you would demand for yourself at home. Things like the right to vote and elect their own government. You are reprehensible people.

Only in your imagination, as you defend a regime that claimed to be champions of democracy as long as that democracy didn't include any transparency or accountability and allowed them to ignore any laws they didn't like.

What's reprehensible is people who try to defend that regime and hope the Thai people will still vote for them. The Thai people deserve something much better.

Ah yes because I am anti Junta then I must be pro Thaksin. You see the world in the same way as a child. If You are not this then you are that. Zero comprehension that the situation is a lot more complicated.

Actually apologies to children. You would post things with a lot more thought.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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So, the Shinawatras at it again. Obviously and clear for all to see out of the goodness in their hearts. To help the poor suppressed masses in Thailand, like they were helped before and remained poor.

Bread, games, elections. Make the people think they have a say in things. Thanks for voting and now please go home, your betters have things to do. Like frustrating democracy, for your benefit of course.

But it was democracy. The people got to choose their leader. You didn't like their choice but the people spoke. If the party that you didn't like in the Netherlands didn't win would you call for the army to take over.???

Of course you wouldn't, but here it doesn't matter because the Thais are not as good as you are they?

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"Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?" - Rubl.

You have thrown in your lot with a military junta who behave as they please and express support for anything and everything they do. This is your perogative, but do not have the effrontery to come on here and pontificate on democracy.

Single gateway, anyone?

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Democracy being corrupted by the Shins Rubl ? It weren't the shins who invented it, neither where they the only ones. Now the current lot have absolished democracy and every goodie it brings, such as freedom of speech, assembly and some other freedoms we took for granted prior to the coup.

And somehow they do earn your support ?

It boggles the mind.

Not being a fan of the "shins" I do see that democracy was alive and well when they held power in several terms, and guess what, they could even be out-voted as happend when the dems took power with the help of backroom deals with a banned politician from Buriram. But I guess that wasn't corrupting democracy as now the other side benefited biggrin.png

Edited by sjaak327
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"Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?" - Rubl.

You have thrown in your lot with a military junta who behave as they please and express support for anything and everything they do. This is your perogative, but do not have the effrontery to come on here and pontificate on democracy.

Single gateway, anyone?

Rubi is a supporter of oppression. The fact that he lectures people on democracy is comical. The problem is that he is a long time hater of Thaksin. His hatred has left him blinded and ignorant, He is now supporting a regime that is far worse than what he hated.

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"Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?" - Rubl.

You have thrown in your lot with a military junta who behave as they please and express support for anything and everything they do. This is your perogative, but do not have the effrontery to come on here and pontificate on democracy.

Single gateway, anyone?

Rubi is a supporter of oppression. The fact that he lectures people on democracy is comical. The problem is that he is a long time hater of Thaksin. His hatred has left him blinded and ignorant, He is now supporting a regime that is far worse than what he hated.

Exactly. Nothing more needs to be said. Defending the current regime has done his credibility no good whatsoever.

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"Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?" - Rubl.

You have thrown in your lot with a military junta who behave as they please and express support for anything and everything they do. This is your perogative, but do not have the effrontery to come on here and pontificate on democracy.

Single gateway, anyone?

Rubi is a supporter of oppression. The fact that he lectures people on democracy is comical. The problem is that he is a long time hater of Thaksin. His hatred has left him blinded and ignorant, He is now supporting a regime that is far worse than what he hated.

Exactly. Nothing more needs to be said. Defending the current regime has done his credibility no good whatsoever.

Don't worry the oppression loving back slapping we know better that the Thai crowd will be back soon. Rubi, scorecard et al. Let's not forget they think that they are far more intelligent than the Thais and know so much more than the Thais about how the country should be run. Do you know they spoke to a rice farmer once.

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"Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?" - Rubl.

You have thrown in your lot with a military junta who behave as they please and express support for anything and everything they do. This is your perogative, but do not have the effrontery to come on here and pontificate on democracy.

Single gateway, anyone?

Rubi is a supporter of oppression. The fact that he lectures people on democracy is comical. The problem is that he is a long time hater of Thaksin. His hatred has left him blinded and ignorant, He is now supporting a regime that is far worse than what he hated.

Exactly. Nothing more needs to be said. Defending the current regime has done his credibility no good whatsoever.

Don't worry the oppression loving back slapping we know better that the Thai crowd will be back soon. Rubi, scorecard et al. Let's not forget they think that they are far more intelligent than the Thais and know so much more than the Thais about how the country should be run. Do you know they spoke to a rice farmer once.

There is a big difference between thinking to know more and actually know more. For people that do have their eyes open, both sides have proven to be equally corrupt. The average Thai has long stopped being played for a fool, they will simply choose whoever is most likely to give them a few goodies or whoever they hate less.

All the <deleted> about education is laughable, the voters down south aren't any more clever than the average voter up north or in Issaan.

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So, the Shinawatras at it again. Obviously and clear for all to see out of the goodness in their hearts. To help the poor suppressed masses in Thailand, like they were helped before and remained poor.

Bread, games, elections. Make the people think they have a say in things. Thanks for voting and now please go home, your betters have things to do. Like frustrating democracy, for your benefit of course.

But it was democracy. The people got to choose their leader. You didn't like their choice but the people spoke. If the party that you didn't like in the Netherlands didn't win would you call for the army to take over.???

Of course you wouldn't, but here it doesn't matter because the Thais are not as good as you are they?


Anyway, a publicity drive to regain attention, to distract from awkward truths like the RPPS, maybe even to try to make young Oaf look better in the case he's been invited to explain.

Responsibility and accountability do not disappear through elections or publicity drives.

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"Let's try to have a democracy with people understanding both rights and duties. With people understanding they're being had by 'too rich to need to be corrupt' Amply Rich elite. Calendar anyone?" - Rubl.

You have thrown in your lot with a military junta who behave as they please and express support for anything and everything they do. This is your perogative, but do not have the effrontery to come on here and pontificate on democracy.

Single gateway, anyone?

Rubi is a supporter of oppression. The fact that he lectures people on democracy is comical. The problem is that he is a long time hater of Thaksin. His hatred has left him blinded and ignorant, He is now supporting a regime that is far worse than what he hated.

So where's your structured on topic points?

Or perhaps your a fan of a new gang of posters, all with one agenda, attack the poster strongly and try to make the poster look bad / look small.

Ultimately not much value.

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So, the Shinawatras at it again. Obviously and clear for all to see out of the goodness in their hearts. To help the poor suppressed masses in Thailand, like they were helped before and remained poor.

Bread, games, elections. Make the people think they have a say in things. Thanks for voting and now please go home, your betters have things to do. Like frustrating democracy, for your benefit of course.

But it was democracy. The people got to choose their leader. You didn't like their choice but the people spoke. If the party that you didn't like in the Netherlands didn't win would you call for the army to take over.???

Of course you wouldn't, but here it doesn't matter because the Thais are not as good as you are they?


Anyway, a publicity drive to regain attention, to distract from awkward truths like the RPPS, maybe even to try to make young Oaf look better in the case he's been invited to explain.

Responsibility and accountability do not disappear through elections or publicity drives.

They do however magically disappear through coups...

Edited by sjaak327
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So, the Shinawatras at it again. Obviously and clear for all to see out of the goodness in their hearts. To help the poor suppressed masses in Thailand, like they were helped before and remained poor.

Bread, games, elections. Make the people think they have a say in things. Thanks for voting and now please go home, your betters have things to do. Like frustrating democracy, for your benefit of course.

But it was democracy. The people got to choose their leader. You didn't like their choice but the people spoke. If the party that you didn't like in the Netherlands didn't win would you call for the army to take over.???

Of course you wouldn't, but here it doesn't matter because the Thais are not as good as you are they?


Anyway, a publicity drive to regain attention, to distract from awkward truths like the RPPS, maybe even to try to make young Oaf look better in the case he's been invited to explain.

Responsibility and accountability do not disappear through elections or publicity drives.

They di however magically disappear through coups...

Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

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They di however magically disappear through coups...

Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Edited by sjaak327
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They di however magically disappear through coups...

Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Excuses Sjaak327, of course I should have realised that in a topic on Shinawatra publicity stunts you were talking about the junta.

As for the snide personal attack, seems to go with the distraction required.

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They di however magically disappear through coups...

Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

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They di however magically disappear through coups...

Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Excuses Sjaak327, of course I should have realised that in a topic on Shinawatra publicity stunts you were talking about the junta.

As for the snide personal attack, seems to go with the distraction required.

As usual you choose to not address the issue. I believe the junta is everything but off topic. Look at the thread title for reference.

You're the pot calling the kettle black, rubl, the distraction is all your doing.

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5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

Of course someone asking for accountability and responsibility for ALL people invloved in Thailand's governement makes me a shin lover, a bit of a twisted mentality if you ask me.

I am sure the coup was NOT needed to bring accountability to Yingluck, the 2007 constitution had ample provisions to Ensure that.

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They di however magically disappear through coups...

Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

Everyone is accountable to the law

Not the Junta apparently who granted themselves Amnesty for past, current and futur actions they will take

But as long as they put in jail all the other ones (and by other ones i mean the Shin) it seems to be ok with you.

I am quite ok to have the Shins in trial, as long as the main goal the Junta gave for their coup is maintain : justice, close the gap and internal confrontation.

So far the Junta chased the Shins and what else?

About justice : abhisit and Suthep, can sleep well, no worries for them, they are on the good side of the fence.

Corruption? sorry not for this time, the RTP is still the same, the people complaining about corruption are "adjusted"

Censorship? Yes please much more

LM, yes please much more, and let's now included the pets in the law

Debt; Let's double, triple the military budget

Safety : let offer the offenders a reduction for new year...

You can't blame the Shin and praise this Junta without being out of your mind...I am sure you re not, right? right?

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She was P.M. of a government Elected by THE PEOPLE.

She was PM of a government selected and run by her brother and bought with the election promises.

She was removed from office in a case of 'conflict of interest' ('promoting' a person to make a position vacant for a relative). She's in court to explain why losing 500++ billion Baht isn't negligence. In a way she's ending up like Silvio Berlusconi.

bought with the election promises.

As do every one who want to be elected on democratic basis

She was removed from office by a coup, so not really the same as Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio had a fair trial (or two, or more) and I highly doubt it will be the case for Yingluk.

The thing is, in a democratic system, when the peole are not happy with a government, they simply not elect them in the next poll, and I am quite sure the scammed farmers wouldn't vote for thaksin one more time after the rice scam...but we will never know

"She was removed from office by a coup"

The BBC reported on 7th May 2014 that former-PM Yingluck, actually IIRC caretaker-PM Yingluck, was removed by the Constitutional Court.


The military coup took place on 22nd May 2014, some two weeks after she had been removed.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Thai_coup_d'%C3%A9tat from which the following ...

"On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court unanimously removed Yingluck and nine other senior ministers from office over the controversial transfer of a top security officer in 2011.[7][8] The remaining ministers selected Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan to replace Yingluck as caretaker prime minister as protests continued"

So it is thus wrong when anyone suggests that Yingluck, as an elected PM, was removed directly by a coup or by the later junta.

I must admit that, being out of the country during May, I had previously missed the bit about an interim caretaker-PM running things for a couple-of-weeks. rolleyes.gif

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Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Excuses Sjaak327, of course I should have realised that in a topic on Shinawatra publicity stunts you were talking about the junta.

As for the snide personal attack, seems to go with the distraction required.

As usual you choose to not address the issue. I believe the junta is everything but off topic. Look at the thread title for reference.

You're the pot calling the kettle black, rubl, the distraction is all your doing.

Your issue doesn't seem relevant in a Shinawatra publicity campaign. Of course you might be part of that campaign for all I care.

Shinawatras, elect us and be thanked. Your vote allows us to talk about responsibility and accountability without the need to take it serious. Even if someone dares to try we can still sue their pants off or simply state that "democracy died this day".

Not bad for a criminal fugitive who's getting impatient. Not bad for a family who let Thailand lose 500 billion Baht and let their 'political' party state to have paid out 870 billion Baht directly to 1.4 million rice farming families (out of 3.7 m eligible). Not bad for a former PM who had the state borrow a neighbouring country 2 billion Baht so they could buy services from his company. Not bad for some who are too rich to 'need' to be corrupt.

Publicity campaign, to let us not forget the outstanding bills, the outstanding accountability.

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Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

Everyone is accountable to the law

Not the Junta apparently who granted themselves Amnesty for past, current and futur actions they will take

But as long as they put in jail all the other ones (and by other ones i mean the Shin) it seems to be ok with you.

I am quite ok to have the Shins in trial, as long as the main goal the Junta gave for their coup is maintain : justice, close the gap and internal confrontation.

So far the Junta chased the Shins and what else?

About justice : abhisit and Suthep, can sleep well, no worries for them, they are on the good side of the fence.

Corruption? sorry not for this time, the RTP is still the same, the people complaining about corruption are "adjusted"

Censorship? Yes please much more

LM, yes please much more, and let's now included the pets in the law

Debt; Let's double, triple the military budget

Safety : let offer the offenders a reduction for new year...

You can't blame the Shin and praise this Junta without being out of your mind...I am sure you re not, right? right?

Typical 'but, but the others' response. Comparing apples and oranges. Some suggestions, some insinuations. Distractions.

Anything goes to protect the Shinawatras it would seem.

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As usual you choose to not address the issue. I believe the junta is everything but off topic. Look at the thread title for reference.

You're the pot calling the kettle black, rubl, the distraction is all your doing.

Your issue doesn't seem relevant in a Shinawatra publicity campaign. Of course you might be part of that campaign for all I care.

Shinawatras, elect us and be thanked. Your vote allows us to talk about responsibility and accountability without the need to take it serious. Even if someone dares to try we can still sue their pants off or simply state that "democracy died this day".

Not bad for a criminal fugitive who's getting impatient. Not bad for a family who let Thailand lose 500 billion Baht and let their 'political' party state to have paid out 870 billion Baht directly to 1.4 million rice farming families (out of 3.7 m eligible). Not bad for a former PM who had the state borrow a neighbouring country 2 billion Baht so they could buy services from his company. Not bad for some who are too rich to 'need' to be corrupt.

Publicity campaign, to let us not forget the outstanding bills, the outstanding accountability.

My issue is relevant to your post. where you were crying for accountability and responsibility for people that operated under a valid constitution and were covered by check and balances provided by that constitution. They did so with a clear electoral mandate, again within the boundaries for said constitution.

I simply ask for the very same accountability and reponsibility for the current lot. (who just as Thaksin broke the law, but will never be labelled criminal, despite the fact that they most certainly are).

But yet, you seem to attempt to bypass this issue, whilst at the same time repeating your Thaksin hatred. We already got the message, the Thai electorate will decide if that publicity drive will yield enough votes to be part of the next government.

It does not register in your mind rubl ? The current lot are not an inch better, have drafted their own constitution, with an amnesty clause Yingluck could only dream off, all this without any electoral mandate.

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