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3 missing Americans in Baghdad kidnapped from brothel


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3 missing Americans in Baghdad kidnapped from brothel
Source: Xinhua

BAGHDAD, Jan. 19 (Xinhua) -- Three American contractors went missing in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad were kidnapped from a brothel apartment, while Iraqi security forces carried out a search operation, security sources said on Monday.

Brigadier General Saad Maan, spokesman of Baghdad Operations Command, told reporters here that the three persons with U.S. citizenship were kidnapped while they were inside a brothel apartment in al-Saha neighborhood in Doura district.

Iraqi security forces have carried out a search campaign in the surrounding neighborhoods, looking for the kidnapped, while an investigation has been launched into the incident, said Maan whose command is responsible for security in the Iraqi capital.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-01/18/c_135021149.htm

-- Xinhua 2016-01-19

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The additional info as to where they were kidnapped from, might rule the wives out as a source of ransom funds. They might want to stay in the safety of the kidnappers instead of going home to face the wrath of the women folk.

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Not the wisest decision the guys have ever made.

Going to a brothel in a country where the USA and UK are hated and despised. Crime and murder rates are still running and epidemic levels

An accident waiting to happen!

Let's hope they get them back and quickly!

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I don't think being kidnapped is really funny.

Have you heard of the phrase "Som num na"?

I mean how <deleted> stupid are they?

I don't think they were particularly stupid - they could also have been blown up in a café while having breakfast or by a roadside bomb. Why is going to a brothel particularly stupid?

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I don't think being kidnapped is really funny.

Have you heard of the phrase "Som num na"?

I mean how <deleted> stupid are they?

I don't think they were particularly stupid - they could also have been blown up in a café while having breakfast or by a roadside bomb. Why is going to a brothel particularly stupid?

You really need to ask?

Do you think contractors just live in condos scattered around Baghdad? (If they do, they really are <deleted> stupid!).


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Brothel? Surely this must be a misprint...everyone knows that Muslims would never allow this into their culture of the highest morals...they prefer to go to western countries where those infidels have so much wicked fun...to do the deed...

Edited by ggt
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I don't think being kidnapped is really funny.

Have you heard of the phrase "Som num na"?

I mean how <deleted> stupid are they?

I don't think they were particularly stupid - they could also have been blown up in a café while having breakfast or by a roadside bomb. Why is going to a brothel particularly stupid?


What we all want to hear is what your definition of stupid is. It should be a blinder, come on tell us.........pleeeeeease!

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The story I read said it was not a brothel. Apparently that was just a fake headline to gain readership.

One of them was a female and they were kidnapped while at her apartment. Since some of locals refer to any place a foreign female lives as a "Brothel" the newsies decided that was close enough to publish it as fact.

Of course maybe the story I read is all made up also.

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