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British MPs debate Trump ban, label him 'crazy,' a 'buffoon,' a 'wazzock'


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Trump will be elected by the U.S. Voters as President of the United States... sorry Brits can fume and bluster but they cannot vote in America

Sometime mid to late in 2017 President will be received by the Queen of England...

America will remain the eternal partner and defender of Great Britain as it has for many many years. Much American blood was shed defending the Brits in WWII. The Brits were valiant but they did not have the War Machine - America did and gave if freely. Such short memories.

Trump is brash as Americans often are and despite the animosity Trump will pledge to be the ever partner and defender of Great Britain.

But I suppose you Brits would want to honor Obama - the fellow who sent back the bust of Churchill in a fit of disdain ...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Shooting the messenger because the message is deemed unacceptable. Well, I suppose that is one way to deal with the situation. Trump claimed recently that parts of England were no-go zones for whites. David Cameron tore strips off him, and claimed he was lying, racist whatever insult you fancy. Hours later English police confirmed that he was right, that many areas are off limits even for police(unless they have prior permission from muslim elders in the community). The whole situation is outrageous.

Trump is the one man that might just save the ethnic white from being bred into extinction as a punishment for being too successful.

IMHO as a Brit if DonaldTrump is the last hope for the white western world then there is little hope at all for mankind in general.

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I must confess the the term "wazzock" is new to me ...

West country, by the sound of it ... yet I'm from Devon, but haven't heard it, either.

Google is your friend.


origin - Northern England

An idiot or daft person

Ahh yer g'ert wazzock
Mild insult, one who is foolish, one who has made an arse of themselves, one who is rather daft.
'person x is a pompous wazzock'
The link has more explantions.
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Trump and Palin? They make good pair. Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello were better.coffee1.gif

Whom ever get elected president in the US will still be The Leader of The Nation That is number one in the free world.



Man on horse

Many years ago see

Running water



Must be place


Called place


Now do you understand?

Hope you do, as I typed this, I have no idea what it about!

As do 90% of TVF posters.

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I don't think Trump is crazy OR stupid but I wouldn't say the same thing about most of his Trumpers. Yes, Trump says many crazy and stupid things but he's smart enough to know that gets him support.

Unfortunately for the world Trump is a genius and a narcissist.

Best selling writer, billionaire to brankrupcy to billionaire etc etc. Hes no idiot,let alone average intelligence with over 30 years of media and showboating exp

Everyone underestimates Trump and he knows and has used it to the max.

Only problem with this guy is the conflicts arnt going to scale down if he wins but up.. he has been consistent with what he wants to do with the military..

Expand and increase the size of it ............................

Is he worse than Obama or Clinton ?

I dont see how he can be, Obama sold more arms in his first 6mths in office than bush did his entire two terms..... and Cliton... well what to say about the bitch whos married to a whore-monger and both are damaged goods for credibility ...

Kennedy's, Bushes now its the Clitons. Talk about desperate for a thier own royal family If the US pick Cliton then it'll be hard or ever take an American seriously about anything again

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Hours later English police confirmed that he was right, that many areas are off limits even for police(unless they have prior permission from muslim elders in the community). The whole situation is outrageous.

There are no areas that are off limits for police, nor do they need anyone's permission.

It's unattributed nonsense from the usual right wing storytellers. Usually: "A policeman said"; ""Rob", who works for the Met Police", etc.

A Lancashire Police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, told MailOnline: 'There are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission'.

Lancashire Constabulary have subsequently stated that such a claim is without foundation.

Make a mental note:

When you see "Daily Express", "Daily Mail", "The Sun", etc., you can take it all with a very healthy pinch of salt.

A core part of the UK opposition to Trump comes from the supporters of the clown leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn, their newspaper of choice limp rag The Guardian.

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I want to see Donald trump be the next president of America then these buffoons in Parliament will have to do some suckering up. The UK doesn't have any decent party or politicians. Not one represents and wants the best for British people.

I think that you are right,,,They haven't got the guts themselves to stand up so they attack the one who will and can do the job to keep his Country as safe as possible,,,They are Jealous & Pissweak politicians ,,,

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I must confess the the term "wazzock" is new to me ...

West country, by the sound of it ... yet I'm from Devon, but haven't heard it, either.

I've heard it around Lincolnshire.

Popular around Cheshire.

An ex-military colleague used to use it, too.

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Actually more Americans were killed in the revolutionary war than British. Not sure how many the French, Spanish and Dutch lost coming to the revolutionarys aid.

Technically, that's not exactly correct. There was no USA until after the Revolutionary War, so they were still considered by King George to be subjects of the British Crowne. Treasonous subjects, but subjects nonetheless.

Trump certainly is a colorful and inflammatory orator, but I don't quite think what he said rises to the level of hate speech.

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A number of US citizens commenting who conveniently ignore the fact the US has a similar petition arrangement, though a different decision making process. Anyone recall the petition calling for Piers Morgan to be removed from the US?

US citizens are able to file petitions on the White House website. If they collect at least 25,000 signatures within 30 days the White House is obliged to issue a response.

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Trump is everything the British Parliament has described him as. America is fully deserving of him as their new president.

I tend to agree, as an American. He is representative of how low the entire political process has gone. National office no longer attracts the best and the brightest. Who would want to be president? What a horrific job it is, when you really break it down. Only an egomaniacal man like Trump would find that appealing. Though, none of us know what his larger agenda is. No doubt, he wants to be the most famous man on earth. But, beyond that? I honestly believe he is a dictator in waiting. I do not trust him for a nanosecond. I think he is a bit insane, and his anger and venom would not lend itself to a balanced discussion of the issues. I think he would seriously consider bombing other nations just because he could. Personally he scares me.

The Brits are right on one count. He is definitely a nut job.

Having said all that, the lack of talent on the ticket, on both sides is an astonishing thing to witness.

Edited by spidermike007
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A number of US citizens commenting who conveniently ignore the fact the US has a similar petition arrangement, though a different decision making process. Anyone recall the petition calling for Piers Morgan to be removed from the US?

US citizens are able to file petitions on the White House website. If they collect at least 25,000 signatures within 30 days the White House is obliged to issue a response.

A current petition is for Obama to appear on the Bill Maher show before he leaves office. I don't think there will be a debate, just a nice response like we have received the petition and it is being reviewed.

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Hours later English police confirmed that he was right, that many areas are off limits even for police(unless they have prior permission from muslim elders in the community). The whole situation is outrageous.

There are no areas that are off limits for police, nor do they need anyone's permission.

It's unattributed nonsense from the usual right wing storytellers. Usually: "A policeman said"; ""Rob", who works for the Met Police", etc.

A Lancashire Police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, told MailOnline: 'There are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission'.

Lancashire Constabulary have subsequently stated that such a claim is without foundation.

Make a mental note:

When you see "Daily Express", "Daily Mail", "The Sun", etc., you can take it all with a very healthy pinch of salt.

A core part of the UK opposition to Trump comes from the supporters of the clown leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn, their newspaper of choice limp rag The Guardian.

As a reminder of their accuracy, in the days of the printing press they got their own name wrong. The Grauniad
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Actually more Americans were killed in the revolutionary war than British. Not sure how many the French, Spanish and Dutch lost coming to the revolutionarys aid.

Technically, that's not exactly correct. There was no USA until after the Revolutionary War, so they were still considered by King George to be subjects of the British Crowne. Treasonous subjects, but subjects nonetheless.

Trump certainly is a colorful and inflammatory orator, but I don't quite think what he said rises to the level of hate speech.


The revolutionists were largely British, revolting against their king.

Paul Revere did not shout 'The British are coming'. He shouted 'The regulars are coming'.

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Trump is everything the British Parliament has described him as. America is fully deserving of him as their new president.

I tend to agree, as an American. He is representative of how low the entire political process has gone. National office no longer attracts the best and the brightest. Who would want to be president? What a horrific job it is, when you really break it down. Only an egomaniacal man like Trump would find that appealing. Though, none of us know what his larger agenda is. No doubt, he wants to be the most famous man on earth. But, beyond that? I honestly believe he is a dictator in waiting. I do not trust him for a nanosecond. I think he is a bit insane, and his anger and venom would not lend itself to a balanced discussion of the issues. I think he would seriously consider bombing other nations just because he could. Personally he scares me.

The Brits are right on one count. He is definitely a nut job.

Having said all that, the lack of talent on the ticket, on both sides is an astonishing thing to witness.

" I think he is a bit insane, and his anger and venom would not lend itself to a balanced discussion of the issues.'

Do you honestly feel your posts on Trump can lead to a balanced discussion of the issues?

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