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Phuket raid on Paradise Beach home nets weapons of war arsenal

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Phuket raid on Paradise Beach home nets weapons of war arsenal
Saroj Kueprasertkij


PHUKET: -- Armed with search warrants, a police task force of at least 27 law-enforcement officers today (Jan 20) arrested a man after an arsenal of firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition were found at his home near Paradise Beach, on the headland south of Patong.

Officers led by Lt Col Sutthichai Tienpo of the Kathu Police placed Sompong Sakultab under arrest at a home on Meun-ngern Rd, near the entrance to Paradise Beach.

At the home, police seized two M16 assault rifles; one .357 calibre rifle; a shotgun; a Sig Sauer 9mm handgun; one long and two short suppressors (“silencers”); two bulletproof vests and over 900 rounds of ammunition.

Col Sutthichai explained to The Phuket News that the raid followed reports of heavy gunfire near the entrance of Paradise Beach at about 9pm on December 25.

“During our ensuing investigation, we found that on that same afternoon (before the gunfire) a man had filed a complaint to the Kathu Police reporting that he had some problem with Sompong over ownership of a plot of land at the entrance of Paradise Beach,” Col Sutthichai said.

“We also found that Mr Sompong had been involved in a previous the land encroachment case and was considered an ‘influential man’ in the area,” Col Sutthichai said, but declined to name the man who had filed the complaint.

Full Story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-raid-on-paradise-beach-home-nets-weapons-of-war-arsenal-55857.php

-- Phuket News 2016-01-20


" was considered an ‘influential man’ in the area "

looks like he did not pay enough to stay influential tongue.png

Let's see what kind of conviction he receives. It would be nice to read the follow ups of this story.


the raid followed reports of heavy gunfire near the entrance of Paradise Beach at about 9pm on December 25.

It's nice to see that the police gave nearly one month of time to Mr. Sompong, so he had a chance to remove his collection.

It's also nice to see that Mr. Sompong had no idea what to do in that time period.

Note to police: If you allow a perp the time to clean up his mess, you should also provide instructions on how to do it. Not all perps are created equal and some of those masterminds need special assistance. thumbsup.gif


the raid followed reports of heavy gunfire near the entrance of Paradise Beach at about 9pm on December 25.

It's nice to see that the police gave nearly one month of time to Mr. Sompong, so he had a chance to remove his collection.

It's also nice to see that Mr. Sompong had no idea what to do in that time period.

Note to police: If you allow a perp the time to clean up his mess, you should also provide instructions on how to do it. Not all perps are created equal and some of those masterminds need special assistance. thumbsup.gif

Gun battles in the streets!!! wow what a place this is becoming, no concerns over stray bullets hitting innocents, this is a serious matter and if it happened in any civilized country you would be in for many years in prison.

Despicable , disgusting and shamefull idiots toting guns around and having gun battles in the streets.

If they are not locked away for many tears then this is another big black cloud over the regime.


" was considered an ‘influential man’ in the area "

looks like he did not pay enough to stay influential tongue.png

Let's see what kind of conviction he receives. It would be nice to read the follow ups of this story.

You only get snapshots and snippets of news here. No stories seem to gather any kind of legs to focus ones attention on. He will more than likely be touted as a Redshirt storing a cache of arms to overthrow the "legal" system in place.


" was considered an ‘influential man’ in the area "

looks like he did not pay enough to stay influential tongue.png

Let's see what kind of conviction he receives. It would be nice to read the follow ups of this story.

You only get snapshots and snippets of news here. No stories seem to gather any kind of legs to focus ones attention on. He will more than likely be touted as a Redshirt storing a cache of arms to overthrow the "legal" system in place.

No redshirts in the deep south, only mafia.


the raid followed reports of heavy gunfire near the entrance of Paradise Beach at about 9pm on December 25.

It's nice to see that the police gave nearly one month of time to Mr. Sompong, so he had a chance to remove his collection.

It's also nice to see that Mr. Sompong had no idea what to do in that time period.

Note to police: If you allow a perp the time to clean up his mess, you should also provide instructions on how to do it. Not all perps are created equal and some of those masterminds need special assistance. thumbsup.gif

He cannot be a real Mr Big. The REAL big guys are smarter than that. Excepting of course if he overestimated his face size and thought he was immune to search. Or, another thought; he moved them back home after a few weeks, when he figured it was safe. In which case we were both underestimating the BIB!!!



That's a serious weapon and i'd like to hear where he got them.

This isn't a gun that's easy to come by.

It's scary to think there is weapons like this on the streets of Phuket.


Looks like some people need to heed the posts of the Moderators and Stay on topic

Many Troll / Flaming / Off Topic posts hidden

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This says a lot as to why Paradise beach is one of the remaining few beaches that charge entry fees. The guy is influential and the amount of guns proves it. Its one of the nicest in Phuket actually.


What did the guy want silencers for? Sounds a silly question but begs an answer

Could be he didn't want to disturb the neighbors? gigglem.gif


What did the guy want silencers for? Sounds a silly question but begs an answer

Could be he didn't want to disturb the neighbors? gigglem.gif

Obvious answer, didn't want to disturb the neighbors when he was shooting mosquito's


What did the guy want silencers for? Sounds a silly question but begs an answer

Could be he didn't want to disturb the neighbors? gigglem.gif

Obvious answer, didn't want to disturb the neighbors when he was shooting mosquito's

Maybe, but if I was huntin' mozzies' I would want a much larger calibre and greater

rate of fire than anything he had in his arsenal biggrin.png


Man arrested in possession of numerous war weapons
Kritsada Mueanhawong


PHUKET: -- A Phuket man was arrested in possession of war weapons and related paraphernalia at his home in Patong yesterday.

Police were sent to the residence of Sompong Sakoonthap after several complaints were made last month about the sound of gunshots coming from his home, confirmed Lt Col Sutthichai Thianpo of the Patong Police

“After a month long investigation, we obtained a search warrant to check Mr Sompong’s house, which was located near a 3-rai rubber plantation on the way to Paradise Beach,” Col Sutthichai said. “Inside a safe we found a 9mm pistol, 466 9mm bullets, a Marlin firearm, a bullet holder, six bullet proof vests and various other bullets.”

Full Story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Man-arrested-possession-numerous-war-weapons/62931?desktopversion#ad-image-0

-- Phuket Gazette 2016-01-21


Hell, my next door neighbor in Arizona has a heck of a lot more weapons than that. pfffttt.

But Thailand has much stricter gun laws than Arizona - that's why he has been arraested.


Hell, my next door neighbor in Arizona has a heck of a lot more weapons than that. pfffttt.

No civilian should possess war weapons. In any country.

?How many influential people in other provinces can get weapons this easy? With hindsight; when the King dies how many years will it be before civil war breaks out, with a large percentage of soldiers willing to mutiny, as most of them come from the north and north eastern provinces? An inbuilt undercurrent is simmering away waiting to explode. Because different political factions do not accept each others legitimacy, regardless of which constitution is in place. The outcome of such a scenario could be Bangkok becoming a city state with the south and the rest of the country power based in the north in Chiang Mai with a King still head of state for all Thailand It was the military that imposed democracy in 1932 and after 19 coups it has not worked. So it must be time to hand absolute power back to a monarchy with democratic advisers. The endless number of military coups of the military yellow shirts, means as people become more educated they will not tolerate many more coups. How many other people are stock piling weapons?

I do not think there will be a long and drawn out civil war, like Syria, for example, but I would not be surprised if there was an "Arab Spring" Egypt style uprising here in the future.

The only way to stop it would be to keep the North of Thailand happy with some prosperity, the problem is, with prosperity, people demand representation. The days of keeping people in the north in the dark, without a voice, and poor, are over.

Thus, as you suggest, the two worlds within Thailand will collide. The wealthy Thai elite in power can no longer ignore their poor northern citizens, after all, they also vote.

The Army Generals in Myanmar held the country together through oppression and fear.

Those in power here will have to appeal to what controls Thai's the most, in order to hold the country together, that is, MONEY.

Historically, the spread of money across Thailand has been extremely unequal. If that doesn't start to change soon, Thailand could really destabilize, causing boarders to close.

Of course, to say such a thing a few years ago you would have been ridiculed - now, I'm not so sure.

The disguise of bringing "peace and happiness" to Thailand can only last so long before ALL Thai's demand equality.


Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

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