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Will Smith joins Oscars boycott, says he won't attend


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You say this as a white liberal left PC male.

Should the Oscar nominations be based on talent and content or on racial profiling to achieve diversity. With places reserved not only for Afro-Americans but Latinos, Asian, Native Americans, Arabs, Eskimos; and then some for Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, etc; men, women, homosexuals, transgenders etc etc etc.

Or do you prefer just the Afro-Americans to receive special treatment.

Stuff the idea of picking the best. And if a white person should win, omg, must be racist and require endless debate and protest.

Of course it couldn't be sour grapes from the talentless Mrs Smith that her average husband and very average son haven't been nominated somehow? Or her desire that they be elevates to one of Hollywood's leading dynasties where anyone who doesn't recognize all they do as mega talent is vilified and pilloried as racist? Notice she only mentions Afro-Americans and speaks as though she is some kind of authority higher than the academy members on deciding what's best.

Pathetic. The constant use of the race card by some every time they aren't treated specially or given the prize.

You are so very incorrect. Here you go jumping to conclusions, yet again. I am not a leftist. And I am alot of things, but I have NEVER been called PC. I am about as politically incorrect as they come! I could give a rats ass about political correctness. But, I do care about talent. And there are alot of black and latino talents out there. A lot. The fact that they are rarely nominated by the oscars, yet often nominated by the peoples choice awards, the critics choices awards, the screen actors guild, the golden globes, and others, tells me all I need to know about the Academy. They are bought and paid for. They are about as impartial, and as fair as Donald Trump.

There is no race card here. I am not a black man. I am just a huge fan of cinema, and like alot of black, latino and asian actors and actresses, filmmakers, directors, cinematographers, make up artists, production designers, writers, editors, musicians, etc. I am often astonished at how infrequently they are nominated. That is all this is about. Make it a race issue, if that makes you happy.

I agree with you that there are many talented people in every race, nationality and gender.

But what I dont understand is this, Were there some black actors or filmmakers, directors etc who deserved, but were not because of their race?

This is a honest question that no one has answered yet. You knowing a lot more about the movies than I do can perhaps answer this.

I certainly believe so. Just a small list of a few that I think deserved nominations:

Michael B. Jordan for his performance in Creed.

Idris Elba for his performance in Beasts of No Nation.

Abraham Attah for supporting actor in Beasts of No Nation.

F. Gary Grey for direction of Straight Outta Compton. ( I believe this film might have been nominated for best picture, if it were not for its portrayal of hip-hop, and the song f+++ the police). It was probably too incendiary for the PC crowd on the academy committee.

Jason Mitchell for his performance in Straight Outta Compton.

Ryan Coogler for his direction of Creed.

Benicio del Toro for supporting actor in Sicario.

Possibly Spike Lee for direction of Chi-Raq.

Possibly Will Smith for his performance in Concussion.

There were others. But, these stand out.

Granted, Al Pacino acting in the Godfather II, lost to Art Carney in Harry and Tonto, so you can make an argument that the judgment of the academy has often been tainted by considerations other than talent alone. And Stallone was the only one nominated for Creed, though there was alot of black talent working on the film. However, when the voters are 94% white, 76% men, and are an average of 63 years old, issues of racism and cultural understanding aren't imaginary, but very real. I do realize some of these films featuring black actors were not as widely seen as some of the other, bigger films this past year. And I will admit that the number of outstanding performances by people of color were less than normal. But to have nominated zero seems a bit of an admission that a problem exists, within the academy membership, in my humble opinion.

Please don't accuse me of hating my white race. Nothing could be further from the truth. I consider myself to be fairly open minded and don't have a racist bone in my body. I like all sorts of people, and have dear friends that are black, latino, asian, etc. It just gets under my skin when I see something like this, that appears to me, to be so blatantly closed minded and reeking of favoritism.

If that's the case then you have a legitimate concern.

I dont believe it is so much racism, I dont think those in the Academy are racist , but different races , tend to live with in their cultures for the most part, so I believe it has more to do with cultural bias. All constituencies of a community, in this case film community, should have proportional representation . Having said that, I dont think it would make much difference. because of it's proportionality it will also be a minority position. But it will give more legitimacy on the results.,

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I never watch the Oscars. It`s all fake, the rich mob done up to the nines, good old mates together giving themselves a pat on the back and telling each other how great they are.

Do enjoy some of their films but in reality I hate most of those my s**t don`t stink people. Don`t have the stomach to watch those shows.

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So, to accuse this man of preaching hatred as a rapper, is like saying that Gandhi preached warfare, or Jerry Seinfeld preached revolution, or Churchill preached pacifism. You are so far off base here.

I can top that. I once had someone tell me that Metallica was "n****r music". Granted, he's in his early 70's but even old racists should know heavy metal is about as white as it gets.

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I never watch the Oscars. It`s all fake, the rich mob done up to the nines, good old mates together giving themselves a pat on the back and telling each other how great they are.

Do enjoy some of their films but in reality I hate most of those my s**t don`t stink people. Don`t have the stomach to watch those shows.

To each his own. I always watch the Oscars, but seldom see the films.

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So the race/color of the nominees has to be diverse............just so that there is diversity?

Yes...don't have to earn it in the USA anymore. Just expect to have jobs, awards, scholarships, special treatment, etc bestowed upon oneself because of non-white skin color. 1zgarz5.gif

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I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

You say this as a white liberal left PC male.

Should the Oscar nominations be based on talent and content or on racial profiling to achieve diversity. With places reserved not only for Afro-Americans but Latinos, Asian, Native Americans, Arabs, Eskimos; and then some for Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, etc; men, women, homosexuals, transgenders etc etc etc.

Or do you prefer just the Afro-Americans to receive special treatment.

Stuff the idea of picking the best. And if a white person should win, omg, must be racist and require endless debate and protest.

Of course it couldn't be sour grapes from the talentless Mrs Smith that her average husband and very average son haven't been nominated somehow? Or her desire that they be elevates to one of Hollywood's leading dynasties where anyone who doesn't recognize all they do as mega talent is vilified and pilloried as racist? Notice she only mentions Afro-Americans and speaks as though she is some kind of authority higher than the academy members on deciding what's best.

Pathetic. The constant use of the race card by some every time they aren't treated specially or given the prize.

Nice to agree with you for a change Bb, even if you do talk blx most of the time.

You've never spoken to me to how do you know? Still, facts and reality don't usually form part of your posts. At least you've shown intelligence on agreeing for once.tongue.png

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You are so very incorrect. Here you go jumping to conclusions, yet again. I am not a leftist. And I am alot of things, but I have NEVER been called PC. I am about as politically incorrect as they come! I could give a rats ass about political correctness. But, I do care about talent. And there are alot of black and latino talents out there. A lot. The fact that they are rarely nominated by the oscars, yet often nominated by the peoples choice awards, the critics choices awards, the screen actors guild, the golden globes, and others, tells me all I need to know about the Academy. They are bought and paid for. They are about as impartial, and as fair as Donald Trump.

There is no race card here. I am not a black man. I am just a huge fan of cinema, and like alot of black, latino and asian actors and actresses, filmmakers, directors, cinematographers, make up artists, production designers, writers, editors, musicians, etc. I am often astonished at how infrequently they are nominated. That is all this is about. Make it a race issue, if that makes you happy.

I agree with you that there are many talented people in every race, nationality and gender.

But what I dont understand is this, Were there some black actors or filmmakers, directors etc who deserved, but were not because of their race?

This is a honest question that no one has answered yet. You knowing a lot more about the movies than I do can perhaps answer this.

I certainly believe so. Just a small list of a few that I think deserved nominations:

Michael B. Jordan for his performance in Creed.

Idris Elba for his performance in Beasts of No Nation.

Abraham Attah for supporting actor in Beasts of No Nation.

F. Gary Grey for direction of Straight Outta Compton. ( I believe this film might have been nominated for best picture, if it were not for its portrayal of hip-hop, and the song f+++ the police). It was probably too incendiary for the PC crowd on the academy committee.

Jason Mitchell for his performance in Straight Outta Compton.

Ryan Coogler for his direction of Creed.

Benicio del Toro for supporting actor in Sicario.

Possibly Spike Lee for direction of Chi-Raq.

Possibly Will Smith for his performance in Concussion.

There were others. But, these stand out.

Granted, Al Pacino acting in the Godfather II, lost to Art Carney in Harry and Tonto, so you can make an argument that the judgment of the academy has often been tainted by considerations other than talent alone. And Stallone was the only one nominated for Creed, though there was alot of black talent working on the film. However, when the voters are 94% white, 76% men, and are an average of 63 years old, issues of racism and cultural understanding aren't imaginary, but very real. I do realize some of these films featuring black actors were not as widely seen as some of the other, bigger films this past year. And I will admit that the number of outstanding performances by people of color were less than normal. But to have nominated zero seems a bit of an admission that a problem exists, within the academy membership, in my humble opinion.

Please don't accuse me of hating my white race. Nothing could be further from the truth. I consider myself to be fairly open minded and don't have a racist bone in my body. I like all sorts of people, and have dear friends that are black, latino, asian, etc. It just gets under my skin when I see something like this, that appears to me, to be so blatantly closed minded and reeking of favoritism.

Everyone is entitles to their opinion. Yours in just that, same as mine. Neither of us are members of the Academy so it ain't don't make a monkey's chuff of a difference.

However, whilst I might not agree with their list of nominations, or agree with their choice of winner, I don't make accusations of racial bias, nor do I then narrow that down to one particular racial group and state that that particular racial group must be better represented, regardless of talent, ability or performance in the interests of diversity.

African-Americans are the one racial group who continually bleat on about discrimination, demand special (not equal) treatment and privileges, and are themselves often very racist when it comes to any other racial group. Imagine if a white director referred to the NBA as being "midnight black" - there would be massive condemnation. But it's o k for a black director to use the term "lily white" in a derogatory racist fashion.

Tackle racism for sure. But not by allowing one group to use that as their answer (and excuse) for everything and then act as racists themselves.

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Concussion was a crap film Will.

Yes, but the talentless Mrs Smith probably wants a new career as an Academy member and black rights activist, as she ain't getting any acting jobs. Then she can help push her average ability husband and less than average but beneficiary of nepotism son onto the awards lists. And claim it's good for diversity and pretending it's all down to their wonderful talent.

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A racist doesn't usually marry an Asian, I say it how it is, these type of people only cause resentment, plus as an actor both him and his wife are talent less, they will only increase racial hatred in America and cause more blacks to get shot.

Look not to start a pissing contest. Why dont you read about Will Smith


You dont get a racial pass just because you might be married to an Asian.

In you opinion you think him and his wife is talentless. Just because its your opinion, does not make it fact.

Please let me know how you gather your assumptions about how those two individuals will cause more black people in the US to "get shot"

I like a couple of will Smith films but I haven't seen this new American football film but I doubt he is that good in it I don't think his acting ability is up there with the greats

But I do think Idris Elba Is great and should have been nominated, also the guy who played easy e and the guy from creed was better then matt Damon in The Martian so there is some bulshit going on, however there probably was some other white actors who should have been nominated before them too,Tom Hardy for one for legend the film was shit but his acting was superb and he was good in mad max as well and Gary Oldman should get nominated every time he dose a film and should have won it at least once

Spike Lee calling for quotas is a joke that will ruin it forever, seriously who wants to be nominated for an Oscar just because of quotes it's not fair on the people who miss out that year

The Oscars need to have more ethnic judges then we will get a fair share of ethnic people

Also the problem is Hollywood's not casting enough good black black actors but I bet will smith is not going to boycott Hollywood is he

A racist doesn't usually marry an Asian, I say it how it is, these type of people only cause resentment, plus as an actor both him and his wife are talent less, they will only increase racial hatred in America and cause more blacks to get shot.

Look not to start a pissing contest. Why dont you read about Will Smith


You dont get a racial pass just because you might be married to an Asian.

In you opinion you think him and his wife is talentless. Just because its your opinion, does not make it fact.

Please let me know how you gather your assumptions about how those two individuals will cause more black people in the US to "get shot"

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk Edited by juice777
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Will is making a total fool of himself. Many blacks have won

many academy awards, it just so happened this year there

were no serious black contenders. Sort of sad to see him

suck up to his moronic wife and follow her boycott. And in

the future , I certainly hope that the Academy will in essence

boycott him by no longer allowing him to attend....

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So the race/color of the nominees has to be diverse............just so that there is diversity?

Of course not. That is certainly not what I am saying. All I am saying is that if the person of color deserves the nomination, nominate him or her. Don't avoid doing so out of habit, fear, or preference due to your political or business allegiances. Something like 94% of the academy members are white. Who do you think they vote for? And what is the makeup of the audience?

In order for your position to be objective it must first be conceded that the lack of nominations of black people are a result of "habit, fear... preference..." etc. This is the subjective deduction upon which your position rests, otherwise its a naked call for quotas. While on the one hand you do not seem to condone quotas, it also seems you do. This might just be because you intuitively feel there is a problem and describing it is not so easy- for any of us. Regardless, you do seem to advocate quotas.

However, the easiest explanation is usually the correct one. This issue, with a constituency of the most liberal group of people in the US (Hollywood), would not on any day suggest racism or preference of habit or fear, rather that there were no black nominees because there were better selections irrespective of race. Without question the entire mechanics of this debacle is to once again use race as a hammer to kowtow white people into a guilt for a crime they did not commit, to make concessions for something no white person alive has taken from another. This 'hostage-taking' action is not unique or extraordinary. This Rainbow-Coalition-type social lawfare has been projected by militant black racists under the cover of we are victims for- years. Chris Rock captured the issue best with his tweet, or whatever it was, when he noted the Oscars are the White BET awards. This tongue in cheek poke at the issue also reveals the dark underbelly of the problem- that only blacks are permitted to be exclusionary in the US. In fact, its better stated that only Whites are not permitted to be exclusionary in the US any longer.

Screaming "racism" as many do, perpetuates and nurtures the aura of victim-hood and seeks to extract rewards from those charged, and always to alter access to jobs, money, loans,etc. When it was no longer possible to hold white people in America accountable for the stains of their ancestors (Corruption of Blood) the tactics changed to the amorphous, subjective social indictment that seeks to pressure companies and personally attack people into silence with the indictment of "racism." This stain is now so broad white people are routinely guilty for just being born. [They] call this White Guilt. The self evident fact that it exists, they charge, is as clear as it is impossible for black people to be racist- See White Guilt. This is the circular logic of the racial politics of America.

Equality in opportunity has not been the goal for a very long time. The goal is and has been equality in outcomes. Welcome the Balkanization of Progressivism- "its not the end, rather the means."


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