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Mama instant noodle sale drops to record low in 44 years


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Mama is a brand that has rejected innovation and improvement at every turn. When the trend is toward healthier, Mama has done NOTHING. Their noodles are still fried, and loaded up with too much salt, and tons of MSG. Moroheiya, and some of the other brands are far, far superior products. Mama continues to embrace mediocrity, as if it was their mantra, with zero regard to health, or healthy alternatives. They deserve to lose market share. They are about as innovative as Thai Air and Prayuth.

It is amazing, how one guy many year ago,made a comment that he felt ill after eating a meal. He questioned that maybe it was too much salt, or maybe MSG. Not one government health agency in the world has ever said MSG was bad, even to this day. I could care less whether or not you want to use it or not, but find a compelling reason first please, not an off the wall comment that your neighbors friend down the street told you after a secret handshake. The USDA in the states can not find any scientific proof that it causes any problems. Look it up.
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Mama is a brand that has rejected innovation and improvement at every turn. When the trend is toward healthier, Mama has done NOTHING. Their noodles are still fried, and loaded up with too much salt, and tons of MSG. Moroheiya, and some of the other brands are far, far superior products. Mama continues to embrace mediocrity, as if it was their mantra, with zero regard to health, or healthy alternatives. They deserve to lose market share. They are about as innovative as Thai Air and Prayuth.

It is amazing, how one guy many year ago,made a comment that he felt ill after eating a meal. He questioned that maybe it was too much salt, or maybe MSG. Not one government health agency in the world has ever said MSG was bad, even to this day. I could care less whether or not you want to use it or not, but find a compelling reason first please, not an off the wall comment that your neighbors friend down the street told you after a secret handshake. The USDA in the states can not find any scientific proof that it causes any problems. Look it up.

There have been countless studies done, that prove the harmful effects of MSG. Do you actually listen and trust the advice of the USDA? I don't. Most don't. They are not a reliable source of information, as they are in the pocket of industry. Most government agencies are in the pockets of industry. They are not your protector. Don't count on them for help. If you want to eat MSG, no problem. Eat it to your hearts content. Just don't deny the possibility that it is harmful. Just keep an open mind.

The glutamate industry is fully aware of the harmful effects of MSG, that it is a toxic substance. They know that ingesting their toxin can cause diabetes, adrenal gland malfunction, seizures, high blood pressure, excessive weight gain, stroke and other health problems. If you eat MSG and experience any of these conditions, then you need to immediately eliminate MSG from your diet.


And from the National Institute of Health:

MSG can induce detectable neuronal injury if incubated for a prolonged period of time. Further studies may determine whether cell injury induced by low doses of MSG share other characteristics with previously reported glutamate toxicity, e.g. reduced by removal of the extracellular Ca2+ [16] and blockade by glutamate antagonists.

In conclusion, our studies suggest that the headaches caused by MSG intake may be related to its injurious effect on brain neurons. Although the brain does not register pain because of the lack of nociceptors, the increase of intracranial pressure due to cell swelling is well known to cause headaches. There are some possible ways, e.g. taking Vitamin C or pre-exposure to a low dose of MSG, that may either prevent or reduce the side effects of MSG.


Edited by spidermike007
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Mama is a brand that has rejected innovation and improvement at every turn. When the trend is toward healthier, Mama has done NOTHING. Their noodles are still fried, and loaded up with too much salt, and tons of MSG. Moroheiya, and some of the other brands are far, far superior products. Mama continues to embrace mediocrity, as if it was their mantra, with zero regard to health, or healthy alternatives. They deserve to lose market share. They are about as innovative as Thai Air and Prayuth.

Shout up and just Eat Mama Soup

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Mama is a brand that has rejected innovation and improvement at every turn. When the trend is toward healthier, Mama has done NOTHING. Their noodles are still fried, and loaded up with too much salt, and tons of MSG. Moroheiya, and some of the other brands are far, far superior products. Mama continues to embrace mediocrity, as if it was their mantra, with zero regard to health, or healthy alternatives. They deserve to lose market share. They are about as innovative as Thai Air and Prayuth.

Shout up and just Eat Mama Soup

Sure. I will join the crusade for mediocrity. Gladly. Without questioning anything, or anyone. Just do as you are told, please. Keep your mind closed. Open minds are dangerous things to have.

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Mama is a brand that has rejected innovation and improvement at every turn. When the trend is toward healthier, Mama has done NOTHING. Their noodles are still fried, and loaded up with too much salt, and tons of MSG. Moroheiya, and some of the other brands are far, far superior products. Mama continues to embrace mediocrity, as if it was their mantra, with zero regard to health, or healthy alternatives. They deserve to lose market share. They are about as innovative as Thai Air and Prayuth.

Shout up and just Eat Mama Soup

Sure. I will join the crusade for mediocrity. Gladly. Without questioning anything, or anyone. Just do as you are told, please. Keep your mind closed. Open minds are dangerous things to have.

Keeping an open mind about instant noodles is of great importance. Did you realize that debating about taste is futile ?

I have eaten all kinds of instant noodles, and the Mama ones (especially the Tom Yam and Phad Kee Mao) are delicions and good for a quick snack. And that's all it is.

As I said earlier, I am glad they did not "innovate" and dumb down their noodles for the sake of health crusaders.

Now as to all of those other noodles, go right ahead and promote and eat them, but mediocre they all are. It's not like we are discussing gourmet food here !

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It's pretty hilarious that there is snobbery about which brand of cheap instant noodles people buy. Sometimes this place transcends satire.

Quite agree. Taste is a personal thing anyway but this is the usual tend for a thread about flood or drink.

Starbucks opens a new outlet or sues someone for using their logo and you know there will be advice on how bad the coffee is. Starbucks is a company which has to make a profit by selling things that people want to buy which they obviously do. But no their customers are wrong. It's poison. It tastes like paddy water, sewage, shit, engine oil. You name anything that probably tastes bad but nobody in their right mind would have tasted and that's what it tastes of. Not just coffee either. McDonalds, Burger King or variuos pizza companies, they all produce rubbish which millions of people buy despite the advice of posters here and elswhere.

Then of course these products can kill you which is true of course if you over indulge. Drink 5 cans of cola a day or 15 pints of beer or lager (US pints are safer than UK ones because they're smaller) and it will probably harm you. I doubt my megere consumption will be very detrimental to anything but the profits of the respective companies.

Then of course there's the MSG. I'm sure that scare started in the late 60s and came from the apparent discovery of CRS Chinese restaurant syndrome. There have been several theories about the reasons but test all over the world have shown it to be safe in normal use. If you feed a high enough concentration to mice or rats then they develop problems. Based on that we should ask still drinking water as enough of that will kill you.

It's also worth remembering that when the MSG scare started food companies had a problem because it was so widely used, particularly as a way to reduce salt which although we can't do without it has a bad effect if over consumed. The way round it was to rename it using several different names. It's after all only a commercially produced version of something that's been around for centuries. It's glutamate produced from natural products and stabilised with salt. Glutamate occurs naturally in loss of foods anyway. As always there will be some people who react to MSG although this appears to be sure lived. There are some things like peanuts which are positively dangerous to some people but the rest of can eat safely.

Anyway I don't eat Mama noodles so I suppose it shortest effect me anyway.

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Mama is a brand that has rejected innovation and improvement at every turn. When the trend is toward healthier, Mama has done NOTHING. Their noodles are still fried, and loaded up with too much salt, and tons of MSG. Moroheiya, and some of the other brands are far, far superior products. Mama continues to embrace mediocrity, as if it was their mantra, with zero regard to health, or healthy alternatives. They deserve to lose market share. They are about as innovative as Thai Air and Prayuth.

It is amazing, how one guy many year ago,made a comment that he felt ill after eating a meal. He questioned that maybe it was too much salt, or maybe MSG. Not one government health agency in the world has ever said MSG was bad, even to this day. I could care less whether or not you want to use it or not, but find a compelling reason first please, not an off the wall comment that your neighbors friend down the street told you after a secret handshake. The USDA in the states can not find any scientific proof that it causes any problems. Look it up.

There have been countless studies done, that prove the harmful effects of MSG. Do you actually listen and trust the advice of the USDA? I don't. Most don't. They are not a reliable source of information, as they are in the pocket of industry. Most government agencies are in the pockets of industry. They are not your protector. Don't count on them for help. If you want to eat MSG, no problem. Eat it to your hearts content. Just don't deny the possibility that it is harmful. Just keep an open mind.

The glutamate industry is fully aware of the harmful effects of MSG, that it is a toxic substance. They know that ingesting their toxin can cause diabetes, adrenal gland malfunction, seizures, high blood pressure, excessive weight gain, stroke and other health problems. If you eat MSG and experience any of these conditions, then you need to immediately eliminate MSG from your diet.


And from the National Institute of Health:

MSG can induce detectable neuronal injury if incubated for a prolonged period of time. Further studies may determine whether cell injury induced by low doses of MSG share other characteristics with previously reported glutamate toxicity, e.g. reduced by removal of the extracellular Ca2+ [16] and blockade by glutamate antagonists.

In conclusion, our studies suggest that the headaches caused by MSG intake may be related to its injurious effect on brain neurons. Although the brain does not register pain because of the lack of nociceptors, the increase of intracranial pressure due to cell swelling is well known to cause headaches. There are some possible ways, e.g. taking Vitamin C or pre-exposure to a low dose of MSG, that may either prevent or reduce the side effects of MSG.


if you believe websites like


that are into some shady esoteric semisience about food and whats good for you sure MSG is bad ...







Pretty much all Studies except one where did did inject MICE with MSG direct into the brain showed it is fine. That one was sone in 1969 and is still pretty much the only one quoted in the anti MSG articles ... the about 2000 follow studies noone cares about.

sure if you eat TOO much (like about 30 times the normal dayly dose a chinese gets but if i eat 30 times the Sugar or Fat i normally have i will not feel that well either !) its most likely not that good like EVERYTHING ELSE.

The anti-GMO movement did start as a RACIST thing in the US to combat the big rise of chinese takeout food in the '60 !!!

I do know for a fact its used in german food a lot too for about as long as in Chinese food but we use it in a liquid form and not as a powder. Strangly noone ever complained about that ? Why ? Because german food never was a big thread to US Restaurants and Fast Food places so no reason to even mention it ... (i didnt find the english wiki page to it https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggi-W%C3%BCrze ) . Its pretty much MSG , Spices and Salt in liquid form and we use it for 130 years now.

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I guess it's because they all discovered Indo-mee which tastes much better...it's always sold out in Tops last weeks.

Indo-mie Mi goreng satay flavor. It's my new go-to instant noodle. I did not like the chicken curry flavor, too plain.

Did you buy the satay flavour in Thailand, if so then where? I only know that from in Europe.

We think the same about chicken curry flavour but i brought that from Malaysia. Never seen it here.

No, I live in the USA. Sorry.

On a side note, I went to a different Asian market over the weekend. They had about 10 different flavors of Indo-mie, but no satay flavor.

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