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Best School to learn English for a foreigner in Bangkok

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Hello guys,

My English is okay but I have a lot to improve, so I plan to study English in a serious English language school in Bangkok.

Can you guys recommend me any? No Wallen or other too commercial language schools, I want a serious one to count on their quality of teaching.

I think I'll be even interested to get Toefl courses, as it fits my requirements I guess.

I'll definitely need to get an ED Visa with the school as well, for 6 or 12 months.

Thank you.


Wall Street are not a school, only a marketing exercise for the gullible where students learn little, but think they do.

In contrast, the British Council have not cut wages, etc, and are the highest paid language school in Thailand. This is because they want the best teachers, courses. standards, and results Their excellent resources, programmes,rigourous recruitment procedure, and ongoing teacher training reflect these aim, and guarantee the results they seek. to all round ability..

They may cost a litle more than other schools, but a Benz costs more than a Tata truck.You have to pay for quality.

This comes from a teacher for 8 years at one of their closest rivals for excellence in the city, and who knows that we cannot hold a candle to them when it comes to being the best. The only reason I have not moved to them is that, after 8 years in one place, at only 50 baht an hour less than a BC teacher, why bother?

Anyone with cash who goes elsewhere is being a fool to themselves.


BTW. forgot. Does anyone think from the English standard of the OP's post that, apart from a few negligible errors, that his or her English needs to be improved?

OP, pls respond.


British council have doubled their prices over the last two years while cutting teacher wages, course funds, everything. I'd recommend wall street over them .

The English Language Institute of Thammasat University at their river / Taa Pra Chan campus (near Sanam Luang / the Grand Palace) is worth checking. Maybe even possible could even study for a degree in English.

Not sure today but 5 years back most of their farang teachers were double masters degree holds / Ph.D. holders in various aspects of English and teaching English.


Stay away. 2 friends, one with a Masters from Oxford have just had their teaching hours cut in half due to lack of students. Thammasat have decided to keep on the old guard, not those who get results, and this applies to many unis here. Should know as I've worked at 4, up to MBA level but moved into the more secure and satisfying corporate training area.

BC is the only real option if u want 2 progress.


Current teacher at British council here, ladprao branch although I've been to others.

I have no idea about other schools. But

SoiSauce sounds like someone from marketing, especially trashing on other schools. No teacher I know is that enthusiastic. Teachers are in a legal dispute over hours, which has been taken to the Thai labour ministry. Going on for over a year now with no concessions from management, who blame lack of profits. If there is really a school paying just 50b less an hour I will happily jump there.

My personal suggestion: get private classes. It wont cost much more than the top schools.


There really is no difference, same as there is no real difference between the language in both countries, likewise Canada, S.A, Australia and NZ..

Also, Londoners speak a different version of English to those from Liverpool, Newcastle, etc, and New Yorkers speak differently to Texans and Californians. All understand each other, however.

This is due to the fundementals being the same and the fundemental of teaching English abroad is the CELTA, English based, as it comes from the mother tongue.

If US English was different the Yanks would have their own qualification for it, but they do not.

Ok, there are different uses of words; ex films/movies, yards/gardens, flats apartments, etc, but these are not really important.

That is why I would recommend BC. It is based on English that has evolved over thousands of years and was in global use before the US was a country.

Also, IH is as much a training school for CELTA as an English school and employs its own grads, whereby BC only goes for experienced teachers. It also has vastly superior resources and staff development programmes

The latter says it all really. Would you prefer to learn from a newly qualified rookie, or someone who actually knows what they are doing?

For the sake of a few baht, go to the BC.


Current teacher at British council here, ladprao branch although I've been to others.

I have no idea about other schools. But

SoiSauce sounds like someone from marketing, especially trashing on other schools. No teacher I know is that enthusiastic. Teachers are in a legal dispute over hours, which has been taken to the Thai labour ministry. Going on for over a year now with no concessions from management, who blame lack of profits. If there is really a school paying just 50b less an hour I will happily jump there.

My personal suggestion: get private classes. It wont cost much more than the top schools.

Apply to Go Global then. That's where I am. 700 baht per hour for 3 hour classes, which are really 2.5 hours as you get 2 15 minute breaks.

Also, not a lot is expected from you in the way of results. That is why I have stayed there.

Far from being from your marketing dept, wot I hav sed is based from wot I hav heard from 3 good mates who have been very happy at BC for over 5 years.

Good luck with your application.

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