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Married Thai cop kills mistress, her boyfriend and mother


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I was told years ago, screwing with a married woman is not going to end up good for anyone involved. Especially you, if the old man has influence, a gun, a hot temper, or even suspects the alligation, true

or not.

somebody will eventually rat you out, even the snoopy neighbors or one of those playing around will boast about it to the wrong person. Best to stay after the single ones and leave the married ones to their own devices of destruction. Many are half dingy anyway.

Edited by slapout
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Does seem to be a slightly odd story. I wonder what percentage of mistresses cheat on their "boyfriends"? I suppose I could understand why the guy would get angry about his wife cheating on him, but his mistress? Why do guys allow themselves to get so wrapped up? Its just a chick. Just a little action on the side. What ever happened to being like Bond? Being a real man. Behaving in a dignified manner. Not becoming a petulant man child. What a disgraceful way to behave. What a tiny punk. What a creton. What a simpleton.

The fact that he was a policeman is almost irrelevant, except that he was allowed to carry a lethal weapon. But, guns seem to be easy to find here is you have a little cash, so not a big factor. Cops here are nothing special, on any level, as either people, or as men.

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A bit odd. Can see shooting your wife if you caught her in bed

with another man, but shooting your rental mistress seems

pretty strange. Guess he, like many farangs , thought he was the only

man in her life..... :-)

So, it would have been ok if she was his wife??

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So many Thai men really do have serious ego and emotional issues to deal with.

Did he do a little dance of joy, like the guy that did this in the moto-shop a few months ago. blink.png

Strange, emotionally repressed beings that can explode and take everyone out at the turn of a switch.

Best to keep one's distance.

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Just seen a tv interview with him ,No handcuffs on crying his little eyes out whilst the police guy behind him puts a comforting hand on his shoulder !!.......Pathetic human being !.....I would say he is guaranteed of not doing any prison time !

Yet there are others who are shackled up 24/7 with nothing more then a scribbled up piece of paper to convict them!

This country is a joke!

Him bloken heart... Him solly...

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Don't understand the reaction. If I was in his position ( i.e. GF caught cheating ) I would just cut off the financial support and walk away. Plenty of alternatives waiting in the wings.

I suspect it is mainly about face, how dare my mistress screw a man younger than I am. Don't know why the Toyota had to be punished, though. Thought owning one was punishment enough.

Edited by bazza40
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Thailand is the only country requiring police officers to buy their guns. They should be provided by the RTP and officers required to sign them in at the end of the shift..as happens in 99.99% of jurisdictions.

Police below the level of Senior Sergeant must buy their own guns.

They often buy their own motorbikes as the RTP does not have enough to go around.

They also buy their own radios and uniforms.

I believe police in the Philippines also have to buy their own guns and uniforms (I might be wrong).

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They often buy their own motorbikes as the RTP does not have enough to go around.

The lower levels one do, but they buy them tax free.

For example when they had the awful Boxer 250 or whatever it was, it cost members of the public about 75k, but the police could buy one at 44k.

Still 44k too much, but there ya go.

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Isn't this the kind of crime where the perp gets a suspended sentence because it was a crime of passion? You see, he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't angry.

Stupidity and laziness. Lessons learned.

He's gone in to get them to cover for him and they've been told they can't so they've called it handing himself in. That's my bet. Thais don't hand themselves in at the best of times. Too lazy to cover it up himself, so thought he'd get his friends to help, maybe to borrow money for some guns or borrow some guns out of the evidence room. Too stupid to understand that he can't kill all those people, then vandalize their car without lying that he was shot at by them with the woman in the car, and had to kill them in self defence. He could have gotten round the ballistics as they're too lazy to check.

If he'd read Thai Visa more, he'd've been fine, but was he too stupid; too lazy; impossible to call; or, always both as we've learned?

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Thailand is the only country requiring police officers to buy their guns. They should be provided by the RTP and officers required to sign them in at the end of the shift..as happens in 99.99% of jurisdictions.

Police below the level of Senior Sergeant must buy their own guns.

They often buy their own motorbikes as the RTP does not have enough to go around.

They also buy their own radios and uniforms.

I believe police in the Philippines also have to buy their own guns and uniforms (I might be wrong).

My nephews is doing his 1 year police training now in lampang,i asked him does he have to pay for his uniform and gun,he told me they are issued to him and he has to sign for them,if he loses the gun he has to pay for it.

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Psych evaluations and banning these numpties from drinking at work might help prevent a repeat of this? This isn't the first time soppy copper has topped his slapper.

Edited by Alwyn
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I know I am an arse hole.... but when I read the article all I got out of it was, wow, the

mother was 50 and the daughter was 27, ..............mother started young. unsure.pngpost-4641-1156693976.gif

50-27=23,is that really young or would some remedial math help we in order ☺

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And then these guys wonder why the world has no respect whatsoever for the Junta, the Thai police and the whole system of justice in Thailand.

Absolute pond life!.......stupid girl is no better, did she think she was getting a car and financial support for nothing!

Did she not realise the dangers, she had been with him four years so the dozy bitch must have had some idea about his personality.

No reason to take a life? Yes, we know, in a civilised society with good education and upbringing. Too many cases like this and flimsy excuses for meting out death for no reason.

Sadness and condolences for the mother and the young 21 year old boyfriend who probably knew very little and now knows nothing at all!........... RIP.

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