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I notice people still use the term LOS when talking about Thailand.

Yet when reading stories on this forum daily it seems to be anything but LOS.

Does a taxi driver giving back a wallet cancel out someone jumping off a balcony ?

Does a doctor treating someone who has fallen over out of his or her work time cancel out child labour on fishing boats ?

Your thoughts on why Thailand should or shouldn't retain its LOS moniker.

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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

Did you live here for a long time, you would need to have to know about the place, also, if you feel so bad about the place, why did you stay for so long anyway? In other words, your talking rubbish.

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Get out of the 'Jaded' zones. Thai people are still pretty friendly and quick to smile. If I was a Thai living in an area surrounded by foreigners walking around drunk and stupid half the time I dont think I would be to thrilled.

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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

I'm amazed you have the need to comment.

I'm amazed that you are amazed that you have to comment on being amazed on his need to comment!

Maybe that explains why you need to live in Thailand.

Edited by LostTourist
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So far, I have only traveled 3 neighboring countries. (Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia). Naturally, talked to a lot of Expats living there. It seems, that most had their "starting point" in Thailand some time ago.

I noticed, that referring to Thailand as LOS, causes mild amusement among them. They seem to prefer LOFS over LOS.

LOFS = Land of fake smiles.


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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

I'm amazed you have the need to comment.

I'm amazed that you are amazed that you have to comment on being amazed on his need to comment!

Maybe that explains why you need to live in Thailand.

Sorry, double post.

Edited by giddyup
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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

I'm amazed you have the need to comment.

I'm amazed that you are amazed that you have to comment on being amazed on his need to comment!

Maybe that explains why you need to live in Thailand.

DH I don't need to live in Thailand, I choose to live here.

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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

I'm amazed you have the need to comment.

No offense, but by reading this string, it looks like you need to live in Thailand.

You need to get a life.

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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

Of course you could live in the UK which has storm after storm with high winds almost non stop.

This one is called Henry, the last one was Gertrude, can't remember the many before that.

So many of them one after the other. I'll just keep living in Thailand thank you.

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Retain. Sincere or not, smiles are a big part of the culture, identitiy, etc. and people seem to discuss them quite a bit. That being said, Ive never seen as many serious faces on people that look like they dont want to be bothered as I do in BKK.

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the lady who sells fruit in Silom gave me a bag of strawberries to day. with a big smile. I smiled back.

My wifes got the biggest smile ive ever seen. She made me smile big time yesterday morning.

I teach english were I work to my colleagues, and they smile.

Positive mental attitude and all that.

I just try not to read the news.biggrin.png

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Depends 0n whether you are stupid enough to live in Pattaya or Phuket.

I am amazed that anyone is stupid enough to live in Thailand, Period!!

Of course you could live in the UK which has storm after storm with high winds almost non stop.

This one is called Henry, the last one was Gertrude, can't remember the many before that.

So many of them one after the other. I'll just keep living in Thailand thank you.

Yeah, surely freezing to death in a UK bed-sit must be by far preferable to balmy breezes and swaying palm trees.whistling.gif

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Thais have a unique way of life, even as SE Asians. Is it perfect? Certainly not, and is considered quite imperfect by the mainstream of Thai people themselves. However, does the current Thai system of things function to the overall benefit of Thai people? A resounding YES, is my considered opinion, and the following social realities are several examples of why I've reach that conclusion.

First, the 7-11 & FamilyMart stores are open 24/7 basis, without having to protect employees with bullet-proofed plexi-glass, from armed robbers. Secondly, a foreign tourist can walk the streets of Bangkok, while being sloppy drunk, without fear of being robbed @ knife, or gun-point, by street-gangs. Can it happen, you may ask? The answer is yes, it can. Folks are still folks, all over the globe. However, in Thailand, street robbery is a very rare occurrence.

This rare public safety (social) phenomenon exists, not due to any vigilant police work, by Thai law enforcement officers, but resulting from the well-behaved, innately social nature, integral with Thai people, in general.

Any foreign guest in the LOS, who fails to recognize the social values connected with these two foregoing points, alone, is living a Western "Expat in Asia" life, metaphorically akin to that of an Ostrich.

Thailand is a symbolic table-top world, and the mainstream of Thai people (university graduates included) live their lives cocooned, within a realm of cognitive consciousness, unique, and peculiar to the cultural character of Thailand, only.

Any foreign expat, who has chosen to reside in Thailand, yet believes Thai people to be stupid people, is definitely in need of a serious cerebral scan, @ the nearest Medical Facility available, indeed.

The historical reason why Thailand is "affectionately" labeled “The Land Of Smiles”, is a totally different topic thread of discussion (in my considered opinion, of course). Cheers, Pub-mates coffee1.gif

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Retain. Sincere or not, smiles are a big part of the culture, identitiy, etc. and people seem to discuss them quite a bit. That being said, Ive never seen as many serious faces on people that look like they dont want to be bothered as I do in BKK.

Ahem, have you been living your life, high-up in a tree? Have you never been on the ground-floor level of NYC, LA, London, Paris, Cairo, Rome, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Shanghai, etc. Believe me, BKK is very socially warm & friendly, by comparison to those fore-mentioned cities.

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Retain. Sincere or not, smiles are a big part of the culture, identitiy, etc. and people seem to discuss them quite a bit. That being said, Ive never seen as many serious faces on people that look like they dont want to be bothered as I do in BKK.

Ahem, have you been living your life, high-up in a tree? Have you never been on the ground-floor level of NYC, LA, London, Paris, Cairo, Rome, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Shanghai, etc. Believe me, BKK is very socially warm & friendly, by comparison to those fore-mentioned cities.

Fair enough, but none of those places claim to exist within the land of smiles. How sincere is that BKK warmth? I like places like NYC bc when you do connect with people its real.

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Retain. Sincere or not, smiles are a big part of the culture, identitiy, etc. and people seem to discuss them quite a bit. That being said, Ive never seen as many serious faces on people that look like they dont want to be bothered as I do in BKK.

Ahem, have you been living your life, high-up in a tree? Have you never been on the ground-floor level of NYC, LA, London, Paris, Cairo, Rome, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Shanghai, etc. Believe me, BKK is very socially warm & friendly, by comparison to those fore-mentioned cities.

Fair enough, but none of those places claim to exist within the land of smiles. How sincere is that BKK warmth? I like places like NYC bc when you do connect with people its real.

Again, BKK is one of the very, very few urban areas of the globe, where you (as a foreigner) are "generally" safe on the streets, even in the worse of neighborhoods. That level of cultural sincerity, is sufficient to satisfy our farang palates. So, If you wish to further debate those facts, then have at it. Shalomcoffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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