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Child molesting monk arrested in Lampang


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excuse me laanaguy and geordie.. but haven't you read about the child molesting Catholic priests. seems thai buddhism no worse than RC. sin all week then on Sunday go for confession.. be sbsolved to go out and do it all over again

Western Priests are Priests are Priests for life (usually)

They don't get to smoke meth

Run chopshop for stolen vehicles

Defraud worshippers with fake amulets/magic powers

Buy private jets

Collect money DAILY from the congregation

Leave the priesthood occasionally to do some crimes or have a go at politics

Etc etc

Catholic Priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way but I think they wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai Buddhist counterparts....

Every worldwide religion is responsible for some deplorable acts, it's about time religion was banned instead of Facebook or social medias imo

" Catholic priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way" Try thousands, of destroyed lives made to give oral sex, and bend over and play hide the sausage, "wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai buddhist counterparts" I find that statement hugely flippant ! cases are still current all over the world against catholic priests and the catholic church, the trouble with the catholic church is they have the money to move , hide , employ first rate lawyers and use the faithfuls money to fight any charges drag it out from one court to another anything to deflect justice for the victims,

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excuse me laanaguy and geordie.. but haven't you read about the child molesting Catholic priests. seems thai buddhism no worse than RC. sin all week then on Sunday go for confession.. be sbsolved to go out and do it all over again

Western Priests are Priests are Priests for life (usually)

They don't get to smoke meth

Run chopshop for stolen vehicles

Defraud worshippers with fake amulets/magic powers

Buy private jets

Collect money DAILY from the congregation

Leave the priesthood occasionally to do some crimes or have a go at politics

Etc etc

Catholic Priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way but I think they wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai Buddhist counterparts....

Every worldwide religion is responsible for some deplorable acts, it's about time religion was banned instead of Facebook or social medias imo

Spot-on correct, but I don't know about banning all religions as it is biting off a bit more that people can chew. I have an alternative; every one of these lowlifes should first be castrated and then put in the worse f... prison that is available, one that would be literally a living hell for the rest of their miserable lives.

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excuse me laanaguy and geordie.. but haven't you read about the child molesting Catholic priests. seems thai buddhism no worse than RC. sin all week then on Sunday go for confession.. be sbsolved to go out and do it all over again

Western Priests are Priests are Priests for life (usually)

They don't get to smoke meth

Run chopshop for stolen vehicles

Defraud worshippers with fake amulets/magic powers

Buy private jets

Collect money DAILY from the congregation

Leave the priesthood occasionally to do some crimes or have a go at politics

Etc etc

Catholic Priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way but I think they wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai Buddhist counterparts....

Every worldwide religion is responsible for some deplorable acts, it's about time religion was banned instead of Facebook or social medias imo

You are basing your assumptions on what exactly?

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Just how do you know that "Catholic Priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way but I think they wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai Buddhist counterparts"

Can you back that up with any figures? Abuse by Roman Catholic priests has been world wide, USA Belgium, Ireland and Australia to name but a few countries whereas Buddhism is confined to far fewer countries countries . But of course your guess would hold the same weight as the Pope's rulings on doctrine wouldn't it- infallible

excuse me laanaguy and geordie.. but haven't you read about the child molesting Catholic priests. seems thai buddhism no worse than RC. sin all week then on Sunday go for confession.. be sbsolved to go out and do it all over again

Western Priests are Priests are Priests for life (usually)
They don't get to smoke meth
Run chopshop for stolen vehicles
Defraud worshippers with fake amulets/magic powers
Buy private jets
Collect money DAILY from the congregation
Leave the priesthood occasionally to do some crimes or have a go at politics
Etc etc

Catholic Priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way but I think they wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai Buddhist counterparts....

Every worldwide religion is responsible for some deplorable acts, it's about time religion was banned instead of Facebook or social medias imo
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Well said I find the sort of flippant comment by KSw5672 almost amounts to an attempt to excuse the damage caused by the Roman Catholic perverts.You have explained exactly what is happening- Even now the Catholic Church has put legal structures in place to minimize any compensation they have to pay to victims and the corruption seems to permeate through the hierarchy of the institution.

excuse me laanaguy and geordie.. but haven't you read about the child molesting Catholic priests. seems thai buddhism no worse than RC. sin all week then on Sunday go for confession.. be sbsolved to go out and do it all over again

Western Priests are Priests are Priests for life (usually)
They don't get to smoke meth
Run chopshop for stolen vehicles
Defraud worshippers with fake amulets/magic powers
Buy private jets
Collect money DAILY from the congregation
Leave the priesthood occasionally to do some crimes or have a go at politics
Etc etc

Catholic Priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way but I think they wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai Buddhist counterparts....

Every worldwide religion is responsible for some deplorable acts, it's about time religion was banned instead of Facebook or social medias imo

" Catholic priests might have raped a few altar boys along the way" Try thousands, of destroyed lives made to give oral sex, and bend over and play hide the sausage, "wouldn't be anywhere near the equal of their Thai buddhist counterparts" I find that statement hugely flippant ! cases are still current all over the world against catholic priests and the catholic church, the trouble with the catholic church is they have the money to move , hide , employ first rate lawyers and use the faithfuls money to fight any charges drag it out from one court to another anything to deflect justice for the victims,

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I suppose its pitchfork and lynching time. However, I would suggest that some stop and think for a minute why a 35 year old like this would be molesting kids, when he could easily score some sex with anyone he wanted. I offer that he was molested when he was a kid. It's a learned behavior. Child abuse is the crime that keeps on doing damage long after the initial victims are processed. The man needs mental health treatment. I expect that he has not had a particularly good childhood.

I am not making excuses, but the reality is that when a kid is molested and doesn't receive treatment and support, that kid is at risk to molest others.

Obviously not every child who's molested end up as a molested themselves but it certainly does happen.

I remember hearing an interview with a guy who'd molested his young son (can't remember his age). He was asked if he was ashamed of what he'd done. His answer was the he wasn't as his father has done the same to him and it hadn't done him any harm. To be honest if there wasn't a risk of psychological damage then there would be nothing wrong with molesting children so long as no physical harm was done.

The problems it can cause are varied including the example I've given of making it seem normal and also causing difficulties engaging in normal relationships.

The lynching mentality tends to force a molested to group with others rather than getting help. Besides castration won't necessarily help.

Glad to see a reasoned post.

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Same sex child molesting usually is a result of a trauma that occurred at or around the same age as the children victimized. The trauma can be molestation or it can be something else. What happens is that the person essentially stops growing emotionally at that age. This causes them to fixate on children. Unfortunately, the molesters body keeps growing and he (or she) eventually becomes a sexual adult but they can only relate to children, which they then engage in sexual activity with.

Generally, this type of pedophilia is not curable or treatable. The molester is emotionally at the age of a child and will always have an attraction to children. He has lost the ability to relate to or have a relationship with adults.

Castration doesn't work.

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excuse me laanaguy and geordie.. but haven't you read about the child molesting Catholic priests. seems thai buddhism no worse than RC. sin all week then on Sunday go for confession.. be sbsolved to go out and do it all over again

it is indeed rampant in every religion, as in almost every religion young boys come to be 'tutored' by men that are supposed to be celibate, also in Islam very often.

Also, as in western churches, thai temples often are used as hide outs for men that are gay and do not want to admit that to their family/community/friends.

Sick fact of life would not know how to stop this abuse which has been going on for millenia I guess.

However, like some other TV members here, I originally thought and hoped when I first came here 18 years ago, still naive and ignorant, that it would not be as bad here as this is a buddhist country,...!

Was I wrong !!

Certainly one of the biggest disappointments in my life when I found out how the state's religion really is used and abused for personal gain, sexual satisfaction and you name it.


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In no way supporting or defending paedophilia, may I point out........

"In 1275, the first age of consent was set in England, at age 12 (Westminster 1 statute).[4] In 1875, the Offences Against the Person Act raised the age to 13 in Great Britain and Ireland, and ten years later the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885 raised it to 16"

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I don't get the view that a nonse can be "cured" or "treated". I like women, always have and always will. Unless you give me meds to turn me into a zombie nothing will stop me looking at an attractive woman and thinking about her sexually. Can't see how people think they can live with these people and stop them. Once they've offended once get rid of them forever whether it be in a secure unit or whatever.

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