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Anti-semitic French comedian Dieudonné forced to leave Thailand


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The guy is well known as an antizionist not antisemit and one does not necessarily need to be a "Nazi" to oppose Israels land claims and settlement policy over Palestine. Recently someone asked me a question: Besides the tragedy of the genocide of the Holocaust- why is it that Zionists got kicked out for centuries of almost any country they settled in from Russia to African countries to Kerala ? Don't you think there must be a reason for that?

Well, I guess it is worth to think about...

No! This guy has crossed the border between free speech (antizionism) and racism (antisemitism) more than 10 years ago. He has since continuously targeted a group of people (the Jews), not only a state (Israel) and its policy. He has been condemned several times for inciting racial hate, has developped relationships with extreme-right racist movements, etc... For example he has been long linked to Alain Soral, who is famous for doing a "quenelle" (a gesture widely interpreted as: "you have it in the ass"), in front of the Shoa memorial in Berlin When you look at his sketches and the reactions of his public, the tone is clearly racist.

Just a few eloquent cases (From a French court judgment):

About Holocaust:

Dieudonne claimed to know nothing about the gas chambers but said he can organize a meeting for anyone interested with Robert (Rober Faurisson, a well-known negationist in France)

Additionnally, he also declared that he shouldn't be required to judge between "the Jews and the Nazis.", and also: "I don't know what happened, who provoked whom, who stole from whom, I've got my little idea, but... you know."

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Yeah nobody wants to hear anti Semitic drivel.

But why is it that some countries, make it a point to want people to respect their customs/culture and religious beliefs.

Yet couldn't care less and have no interest in other peoples customs/culture and religious beliefs, even going as far as giving foreigners racist tags, and religious bigotry for their own people.

Seems whats good for the goose isn't good for the gander.

Racial and religious tagging and discrimination is against the law in my country.

" Racial and religious tagging and discrimination is against the law in my country."

That's in my opinion just another form of censorship and violation of freedom of speech.

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I guess Don Rickles would not be allowed to preform on many stages of the world today. In his prime he was

considered a good comedian, a racist, who had no good to say about any nationality, yet was btolerated as good for a

evening of laughs, especially if you had, had a few drinks.

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What strikes me as strange is

Thailand is a xenophobic country knows nothing about the jews, the holocaust, or cares little or not at all about how Palestinians are being evicted from their homes and land by Israel.....

BUT they bend to the Israeli ambassador and ban a show in french that in all honestly few people knew about.

Yes i know Israel runs the USA, but it seems its trying to muscle in on the rest of the world now as well.

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Yeah nobody wants to hear anti Semitic drivel.

But why is it that some countries, make it a point to want people to respect their customs/culture and religious beliefs.

Yet couldn't care less and have no interest in other peoples customs/culture and religious beliefs, even going as far as giving foreigners racist tags, and religious bigotry for their own people.

Seems whats good for the goose isn't good for the gander.

Racial and religious tagging and discrimination is against the law in my country.

" Racial and religious tagging and discrimination is against the law in my country."

That's in my opinion just another form of censorship and violation of freedom of speech.

As I mentioned before freedom of speech and racism should not be confused. Criticising or mocking opinions, ideas, religions, policies is OK in term of freedom of speech. Now when you target a group of people as a whole because of ethnicity or religion, that's racism.

In this particular case, there's a difference between criticising zionism, and inciting hate against jewish people.

In France, failing to make this distinction has resulted recently in Jews being beaten or even killed, only because they were Jews.

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So derogatory cartoons make false propaganda against 1.8 billion Muslims are OK, but nobody should say anything that could remotely hurt the feelings of some little Jew girl... What kind of logic is this?

It is disgusting to have double standards...

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I have never heard of this man and am not really interested but I guess the phrase "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Names Will Never Hurt Me" is now obsolete thanks to people who are "offended" or by people who think someone else may be offended by one persons voice. Never mind - Mai Pen Rai!

Maybe all the people who used to watch "Love Thy Neighbor" on TV years ago and laughed at it should be arrested and charged now! and as for the actors ...well... they should be hanged!

Alf Garnet - 20 years in solitary.

Jim Davidson - Firing squad.

Benny Hill - Death of a thousand cuts.

Murderers under 18 years old - No Charges.

Muggers and Thieves - 500 THB fine.

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So derogatory cartoons make false propaganda against 1.8 billion Muslims are OK, but nobody should say anything that could remotely hurt the feelings of some little Jew girl... What kind of logic is this?

It is disgusting to have double standards...

Mocking a religion is not racism, in particular if the media involved has a record of mocking all religions without discrimination (in the case of Charlie Hebdo, there has been about ten times more caricatures related to the Christian religion than the Moslem religion).

Up to my knowledge, nobody has been allowed to make statements justifying an eventual mass-killing of moslems just because they are moslem, without being charged with racism .

Just as nobody is allowed to approve the killings of african slaves in previous centuries without being charged with racism.

That's the logic, if you have any

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He's making fun of all religions!! Not only Judaism! He's an advocate for peace and openly condemns the Palestinian genocide... that gives you an idea why Israel wants to shut this guy up! They don't want the world to realize that they are doing the same thing that was done to their people!

What Palestinian genocide? You mean that when Israel takes maximum precautions to prevent civilian casualties when retaliating to rocket attacks, that is genocide? Or do you mean that the Muslims in general and the Palestinians in particular want to kill every single Jew and annihilate Palestine? They say so quite openly and they don't have a sense of humour. The fact taht Palestine has refused a two state solution with Israel more than once isn't a coincidence.

( https://www.facebook.com/StandWithUs/videos/10153386788027689/ )

I guess that this is the Israeli side of the story... and that's the one you decided to believe (or were thought to believe)... nonetheless this is very sad...

Did you actually watch all of it? Abbas himself admits that he refused this solution and it is documented elsewhere.

I suggest that you do a bit of reading about why the deal was rejected.

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So derogatory cartoons make false propaganda against 1.8 billion Muslims are OK, but nobody should say anything that could remotely hurt the feelings of some little Jew girl... What kind of logic is this?

It is disgusting to have double standards...

I think the description of a Jewish woman as a Jew girl is a derogatory term of the lowest order, that of a rampant racist and Jew hater. I wonder how you describe Thais and other people you probably consider as inferior races?

I`m getting out of this thread, too heavy for me.

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So derogatory cartoons make false propaganda against 1.8 billion Muslims are OK, but nobody should say anything that could remotely hurt the feelings of some little Jew girl... What kind of logic is this?

It is disgusting to have double standards...

I think the description of a Jewish woman as a Jew girl is a derogatory term of the lowest order, that of a rampant racist and Jew hater. I wonder how you describe Thais and other people you probably consider as inferior races?

I`m getting out of this thread, too heavy for me.

Wise move.

This thread has (predictably) become a Bucket of Hatred.

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The last thing zionists want is for the truth and all of their lies to be exposed. Always playing the victim but responsible for most of the hate and murder that's gone on in the world for the last 150 years. Who controls the world banking system, mass media, US foreign policy and who were the bolsheviks that were responsible for the genocide of countless millions of Russian and Ukranian christians? Wake up and stop listening to their drivel and please no accusations or lectures about me being an anti semite. Plenty of jews are anti zionist.

Don't believe me? Click on the video link for a good short film.

^^ these type of jewis are against zionism and the state of israel because of radical religious reasons, ie. god did not choose the state of israel, people did. therefor according to them zionism and the state of israel are evil.

this been said: imo denying the holocaust should be allowed, same as insulting jesus or mohammed. sure, it's stupid and provocative to deny the holocaust but if that is the guy's opinion. opinions don't kill people......

Opinions certainly do kill people. Hitler's opinions caused the death of 6 million Jews, 2 million gypsies and million upon millions of young men around the World. The opinion of a few Muslims caused the death of Charlie Hebdo.

No, these are opinions made actions.

Cause and effect. The cause for the actions were his opinions, if you don't see how that works there is something wrong with you. Let me put it to you; If somebody had acted on Hitler's opinions, if he'd been closed down for spouting his vile rhetoric, then countless millions would not have been put to death nor perished fighting because they didn't agree with his opinions.

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If he is not funny and nobody wants to see him then it should not matter as nobody would turn up for his show, right?

I know nothing about this guy, but censorship is always wrong.

Thailand, the hub of censorship.

So you openly support people who promote terrorism and hatred. What a nice person you are.

No he doesn't. He points that that censoring someone just because you disagree with them is not what free speech means.

Do you understand why?

You just wrote an example of how those who wish to muffle views they don't like attempt to accuse someone of something different.

You and the General have a lot in common

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So derogatory cartoons make false propaganda against 1.8 billion Muslims are OK, but nobody should say anything that could remotely hurt the feelings of some little Jew girl... What kind of logic is this?

It is disgusting to have double standards...

I think the description of a Jewish woman as a Jew girl is a derogatory term of the lowest order, that of a rampant racist and Jew hater. I wonder how you describe Thais and other people you probably consider as inferior races?

I`m getting out of this thread, too heavy for me.

Wise move.

This thread has (predictably) become a Bucket of Hatred.

More like a bucket of sh*t. Amazes me why this sort of thing is allowed to continue on? It`s getting almost as bad as the comments on Youtube.

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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Edited by Petchou
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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.

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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.
What is wrong? only facts count. Show them if you have any and put references. Without that, your opinion have no value.

BTW, you should say what I wrote is maybe wrong, it has nothing about me. Why you personalize this discussion?

Your previous posts don't bring any specific facts about dieudonne case. Just generalities and opinions that are yours. Facts or nothing and references please

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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

That's because they are the people who believe what they read and watch from the mainstream media. We need those, or else who would vote and pay taxes? Somebody's got to be the donkey or the chariot won'd budge.

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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.
Your post didn't address the long history of political satire in French culture. Some are really brilliant, and yes, they're part of a democratic apparatus.

Dieudonnee is anti establishment. Nothing more...

From a logic point of view: if someone is named falsely 'anti semitic' while he isn't, is in fact applying a subtile form of anti semitism...

Edited by Thorgal
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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.
Your post didn't address the long history of political satire in French culture. Some are really brilliant, and yes, they're part of a democratic apparatus.

Dieudonnee is anti establishment. Nothing more...

From a logic point of view: if someone is named falsely 'anti semitic' while he isn't, is in fact applying a subtile form of anti semitism...

Wow, I am always amazed by the creativity of fear mongers. New concept "subtle antisemitism". You are too subtle too. :-)

Can you show me one situation where he was subtlety antisemitic?

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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.
What is wrong? only facts count. Show them if you have any and put references. Without that, your opinion have no value.

BTW, you should say what I wrote is maybe wrong, it has nothing about me. Why you personalize this discussion?

Your previous posts don't bring any specific facts about dieudonne case. Just generalities and opinions that are yours. Facts or nothing and references please

OK, sorry about personnalisation. Your perception of Dieudonné correspond to how he was maybe 10 years ago, not what he has become since. He started by being antizionist and ended up being antisemitic. I brought some facts in a post I made before and was lazy to repeat again (see previous page of this thread), stating:

"No! This guy has crossed the border between free speech (antizionism) and racism (antisemitism) more than 10 years ago. He has since continuously targeted a group of people (the Jews), not only a state (Israel) and its policy. He has been condemned several times for inciting racial hate, has developped relationships with extreme-right racist movements, etc... For example he has been long linked to Alain Soral, who is famous for doing a "quenelle" (a gesture widely interpreted as: "you have it in the ass"), in front of the Shoah memorial in Berlin When you look at his sketches and the reactions of his public, the tone is clearly racist.

Just a few eloquent cases (From a French court judgment):

About Holocaust:

Dieudonne claimed to know nothing about the gas chambers but said he can organize a meeting for anyone interested with Robert (Rober Faurisson, a well-known negationist in France)

Additionnally, he also declared that he shouldn't be required to judge between "the Jews and the Nazis.", and also: "I don't know what happened, who provoked whom, who stole from whom, I've got my little idea, but... you know."

If you have information showing that what I wrote is innacurate, please bring them to our knowledge (remember I don,t say he's not antizionist, I say he is antizionist + antisemitic. Even pro-palestinian organisations in France have disaproved him.

If you want to refresh your information on him, see:


In particular:


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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.
What is wrong? only facts count. Show them if you have any and put references. Without that, your opinion have no value.

BTW, you should say what I wrote is maybe wrong, it has nothing about me. Why you personalize this discussion?

Your previous posts don't bring any specific facts about dieudonne case. Just generalities and opinions that are yours. Facts or nothing and references please

OK, sorry about personnalisation. Your perception of Dieudonné correspond to how he was maybe 10 years ago, not what he has become since. He started by being antizionist and ended up being antisemitic. I brought some facts in a post I made before and was lazy to repeat again (see previous page of this thread), stating:

"No! This guy has crossed the border between free speech (antizionism) and racism (antisemitism) more than 10 years ago. He has since continuously targeted a group of people (the Jews), not only a state (Israel) and its policy. He has been condemned several times for inciting racial hate, has developped relationships with extreme-right racist movements, etc... For example he has been long linked to Alain Soral, who is famous for doing a "quenelle" (a gesture widely interpreted as: "you have it in the ass"), in front of the Shoah memorial in Berlin When you look at his sketches and the reactions of his public, the tone is clearly racist.

Just a few eloquent cases (From a French court judgment):

About Holocaust:

Dieudonne claimed to know nothing about the gas chambers but said he can organize a meeting for anyone interested with Robert (Rober Faurisson, a well-known negationist in France)

Additionnally, he also declared that he shouldn't be required to judge between "the Jews and the Nazis.", and also: "I don't know what happened, who provoked whom, who stole from whom, I've got my little idea, but... you know."

If you have information showing that what I wrote is innacurate, please bring them to our knowledge (remember I don,t say he's not antizionist, I say he is antizionist + antisemitic. Even pro-palestinian organisations in France have disaproved him.

If you want to refresh your information on him, see:


In particular:



Can you bring tangible proof of him saying anything antisemitic? Vidéo for exemple.

Btw, valls prime minister déclarés recently, hé will pass a law to make any criticism of Israel forbidden and punished. Not because it's France, everything is right neither good.

Edited by seedy
non English
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Antisemitism..Amtischmemitism. Watch the documentary "Defamation".

Great documentary.

OP is similar with the part of ADL visit in Ukraine : from YouTube: past header...

"Defamation - ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as ...

Sorry, can't copy the direct link from YouTube...

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