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Anti-semitic French comedian Dieudonné forced to leave Thailand


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Isn,t it a little hypocritical to post support here for throwing this guy out yet condemn the Thai government regarding their attempts to stifle "free speech" ? Somewhere along the line you have to make a choice !

Agree the full.

Dieudonne is very popular and famous in France, because he says the truth about Israeli occupation of Palestine. witch in turn is not popular with the Israelis...

The Israelis accuse everybody who has any amount of critique about them of anti Semitism.....and the main media follows the Israelis....!

Best regards.

(copy Paste, from a other response I did)

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Interesting case. Thailand does give a s%$* about antisemitism. There must been pressure from very very very high to kick him out. Think about all the Hakenkreuz shirts and tatooes around the country. I have meet a Thai guy around 21 year of age who had many Hitler based tattoos on his body and was very proud of it. I spared my time to explained him that his would probably get in trouble if he trouble with this in Europe.

Yes, I'm a little surprised that this was taken seriously at a high level and acted on in a short space of time.

Something's changed, I'm sure we all remember the 'Hitler Fried Chicken' incident from a few years back.

Dieudonne is very popular and famous in France, because he says the truth about Israeli occupation of Palestine. witch in turn is not popular with the Israelis...

The Israelis accuse everybody who has any amount of critique about them of anti Semitism.....and the main media follows the Israelis....!

Best regards.

(copy Paste, from a other response I did)

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Interesting case. Thailand does give a s%$* about antisemitism. There must been pressure from very very very high to kick him out. Think about all the Hakenkreuz shirts and tatooes around the country. I have meet a Thai guy around 21 year of age who had many Hitler based tattoos on his body and was very proud of it. I spared my time to explained him that his would probably get in trouble if he trouble with this in Europe.

Yes, I'm a little surprised that this was taken seriously at a high level and acted on in a short space of time.

Something's changed, I'm sure we all remember the 'Hitler Fried Chicken' incident from a few years back.

I don't recall that the Israeli embassy got involved in that one, but I know you're totally wrong, nothing's changed. Israel and Thailand have decent relations, simple as that.

So nothing's changed in Thailand about that.

But a place that has changed is in FRANCE.

The antisemitism there is as bad as its been since World War 2 and a significant percentage of French Jews don't feel safe living there anymore.

There are almost no Thai Jews, but France includes the third most populous Jewish population in the world, after the USA and Israel.

Interestingly a country doesn't need to have any or many Jews for there to be rampant anti-semitism (neighboring Malaysia is a classic example of that) but antisemitism in Thailand (among Thais) is not at all severe.

I recall some 20 + years ago, seen many guest-houses in Chiang Mai had boards on the entrance with.... NO ISRAELIS !!!..... ....why would that be ????

Now call me anti-Semite for telling the truth....

Most guest-houses would refuse Israelis still, but there are a couple of places that are known to be specialised for them.


Edited by off road pat
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Never could understand what people have against Jews, but I don't see why you can't make fun of them. Some of the best comedians have been Jewish, making fun of Jews. It seems this guy is not funny though and actually hates Jews, sad.

First off, I don't agree with censoring people for saying hateful things. That said, it's one thing for someone to criticize members of one's one group. Quite another for an outsider to do it. This is especially the case when a group has a history of persecution and/or discrimination. Jews can address each other using the K word on each other, blacks the N word and so on without giving offense. Because when they're using that word they're implicitly using it on themselves as well. In other words, it's ironic.

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When i first came to Pattaya,about 15 years ago,i went to a bar,where a young lady was serving drinks from behind the counter.On her forearm i noticed a tattoo.It was a guy's name and under it was the logo of a famous football team.Under that was a Nazi swastika.When i pointed out what this represented,she adamantly denied it.She said her boyfriend had told her it was a fashion must have and all the western girls were wearing it.There was no way i could convince her otherwise.She will now be stuck with that vile thing on her arm unless she can get some 'kik' to pay for laser treatment.I asked her wher the boyfriend ws and she told me'he keeniow,no money,he go home.What a prince he was!


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Being french I am very happy this ars... has been thrown out.. I only deeply regret he is not thrown out from France... I read somebody here saying he is supposed to be one of the best french humorists.. Sorry this piece of sh.. doesn't make me laugh and I think he is far from being the best humorist or even a decent level one.. I remind he also for years had a jew as a partner.. it was Elie and Dieudonné (for Elie Semoun).. Of course they split and when they were together, yes they were humorists....

I just remind he also has in France a case for tax evasions and not only for 1000 euros but huge amounts.. etc.. I wish he would have been kept here in BGK Hilton where conditions are not as good as they are in France and would rot here in jail till he burns in hell..

If our government was good he would be in jail already and for a good quantity of years..

Regarding the jews condition in France, a lot already left due to security reasons and a lot are decided to leave ASAP.. Lately the Marseille's rabin called the jews not to wear the kippa any more as a jew teacher had been stabbed in the back and nearly killed by a 16 years old arab when going to school.. He was saved only because he managed when falling down to protect himself with his bag and holly book.. !!

Have a nice day

Yes, he is recognized by a fast majority of people in his industry and the public to be the best.

You don't like his humour, so what?

Many more appreciate his performances, without necessary approving all of his public declarations.

Elie, unfortunately, does not have the same talent.

As for his problem with the justice system in France, it's another discussion.

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The last thing zionists want is for the truth and all of their lies to be exposed. Always playing the victim but responsible for most of the hate and murder that's gone on in the world for the last 150 years. Who controls the world banking system, mass media, US foreign policy and who were the bolsheviks that were responsible for the genocide of countless millions of Russian and Ukranian christians? Wake up and stop listening to their drivel and please no accusations or lectures about me being an anti semite. Plenty of jews are anti zionist.

Don't believe me? Click on the video link for a good short film.

https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=intent://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Db4R2ENPEa-k%23Intent%3Bscheme%3Dhttp%3Bpackage%3Dcom.google.android.youtube%3BS.browser_fallback_url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Db4R2ENPEa-k%3BS.android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.co.th%3Bend&ved=0ahUKEwjj0fqEvNXKAhUOCY4KHdOCB3UQjjgIGjAA&usg=AFQjCNH5Gl6UT3XmM_bTikYfzYUFYVKy4Q&sig2=iQtlnpMdue833Yh_yvH-QAattachicon.gifdownload (1).jpg

It is certainly possible to be anti-zionist and not anti-semitic. But it's clear you are both.

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Thais who wear Nazi stuff usually do it for FASHION. Ignorant but it's not the same thing. The education system on such matters here is pretty much non-existent.

Over the years the Israeli embassy has raised other issues such as the infamous Nazi school parade in Chiang Mai, the Hitler billboard for the Pattaya wax museum, etc.

It's not a big deal for the Thai government to respond to such incidents. It's a bigger deal to include this stuff in the schools.

I'm not so sure about that fashion argument, JT. I've heard it before and I don't buy it wholeheartedly. I guess it's true in most cases but not all of them. This is the age of internet and easy access to information (at least for the time being).

I do fully agree with your last sentence though. There is indeed a problem with the schools here, and one may well ask on what matters the education system is, well, existent.

For 7 years now, I've been sponsoring 2 Esarn kids, a brother and sister who were abandoned by both their parents. Their grandma looks after them but she's dirt poor, so I decided to try and counterbalance their bad luck by giving them a chance to study in the best private school near their home. I went there, talked to the principal, was rather impressed by the premises and the general atmosphere, so they started attending.

After 7 years, I am impressed by ... how little they have learned, even, for example, in Thai history. Geography of Thailand ? they know very little. Geography of Asia ? almost nothing. Geography of the world ? NOTHING AT ALL. The list goes on, in every subject. And these kids are not dumb, not in the least.

Thais keep telling me that this private school is one of the best in Thailand, and way superior to the public ones. I can't begin to imagine what 'education' kids get in those public schools, then.

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He's almost as bad as Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie hebdo was great, they went a bit too far sometimes, but were great anyway....and I miss there sense of humour...!!! witch was only comprehensive to real French speakers.

There was no other equivalent in the world to Charlie Hebdo....

We could use it here to change things a bit.....


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Interesting case. Thailand does give a s%$* about antisemitism. There must been pressure from very very very high to kick him out. Think about all the Hakenkreuz shirts and tatooes around the country. I have meet a Thai guy around 21 year of age who had many Hitler based tattoos on his body and was very proud of it. I spared my time to explained him that his would probably get in trouble if he trouble with this in Europe.

Yes, I'm a little surprised that this was taken seriously at a high level and acted on in a short space of time.

Something's changed, I'm sure we all remember the 'Hitler Fried Chicken' incident from a few years back.

I don't recall that the Israeli embassy got involved in that one, but I know you're totally wrong, nothing's changed. Israel and Thailand have decent relations, simple as that.

So nothing's changed in Thailand about that.

But a place that has changed is in FRANCE.

The antisemitism there is as bad as its been since World War 2 and a significant percentage of French Jews don't feel safe living there anymore.

There are almost no Thai Jews, but France includes the third most populous Jewish population in the world, after the USA and Israel.

Interestingly a country doesn't need to have any or many Jews for there to be rampant anti-semitism (neighboring Malaysia is a classic example of that) but antisemitism in Thailand (among Thais) is not at all severe.

"The antisemitism there is as bad as its been since World War 2"

If you allow me this sentence is a very bad example, even thought I've read it in some medias too, for most people would understand wow so "the Frenchs" are becoming anti-Semite ! "the Frenchs are NOT anti-Semite at all" but if France includes the third most populous Jewish population,(unfortunately) it also have the FIRST Muslim population in Europe, mainly from Algeria Tunisia and Morocco, It's hard to know exactly but they are round 5,000,000, with the last generation called the CPF (chances pour la France LOL) and MOST OF THEM are 100% of the antisemitism problem in France. And yes it is a lot of people to be anti-Semite and yes they have a French passport but they are not only anti-Semite... many are also anti-France !

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Apparently in France if you put a goat into a penguins enclosure, it is technically a penguin( as opposed to being a goat in a penguins enclosure). Strange bunch across the channel.

What does that have to do with the price of noodles?

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Yeah nobody wants to hear anti Semitic drivel.

But why is it that some countries, make it a point to want people to respect their customs/culture and religious beliefs.

Yet couldn't care less and have no interest in other peoples customs/culture and religious beliefs, even going as far as giving foreigners racist tags, and religious bigotry for their own people.

Seems whats good for the goose isn't good for the gander.

Racial and religious tagging and discrimination is against the law in my country.

The man is a holocaust denier a promoter of hatred and religious bigotry.

Good riddance.

He is not a holocaust denier. You are misinformed.

Video of his visit to Auschwitz:


We may not agree or like, some of his political position, but he is recognized, by his peers and the public, to be one of the best humoristic artist of the past decade.

Without being fluent in French and having followed French politics, I wonder how you could make an informed opinion of him.

As much as he uses politics, politics use him as well.

From the daily telegraph of all places in a piece they ran on him.

"In front of a packed house, he apes Alain Jakubowicz, a French Jewish leader who calls the humour of Dieudonné tantamount to hate speech. While the comedian skewers Jakubowicz, Stars of David glow on screen and, as the audience guffaws, a soundtrack plays evoking the trains to Nazi death camps. In various other skits, he belittles the Holocaust, then mocks it as a gross exaggeration."

If he changed his views after visiting auschwitz then that is all for the good.


You do not need to speak French to follow French politics. The type of hate this man represents is something I try to read up on.

He and his fellow travellers are scum and a danger to us all.

Edited by Bluespunk
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The last thing zionists want is for the truth and all of their lies to be exposed. Always playing the victim but responsible for most of the hate and murder that's gone on in the world for the last 150 years. Who controls the world banking system, mass media, US foreign policy and who were the bolsheviks that were responsible for the genocide of countless millions of Russian and Ukranian christians? Wake up and stop listening to their drivel and please no accusations or lectures about me being an anti semite. Plenty of jews are anti zionist.

Don't believe me? Click on the video link for a good short film.

https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=intent://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Db4R2ENPEa-k%23Intent%3Bscheme%3Dhttp%3Bpackage%3Dcom.google.android.youtube%3BS.browser_fallback_url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Db4R2ENPEa-k%3BS.android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.co.th%3Bend&ved=0ahUKEwjj0fqEvNXKAhUOCY4KHdOCB3UQjjgIGjAA&usg=AFQjCNH5Gl6UT3XmM_bTikYfzYUFYVKy4Q&sig2=iQtlnpMdue833Yh_yvH-QAattachicon.gifdownload (1).jpg

It is certainly possible to be anti-zionist and not anti-semitic. But it's clear you are both.
You need to grow up sunshine and research some real history. I won't be silenced and slandered by people like you. All I care about is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. I don't hate any people. I am a humanist. What I hate is people doing bad things in the name of religion or political ideology. The fact is that no matter who you vote for as an individual the controlling elite of the puppet politicians don't give a fig. They get their wars, power, money and control everytime.


You, sir, should lay off the mind-altering drugs you obviously are indulging in.

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Anyway, I say good on Thailand for doing the right thing and booting out that troublemaker!

I am curious. He was planning to do the show in French, I assume?

So there are enough Francophones in Phuket who dig the Quenelle to support such a show?

In France his shows are banned almost everywhere nowadays, he was also kick out from his own theatre recently. It is a dangerous mad dog, yes dangerous, because on the other hand it is true that he can be very funny on certain subjects. But it is mr, doublespeak all the time, he says he is not

anti-Semite at all, but he was "invited" in Iran as an anti-semite friend of them. I saw a video of an interview of him by an Iranian journalist when he was in Teheran, an absolute shame.

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I knew Israel controlled France, I didn't know that Thailand also kneels before it.

Dieudonné is a great advocate for peace and is hated by these who would like to hide the Palestinian genocide.

The medias who call him antisemitic are clearly ignorant or just belong to Zionism sympathisers and have blood on their hands.

So, as they say, "Quenelle dans ton cul!"

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Good.clap2.gif Happy to hear Thailand kicked out that horrible Jew hater.

I know this comedian very well and have seen his show many times. He's making fun of all religions!! If you take one of his sketches out of context it looses all of it meaning! The name of his show is "PAIX" (peace).... This is ridiculous and ignorant!

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The last thing zionists want is for the truth and all of their lies to be exposed. Always playing the victim but responsible for most of the hate and murder that's gone on in the world for the last 150 years. Who controls the world banking system, mass media, US foreign policy and who were the bolsheviks that were responsible for the genocide of countless millions of Russian and Ukranian christians? Wake up and stop listening to their drivel and please no accusations or lectures about me being an anti semite. Plenty of jews are anti zionist.

Don't believe me? Click on the video link for a good short film.

https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=intent://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Db4R2ENPEa-k%23Intent%3Bscheme%3Dhttp%3Bpackage%3Dcom.google.android.youtube%3BS.browser_fallback_url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253Db4R2ENPEa-k%3BS.android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.co.th%3Bend&ved=0ahUKEwjj0fqEvNXKAhUOCY4KHdOCB3UQjjgIGjAA&usg=AFQjCNH5Gl6UT3XmM_bTikYfzYUFYVKy4Q&sig2=iQtlnpMdue833Yh_yvH-QA download (1).jpg

They've taken away my point of view

They've taken away my right to choose

The lunatics have taken over the forum.

To paraphrase the Fun Boy Three

As to your post.


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He's making fun of all religions!! Not only Judaism! He's an advocate for peace and openly condemns the Palestinian genocide... that gives you an idea why Israel wants to shut this guy up! They don't want the world to realize that they are doing the same thing that was done to their people!

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Interesting case. Thailand does give a s%$* about antisemitism. There must been pressure from very very very high to kick him out. Think about all the Hakenkreuz shirts and tatooes around the country. I have meet a Thai guy around 21 year of age who had many Hitler based tattoos on his body and was very proud of it. I spared my time to explained him that his would probably get in trouble if he trouble with this in Europe.

Why do people always identify the swastika as exclusively a Nazi symbol, and thus calling it an antisemitic symbol?

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I've never heard of this Dieudonne guy before but I've heard of the 'streisand effect'.

He's already very famous.

He popularized the "Quenelle" in France.


Yes indeed, and not so long ago he became head line news in the UK after a famous premier league football player celebrated a goal he scored by performing his 'quenelle'.

That footballer lost a lot of fans and popularity after that incident.

(http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/apr/04/nicolas-anelka-quenelle-defence-not-racist )

Very sad to read that the Italian owners of the illuzion club in Patong, that I know personally as I partially built that place, have invited him to do a show in their club, disgusting !

Edited by luckyman
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Well the "problem" with free speech is that it gives everybody the right to say what they believe (of course there are laws in place in most democratic countries to restrict hate speech).

I admire France for its stance on free speech and no subject is limited intense debate which often has a very high academic value. They allow Charlie Hebdo and they allow this comedian.

My French - expecially slang - is not fluent enough to determine whwther he is funny or not, but I do respect his right to free speech, and I wish that Thailand would tell the Israeli ambassador the same (although that might open a can worms for the present "government" regarding allowing free speech).

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Interesting case. Thailand does give a s%$* about antisemitism. There must been pressure from very very very high to kick him out. Think about all the Hakenkreuz shirts and tatooes around the country. I have meet a Thai guy around 21 year of age who had many Hitler based tattoos on his body and was very proud of it. I spared my time to explained him that his would probably get in trouble if he trouble with this in Europe.

Why do people always identify the swastika as exclusively a Nazi symbol, and thus calling it an antisemitic symbol?

Hmm, let me think on that one..

Oh, I know,

Because it is.

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