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Niece drinking 'tabs' with coca-cola


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As reported in another thread in this sub-forum, my nieces are now living with me, because their parents are unable to care for them (financially, time-wise etc).

As they start to open up to me about their interests, concerns etc, I find that the 14 year old is regularly drinking a 'concoction' of coca-cola and tablets with her teenage friends.

I'd appreciate if anyone knows what this drink is.

It is not yaba, and not krathom. I think it might be sleeping tablets mixed with coca-cola. It apparently (according to Thai friends), makes the kids drunk and high, but is not considered an illegal drink.

It seems that many bored teens drink this and get into trouble (if not with the police, then with their teachers and parents). My niece and her friends have been caught at school drinking this stuff and told to attend a 3-day anti-drug camp

Now, what can I do to help her from going down this path, which I'm sure will only lead to taking yaba? She is not 'off the rails' by a long shot. I guess it is peer-pressure from her friends.

My idea is to try to get her involved in some regular sporting or other activities, such as swimming, tennis etc etc, maybe playing a musical instrument, cheer-leading etc. My gut feeling is that if she had enjoyable things to do and to keep her busy in her life, then she would not go off in the evenings to get into trouble.

Banning her from leaving the house in the evening would not - IMHO - be the way to go. It would only make her rebel against me.

My own kids are all but grown up, so I'd appreciate any advice from parents of Thai kids about this, especially knowledge about what the tabs+coke drink is.

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If you want a good relationship with your niece first you need to get her to tell you 1) what the tablets are and 2) where she gets them. Start from there....if you cannot get that info from her then there is little hope of changing her behavior.

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It is possibly endone or oxcodone ( or one of the other stronger painkillers) mixed with the coke. Freely available in most schools in Bangkok , and no doubt everywhere else in LOS , from what my step kids tell me.

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Oxicodine or Tramadol which is a synthetic opium, at her young age you are going to get significant damage if she develops

An addiction, which she will, to these opiate pain killers....very bad for the organs and central nervous system....

So do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation.....which might look a little benign with the Coke but it is going to destroy her life.

She will have no real future if this is the case.....just try and tease it out of her what type of pills they are...nicely...no other way will work. Totally forget the idea of finding out who is supplying it for now...worry about that later...and anyway, these things are freely available in the chemist shops, I think a strip of 10 Tramadol costs 30 or 40 baht...Google Tramadol and you will see the problem she is facing....and then I think it's just a matter of you, somehow making her understand what will happen in the future in all likelihood,

If you can somehow get her to change her group of friends to avoid the peer pressure.....quite possibly her life is going to be wasted quite horribly so good for you to take some action....I wish you well...I think if you could translate the information in English that is available about these synthetic opiums and there are blogs about them, then it might help, because if she understood she might taper her use a bit.....bloody hard whenn these things are freely available without prescription, unlike the West....

Edited by namatjira
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So I found out what it is - The pills are sleeping tablets mixed with Coca-Cola, a popular drink among teens in Thai schools, and apparently not illegal.

This particular cocktail is exactly what my ex #2 drank every day before she went as mad as a bat (see TV post about this from years ago). Interestingly, my niece is displaying many similar symptoms of my ex-wife (ingrained lying, denial when faced with the truth, stealing, defrauding/cheating Thai friends, going off after dark etc)

So having weathered that storm all those years ago, I'm not sure that I want another ungrateful person on my hands. Difficult decision though, because she is still a teenager.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I found out what it is - The pills are sleeping tablets mixed with Coca-Cola, a popular drink among teens in Thai schools, and apparently not illegal.

This particular cocktail is exactly what my ex #2 drank every day before she went as mad as a bat (see TV post about this from years ago). Interestingly, my niece is displaying many similar symptoms of my ex-wife (ingrained lying, denial when faced with the truth, stealing, defrauding/cheating Thai friends, going off after dark etc)

So having weathered that storm all those years ago, I'm not sure that I want another ungrateful person on my hands. Difficult decision though, because she is still a teenager.

You can "lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" - same with me, least favorite ex-wife & her son, I tried to help, intervene, support but always the lies, stealing, more lies, jail time, more lies, finally divorced and had her son arrested for larceny. "How could you do that??", people ask me.......the prick was breaking into houses and stealing Christmas presents, thats low, even for a thief.............some will say "Don't give up on her", but the reality is, by now, she is lost to you, not a relative, if your current wife can't handle her niece,or her parents, what makes you think you can help. Don't beat yourself up over it.

I once lived in Sattahip, knew a neighborhood girl me & my 'favorite ex-wife' helped most of her young life, paid for school , clothes, books treated her like a lil sister - ten years later I ran into her in a beer bar in Pattaya, she acted like she didn't know me but could tell she recognized 'something', as the only one that didn't ask me for a lady drink that night................somtimes the devil wins.

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.....why are these 'tablets' (DRUGS) so readily available to students???

...this must be common knowledge if it is so widespread.....

...why not inform the authorities.....

...as for guessing what it is...why not get one and have it checked out...

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Simon have you done the run to bangkok Yet?

If not you really have to do it soon and make it a long visit with your wife checking her stuff.

Two reasons

First, if she is hooked on anything that is harmful you will see and hear the affects of withdrawal.

Second reason is that it will give her an insight into a world that they only see on TV and hear about. Most if not all of her friends are probably from the same type of family that you pulled her out of.

For a long time her like her friends have lived in a world that has nothing for them and shows them nothing in the way of a future.

You my friend need to show her that way and keep showing it to her.

She needs to see that there are options. You need to give her the options and let her and her sister think and act on them but definitely have them choose something.


Also thank god for the fact that she trusts you enough to talk about it. that in itself is the CRY FOR HELP.

Do not let her go ask her what she thinks. Then as a gauge tell her that at this time she has the ability and support to do anything in the world that she wants. What does she want to do. DO NOT LET HER PICK THE EASY ROUTE. Politely and gently keep pushing.

If they enjoyed BKK then ask them where they would like to go and if they would like to come back.


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So sad to hear about this new development, Simon43!

I actually spoke with a pharmacist in Bang Saphan just two weeks ago about the widespread abuse of Tramadol w. softdrinks by school kids in Thailand. So the problem is known about, but they still are selling it over the counter!

I fear you will have to confront her with the naked truth, that at this time of her young live _she_ will have to choose if she wants to live a good live with your help or lose this chance by proceeding the way she started to behave right now. Maybe really take her to a rehab facility to show her, where this can and will lead to?

Maybe, as mentioned above, this really is a cry for help. And it might be a cry for borders to be set too.

Is there a chance to take her out of this peer group, maybe by changing schools?

Best wishes for you and the girl!

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To people saying that it's oxycodone, there's pretty much no way that's true. Oxycodone isn't available in Thailand in general. Maybe specifically at some hospitals, but absolutely not common or even commonly prescribed. I've read that it's just not available at all at many hospitals too, so I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't available at all period. I've also read on here that even at somewhere like Bumrungrad someone with a prescription for it was told that it wasn't available and instead was given the option of the less effective morphine tablets.

OP, sleeping pills can mean a lot of different things. Do you happen to know exactly what the substance is that they're drinking? Also, the fact that they're mixing with coca-cola is pretty much irrelevant and just a placebo if anything. The actual drug itself is what would be causing any sort of effect. At best coca-cola has a small amount of caffeine, so other than that it would add absolutely nothing.

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You mention nieces, what about the others? how old? how do they behave?

At the age of 14 a child needs discipline as well as love and care. I understand you are "only" the uncle and it might bee difficult, but it is a must if she / they are to stay with you, under your responsibility.

In your OP you wrote the girl has opened up to you and told you about her bad habit. In your next post you wrote she is ingrained lying, denial when faced with the truth, stealing, defrauding/cheating Thai friends, going off after dark etc

So I guess things are going from bad to worse.

As some posters have mentioned you can take her to some places and show her what her future might look like if she keeps going this way. In my opinion, as she is already hooked AND in denial, it wont do much good.

I'd say the first step is to clean her up. Might need professional help and it's definitely not going to be easy.

Once she's clean, establish house rules, curfews, filter her friends and associates. Maybe change schools to a better school / better location. And keep an eye on her at all times as she might slip back to the habits.

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Sorry for your predicament Simon.

One of my daughters chose the wrong road.

To be quite frank, until you can stop her mixing with the same group of friends, their influence will be far greater than yours.

Then and only then will you have a chance to make a difference.

Another common tablet they drink with coke are cold remedies that make you drowsy, appearing drunk and high.

Freely available over the counter even to children.

That snippet of information comes from my g/f visiting niece (school girl), who says it's common with certain groups.

Edited by Faz
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So I found out what it is - The pills are sleeping tablets mixed with Coca-Cola, a popular drink among teens in Thai schools, and apparently not illegal.

This particular cocktail is exactly what my ex #2 drank every day before she went as mad as a bat (see TV post about this from years ago). Interestingly, my niece is displaying many similar symptoms of my ex-wife (ingrained lying, denial when faced with the truth, stealing, defrauding/cheating Thai friends, going off after dark etc)

So having weathered that storm all those years ago, I'm not sure that I want another ungrateful person on my hands. Difficult decision though, because she is still a teenager.

There are many kinds of "sleeping tablets" ...some with much worse long term consequences than others. Can you find out the name of them? Or get hold hold of one or two from her and take them to a pharmacist or doctor and find out what kind they are ? ?

Better hope they are not in the Benzodiazepine family.. Addiction to them... and then withdrawal... can lead to frightening actions if not done under with serious help.

Good luck..

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To people saying that it's oxycodone, there's pretty much no way that's true.

According to Wikipedia this Tramadol is indeed an opioid pain medication and thus although technically not oxycodone it acts upon the body much like oxycodone. And as one who has had some experience with opiates in a younger and more foolish stage of life and with opioids such as oxycodone at a later stage of life (kidney stones) I don't see much difference other than strength and dosage. It is all heroin in pill form.

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Sounds like you are approaching this sensibly.

How about 'showing her' the impact of drugs on people's lives, scare her away from them before she starts to experiment herself. It does sound like she is only a step away!

I agree a heavy hand will alienate her.

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A lot of pharmacists are reluctant to sell tramadol to Thais now because of the coke thing. The first I heard about this use was from a Thai pharmacist.

If they do sell it to you, you'll likely need to write down your name for them, but they don't require any ID, so it's a completely pointless procedure.

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Showing her people in rehab is a very good idea but I guarantee her first thought will be "I'm different, I know what I'm doing, that can't happen to me". Explain to her that every person in rehab thought they were different until it was too late. Until she truly understands that she will be on a very slippery slope. I wouldn't be here writing this today if I didn't come to the realization that I am EXACTLY like them. Good luck.

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So I found out what it is - The pills are sleeping tablets mixed with Coca-Cola, a popular drink among teens in Thai schools, and apparently not illegal.

This particular cocktail is exactly what my ex #2 drank every day before she went as mad as a bat (see TV post about this from years ago). Interestingly, my niece is displaying many similar symptoms of my ex-wife (ingrained lying, denial when faced with the truth, stealing, defrauding/cheating Thai friends, going off after dark etc)

So having weathered that storm all those years ago, I'm not sure that I want another ungrateful person on my hands. Difficult decision though, because she is still a teenager.

do you know what sleeping tablets?

AFAIK, any proper sleeping tablets can be bought on prescription only and even Prozac/Xanax/Valim are not obtainable legally without prescription. Any proper drug of that type would have been obtained illegally.

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In our part of Issan the use of TRAMADOL plus Cok Cola is wide spread, seemingly with the Female Students. Simply referred to as "Coke". The Boys often opt for something stronger. I am sure that Tramadol is a Category 3 medication and thus possession without prescription is a Criminal Offence.

OXYCODONE or OXYNORM is a category 1 drug and virtually impossible to obtain in Thailand. As another poster advised even the major hospitals do not stock these drugs.

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Well, just an update to say that things have not really been working out.

My niece and her school friends were summoned by the school and ordered to go to an army camp for a few days. This actually sounds like a good idea, to help her and her friends understand the dangers of drugs and the path that she is going down.

But at 'home' (which meant my home, where the nieces were living), things didn't work out. I tried to impose some 'minor' rules, such as no boys in the house, no drugs, and no going out after 10 pm at night.

Unfortunately, the niece broke all those rules from day 1, and despite me warning her many times that if she continued to break the rules, there would be no place in my house for her, she didn't change her behaviour 1 iota.

So I sent her and her sister back to her parents' house.

After a few days, she returned and pleaded with me to allow her and her sister to stay with me at my house. I reminded her of my rules and she promised to adhere to them. For the first 3 nights, she and her sister returned to my house by 10 pm each night, so all good.

But after that, back to their usual routine of going out around 8 pm and not returning home until 5 or 6am the next day! This is a 14 year old girl and her 12 year old sister.

I know from speaking with other Thai parents in the area that she spends the night sitting on the back of some male teen's motorbike, together with her young sister and other male teens.

This IMHO, is a recipe for disaster, and my big concern is that any trouble that she might get into will rebound on me, since she is staying in my house. The local police are already aware of these teen gangs

I had no choice but to throw both of them out again...

I understand that they are now staying at their parents' house, but sneak out after dark, as soon as their parents are asleep.

Sadly, but realistically,I have already made a 1,000 baht bet with a concerned friend that the older girl will be pregnant by one of these teen boys before the end of this year :(

It is very frustrating for me, because I am genuinely trying to help. But from both of them I get zero respect (which is probably the norm for teens and adults). But there is also total refusal to stick to my simple rules, (rules which have incentives, such as weekend trips etc etc if they stay within my boundaries).

They are blood nieces of my mad ex-wife and I see exactly the same behaviour in the 14 year old as my ex, (and it could be that her bipolar illness runs in the family).

The status right now is that the 2 nieces are back with their dysfunctional parents, who both care not one single jot as to whether the girls go to school or not, whether they mix with 'bad' friends or not, or where they are at night etc.

A good teacher friend who has taught teen girls for more than 25 years told me that the girl will only realise the errors of her ways when she's about 21 years old - any effort to hep her now is a waste of my time and money.

So what to do? At the end of the day, it is not my responsibility. But for those people whose responsibility it is (parents and family), there is a total 'I don't care or I can't be bothered to care' attitude.

Meanwhile, the 2 girls get behind with their school work, continue to take tabs and coke, continue to enjoy the company of their sophisticated male friends......

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Just as an update, I agree 100% that it would greatly help to get her and her sister away from the bad company that she is keeping. But that would need a relocation to another place in Thailand where she could start afresh.

This is not totally outside the bounds of possibility. I have been toying with the idea of living away from Phuket during the week, perhaps in Phang Nga province, because I am somewhat jaded by what Phuket has become after living there for 14 years. But I am still tied to the island by my hotel business, which continues to expand.

My business runs OK with my Thai staff (who are not family). They are quite confident and experienced to manage my hotel during weekdays.

I am also an experienced Homeroom teacher, having taught and been Headmaster at schools in Laos and Myanmar.

Here's a mad plan. I relocate with my nieces to a rural area of Phang Nga, enroll them in the local school, AND then work at that school as a teacher, which means that I would have a better idea of who their friends are and can encourage the nieces 'along the right path'.

We can drive back to Phuket for the weekend and I can handcuff them to their bedroom door for those 2 days (joke about the handcuffs!)

I think a lot of the current problems that these girls have is simply because no-one has ever bothered to take an interest in their schooling and upbringing, (sadly, I could probably say the same about millions of kids in this world).

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Simon. I am sorry things are working that way. I do fear that you will not be able to stop it for a variety of reasons. Generally the only choice you have is provide basic support to see them stay alive and hopefully in school and not pregnant or worse. Sometimes after a few years if they survive through that they may be in a better state to want help. At the moment that stage is not here.

Sadly Simon you may also be putting yourself at riskby doing so. I do know you are a well respected person and well known for that but you are in a rather strange country sometimes and it is not beyond the bounds of possiblity that you could have accusations placed against you.

These would even though easily recognised as false cause you major problem in todays climate.

Edited by harrry
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