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National Legislative Assembly approves teen pregnancy act


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National Legislative Assembly approves teen pregnancy act

Vipaporn Pooritanasarn

BANGKOK, 5 February 2016 (NNT) – The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has approved a bill aimed at preventing and finding solutions to the teen pregnancy problem.

The bill, consisting of 23 sections, stipulates that youngsters aged from 10 to 19 must have access to services and information on reproductive health. Schools have to provide sex education, consultations on pregnancy prevention and should arrange for pregnant students to receive proper education and social welfare.

A special committee will be appointed to propose policies to prevent and reduce pregnancies among teenagers and map out penalties for those refusing to abide by the committee’s order. The committee will also be tasked with modernizing gender and sexuality studies.

The NLA approved the bill with 179 votes in favor and six abstentions. The new law will come into effect, 120 days after its announcement in the Royal Gazette.

-- NNT 2016-01-06 footer_n.gif

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A bill consisting of 23 sections.

Yep, that will stop unwanted pregnencies but only if forced to read it before doing the deed

So are you against sex education in schools, or education in general? It seems a good idea for students to avoid pregnancy, at least until they can spell it.

Edited by halloween
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why do i now after nearly 2 years of army rule see some Stuff happening that i like ?

Like the responsibilty the PM is asking for in all thais or now that law ? is perhaps something happening that is good ?

But i do see big Problems getting parents or Teacher to really talk with the kids

Edited by inaktive
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getting the teachers at government schools to implement the openness of talking about sex ED

has to be done in conjunction with parents, so many Thais are reluctant to talk about

such embarrassing stuff,

Yes it's very much a problem. From personal experience so many parents expect schools to teach absolutely everything and the school authorities complain that parents abrogate the their responsibility to teach even the basics such as good behaviour, discipline etc.

Both sides will happily shy away from sex education.

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Boredom, peer pressure, environments that oozes sex being advertised anywhere you look,

cheap drugs and alcohol, internet that laden and infested with porn, and some government

bureaucrats wand to stop teens from doing it?..... Good luck to them...

Edited by ezzra
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getting the teachers at government schools to implement the openness of talking about sex ED

has to be done in conjunction with parents, so many Thais are reluctant to talk about

such embarrassing stuff,

Another great plan with suitable publicity but when it comes to actual implementation, well that's another story.

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Judging by the stupendous results in general education being taught by THAI teachers, making Thailand NOW almost at the bottom of the ASEAN league of education, if they ( the schools ) are unable to teach the basics in Languages (both ) maths and sciences, how the hell are they going to educate the children on the complexities of sex, even myself a person in his sixties has not as yet understood all those complexities. When you take the CULTURAL view as well it is a law designed to appease some but will in fact change nothing as still in villages girls as young a 14 are still having babies .

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Having an anti-teen pregnancy law of 23 sections is great.

But what, if anything, the Thai education bureaucracy will actually produce from the law is an entirely different matter.

I'd be surprised if they actually do anything meaningful. More than likely, just another law on the books that will be routinely ignored or lost in the shuffle.

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The NLA keeps improving its singularity.

Vote for this bill was 179 for and 6 abstentions. Since its appointment in Oct. 2014 it typically passed bills on the first reading with 179 for, 3 abstained and 3 not present. Or sometimes 3 against and 3 not present.

In recent bills it seems those missing and against MPs are now shown as abstaining. Now that's a parliament that Prayut can depend on.

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Isn't 10 a little early? Maybe 12 or 13 (puberty) would be more appropriate?

I can tell you that in germany they do start sex education even more early in public school and thats good !

at 12 or 13 its often too late nowadays because many will already have sex

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Very good news for teen young lady who want to try sex. If you get have a pregnancy the government will fund you. No worry about the father supporting her because of the government lack of making the real father claim responceability for there actions. Good to let these young men know that it is open season on teen girl and it will cost you nothing!

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Isn't 10 a little early? Maybe 12 or 13 (puberty) would be more appropriate?

Are you thinking my 5 years young girl does not have a clue?

All kids are curious.

Kinda tough for a 5 year old to get impregnated by some kid in her kindergarten class though.

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Hope it teaches always to use a proper condom rather than cling-film, or a plastic-bag ! rolleyes.gif

Good point on the plastic bag.

I saw some teenagers trying to use a plastic bag for a diving mask on Pattaya Beach once.

Yes, the retard put a plastic bag over his head and went under water with it, came up gasping for air and, well... you can guess what happened.

He snatched it off and I doubt he ever did that again.

It was fantastically funny to watch!

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A bill consisting of 23 sections.

Yep, that will stop unwanted pregnencies but only if forced to read it before doing the deed

So are you against sex education in schools, or education in general? It seems a good idea for students to avoid pregnancy, at least until they can spell it.

I think people have mist the point the document is suppose to be held by the knees, thus stopping getting pregnant.

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As has been established in the declining, decrepit cultures of Northwest Europe and North America, sex education in schools only promotes more promiscuity. Its sponsors worldwide continue undeterred, hellbent on their agenda of family destruction.

Leaders in Prayut's position no doubt get badgered constantly by UN agencies and other well-financed, nefarious, anti-family NGO's to pass seemingly innocuous education bills.

It is sad to see this garbage enter the Kingdom.

For thousands of years, young men and women managed their lives and their bodies without the humiliating degradation of sexual brainwashing in the classroom. Sex may be indulged in freely and happily, without third party intervention, once you make a lifetime commitment.

I hope the Kingdom strongly defends itself from pernicious outside influences. May God bless and protect Thailand, and guide Thailand's leaders.

Edited by HikeFromLA
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