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You know you are in Pattaya when.....


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This is why Sin City exists,to keep all of your friends there and not perpetrating their social crimes on the rest of us in the far reaches of this wonderful land.Number 3 is a major crime,if you wear socks it must be with shoes,not even sandles,and no hanky on the head either,especially a used one.

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Ha! When i had the bar,we used to get all the special forces,special op's,SAS,MI5,6.The best one were"if i tell you,i'll have to kill you,and 'i cant tell you,ive signed the official secrets act"these were probably postmen,dustmen,post room guy's,insurance men,you all know the type.But i suppose reinventment is exciting.I just hope that any of these people never had to prove it.


Was your bar the one called Walter Mitty's on Soi 8?

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Anyway, back on topic. Pretty much all posts to-date have indicated some degree of aversion to males. Be it sexpats, mongers, lady boys, ex-SAS wannabe's or the otherwise (dis)gracefully aging retiree. It's like some sort of perverse penis envy.

And here's me thinking that Pattaya was all about the flange.

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That was the sixties (Vietnam)

You wont find many US Citizens there now

Only when 'Cobra Gold' is on

Then watch your girlfriends eyes light up- hehe

I don't think so,the Yanks forces are on spending rations,buy grog at Seven and try to drink it at bars.

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Ha! When i had the bar,we used to get all the special forces,special op's,SAS,MI5,6.The best one were"if i tell you,i'll have to kill you,and 'i cant tell you,ive signed the official secrets act"these were probably postmen,dustmen,post room guy's,insurance men,you all know the type.But i suppose reinventment is exciting.I just hope that any of these people never had to prove it.


Maybe they were just seeing how naive you were in the town where bs rules.

Edited by louse1953
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You know your in Pattaya

When you see a bunch of Japanese guys with 1000 baht bills stuck to their foreheads in a Go-Go Bar.

When you hear a bunch of old guys talking like they were Special Forces, google is their best friend

When you hear a bunch of old European men speaking Baby Talk to a bar girl and think they speak Thai

When you see an African Lady Boy, I lived in Africa 12 years, never saw one black Lady Boy.

When you can walk down one street with so much music blaring from the bars you can't understand a single song

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You know when you're in Pattaya when you have to read comments on the place by holier than thee elderly gents out in the sticks starting their daily intake Chang at mid day and finding pleasure in watching the grass grow because there's nothing else to do with their time . Exciting .

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80 year old grandpas just hanging in the gogos, then bragging about bedding 19 year old village girls who they just paid a fortune to.

Another person who knows how everyone else should live so they conform to his ideas. You should have your own police to monitor people as they do in Saudi Arabia. Make sure we toe the line.

I really don't care that you spend your time counting the hairs in your navel. Rock on!

You know you're in pattaya when gramps-a-gogo will not only do all the above but then come on to defend them too.

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You know when you're in Pattaya when you have to read comments on the place by holier than thee elderly gents out in the sticks starting their daily intake Chang at mid day and finding pleasure in watching the grass grow because there's nothing else to do with their time . Exciting .

Tiger please!(occasionally!)

Chang is too sweet, although l used to love it.

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You know you are in Pattaya when.......

You meet people who have worked their boll*cks off back home for six months, and want a bit of fun and relaxation for two weeks, before going back home to the grindstone.

Or worked all their life and want a totally hedonistic final phase of their life. There's nothing wrong with it. You pays your money and makes your choice. Pattaya Rocks.

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Happily there is more to Thailand than beer, 'birds' and booze. Looking at a lot of the visitors in Pattaya, when I unfortunately have been there, reminds me of the sort of people I left home to get away from. Pattaya really does seem to attract the worst of Thailand and from abroad. Makes money though, that's the whole point of it.

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You know you're in Pattaya when every other bloke in the bar is on R&R from the Thailand boonies (sans wife) and gives you a monologue about how bored he is up there, and thank god for Pattaya. coffee1.gif

50% of the Farang Isaan-Dwellers will not agree with above comment. But the other 50 % will. cheesy.gif


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You know you're in Pattaya when every other bloke in the bar is on R&R from the Thailand boonies (sans wife) and gives you a monologue about how bored he is up there, and thank god for Pattaya. coffee1.gif

50% of the Farang Isaan-Dwellers will not agree with above comment. But the other 50 % will. cheesy.gif


Yep you could be right.

Funny thing is, half of them say they love it up there but just have to get away from the boredom and love come to Pattaya - telling me while they have their arm around a bar girl after having bought them a drink.

The other half tell me they dislike Pattaya, love the boonies, and only come to distasteful Patters when they really have to but they don't like it one little bit - telling me while they have their arm around a bar girl after having bought them a drink. blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

As my dear old Yorkshire Mum would say "there's nowt as queer as folk." coffee1.gif

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When you hear the fat ugly, tattooed facial hair guys getting called "hansome man".

When you see the fat ugly tattooed facial hair ladies calling someone "hansome man"...................................sad.png


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First time i went there was on a tour of 15 people in 1994. After a brief look round 13 of them went to the travel agents and booked to go somewhere else for the next 10 days. I was one that stayed thinking i's give it a go, I always wished i had gone somewhere else, it was a ghastly hell hole then and still is. I know i'm in Pattaya when i'd rather be anywhere else.

If it's such a hell hole... why do you go there (last sentence)?

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