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The Thais I know are teetotalers or very seldom drink. If you want, we can swap friends.

On a more serious note, if you have a problem refusing a drink with your Thai acquaintances, then don't go out with them anymore or simply don't go to venues where alcohol is served.

It really shouldn't be/isn't a big issue.

....just say you have an allergy to alcohol , and have been advised by a medical professional never to use it again....

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I stopped drinking for a year (a few years back).

I didn't change my social life at all, I still went out to bars and clubs almost every night, but all I drank was soda water or tomato juice.

If someone offered me a drink I just said I wasn't drinking alcohol and would take a tomato juice.

The only problem I had was I having to put up with daft drunk people after a couple of hours and it's amazing how stupid some people get (thankfully not everyone did).

If you have even an ounce of willpower you won't find it difficult at all.

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i decide that i won't ever drink any more alcohol ever...... Don't ask me a reason..There is none...i just intend to be really serious on that matter.....

Thai love to drink..and with my experience they won't take it so good to see me refuse a drink ....

everyone i know in thai do drink .... at least two beer a day seem to be the minimal .....esarn zone ..south zone..or even BKK .....

Personally i find this challenge very exciting and i would like to have some opinion from you on the subject

Were you in that situation ? how did you handle the situation with the local ?

Just you know the wrong Thai people. What you stated is absolutely wrong, there are millions of Thai who don't drink, don't smoke and don't go to bars. So many farangs, live in bubble of their own universe they spend their time in bars and meeting people who are exactly like them. This produce prejudices and ignorance where they start generalizing. No one is shocked if you politely refuse a drink. It's only in your mind.

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I simply don't drink - And nobody seems to mind. They offer me coke, which I don't drink either - it has never ever been a problem for me. I can laugh and have fun w/o alcohol - that said, drunks usually bore me so I have little interest in hanging out with them.

As they say in general - your friends will understand and respect your wishes, the others, who cares.

And women tend to like men who do not drink and smoke.

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Around where I live I have attended many parties where I'm the only Farang. The locals all like a drink, and it is difficult not to join in. I feel like I have caused an international incident if I have an empty glass! They all need to chink glasses and say cheers, not just once but over and over again. It's a tricky situation because I'm not really a big drinker and have balance being polite with not having a bad head the next morning.

So good luck with your plan OP. I don't think it would work for me.

when I go for a meal with Thai friends or family I do not drink and I have no problem with them accepting this their is beer and soft drinks on the table and I stick to the soft drinks and no one is bothered by that.

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I dont drink.

You converted to Islam. You have a bad liver because you drink alot before. You take some medicine and cant combine with alcohol. A friend died from drunk and driving and you promised you would never drink again. You cannot control yourself when you drink so you stopped. The excuses are many but i would just say no. When im with someone that drinks or smokes i usually go away quickly. After 1h i am not in same spirit as them and they starts laughing at all silly thing that i dont think is funny as i am sober.

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If in company who drink and I do not feel like drinking alcohol, soft drinks are ordered and drunk and no one makes any comment at all concerning my imbibing of non alcoholic liquids..

Thai soda water is the world's best, IMHO!

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Had to give up drinking with Hepatitis C. It was no problem at all it does cut down on my social life but I can have a lemon soda, or soda water.

I actually feel better for it. The locals respected me more for not drinking while taking the heavy meds that I was on, I'm 65.

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I do not drink since 30 years old.

Just stopped one day when seriously thinking about spending all my money on Booze or spending my money on Womanizing.

I chose womanizing...lol

Sometimes when people ask me why I stopped I tell them "The Story":

I was really, really drunk one time and next day could not remember where I was and what I did.

Then, a day later there was a news story about a person having been murdered and they had no leads or idea who did the dirty deed.

I thought it may have been me or could have been me that did that...so I stopped drinking and never drank again.

Most people believe the story...lol

Then I tell them : Just joking.....and tell them the truth:

"I spent all my money on women and sex...the rest I just wasted"


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my point is that i won't drink ever...its a promise to myself and i will keep it..Period.

In thailand... its funny..previous comment seem like to be easy to do not have any problem about your non alcoholic situation...i didn't pay attention cause i was a seinkier... i guess its going to be a new challenge ......

Thanks for participate in my topic...

Trying to be a monk without being a monk..new challenge lol whistling.gif

When we go out I have an easy way to refuse as I am usually the driver. When offered a drink I just tell them that I do not drink and drive, it is accepted with no argument.

Personally I haven't given up drinking, one or two beers a week or month are enough for me, but usually at home only.

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i decide that i won't ever drink any more alcohol ever...... Don't ask me a reason..There is none...i just intend to be really serious on that matter.....

Thai love to drink..and with my experience they won't take it so good to see me refuse a drink ....

everyone i know in thai do drink .... at least two beer a day seem to be the minimal .....esarn zone ..south zone..or even BKK .....

Personally i find this challenge very exciting and i would like to have some opinion from you on the subject

Were you in that situation ? how did you handle the situation with the local ?

Just you know the wrong Thai people. What you stated is absolutely wrong, there are millions of Thai who don't drink, don't smoke and don't go to bars. So many farangs, live in bubble of their own universe they spend their time in bars and meeting people who are exactly like them. This produce prejudices and ignorance where they start generalizing. No one is shocked if you politely refuse a drink. It's only in your mind.

There are millions of thais that do drink, smoke and go to bars. Your point?

And you do know that generalization does NOT mean 100% of X?

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