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Netanyahu pledges to protect Israel 'from predatory animals'


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Nomads and Bedouins are crossing this area for centuries during the seasons change.

That's why all countries in the region and beyond with migrating people are never installing a separation wall with barb wire on their borders.

I would rather understand, but never accept, this drastic method due to the latest invasion of Yemeni rebels in Jazan (Saudi Arabian territory) and possible continuation and threat till the coastline of Jordan/Israel/Egypt around Eilat region.

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Bibi's rhetoric may indeed be strong but the concept is sound and all who favor a real two state solution, sooner or later, should not have a big problem with the basic concept.

As far as the 20 percent of Israeli citizens who are Arab ... the vast majority are happy to be Israeli citizens and those that aren't can choose to migrate elsewhere.

Edited by Jingthing
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Netanyahu resembles more and more the elderly grandmother on our street when I was a child who used to tell everyone that "we are doomed" unless we all repent and stop eating white bread.

Yes, a little repentance probably did no one any harm and giving up white bread is probably a good move from a general health point of view - so some aspect of what she used to say was true. But it was the conclusion that we were all doomed if we did not follow her credo was just going too far.

Same with Netanyahu - yes there may be a tiny minority among the huge number of migrants into Jordan but does that give credibility to surrounding Israel with a wall/fence?

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Netanyahu resembles more and more the elderly grandmother on our street when I was a child who used to tell everyone that "we are doomed" unless we all repent and stop eating white bread.

Yes, a little repentance probably did no one any harm and giving up white bread is probably a good move from a general health point of view - so some aspect of what she used to say was true. But it was the conclusion that we were all doomed if we did not follow her credo was just going too far.

Same with Netanyahu - yes there may be a tiny minority among the huge number of migrants into Jordan but does that give credibility to surrounding Israel with a wall/fence?

Bread, schmread ... I find your analogy totally daft.

You do realize right at this moment the genocidal Hamas movement is building invasion tunnels under Israel?

You do realize the intensity of the terror attacks on Jews in Israel has escalated lately?

Bibi is facing those realities in a sober way and he will find good political support for doing exactly that.

If these two nations are ever to exist, side by side, in peace, yes, more and better walls will need building, and maybe 100 years from now they can come down, but not anytime soon.

No, Palestine isn't yet an actual nation, regardless of what Sweden thinks, but the more moderate Palestine are OK with the aspiration of a two state solution ... instead of the River to the Sea garbage.

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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

Israelis are free to travel and migrate to other countries if they wish and conversely many Jews migrate to Israel every year, with a large spike right now from the Jews of FRANCE (where visible Jews no longer feel safe). What you just posted was typical inflammatory Israel demonization rhetoric falsely suggesting an equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. The Israel demonization ideology loves to drop that stink bomb because they know the holocaust is a hot button emotional issue for most Jews. Nice try. No Groucho Marx cigar. No truth in what you suggest.

Anyway, I don't agree with all Bibi does or says, and don't always like the tone of his rhetoric, and yes he sometimes goes over the top like with his bomb cartoons, but the basic idea that Israel and the potential future Palestinian state need to be separated and that Israelis need to be protected from terrorists is something very mainstream and will find good support from left to right. I can understand actual details of fences and how complete they need to be are debatable, but these two nations, one actual Israel, one potential Palestine. are not getting married. Indeed, what they need is a BETTER DIVORCE.


Edited by Jingthing
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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

Israelis are free to travel and migrate to other countries if they wish and conversely many Jews migrate to Israel every year, with a large spike right now from the Jews of FRANCE (where visible Jews no longer feel safe). What you just posted was typical inflammatory Israel demonization rhetoric falsely suggesting an equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. The Israel demonization ideology loves to drop that stink bomb because they know the holocaust is a hot button emotional issue for most Jews. Nice try. No Groucho Marx cigar. No truth in what you suggest.

Anyway, I don't agree with all Bibi does or says, and don't always like the tone of his rhetoric, and yes he sometimes goes over the top like with his bomb cartoons, but the basic idea that Israel and the potential future Palestinian state need to be separated and that Israelis need to be protected from terrorists is something very mainstream and will find good support from left to right. I can understand actual details of fences and how complete they need to be are debatable, but these two nations, one actual Israel, one potential Palestine. are not getting married. Indeed, what they need is a BETTER DIVORCE.


France is the third country in the world in term of jewish community after USA and Israel and the emigration to Israel lower since 2007, so just keep trying dude...

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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

Israelis are free to travel and migrate to other countries if they wish and conversely many Jews migrate to Israel every year, with a large spike right now from the Jews of FRANCE (where visible Jews no longer feel safe). What you just posted was typical inflammatory Israel demonization rhetoric falsely suggesting an equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. The Israel demonization ideology loves to drop that stink bomb because they know the holocaust is a hot button emotional issue for most Jews. Nice try. No Groucho Marx cigar. No truth in what you suggest.

Anyway, I don't agree with all Bibi does or says, and don't always like the tone of his rhetoric, and yes he sometimes goes over the top like with his bomb cartoons, but the basic idea that Israel and the potential future Palestinian state need to be separated and that Israelis need to be protected from terrorists is something very mainstream and will find good support from left to right. I can understand actual details of fences and how complete they need to be are debatable, but these two nations, one actual Israel, one potential Palestine. are not getting married. Indeed, what they need is a BETTER DIVORCE.


France is the third country in the world in term of jewish community after USA and Israel and the emigration to Israel lower since 2007, so just keep trying dude...
Never knowingly truthful are we now, and it takes all of thirty seconds to prove it too, 2015 saw a record number of Jews leave France.


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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

As oppose to the 77% of Israeli Arabs who in a recent poll stated they would rather live under Israeli rule than that of the Palestinian authority.
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France is the third country in the world in term of jewish community after USA and Israel and the emigration to Israel lower since 2007, so just keep trying dude...

Never knowingly truthful are we now, and it takes all of thirty seconds to prove it too, 2015 saw a record number of Jews leave France.


Record or not isn't important anyway. There is a spike and it's a direct relationship to Jews in France feeling unsafe when they are identifiable as Jews. Of course some may say they won't be safe as identifiable Jews in Israel either, but that's a decision for them to make.

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Back to the OP..

I am curious as to why Naftali Bennett, one of the most extreme right wing of Netanyahu's cabinet criticized Netanyahu's OP fence proposal

"Commenting on the proposal, Bennett said: “The prime minister spoke today about how fences are needed. We are wrapping ourselves in fences. In Australia and New Jersey there is no need for fences.”

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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

Israelis are free to travel and migrate to other countries if they wish and conversely many Jews migrate to Israel every year, with a large spike right now from the Jews of FRANCE (where visible Jews no longer feel safe). What you just posted was typical inflammatory Israel demonization rhetoric falsely suggesting an equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. The Israel demonization ideology loves to drop that stink bomb because they know the holocaust is a hot button emotional issue for most Jews. Nice try. No Groucho Marx cigar. No truth in what you suggest.

Anyway, I don't agree with all Bibi does or says, and don't always like the tone of his rhetoric, and yes he sometimes goes over the top like with his bomb cartoons, but the basic idea that Israel and the potential future Palestinian state need to be separated and that Israelis need to be protected from terrorists is something very mainstream and will find good support from left to right. I can understand actual details of fences and how complete they need to be are debatable, but these two nations, one actual Israel, one potential Palestine. are not getting married. Indeed, what they need is a BETTER DIVORCE.


"Good fences make good neighbors"..provided that both sets of neighbors agree on the fence line.

There is a third possibility...an estrangement with both partners more or less living in the same house. A loose?? confederation of 2 countries with agreed upon borders, with 2 parliaments and citizenships of passport holders who are allowed to live, work and worship in each others' countries provided they abide by the law, but not vote. Something like the arrangement that Canada/USA and Australia/NZ have.

Edited by dexterm
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Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

May I elaborate on the "canary in the coal mine?" When the same [populations] are removed to the EU and the casus belli of 'land' is no longer a valid pretense for [their] barbarism, the world will realize (too late) that the larger issue in the middle east has always been the "predatory animals" and not land. I do not absolve Israel of anything; not any longer. Many on these forums have woken me to some real points I had not considered previously. But the underlying motivations of predation have long been unrelated to land.

(IMO) If one conducted a search of terror headlines from Israel and the territories for x years and then conducted the same search for news buzz words for the West for y years, I am confident the buzz words increasingly look very similar. "Bomb, attack, bomber, suicide, explosive, jihad, allahu akbar," ad infinitum. Israel is the coal mine.

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Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

May I elaborate on the "canary in the coal mine?" When the same [populations] are removed to the EU and the casus belli of 'land' is no longer a valid pretense for [their] barbarism, the world will realize (too late) that the larger issue in the middle east has always been the "predatory animals" and not land. I do not absolve Israel of anything; not any longer. Many on these forums have woken me to some real points I had not considered previously. But the underlying motivations of predation have long been unrelated to land.

(IMO) If one conducted a search of terror headlines from Israel and the territories for x years and then conducted the same search for news buzz words for the West for y years, I am confident the buzz words increasingly look very similar. "Bomb, attack, bomber, suicide, explosive, jihad, allahu akbar," ad infinitum. Israel is the coal mine.

Does it not occur to you that since Israel is the one constantly expanding its borders (not the other way around) including building the present Wall on the eastern side of the 67 border not within Israeli territory, that it is Israelis who may appear to be the predatory animals to the people whose lands have just been confiscated?
Your anecdotal buzz words survey appears so because it is only the biased Western media that invents the labels that you read. Try different sources such as Al Jazeera and Maan News...you may get different results.
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Israel is the predator in Palestine, gobbling up land, denying rights, running apartheid illegal occupation. Not all that unusual for "victims" (holocaust etc) becoming "persecutors".

And u would know wouldn't you? 555. Where is your armchair dear man? Do U think we will wait for you to help us? Let them come for you as in when your words hit home and not just on a page, safely in LOS. same old people saying same old tired politically correct armchair BS. did u have a holocaust in your family? Wait. Some of your best friends are Palestinians.. 555. What do u know ? Do u live there? Do u trust some of your best friends with your life? Do u get who Muslims are? Do u get their view of sure,e religion? Do u get that they want Israel annihilated?? A two state is a compromise... Between what I can get and what I really want. Nice that u sleep well at night. Self righteous ...... ______

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Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

May I elaborate on the "canary in the coal mine?" When the same [populations] are removed to the EU and the casus belli of 'land' is no longer a valid pretense for [their] barbarism, the world will realize (too late) that the larger issue in the middle east has always been the "predatory animals" and not land. I do not absolve Israel of anything; not any longer. Many on these forums have woken me to some real points I had not considered previously. But the underlying motivations of predation have long been unrelated to land.

(IMO) If one conducted a search of terror headlines from Israel and the territories for x years and then conducted the same search for news buzz words for the West for y years, I am confident the buzz words increasingly look very similar. "Bomb, attack, bomber, suicide, explosive, jihad, allahu akbar," ad infinitum. Israel is the coal mine.

Does it not occur to you that since Israel is the one constantly expanding its borders (not the other way around) including building the present Wall on the eastern side of the 67 border not within Israeli territory, that it is Israelis who may appear to be the predatory animals to the people whose lands have just been confiscated?

Your anecdotal buzz words survey appears so because it is only the biased Western media that invents the labels that you read. Try different sources such as Al Jazeera and Maan News...you may get different results.

So u think Israel wants land. Jesus how naive can u get? Surely u havnt lived there. Another armchair in LOS. Same old same old. Defender of the weak. Surely the Palestinians are not at all responsible for their fate. Poor victims. Cry for them...

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Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

So happy I do not have to live there ...

Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

Israelis are free to travel and migrate to other countries if they wish and conversely many Jews migrate to Israel every year, with a large spike right now from the Jews of FRANCE (where visible Jews no longer feel safe). What you just posted was typical inflammatory Israel demonization rhetoric falsely suggesting an equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. The Israel demonization ideology loves to drop that stink bomb because they know the holocaust is a hot button emotional issue for most Jews. Nice try. No Groucho Marx cigar. No truth in what you suggest.

Anyway, I don't agree with all Bibi does or says, and don't always like the tone of his rhetoric, and yes he sometimes goes over the top like with his bomb cartoons, but the basic idea that Israel and the potential future Palestinian state need to be separated and that Israelis need to be protected from terrorists is something very mainstream and will find good support from left to right. I can understand actual details of fences and how complete they need to be are debatable, but these two nations, one actual Israel, one potential Palestine. are not getting married. Indeed, what they need is a BETTER DIVORCE.


"Good fences make good neighbors"..provided that both sets of neighbors agree on the fence line.

There is a third possibility...an estrangement with both partners more or less living in the same house. A loose?? confederation of 2 countries with agreed upon borders, with 2 parliaments and citizenships of passport holders who are allowed to live, work and worship in each others' countries provided they abide by the law, but not vote. Something like the arrangement that Canada/USA and Australia/NZ have.

How nice. A 3rd possibility. Just like Canada/USA etc. if that statement doesn't explain naïveté I don't know what can. Put ur butt on the line buddy. Not someone else's. Armchair....

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Predatory animals= Islamic terrorists

The whole civilized world needs protection from this evil scum.

yes, I built already a wall and an electric fence round our property. And I will buy some pitbulls as well. And some guns. Do you think it's enough?

Long term it's not enough. It's not a western solution. It's not a Christian solution. But.... Do u believe people are all alike at heart? Yes they are. But the religious overlay is another story. And I believe that's at least 1 issue at the heart of these endless battles here. Let's answer the question. Are Palestinian Muslims at heart, able to negotiate with Israel as western Christian nations might? My answer is no!

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Israel is the predator in Palestine, gobbling up land, denying rights, running apartheid illegal occupation. Not all that unusual for "victims" (holocaust etc) becoming "persecutors".

And u would know wouldn't you? 555. Where is your armchair dear man? Do U think we will wait for you to help us? Let them come for you as in when your words hit home and not just on a page, safely in LOS. same old people saying same old tired politically correct armchair BS. did u have a holocaust in your family? Wait. Some of your best friends are Palestinians.. 555. What do u know ? Do u live there? Do u trust some of your best friends with your life? Do u get who Muslims are? Do u get their view of sure,e religion? Do u get that they want Israel annihilated?? A two state is a compromise... Between what I can get and what I really want. Nice that u sleep well at night. Self righteous ...... ______

I believe Netanyahu is doing the right thing. Next, he should set up some boots to sell Zoo tickets to make some money maybe. And some high sitting places and here we go a big zoo called Israel!

and nonsense.

yes, i lived close to there and what i see Israelis live just fine apart from some occasional rockets and with the aid coming from USA. I have lots of Israeli friends in the Israeli Army doing their mandatory service and they hate all moments of it.

Most Israelis that i know all hate this war and hate Israeli government too. I met with many really nice Israelis running from the mandatory army as they believe it is not their war.

Moreover, most army personal at the front lines are either Arab Israelis or Russian migrated during last two decades(which most lied with fake documents and are not real Jew too)

And yes, Israel plays a dangerous game by annexing the land does not belong to them.

and what does it mean 'do you get what Muslims are' and whats is the view of that religion? (it is almost racist IMO and i believe you aint know any s....h...t about any religion including your religion!)

bc their religion never want Israel annihilated. If they want to annihilate Jewish people there, they had a chance to do it for a millennium when there were no USA to protect them.

During Ottoman Empire control, there were no problems there too, just hundred years ago, zero problems between Jew and Muslim there. It all started when bigger imperialist world powers like USA wanted to use poor Jewish people as a lift and as a grip on these lands so there are always some problems and complications around middle east so they can interfere anytime or have right to say more words. wake up.

Edited by Galactus
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He is good though at whipping up the fear. Get them all scared then offer to be the solution, at the cost of liberty of course.

Wonder if he started the fear tactic or if it is just standard operating procedure these days. If no enemies then a false flag will quickly sort out that problem.

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Predatory animals= Islamic terrorists

The whole civilized world needs protection from this evil scum.

yes, I built already a wall and an electric fence round our property. And I will buy some pitbulls as well. And some guns. Do you think it's enough?

Long term it's not enough. It's not a western solution. It's not a Christian solution. But.... Do u believe people are all alike at heart? Yes they are. But the religious overlay is another story. And I believe that's at least 1 issue at the heart of these endless battles here. Let's answer the question. Are Palestinian Muslims at heart, able to negotiate with Israel as western Christian nations might? My answer is no!

It's not even a Jewish solution either because the Wall won't bring a permanent [the only kind worth having] peace for Israel. When you steal even more of someone else's land by building a fence on their side of the recognized boundary, it won't solve the problem. The conflict will simply escalate until possibly a change of government or more probably external influences put pressure on Israel to come to its senses.
Palestinians and the entire Arab world have had peace proposals on the table since 2002.
It is Israel grabbing more land as in the OP that is stalling peace negotiations trying to create facts on the ground.
Edited by dexterm
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He is good though at whipping up the fear. Get them all scared then offer to be the solution, at the cost of liberty of course.

Wonder if he started the fear tactic or if it is just standard operating procedure these days. If no enemies then a false flag will quickly sort out that problem.

So Israel doesn't really have multiple enemies dedicated to its end? Nobody credible believes that dude.
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Predatory animals= Islamic terrorists

The whole civilized world needs protection from this evil scum.

yes, I built already a wall and an electric fence round our property. And I will buy some pitbulls as well. And some guns. Do you think it's enough?

Long term it's not enough. It's not a western solution. It's not a Christian solution. But.... Do u believe people are all alike at heart? Yes they are. But the religious overlay is another story. And I believe that's at least 1 issue at the heart of these endless battles here. Let's answer the question. Are Palestinian Muslims at heart, able to negotiate with Israel as western Christian nations might? My answer is no!

you might be right. Palestines would not be as stupid patient with Israel the warmonger.

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Yeah the Palestinian national identity movement started by the Nazi mufti of Jerusalem are super reasonable good faith peace negotiators. Uh huh.

Predators is a good word when you're talking about people going after the necks of innocent civilians with knives. Good one Bibi.

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Yeah the Palestinian national identity movement started by the Nazi mufti of Jerusalem are super reasonable good faith peace negotiators. Uh huh.

Predators is a good word when you're talking about people going after the necks of innocent civilians with knives. Good one Bibi.

The peace now corps always seem to get enraged when Jews take measures to defend themselves. The separation barrier in the West Bank saved countless lives as even Palestinian terrorist leaders admitted it curtailed their ability to cause suicide bombings. Now that will never do!
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