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Police deny torturing Bangkok bombing suspect


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Its funny how every criminal is playing the torture card. I believe the thai police on this one.

The Thai cops can't find their asses with both hands.

There is absolutely a 50/50 chance this guy is guilty/innocent......but I'm sure he'll be found guilty.

They found bomb making equipment in his residence. Why would someone rent a house in a shit part of neighborhood where there is no nightlife action nearby? This guy is one of the people responsible for getting bunch of innocent people killed.

I say he deserves to be tortured.

Just for you're information. how things work......all over the world...


The "Irish of Vincennes" affair (French: Affaire des Irlandais de Vincennes; also known as the Vincennes Three, or Irishmen of Vincennes, although one of the arrestees was not a man) was a major political scandal which occurred in France during the presidency of François Mitterrand. Following a 1982 terrorist attack in Paris, a secret police anti-terrorist cell established by Mitterrand arrested three Irish nationals in Vincennes. Proudly proclaimed as a victory against 'international terrorism', the case fell apart and the suspects were exonerated when it was revealed that weapons and other evidence used against the three had been planted by the arresting officers, who then lied to the courts with the support of the executive.


and hundred's of other such cases all over the world.......!!!

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A familiar dance

Police urged to wrap up case quickly.

Suspect confesses.

Suspect is paraded before the press.

Lawyer claims suspect was tortured and retracts confession.

Police deny torture.

Police ignore accusations of torture and do not attend pursuant meetings / proceedings.

No-one in the government, the judiciary, the police, the military seeks to put in place simple systems to make forced confessions procedure much harder to conduct. e.g. use of recording (video or audio), no interview without a lawyer present, no holding the prisoner incommunicado whilst conducting interrogations, no use of undocumented safe houses, black prisons or military barracks to conduct interrogations.

I wonder why such simple reforms are completely ignored by all those who could introduce them.

Perhaps because you have a feudal system in which the power and status of the parties involved is paramount to negotiations in which any judicial outcome is worked out beforehand and the police wish to remain unaccountable.

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Its funny how every criminal is playing the torture card. I believe the thai police on this one.

The Thai cops can't find their asses with both hands.

There is absolutely a 50/50 chance this guy is guilty/innocent......but I'm sure he'll be found guilty.

They found bomb making equipment in his residence. Why would someone rent a house in a shit part of neighborhood where there is no nightlife action nearby? This guy is one of the people responsible for getting bunch of innocent people killed.

I say he deserves to be tortured.

They also found lots of dubious evidence in the B2 case.

If the guy is guilty, let the evidence prove the case.

As for what I believe, yeah, he's probably a low life scum bag that should be hung/dragged to the nearest tree.

As for what the facts and evidence say.... I could be wrong, which is why I believe in a strong defense.

If the guy was beaten into a confession, that's wrong.

I he's lying about the torture, that's wrong.

My main problem is with his lawyer being openly threatened with defamation against the police for trying to do his job.


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Sorry, but i dont get this.The guy is a /or said to be a Muslim radical.He maybe/.is guilty of planting a bomb killing people.If the man is a Muslim radical,wouldnt he be wanting to die and go to Paradise,see Allah,claim his 72 virgin's? etc.So, knowing that he could get the death penalty(which as a radical muslim he would accept,because they are not afraid and want to die)Why would he deny that he is guilty.Surely he would want to be a martyr for Islam,one of the glorious.But he claims he was tortured,by admitting his guilt he would have avoided torture.(unless the bib want to hurt him anyway for doing what he did)

Can someone please (in simple wording) explain to me how this works 'cos i'm a bit confused.blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

I'm pretty sure one look at Susan Boyle put a big dent that idea of blowing oneself up and going off to meet 72 women like her.

She's a hero!

Edited by jaywalker
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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.
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I in all honesty, I got no sympathy for this terrorist and care nothing about his present or future. Terrorists deserve no sympathy ever!

So, despite the allegation of a confession obtained under 'duress', a defamation threat by the police and the fact that the accused hasn't yet been afforded a 'fair' trial you have already passed a guilty verdict.

IMHO anyone accused of any crime anywhere on earth deserves the dignity of an objective investigation and a fair trial in which justice is seen to be done.

BTW, the accused is charged with unlawfully killing persons and is not being held or charged as a terrorist. The word 'terrorist/terrorism' cannot be applied to any unlawful act in Thailand which might affect tourist arrivals and revenue therefrom. In order to further this 'agenda' a military trial is being held as a matter of expediency, so that this unfortunate 'incident' can be 'done & dusted' with minimum scrutiny by all those interfering 'truth seekers' throughout the rest of the world.

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I in all honesty, I got no sympathy for this terrorist and care nothing about his present or future. Terrorists deserve no sympathy ever!

ThaiVisa peculiarity: You declare "I got no sympathy for this terrorist", it obtains 2 likes

...On the other hand, no sympathy for Thai police... dozen of likes whistling.gif

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I in all honesty, I got no sympathy for this terrorist and care nothing about his present or future. Terrorists deserve no sympathy ever!

So, despite the allegation of a confession obtained under 'duress', a defamation threat by the police and the fact that the accused hasn't yet been afforded a 'fair' trial you have already passed a guilty verdict.

IMHO anyone accused of any crime anywhere on earth deserves the dignity of an objective investigation and a fair trial in which justice is seen to be done.

BTW, the accused is charged with unlawfully killing persons and is not being held or charged as a terrorist. The word 'terrorist/terrorism' cannot be applied to any unlawful act in Thailand which might affect tourist arrivals and revenue therefrom. In order to further this 'agenda' a military trial is being held as a matter of expediency, so that this unfortunate 'incident' can be 'done & dusted' with minimum scrutiny by all those interfering 'truth seekers' throughout the rest of the world.

Congratulation you deserves a medal for your political correctness clap2.gif

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Maybe you should re-phrase the first sentence of your post so that it is grammatically correct and consequently becomes a coherent statement!

"The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people"

What if the 'scum' you refer to are in fact democratically elected governments who for whatever reasons, such as the overthrow of an oppressive regime, commit acts of war where innocent people (collateral damage) are killed in pursuit of military objectives?

Would you be prepared to make an example of such 'scum' who might be acting in good faith to protect their own and other countries' citizens from terrorism. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss, but to generalise in the way you do is too simplistic and is far and removed from what happens in reality.

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Its funny how every criminal is playing the torture card. I believe the thai police on this one.

The Thai cops can't find their asses with both hands.

There is absolutely a 50/50 chance this guy is guilty/innocent......but I'm sure he'll be found guilty.

They found bomb making equipment in his residence. Why would someone rent a house in a shit part of neighborhood where there is no nightlife action nearby? This guy is one of the people responsible for getting bunch of innocent people killed.

I say he deserves to be tortured.


Seven gallons of “suspicious materials” police confiscated from a house in a Bangkok suburb yesterday were drug precursors and not bomb components.

Following a lead, investigators raided the residence in Soi Ratcha Uthit 34, near to where an apparent bomb-making operation was discovered Saturday, where they found seven gallon containers (26.5 liters) of chemicals they initially suspected to be for building bombs.

But government spokesman Col. Winthai Suvaree said today in his televised noon update on the investigation that the materials were in fact chemicals for cooking drugs. Authorities later confirmed the materials were used for preparing ketamine.

Best not let facts get in the way of a good bit of propaganda tho hey..

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

I pretty much kept my mouth shut on the B2 trial, BUT I'd wager that a lot of folks that want to 'Hang the Muslims' (trust me, I would too...if found guilty), are the same ones praising the RTP in this case.....same ones that slammed the RTP as corrupt and incompetent in the B2 case,

I'm still, mainly pissed off that the defense lawyer, poor guy, that got the case slapped into his lap, 99% sure he did not want it, tries to do his job, and gets threatened with defamation??????????????

Can anyone say banana republic?

It's ludicrous to the extreme.

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Most folks think the B2 are innocent.

Most folks think these Uighur guys are guilty.

I fall into both categories.

I still do not think ANYBODY's lawyer should be threatened with defamation of the police.

It's a defense lawyer's JOB to destroy the police.

If a defense lawyer is not allowed to attack every single flaw (in a very inept police force that paid themselves a reward for 'catching') these guys,..........There will never be any hope for any defendant ever.

I think the guy is guilty.

I think his lawyer should be able to defend him too as best can.

His lawyer might be right. He might be full of shit up to his ears, but he should not be threatened with defamation.

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

The scum who use torture.

Lets get one thing straight here. These guys without a care about man woman child or new born bay planted an explosive devise and took and ruined the lives of many, totally innocent, people, who never did them one bit of harm.

They are the lowest form of life on the planet and if Thai Police or any other police force in the world have to resort to waterboarding or wring their privates up to a battery to catch one more of the scumbags the let them do so.

It's real lives that are being lost in the war against terror and there are no rules when you are fighting to save lives. No matter what the authorities tell you and neither should there be.

Not unless you're the hero in the movie who gets them to feel guilty, tell him where the bomb is planted that the hero with 1 second left on the clock defuses it saving 100 school kids from certain death

Lawyers in Thailand when they have no defense always come up with they were tortured as a last resort.

Like the Burmese duo who's lawyers changed the way in which method of torture was used about 3 times in 5 days.

Edited by Tanlic
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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

The scum who use torture.

Lets get one thing straight here. These guys without a care about man woman child or new born bay planted an explosive devise and took and ruined the lives of many, totally innocent, people, who never did them one bit of harm.

They are the lowest form of life on the planet and if Thai Police or any other police force in the world have to resort to waterboarding or wring their privates up to a battery to catch one more of the scumbags the let them do so.

It's real lives that are being lost in the war against terror and there are no rules when you are fighting to save lives. No matter what the authorities tell you and neither should there be.

Not unless you're the hero in the movie who gets them to feel guilty, tell him where the bomb is planted that the hero with 1 second left on the clock defuses it saving 100 school kids from certain death

Lawyers in Thailand when they have no defense always come up with they were tortured as a last resort.

Like the Burmese duo who's lawyers changed the way in which method of torture was used about 3 times in 5 days.

Using torture to extract confessions does not establish guilt. All it does is extract confessions.

From the guilty and the innocent alike.

There is no way that a confession extracted under torture is valid.

All such confessions prove is we all have our breaking point and we will agree to anything to make the pain stop.

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The client informs his lawyer that he was tortured and the lawyer raises his concerns. Now he faces prosecution for simply representing his client as best as possible. Sounds like corruption and an attempt to tie the hands of the defence and stack all the cards for the prosecution.

Well off course they would deny it. What do you expect? Par for the course here!

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Maybe you should re-phrase the first sentence of your post so that it is grammatically correct and consequently becomes a coherent statement!

"The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people"

What if the 'scum' you refer to are in fact democratically elected governments who for whatever reasons, such as the overthrow of an oppressive regime, commit acts of war where innocent people (collateral damage) are killed in pursuit of military objectives?

Would you be prepared to make an example of such 'scum' who might be acting in good faith to protect their own and other countries' citizens from terrorism. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss, but to generalise in the way you do is too simplistic and is far and removed from what happens in reality.

i think you've realized the the truth and the substance in what I was trying to demonstrate. Now you're starting to steer away from the topic. No shame in admitting defeat sunshine.....lol
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While I don't justify the alleged abuse I can think and say this. If you get a reputation of seriously torturing the people who do these type of heinous acts it will make your country less of a target. Look at the bleeding hearts in the EU. France gets shot to hell and then they take on more refugees. Systematic coordinated rapes in Germany and yet Merkel is still bringing in more people. Why invite this type of actions into your home and accept it. If someone came into my home and messed with my daughter I would not simply accept it.

Thoughts to ponder

And that is, I suppose why Iraq is such a peaceful country. Having used extraordinary rendition, waterboarding and various other forms of torture, the country is now quite peaceful and no terrorist activity ever happens.

Latest on your half baked redneck assumption that the rapes in Germany were by migrants have proved utterly wrong. Only 3 migrants out of nearly 100 arrests. It was home based. Like the Oklahoma bomb. And the Atlanta bomb. Building a wall will keep you in rather than keep others out. Not such a bad idea.

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He looks like a ghost... He may not have scars but I would bet his treatment has been unacceptable to any human rights organisation

Sleep deprivation, malnutrition/starvation, dehydration and sensory manipulation are all well documented tortures that leave nothing behind but allegations

May as well Just put a bullet in him now as pretend he's getting a fair trial...

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The client informs his lawyer that he was tortured and the lawyer raises his concerns. Now he faces prosecution for simply representing his client as best as possible. Sounds like corruption and an attempt to tie the hands of the defence and stack all the cards for the prosecution.

Well off course they would deny it. What do you expect? Par for the course here!

The lawyer shouldn't be sued tho for simply representing his client or be handicapped under threats by police. I hate lawyers but Geez let them do their job to the best without threatening them if they try to hard
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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

I apologise for my comment about the incomprehensible way the 1st sentence of your post was written. Having re-read it a few more times, I can see what you are saying, which is of course your personal opinion, which I respect.

IMHO a person who is found guilty of such a violent disgusting bombing as happened in Bangkok deserves to be treated like 'scum' as you say, but only AFTER a proper judicial process. Such a person shouldn't be incarcerated or executed without due process. That 'due process' should include an objective investigation, a fair, open trial and unbiased judgement by the Military court. Without this you are in effect endorsing a 'lynch mob - hang 'em high' system of non-justice, reverting back to lawless medieval times. If that's what you want, then you're welcome to it. I just hope for your sake you don't accidentally get involved in a similar situation here in LOS, then you might think differently.

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I in all honesty, I got no sympathy for this terrorist and care nothing about his present or future. Terrorists deserve no sympathy ever!

same same....hope the ************ gets hell !!!

It would be nice to establish he actually was in Thailand when the bomb was planted, just to put the case to bed...if it wasn't him then the search should intensify before another bomb goes off....

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I'm just waiting for the day.....

/parody on

Police Admit To Beating Confession Out of Suspect. Pol Col says, "It easier this way!"

Details Tonight on Breaking Headline News At 6 with Dan Blather

/parody off


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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.

Verty ill-informed - it has been shown time and again that torture is a grossly ineffective way to extract any information.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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I thought that there were SEVERAL people who were thought to be involved in this terror attack. There are now only 2 suspects in custody, right ? Where are the rest ? Are they being looked for ? Asked for extradition from wherever they are ? Who was/were the people who ordered this attack ? Are the police certain that it was this guy who placed the bomb ?

There are so many things that we still don't know. Will we ever know ?

I have a bad feeling that some 'higher-level' guys have escaped and will possibly never be caught. I hope I am wrong.

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