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Thousands pay respects to late US Justice Antonin Scalia


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Thousands pay respects to late US Justice Antonin Scalia

MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press
SAM HANANEL, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The eight remaining U.S. Supreme Court justices joined family members, former law clerks and members of the public Friday in paying their respects to their late longtime colleague Antonin Scalia in a tradition-laden, solemn day at the marble courthouse atop Capitol Hill.

The Rev. Paul Scalia, the justice's son and a Catholic priest, said traditional prayers at a private ceremony before thousands of people filed through the court's Great Hall, where Scalia's casket lay on a funeral bier first used after President Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

"You have called your servant Antonin out of this world. Release him from the bonds of sin and welcome him into your presence," the sixth of the justice's nine children said.

Outside the court, meanwhile, a makeshift memorial was set up featuring jars of applesauce, a pile of fortune cookies and paper bags, items that figured in the outspoken conservative Scalia's sharp dissents in recent cases.

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama planned to pay respects later Friday, while Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden were to attend Saturday's funeral Mass.

On Friday, 98 former law clerks to Scalia lined the Supreme Court's steps as a police honor guard carried the casket into the building beneath the iconic words "Equal Justice Under Law" just after 9:30 a.m. on a cold, overcast morning.

The justices stood near the casket in the same order in which they will sit on a reconfigured bench following Scalia's death last week in Texas. Chief Justice John Roberts was between Justices Anthony Kennedy, the longest-serving member of the current court, and Clarence Thomas.

A 2007 portrait of Scalia by artist Nelson Shanks was displayed nearby. In it, the justice is shown surrounded by images representing important moments and influences in his life, including a framed wedding photograph of his wife, Maureen. The extended Scalia family gathered around the widow inside the court.

Scalia's clerks also took 30-minute turns standing near the casket in groups of four, and planned to do so through the night until his body is taken from the court for his funeral on Saturday.

The court building was to be open for 9½ hours to allow visitors to file through. At one point, the line of people waiting to pay respects stretched more than a block and the wait to get in was 90 minutes.

Visitors passed near the collection of flowers and goods people left to remember Scalia and some of his sharply worded comments. Scalia had called Roberts' opinion for the court in last year's health care case "pure applesauce." He compared Kennedy's majority opinion declaring the right of same-sex couples to marry to the "mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie" and said he would hide his head in a paper bag if he ever joined such an opinion.

Scalia's sudden death complicated an already tumultuous election year. His death gives Obama a chance to replace the conservative stalwart with a more liberal successor who could tilt the ideological balance of the court for decades to come.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders have said a replacement should not be named until the next president takes office. Obama has pledged to pick a replacement "in due time" and challenged Republicans to hold a vote on his nominee.

Scalia was found dead on Saturday in his room at a remote Texas hunting resort. The 79-year-old jurist was appointed to the court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-20

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Obama has already said he will not attend. He is sending VP Biden in his absence.

There is no report of the President's schedule for Saturday.


Here Are Six Funerals The Obamas DID Attend
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Let;s see if Obama can do the right thing and attend Scaliia's funeral. wink.png

No chance of that happening. Also no chance that the guy in your picture profile will attend either. And the guy you seem to be supporting,

judging by the picture, was a good friend of the judge, having worked together many times. So which are you. The Pot or the Kettle ? Mr. Black.

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Why should Obama go? Scalia was a a bigot and did everything he could to back big business. Worked to eliminate the EPA was against gay rights etc etc.

You go to a funeral to pay your last respects.

I doubt Obama has any respect for this poor excuse for a man so why should he go?

America is better off with this guy dead!!!

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Why should Obama go? Scalia was a a bigot and did everything he could to back big business. Worked to eliminate the EPA was against gay rights etc etc.

You go to a funeral to pay your last respects.

I doubt Obama has any respect for this poor excuse for a man so why should he go?

America is better off with this guy dead!!!

You don't seem to know anything about him, and you are certainly not fit to pass judgement on him.

Perhaps you should change your username to "blindedbyignorance"?

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Why should Obama go? Scalia was a a bigot and did everything he could to back big business. Worked to eliminate the EPA was against gay rights etc etc.

You go to a funeral to pay your last respects.

I doubt Obama has any respect for this poor excuse for a man so why should he go?

America is better off with this guy dead!!!

You don't seem to know anything about him, and you are certainly not fit to pass judgement on him.

Perhaps you should change your username to "blindedbyignorance"?

More like you don't know anything about Scalia's POLITICAL agenda. Regrets to his family and friends but politically, yes, time to move on from that DINOSAUR.

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Presidents don't always attend justice's funerals.

As said, Obama already paid his respects.

A more interesting question about Obama is he has any chance of being a supreme court justice himself. I think he wants it.

Edited by Jingthing
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Presidents don't always attend justice's funerals.

As said, Obama already paid his respects.

A more interesting question about Obama is he has any chance of being a supreme court justice himself. I think he wants it.

That's an interesting end-game and would put Republicans in fits for decades. How would that work? Clinton probably (or maybe even Biden if Clinton self-destructs) is elected President after a year-long stalemate by the GOP in refusing the SC candidate Obama selects. Biden then nominates Obama, and the GOP cannot possibly refuse after having delayed for one year already.

Great fun.

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Presidents don't always attend justice's funerals.

As said, Obama already paid his respects.

A more interesting question about Obama is he has any chance of being a supreme court justice himself. I think he wants it.

That's an interesting end-game and would put Republicans in fits for decades. How would that work? Clinton probably (or maybe even Biden if Clinton self-destructs) is elected President after a year-long stalemate by the GOP in refusing the SC candidate Obama selects. Biden then nominates Obama, and the GOP cannot possibly refuse after having delayed for one year already.

Great fun.

It's actually possible that the democrats will take the senate this election. Then assuming President HRC, it would be a done deal.

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Presidents don't always attend justice's funerals.

As said, Obama already paid his respects.

A more interesting question about Obama is he has any chance of being a supreme court justice himself. I think he wants it.

That's an interesting end-game and would put Republicans in fits for decades. How would that work? Clinton probably (or maybe even Biden if Clinton self-destructs) is elected President after a year-long stalemate by the GOP in refusing the SC candidate Obama selects. Biden then nominates Obama, and the GOP cannot possibly refuse after having delayed for one year already.

Great fun.

It's actually possible that the democrats will take the senate this election. Then assuming President HRC, it would be a done deal.

Dream on. Don't forget cloture.

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Why should Obama go? Scalia was a a bigot and did everything he could to back big business. Worked to eliminate the EPA was against gay rights etc etc.

You go to a funeral to pay your last respects.

I doubt Obama has any respect for this poor excuse for a man so why should he go?

America is better off with this guy dead!!!

You don't seem to know anything about him, and you are certainly not fit to pass judgement on him.

Perhaps you should change your username to "blindedbyignorance"?

Who then is fit to pass judgement? The millions of people whose rights were not respected by this bigot? Every one of those people would wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed by ALLSEEINGEYE. Deal with it.

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Who then is fit to pass judgement? The millions of people whose rights were not respected by this bigot? Every one of those people would wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed by ALLSEEINGEYE. Deal with it.

His fellow Supreme Court judges, Senate and House representatives, and other judges are fit to pass judgement.

Who are these "millions of people whose rights were not respected"?

There are 9 judges on the Supreme Court.

Who are the other judges that do not give judgements that suit your way of thinking?

Are they bigots as well?

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Counselor to the Chief Justice Jeffrey Minear and Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan, Samuel Alito, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor look on as family members of the late Justice Antonin Scalia take their seats for a private ceremony in the Great Hall of the Supreme Court on Feb. 19, 2016.

Presidents don't always attend justice's funerals.

As said, Obama already paid his respects.

A more interesting question about Obama is he has any chance of being a supreme court justice himself. I think he wants it.

That's an interesting end-game and would put Republicans in fits for decades. How would that work? Clinton probably (or maybe even Biden if Clinton self-destructs) is elected President after a year-long stalemate by the GOP in refusing the SC candidate Obama selects. Biden then nominates Obama, and the GOP cannot possibly refuse after having delayed for one year already.

Great fun.

It's actually possible that the democrats will take the senate this election. Then assuming President HRC, it would be a done deal.

Dream on. Don't forget cloture.



You replied to a post which said: "It's actually possible that the democrats will take the senate this election. Then assuming President HRC, it would be a done deal."

And your reply was, " Dream on. Don't forget cloture."

Again, What?

If the Democrats took the Senate this election they would be in control of the parliamentary procedure known as cloture. I can only assume that you don't know what cloture actually means. Strange for someone who holds himself up as a Constitutional scholar.

Anyway, perhaps you were referring to the filibuster, as this is a procedure which is used by the minority party. If the Democrats took the Senate, then the Republicans could use the filibuster to delay or even stop any forward progress on a Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Scalia

You might consider putting this book on your Christmas list:


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cloture - The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes.

It will take 60 votes to invoke cloture and end a filibuster. Unless the Democrats gain control of the Senate with 60 votes, they will be unable to invoke cloture without Republican votes and no candidate can be voted on.

It is not a done deal without a super majority.


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Don't hate the sinner. Hate the sin. His sin was bigotry.

One is not a bigot simply because they apply the constitution as they see it written. I respect judges more that rule against innate personal beliefs to apply the law as written. You are way too judgmental and perhaps more so than those you are quick to label a bigot.

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Why should Obama go? Scalia was a a bigot and did everything he could to back big business. Worked to eliminate the EPA was against gay rights etc etc.

You go to a funeral to pay your last respects.

I doubt Obama has any respect for this poor excuse for a man so why should he go?

America is better off with this guy dead!!!

Lol, another judgmental, bitter person. Like his decision or not, he was actually a justice that applied the constitution and law as he read it to be intended at time it was created. That is not bigotry.

Your comments are actually disturbing. I fell bad for you to walk around with such bitterness and resentment. Scalia was actually very well respected and adored by those around him even if they had differing opinions on how the constitution was written or should be interpreted two centuries later. So ask yourself, how many lives have you touched in a positive way and who would show up to your funeral?

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