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Chinese tourists are good for Pattaya


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Ever since their mass arrival I noticed the reviews of certain hotels going down. Most of these reviews are from men complaining about being in Pattaya to "visit their girlfriend", but the hotel staff was rude to them and wouldn't let them in. Bad for hotel, but good for the overall image in general

In Canada Chinese immigrants have already made some pretty dodgy cities liveable. Chinese are good for economy. I hope the trend continues and Pattaya becomes a major tourist destination it's meant to be.

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You ever had breakfast with the Chinese in a hotel What a disgusting experience, only did it one once.

Wont name the place second road pattaya. Think they lower the tone of any Hotel in seconds.

Last time I spent breakfast with a bunch of Chinese in a Jomtien hotel, the place would have been closed down and bankrupt if they depended on their historical Eastern European clientele, who have been staying home in droves.

Give me a bunch of loud and fun loving Chinese folks over a drunken mob of over-entitled escapees from "the commonwealth" any day of the week.

Edited by impulse
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Having lived and worked in China I can only say that their table manners are worse than starving labradors. Salivating spitting and snorting through a meal. Jabbing their chop sticks into every bowl after slurping all over over them. The noise level of what they consider a normal conversation is louder than a 747 at take off.

99% of them smoke and totally inconsiderate of others around them or non smoking signs.

They think nothing of blasting snot out of their nose in swimming pools and hacking up phlegm and spitting it anywhere nearby.

Lovely people, even more bad news is that have strated to buy property in Jomtien.

Coming to your neighbourhood soon..... your worst nightmare.

I live in a condo full of transient ex-soviets and also long term ones, they bother no one and keep themselves to themselves. Perfect, nothing like the well publicised moronic tourists from big red china.

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Tour groups usually bring down the ambiance of a hotel as they are low priced junket based travelers. This includes Chinese, ME or sub-continental travelers. Try to check in or check out when busloads of people are trying to do the same thing. Same for the restaurant or pool area. Their pack mentality over run their surroundings as they are all on the same schedule, and the group mentality reinforces their worst social behaviors.


Edited by SunLover2
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The Chinese are plain inconsiderate! Last week I was rudely woken up by not 1 but 9 or 10 continuous loud banging of the hotel room doors as they checked out early in the morning in droves. They never think about the other guests. Can't they close the door gently? It was 5am for god sake!

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He-he, first the Russians and now the Chinese, I wonder who will be next.

Yes quite easy to avoid them, mostly.

We had dinner tonight in a German restaurant located on Naklua road and one or 2 tables were occupied by Chinese but they were pretty well behaved.

I did notice that about 100 big buses passed out on the road during our dinner, going in each direction filled with Chinese going somewhere, adding to the traffic chaos big time.

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Chinese good for Thailand? I doubt very much. Maybe because otherwise there would be not enough business for hotels, restaurants and third class Thai attractions to even keep their doors open. Some entrepreneurs, i.e. dinner shows on sea, are profiting big times, however.

Traffic jams with many hundreds of buses is reaching ridiculous, unregulated levels. Chinese are some of the most uneducated, rudest and most disgusting people I have ever seen. Any hotel booking these groups will go down the drain in every respect. Friend just told me how now even Samet is overrun by thousands of them and has lost any appeal to "better" tourists. Thailand is slowly declining into a low class Asian tour group destination and has left very little of it's charm it had about 20 years ago. BTW. Much fewer Indians this season compered to last year. Another classy group of tourists :-) MS>

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Are Chinese tourists good for Pattaya? In as much as they bring in cash, yes. But it's hard to imagine who would replace them if they weren't here.

Decades ago airfares were high and so most tourism here was fairly upmarket, though maybe the tourists didnt always come with the best of intentions. In fact I can remember when the arrival of US Navy ship offshore was a sign that there may be some unusual rowdiness in town. Today the US Navy would be considered high class visitors.

Since then the air fares have got cheaper and I've seen the quality level of tourists drop consistently, year after year.

I just wonder what will be the next step downwards? How much lower than Chinese tour groups is it possible to go?

Edited by KittenKong
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At least they are coming , seems like the Australians have stopped , now they were good for the economy ,

Not so sure about that, maybe 50 % good for the economy.

Like they were great for hotels and guest houses.

But not so good for Bars, after two pints they have to go home.

that's not so profitable for the bars. wai2.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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At least they are coming , seems like the Australians have stopped , now they were good for the economy ,

Not so sure about that, maybe 50 % good for the economy.

Like they were great for hotels and guest houses.

But not so good for Bars, after two pints and they have to go home.

that's not so profitable for the bars.

It's the ones that stay and keep drinking after 2 (and 4 and 6) pints that reflect oh-so-well on their countries. Aussie and otherwise.

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I doubt that the Chinese tourist are coming here to create traffic jams. Do you think they bring their own busses and park them on every street? I can remember Ibiza years ago, when the tourist from one of the islands off the French coast, would be drunk all night long, on the streets and in the hotel, High Class?

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'Some serious trolling going on here... No one can possibly take the OP seriously. If you have any doubt, just chat up some of the locals and ask them what THEY think of the Chinese. (Ethnic chinese hisos don't really count...). Don't be surprised if they just make a sour face.

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I think the guy from the another forum should stay there or join the Chinese forum if he thinks there good for Pattaya. I would rather eat with the Soi dogs , the Chinese are a pain in the ass. I was in DM airport the other day and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them. There rude , loud and care about nobody but themselves. When the bus loads of them travel to Pattaya they block the streets and the side walks. Ask the room cleaners at the hotels they stay what there like.

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Bullshit.....................the Chinese are just like Russians spend F.A. live in 7/11 and family mart..........and they spit all over.................just when is the government going to wake up until you let tourists come to Thailand on a 6 month visa without having to leave the country you will never get and European's back at all many are going to other country's..........its the Europe people who spend money!! wake up before its to late

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You ever had breakfast with the Chinese in a hotel What a disgusting experience, only did it one once.

Wont name the place second road pattaya. Think they lower the tone of any Hotel in seconds.

Last time I spent breakfast with a bunch of Chinese in a Jomtien hotel, the place would have been closed down and bankrupt if they depended on their historical Eastern European clientele, who have been staying home in droves.

Give me a bunch of loud and fun loving Chinese folks over a drunken mob of over-entitled escapees from "the commonwealth" any day of the week.

Do tell, where are you from?

Doubt you will reply though...

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He-he, first the Russians and now the Chinese, I wonder who will be next.

Yes quite easy to avoid them, mostly.

We had dinner tonight in a German restaurant located on Naklua road and one or 2 tables were occupied by Chinese but they were pretty well behaved.

I did notice that about 100 big buses passed out on the road during our dinner, going in each direction filled with Chinese going somewhere, adding to the traffic chaos big time.

Why would you think Russians were first? They just came before Chinese, before them other newer tourists got it in the neck.

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At least they are coming , seems like the Australians have stopped , now they were good for the economy ,

Not so sure about that, maybe 50 % good for the economy.

Like they were great for hotels and guest houses.

But not so good for Bars, after two pints they have to go home.

that's not so profitable for the bars. wai2.gif

Don't they ask for two straws with each pint? Or is that the Indians?

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I think the guy from the another forum should stay there or join the Chinese forum if he thinks there good for Pattaya. I would rather eat with the Soi dogs , the Chinese are a pain in the ass. I was in DM airport the other day and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them. There rude , loud and care about nobody but themselves. When the bus loads of them travel to Pattaya they block the streets and the side walks. Ask the room cleaners at the hotels they stay what there like.

and nobody could get a seat at the gate as the Chinese decided to make beds out off them.

I think you need to grow a pair, if you want to sit down, just tell them to move, if they won't

then you move them.

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