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Suriyasai: Thaksin's offer for talks with the government comes at the right timing


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Suriyasai: Thaksin’s offer for talks with the government comes at the right timing


BANGKOK: -- Wellknown political activist Suriyasai Takasila said today that it was a waste of time to argue with fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra but it was about time to question why the fugitive has become so confident that he could propose for talks with the government after two years of military takeover.

The vice dean of student affairs of Rangsit University and director of National Reform Institute of Thailand said that Thaksin’s offer for talks with the government during his recent interview with the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal came at the right timing.

“I think that Thaksin’s emergence to demonstrate his political standpoint is not beyond expectation, not surprising. I think it is a good thing and it came at the right timing,” said Mr Suriyasai.

He explained that the National Council of Peace and Order was awkwardly struggling with designing the provisional chapter of the charter draft or designing the shape of a transitional government to allow it to “dismount from a tiger’s back”.

Thaksin’s offer for talks came at the time when politicians were beating a war drum in preparation for the next election, said Suriyasai, adding that it came at the right timing when somebody in power thought that Thaksin was already politically finished.

Thaksin’s interview with the foreign media, he noted, was meant to send a signal to his followers and allies to be prepared to get ready for a political comeback.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/151861

-- Thai PBS 2016-02-22

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I think that Thaksin is just desperate to have Pheu Thai get back into power by hook or by crook so that it can pass another Amnesty Bill for him, Yingluck, and his son, all of whom have court cases pending or in progress. Corruption and self-serving interests is the name of the Shinawatra game. He doesn't care about the country.

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Thaksin is a tired, old man. Maybe also full of anger and dying to get revenge. He does not realize that he is a fading force in Thai politics. Pheu Thai might be wise to dump him because people are tired of corrupt politicians, and Pheu Thai is associated with Grand Corruption. The government isn't going to give him the time of day.

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Why is this criminal still making the news? He should be banned. No photos of him or his utterances should be published in future. He should officially be declared persona non grata.

That's no way to be describing General Prayuth and the charge of criminality is completely out of order.Although the coup against a democratic government might have been perceived by some as a crime or even treason, the Junta pardoned itself - so please explain how that is a crime.If you are thinking that his fortune of several million dollars based on a maximum salary of $40,000 implies criminal corruption, you are also out of line.He has explained all this very carefully already.In any case many many generals have vast fortunes and tiny salaries.Are you seriously suggesting all are on the take?

How can there be no photos of him or public utterances when he is the country's PM.Now you are just being ridiculous.And to say he should be officially declared non grata compounds your silliness.

But seriously show a little more respect and take a gander at the special forum warning for posts of this nature

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Well the military did give themselves amnesty....so what is the difference....might as well pass it around..

I think that Thaksin is just desperate to have Pheu Thai get back into power by hook or by crook so that it can pass another Amnesty Bill for him, Yingluck, and his son, all of whom have court cases pending or in progress. Corruption and self-serving interests is the name of the Shinawatra game. He doesn't care about the country.

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That T-man surely likes to talk an awful lot and gives too many interviews considering that he's publicly declared some 8 years ago that he had washed his hands off politics for good and for eternity.

Obviously (not) a man of his word. But why am I not surprised?

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Why is this criminal still making the news? He should be banned. No photos of him or his utterances should be published in future. He should officially be declared persona non grata.

I have some books I'd like you to burn. And also a few heretics need sorting out at the stake.

You do understand that your attitude is part of Thailand's problem, don't you? Then, I guess not.

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Why is this criminal still making the news? He should be banned. No photos of him or his utterances should be published in future. He should officially be declared persona non grata.

I have some books I'd like you to burn. And also a few heretics need sorting out at the stake.

You do understand that your attitude is part of Thailand's problem, don't you? Then, I guess not.

Is this one of your books?

Dam, my lighter is out of gas.


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thaksin hasn't been in the new for a while so he suggests he is ready to talk to a govt that he knows won't talk to him just so he can have his name in the paper again.

He really is becoming a desperate old man. His biggest fear is becoming obsolete and forgotten. His fears are becoming reality.

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Why is this criminal still making the news? He should be banned. No photos of him or his utterances should be published in future. He should officially be declared persona non grata.

So you a fan of censorship then? How about the thought police then?

" He should be banned. No photos of him or his utterance's should be published. He should officially be declared persona non grata."

So because YOU don't like him then you think it quite ok that he can never be heard or seen again? WOW man, Hitler had some very similar idea's about well just about every one that wasn't German and any that didn't agree with him.

How about giving this philosophy a crack,

Given all the relevant and correct (non bias) information people can decide for themselves. Think it could catch on huh?

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Thainess and arrogance at it's best, or worst, a wanted fugitive wants to talk to the current govt whose existence didn't exactly come about by legal means.

The only thing he should be talking about is his arranging his return to face justice not the future of the country.

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Only one question to ask him really, "when you coming back"

we have a cell ready for you.

regards Worgeordie

Hopefully he'll return to this, but I doubt it. This seems to be a "game" of who can raid the till most/more often/and for a longer period of time. The junta might not be the best solution but something really needed to be done to stop the incessant pillaging of Thaksin and co.


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Thaksin clan a scourge to Thailand, taking advantage of uneducated masses to line their pockets. And why are the masses uneducated????

Well, the Shinawatra clan were in the pound seats for about two decades, so you tell me!!. Surely not the fault of the current prime minister if that is what you were insinuating.

Thailand has had (a corruption-ridden) comprehensive full education system for ever now, or nearly. Parents just have to get their kids to school & the kids have to want to learn. So much of the blame is on the education system but a lot more is on the attitudes of the populace who never ask for something better; like asking for their kids to be educated rather than demand that their kids get passed even if they skived off most of the year and never did any homework. And astoundingly took textbooks & cellphones to exams. My nephew failed the first time and was told by the exam setters that if he brought a cellphone to the next exam he could look up the answers on Google etc. He asked my wife to supply him a new Samsung S4 or S5 but we gave him my old S2. Not the top end machine all his mates had, but he was still able to look up the answers on that and pass the exam..

SO: Multiple choice question time for you: Who is more likely to be to blame? (A) the government of the last 20 months, or (the governments run by the same cartel of people over most of the last 20 years.

What is your answer? (Cheating by reading editorials in Newspapers of the last 20+ years is permitted.)

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Thaksin clan a scourge to Thailand, taking advantage of uneducated masses to line their pockets. And why are the masses uneducated????

Oh really???

So the uneducated masses were well taken care of before Thaksin came along eh?

Is this a joke?

Thaksin is a clever opportunist who realised that the Thai people had been ignored by ...ahem... the authorities and successive governments and all he had to do was pay them some attention and give them some opportunities, which he did.

His strategy was wildly successful giving him landslide victories.

He ignored the ancient power structures, without whom no previous politicians could succeed at surviving in power.

He began to rearrange the military, putting his picks into top positions.

He upset the establishment.

He had to go.

That is why they put the Democrats in control (their party) after the coup, but as soon as the next election was called it was obvious the populace was having none of it and voted in Yingluck.

Now they're making sure another populist government will EVER get elected.

This country is run by half a dozen families who I can't name for obvious reasons.

They could take a saint and convict him of anything in these courts.

The game is still in play and won't be over for a long time.

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle now.

Do you believe the military and their paymasters can keep a lid on 25 million under 21 year olds forever?

Of course not, with or without Thaksin, the people will eventually throw out the parasites that have ruled them since the days of elephant parades.

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Thaksin is making his last stand, hoping to get a deal for him, YL and his son. He knows the end is near for all of them and is doing a last desperate attack. After the new constitution there will be no chance for an amnesty for him and other crooks. He knows this and does his best to get a deal now. It won't happen, PTP will probably come back but this time checked by new laws so it will be impossible to interfere with the court cases and amnesties.

The end game has begon and Thaksin is getting desperate.

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Thaksin clan a scourge to Thailand, taking advantage of uneducated masses to line their pockets. And why are the masses uneducated????

Oh really???

So the uneducated masses were well taken care of before Thaksin came along eh?

Is this a joke?

Thaksin is a clever opportunist who realised that the Thai people had been ignored by ...ahem... the authorities and successive governments and all he had to do was pay them some attention and give them some opportunities, which he did.

His strategy was wildly successful giving him landslide victories.

He ignored the ancient power structures, without whom no previous politicians could succeed at surviving in power.

He began to rearrange the military, putting his picks into top positions.

He upset the establishment.

He had to go.

That is why they put the Democrats in control (their party) after the coup, but as soon as the next election was called it was obvious the populace was having none of it and voted in Yingluck.

Now they're making sure another populist government will EVER get elected.

This country is run by half a dozen families who I can't name for obvious reasons.

They could take a saint and convict him of anything in these courts.

The game is still in play and won't be over for a long time.

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle now.

Do you believe the military and their paymasters can keep a lid on 25 million under 21 year olds forever?

Of course not, with or without Thaksin, the people will eventually throw out the parasites that have ruled them since the days of elephant parades.

Your implying Thaksin was a saint.. that all the cases against him were made up ? Bribing judges.. forcing banks to loan out billions (and then taking the loss current case with his son also under investigation). Many other cases against him.. all made up ?

It seems to me the populace rose up against the amnesty so to imply that they all love him is crazy.

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Thaksin clan a scourge to Thailand, taking advantage of uneducated masses to line their pockets. And why are the masses uneducated????

Oh really???

So the uneducated masses were well taken care of before Thaksin came along eh?

Is this a joke?

Thaksin is a clever opportunist who realised that the Thai people had been ignored by ...ahem... the authorities and successive governments and all he had to do was pay them some attention and give them some opportunities, which he did.

His strategy was wildly successful giving him landslide victories.

He ignored the ancient power structures, without whom no previous politicians could succeed at surviving in power.

He began to rearrange the military, putting his picks into top positions.

He upset the establishment.

He had to go.

That is why they put the Democrats in control (their party) after the coup, but as soon as the next election was called it was obvious the populace was having none of it and voted in Yingluck.

Now they're making sure another populist government will EVER get elected.

This country is run by half a dozen families who I can't name for obvious reasons.

They could take a saint and convict him of anything in these courts.

The game is still in play and won't be over for a long time.

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle now.

Do you believe the military and their paymasters can keep a lid on 25 million under 21 year olds forever?

Of course not, with or without Thaksin, the people will eventually throw out the parasites that have ruled them since the days of elephant parades.

Your implying Thaksin was a saint.. that all the cases against him were made up ? Bribing judges.. forcing banks to loan out billions (and then taking the loss current case with his son also under investigation). Many other cases against him.. all made up ?

It seems to me the populace rose up against the amnesty so to imply that they all love him is crazy.

Ah Robblok, I'm glad you joined in because you parade yourself as an impartial observer, but I know better.

You are an apologist for the Junta and always have been since your first posts.

What I fail to see, is how you and your ilk can link the ex-PM's supposed crimes with support for a military Junta which has methodically eroded and denied the natural justice and freedoms of a democracy.

You will go to any length to support these military rulers despite the way they have gone about taking away the basic liberties of the average Thai, who has done nothing wrong.

They could easily restore democracy tomorrow if they were really sincere while genuinely strengthening anti-corruption measures in the institutions that already exist.

But no, all we see is more of the same while the establishment are back in power.

I have to suffer every Friday the self appointed PM talking about what a good job he's doing yet I see no evidence of it.

I don't remember having to endure every channel on TV taken over every Friday by Thaksin.

He didn't need to sell his message, it sold itself.

I don't recall anyone being arrested for criticising Thaksin or posting satire about him on facebook.

And ask anyone in the business community how these soldiers are doing with the economy.

They'll tell you quickly, things were much better with a businessman in charge.

So tell us Robblok, why is that?

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Thaksin clan a scourge to Thailand, taking advantage of uneducated masses to line their pockets. And why are the masses uneducated????

Oh really???

So the uneducated masses were well taken care of before Thaksin came along eh?

Is this a joke?

Thaksin is a clever opportunist who realised that the Thai people had been ignored by ...ahem... the authorities and successive governments and all he had to do was pay them some attention and give them some opportunities, which he did.

His strategy was wildly successful giving him landslide victories.

He ignored the ancient power structures, without whom no previous politicians could succeed at surviving in power.

He began to rearrange the military, putting his picks into top positions.

He upset the establishment.

He had to go.

That is why they put the Democrats in control (their party) after the coup, but as soon as the next election was called it was obvious the populace was having none of it and voted in Yingluck.

Now they're making sure another populist government will EVER get elected.

This country is run by half a dozen families who I can't name for obvious reasons.

They could take a saint and convict him of anything in these courts.

The game is still in play and won't be over for a long time.

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle now.

Do you believe the military and their paymasters can keep a lid on 25 million under 21 year olds forever?

Of course not, with or without Thaksin, the people will eventually throw out the parasites that have ruled them since the days of elephant parades.

Your implying Thaksin was a saint.. that all the cases against him were made up ? Bribing judges.. forcing banks to loan out billions (and then taking the loss current case with his son also under investigation). Many other cases against him.. all made up ?

It seems to me the populace rose up against the amnesty so to imply that they all love him is crazy.

Ah Robblok, I'm glad you joined in because you parade yourself as an impartial observer, but I know better.

You are an apologist for the Junta and always have been since your first posts.

What I fail to see, is how you and your ilk can link the ex-PM's supposed crimes with support for a military Junta which has methodically eroded and denied the natural justice and freedoms of a democracy.

You will go to any length to support these military rulers despite the way they have gone about taking away the basic liberties of the average Thai, who has done nothing wrong.

They could easily restore democracy tomorrow if they were really sincere while genuinely strengthening anti-corruption measures in the institutions that already exist.

But no, all we see is more of the same while the establishment are back in power.

I have to suffer every Friday the self appointed PM talking about what a good job he's doing yet I see no evidence of it.

I don't remember having to endure every channel on TV taken over every Friday by Thaksin.

He didn't need to sell his message, it sold itself.

I don't recall anyone being arrested for criticising Thaksin or posting satire about him on facebook.

And ask anyone in the business community how these soldiers are doing with the economy.

They'll tell you quickly, things were much better with a businessman in charge.

So tell us Robblok, why is that?

A bit of deflection here.. not surprising by a Thaksin apologist. The topic is about Thaksin and his crimes not about the new government. I asked you a direct question.. about Thaksin his guilt and you comparing him with a saint. You ignored it.. not surprising.

I feel for you having to suffer every Friday.. my heart bleeds for you.. personally I can't speak enough Thai to understand him and even if I did I would not watch it. But you seem intent on hurting yourself by watching it. Says a lot about your state of mind.

As for the not being able to criticize the current PM, your right that is totally wrong but a separate issue.

As for things being better (economically) under Thaksin.. take a graph of the world economy and its ups and downs and super impose it over the Thai economy (actually almost all other economies) and you will see that not much can be done on a local level but much depends on the wold economy. Just like you can't take credit for the sun shining you can't take much credit for a good economy (a bit can be done but not as much as your suggesting otherwise there would be countless examples of economies going up while the world economy is going down).

I know these things are hard to fathom for people with lower education but they are really basic economics.

Now stop making it about the current government and get back to the convicted criminal with many more cases waiting for him.. Including bribing of judges with a cakebox of money. Now I do agree that the junta has its faults (more then enough) but that is not the topic here. Find a topic and post about it there.

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