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Sex tourists who pay for prostitutes abroad 'should face prosecution in UK'


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The very heart of the issue here, is that fun and games should be made illegal. Why allow the population to have fun? It is not something that is encouraged in the UK, or the US anymore. So, if anyone is having fun, make them pay!

For any government to even attempt to go after it's citizens for having sex overseas, is ludicrous and these ideas and proposals come from the minds of lunatics, and small men who want to appear to be puritanical, but in reality are anything but. As long as the person one hires is of legal age, and the sex is consensual, leave them alone! Don't these government have other issues that are more important and pressing to consider?

To my mind, this appears to be the very zenith of pettiness, on the part of a government.

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I'v heard it said the walls have eyes and ears....must be true....so if Joe Blogs brings a lady home to his condo while on holiday in, let's say Thailand, and drops her a few Baht.....he could be fined on his arrival back home to "Blighty"?

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Britain should get out of the EU, before it infect's the other countries With it's nonsense !!!! and I taught my government was stupid 5555

I've been doing some serious thinking about this today, I don't have answers, but learning that China intends to unpeg from the USD and move to a basket of currencies, and my previous beliefs that UK should be out of the EU, I'm having a hard time taking a stance on this one. USA is approx 84% service industry with 300 mill + plus people, whilst China is what, 1.3 billion'ish? and Manufacturing based much like Germany. Well this is awkward...

I'm a UK subject btw, though earn in Euros.

Edited by Shiver
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The very heart of the issue here, is that fun and games should be made illegal. Why allow the population to have fun? It is not something that is encouraged in the UK, or the US anymore. So, if anyone is having fun, make them pay!

For any government to even attempt to go after it's citizens for having sex overseas, is ludicrous and these ideas and proposals come from the minds of lunatics, and small men who want to appear to be puritanical, but in reality are anything but. As long as the person one hires is of legal age, and the sex is consensual, leave them alone! Don't these government have other issues that are more important and pressing to consider?

To my mind, this appears to be the very zenith of pettiness, on the part of a government.

If you read the linked article the OP picked up from a newspaper it is based on a report from a "pressure group" and not a direct govt. initiative. The mere fact that some <deleted> of a MP thinks it is worthwhile pursuing is another story.....

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And also the bad DUTCH tourists (maybe) and don't forget your red light area in Rotterdam etc ladies sitting in shop windows on full display selling sex

people in glass houses should not throw stones got it!!!!!!!!!crazy.gif

They should start with it right now.. I agree 100% won't affect me as I am Dutch but would clear away all those bad English tourists. cheesy.gif

I doubt this has much backing they can't be that stupid on that island nation, now if they made the law so that they could prosecute sex with underage girls anywhere in the world it would make more sense.

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I'v heard it said the walls have eyes and ears....must be true....so if Joe Blogs brings a lady home to his condo while on holiday in, let's say Thailand, and drops her a few Baht.....he could be fined on his arrival back home to "Blighty"?

As ridiculous as the point you make is (and I agree with you completely btw), that is the truth of the matter. I'm reluctant to call myself an anarchist, but I want rules and not rulers.

Eff Blighty, I'm here by stick not carrot, though that may change - South America is looking increasingly more appealing, sadly.

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when i was 19 i went to Canada to have a beer....came back to America and was given a ticket for underage drinking.


and then drove on left side of road in Thailand and got 2 points on my license in America.

if the girl is over 18, no laws broken. if under 18, yes jail in both countries. (USA applicable)

don't worry, in 1000-years world controlled by ONE FLAG and there will be one law to rule them all!!!!!!

if what you say in UK violates Thai law, can you then be jailed when you get to Thailand?? no freedom of speech!!

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Why is it in Europe they always place the onus on men to control their sexual urges when it takes two to tango? What about the women that willingly provide their services and make this all possible? Why during these business transactions are women considered the victims and men as the sexual predictors. If you try to place this on biblical values, Eve was just as guilty as Adam in committing one of the deadly cardinal sins.

I think studies show if the blame/penalty is put on the john, then prostitution rates come down. Still absurd though. Cant fight this. Should be legalized and in turn as safe as possible.

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And also the bad DUTCH tourists (maybe) and don't forget your red light area in Rotterdam etc ladies sitting in shop windows on full display selling sex

people in glass houses should not throw stones got it!!!!!!!!!crazy.gif

They should start with it right now.. I agree 100% won't affect me as I am Dutch but would clear away all those bad English tourists. cheesy.gif

I doubt this has much backing they can't be that stupid on that island nation, now if they made the law so that they could prosecute sex with underage girls anywhere in the world it would make more sense.

Sarcasm was lost on you.. I am liberal not against prostitution.. just making a bit of fun of the Brits.

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Why is it in Europe they always place the onus on men to control their sexual urges when it takes two to tango? What about the women that willingly provide their services and make this all possible? Why during these business transactions are women considered the victims and men as the sexual predictors. If you try to place this on biblical values, Eve was just as guilty as Adam in committing one of the deadly cardinal sins.

Why say Europe.. this is the UK, I come from Netherlands, a far more enlightened country where prostitution is legal. Though of course it does open the door for forced prostitution and that is a bad thing. But to ban it just to stop forced prostitution is foolish.

I wonder if the UK will also make it so that they send out an SAS squad to break out any Brits that are caught gambling anywhere in the world. I mean gambling is legal and if they are going to interfere with other countries laws why don't go all the way.

As you are Dutch, I want to share a story. I had worked promoting international understanding through Sister Cities (Twinned Cities). One exchange brought a Dutch Mayor, his head of public security and police chief to Kentucky. I arranged for a meeting with the Kentucky State Police. Part of the meeting explained the budget where half the funds were used for marajuana suppression (Kentucky's largest cash crop, by the way). I pointed out that, while not a smoker, I could visit the Dutch Mayor's city, sit in a coffee shop and smoke a joint without causing any problem with the police. Something interesting to be discussed as I pointed out that Dutch society was not going to hell in a hand basket. I had previously suggested to my conservative Kentucky friends that if they were so opposed to paying personal taxes they could legalize pot and prostitution, regulate and tax them and the higher tax issues would be answered. My thought was not to be accepted in the "Bible Belt", much to my amazement!

Still plenty of Dutch religious fanatics against marijuana and prostitution.. not everyone is liberal. I am sure that there are stupid ideas being floated around in my country too. Just making a bit of fun here about a stupid idea that probably has not much backing in the UK.

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5555 if theyre gonna prosecute me for banging ho's on hol's ill be getting life for sure! every time i get stopped coming back to the uk they grille me on why i was in thailand and i tell them 'to <deleted> fit birds' and when asked why was i there for so long? ' because thers soooo many of them'

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The I've never paid for sex brigade should be on the march by now, They'll set everyone straight.

Helmsman, I've never paid for sex but I have a 'friend' who has. He's the same friend I see mentioned on TV so often.....my friend is on a long overstay etc., can anybody tell me (oops, him) what to do.

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"British men who use prostitutes while abroad on stag parties should be prosecuted in the UK under new laws that make paying for sex illegal, according to a report backed by a senior MP".

This is just typical of an @rsehole MP in the UK. If a person wants to pay for sex in the UK or anywhere else, that is their business and no one elses.

As long as both parties agree, and no one is getting hurt or put out in any way, whoever made the report and the @rsehole who backed it shut just shut their stupid gob.

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What is the point of having a law that would be impossible to enforce? Are they really going to fly prostitutes from all over the world to the UK to give evidence? And how can they keep track of what is often a cash transaction? A crazy law from a corrupt bunch of politicians, how many of them would be in default of this law?

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The very heart of the issue here, is that fun and games should be made illegal. Why allow the population to have fun? It is not something that is encouraged in the UK, or the US anymore. So, if anyone is having fun, make them pay!

For any government to even attempt to go after it's citizens for having sex overseas, is ludicrous and these ideas and proposals come from the minds of lunatics, and small men who want to appear to be puritanical, but in reality are anything but. As long as the person one hires is of legal age, and the sex is consensual, leave them alone! Don't these government have other issues that are more important and pressing to consider?

To my mind, this appears to be the very zenith of pettiness, on the part of a government.

If you read the linked article the OP picked up from a newspaper it is based on a report from a "pressure group" and not a direct govt. initiative. The mere fact that some <deleted> of a MP thinks it is worthwhile pursuing is another story.....

You hit it right on the head. The NGO's are some of the worst perpetrators of morality laws, that have no bearing on anything. I can understand them working to prevent underage sex, and trafficking. Those are heinous things that must be stopped. But, to harass normal people for having sex with other adults? That is sheer ridiculousness and a total waste of effort and taxpayer money. Their activities are far worse than the activity they are foolishly attempting to prevent. Leave it to the charlatan politicians, and candidates to propose the nonsense. Nobody believes anything they have to say, anyway.

Edited by spidermike007
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I can just see the BIB. USA can sex, Aussie can sex. South America can sex. UK cannot.

Show me your passport. OK 100 bt to me, UK can sex.

And if they catch a UK guy paying for sex. How to they send him back ? They have a hard time sending back murders.

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How wil they know you bought sex ?


If they see one of the "Fat, ugly, tattooed, facial haired" brigade with a lovely young Thai girl, then it would be obvious.

All they have to do then is send someone who looks like the aforementioned brigade, and set up an entrapment scenario.

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Don't some countries already have such a law? I can't imagine it's very easy to enforce. Has anyone been prosecuted under it?

this is clearly a proof that the west has become feminized.

what if a women goes to the Caribbean and finds a short time toy boy on a government expense account?

no equality ,,

the west is under siege from third wave feminists not IS they are a minor distraction compared to what feminist will to .

just look at the west.

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