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Sex tourists who pay for prostitutes abroad 'should face prosecution in UK'


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Don't some countries already have such a law? I can't imagine it's very easy to enforce. Has anyone been prosecuted under it?

Yes Sweden has such a law.

And yes there have been many prosecutions under this law.

That's interesting. What evidence was used to convict them?

They returned to their Motherland with a large, genuine smile.

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We all know that this law will never become reality.

Firstly, the only people that keep receipts about paying for sex ......are politicians and public servants so that they can make an expenses claim.

Also , we all know that there is NO prostitution in Thailand, so the law will never apply here..........................or the Thai's will have to admit to its existence.

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They've been pushing for such laws in the USA for quite some time now. Fortunately, they've only managed to pass laws to punish pedophiles. I'm on board with those laws, but consensual sex between adults should be off limits for government meddlers.

They have enacted these laws with the military and government workers since 2010. It is just a matter of time before it is implemented with the civilian population.

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Why is it in Europe they always place the onus on men to control their sexual urges when it takes two to tango? What about the women that willingly provide their services and make this all possible? Why during these business transactions are women considered the victims and men as the sexual predictors. If you try to place this on biblical values, Eve was just as guilty as Adam in committing one of the deadly cardinal sins.

Errr... in case you haven't noticed, in all the countries I know of where men are criminalized for paying, the women are also arrested. If you know of any where only the man is a criminal and the (consenting) woman is not, please let me know. No, let me rephrase that. If you actually do some research and find evidence that there is a country where the man is criminalized and the woman is not arrested as well, please provide a link to the relevant portion of the legal code.

Definition of a puritan: a person who lies awake at night worrying that somewhere in the world someone may be enjoying himself.

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"pay for sex"?! We all do.. Directly or.. Indirectly. A really stupid idea coming from London. Better yet.. Tax sex! Don't they have more important things to think about.!

No we don't all pay

for sex. I certainly

don't....directly or


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"pay for sex"?! We all do.. Directly or.. Indirectly. A really stupid idea coming from London. Better yet.. Tax sex! Don't they have more important things to think about.!

No we don't all pay

for sex. I certainly

don't....directly or


Oh really? So this must mean you never had sex?!

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"pay for sex"?! We all do.. Directly or.. Indirectly. A really stupid idea coming from London. Better yet.. Tax sex! Don't they have more important things to think about.!

No we don't all pay

for sex. I certainly

don't....directly or


Oh really? So this must mean you never had sex?!

Look, if you have

to tell yourself that

all men pay so you

feel less inadequate

for not having any

alternative, then

that's ok.

Just don't cast me in

the same light.

Thanks a lot

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You both can't read. I said or pay "indirectly" for sex.. . It's pretty obvious.. Referring to a man who buys female a drink or two.. Or dinner.. Or a nice day out somewhere... With hope that sex will follow later. Pretty basic stuff. Whether you are aged 20 or 70.. it's part of the game.

Edited by 1happykamper
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You both can't read. I said or pay "indirectly" for sex.. . It's pretty obvious.. Referring to a man who buys female a drink or two.. Or dinner.. Or a nice day out somewhere... With hope that sex will follow later. Pretty basic stuff. Whether you are aged 20 or 70.. it's part of the game.

The thing is, though, that some men actually like women, enjoy their company, and regard them as having some worth other than just something to have sex with.

If I buy a woman a drink, or a meal, then I'd be doing so because I wanted to spend that time with them, not as a downpayment on an expected sexual transaction.

Plus, of course, there's the fact that these days women are allowed to earn their own money, and often pay for their own food and drinks.

You might pay for it. That doesn't mean all men do.

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You both can't read. I said or pay "indirectly" for sex.. . It's pretty obvious.. Referring to a man who buys female a drink or two.. Or dinner.. Or a nice day out somewhere... With hope that sex will follow later. Pretty basic stuff. Whether you are aged 20 or 70.. it's part of the game.

Your attitude comes

straight out of the


When I go out, some

women buy me drinks.

Does that mean they

pay for it too?

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You both can't read. I said or pay "indirectly" for sex.. . It's pretty obvious.. Referring to a man who buys female a drink or two.. Or dinner.. Or a nice day out somewhere... With hope that sex will follow later. Pretty basic stuff. Whether you are aged 20 or 70.. it's part of the game.

The thing is, though, that some men actually like women, enjoy their company, and regard them as having some worth other than just something to have sex with.

If I buy a woman a drink, or a meal, then I'd be doing so because I wanted to spend that time with them, not as a downpayment on an expected sexual transaction.

Plus, of course, there's the fact that these days women are allowed to earn their own money, and often pay for their own food and drinks.

You might pay for it. That doesn't mean all men do.

"often pay for their own food and drinks? "You must not live in Thailand. ANYWAY.. my comment was in reference to the OP subject line... It's about the grey area of whether someone is paying for sex.. Or simply paying for a nice time with a lady. Impossible to prove.

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You both can't read. I said or pay "indirectly" for sex.. . It's pretty obvious.. Referring to a man who buys female a drink or two.. Or dinner.. Or a nice day out somewhere... With hope that sex will follow later. Pretty basic stuff. Whether you are aged 20 or 70.. it's part of the game.

The thing is, though, that some men actually like women, enjoy their company, and regard them as having some worth other than just something to have sex with.

If I buy a woman a drink, or a meal, then I'd be doing so because I wanted to spend that time with them, not as a downpayment on an expected sexual transaction.

Plus, of course, there's the fact that these days women are allowed to earn their own money, and often pay for their own food and drinks.

You might pay for it. That doesn't mean all men do.

"often pay for their own food and drinks? "You must not live in Thailand. ANYWAY.. my comment was in reference to the OP subject line... It's about the grey area of whether someone is paying for sex.. Or simply paying for a nice time with a lady. Impossible to prove.

Yep. I live in Thailand. My wife often pays for her own food and drinks, and even mine too.

If you're paying for sex, that's up to you. But don't suggest we all do so.

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This isn't about prostitution. It's about giving police, immigration, customs, etc. one more reason to violate your privacy and pry into your travel plans, baggage, phones & PCs, and comings & goings. Hey, we wanted big, fat, socialist govts, and we got 'em. Congratulations! And don't worry - more to come. Yay!!

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I really am struggling with some of the posts here...struggling to decide whether a poster really does believe that there is little more to life than paying for sex, or whether he is a highly trained urologist. I guess one's view of women in Thailand depends on the original premise for coming here and subsequently on what one has done with one's time since then. I know some folk who are, after many visits, still alcohol-fuelled sex tourists, others are settled with wives but still view the world through beer goggles whilst there are yet others who still live out their days in the girly bars, getting pished every night: I also know a lot who are very happily married and are settled in good family settings. Go figure which of these types would postulate or at least agree with the suggestion that men pay for sex.

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Actually...upon 5 minutes reflection I am seriously affronted by End Demands request. As it stands it is blatant sex discrimination. Why no mention of Hen nights and their two days of BBC in the Gambia with some underprivileged , exploited but well hung local bloke seeking a few easy dollars.

I seem to recall the story of some married English woman with two kids gong on holiday somewhere in darkest Africa and coming home with <deleted> of her own.....much to her long suffering husbands chagrin. Said African actually appeared on television with his spear and shield should anyone take offence at the term.

But what are is really galling is not that there are idiots in England .....we know that , but that some brown nosing politician actually listens to them and gives them a little credibility.

The Masai warriors in Kenya are rather scrumptious. Along side their spears and shields they also have a special pocket sewn into their robes to keep their i-phones in...

I never indulged myself, but did see women wining and dining them. Mostly German tourists. My brother wanted to get me one for the night but my mum said no!! The conversation at breakfast the next morning might have been a bit stilted.

Jeez, even my 86 year old mother could have been fined for soliciting!! That would have been hilarious!! Sex Tourist stamped in her passport!!

They were very beautiful men. Tall and slim and almost regal.

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Actually...upon 5 minutes reflection I am seriously affronted by End Demands request. As it stands it is blatant sex discrimination. Why no mention of Hen nights and their two days of BBC in the Gambia with some underprivileged , exploited but well hung local bloke seeking a few easy dollars.

I seem to recall the story of some married English woman with two kids gong on holiday somewhere in darkest Africa and coming home with <deleted> of her own.....much to her long suffering husbands chagrin. Said African actually appeared on television with his spear and shield should anyone take offence at the term.

But what are is really galling is not that there are idiots in England .....we know that , but that some brown nosing politician actually listens to them and gives them a little credibility.

The Masai warriors in Kenya are rather scrumptious. Along side their spears and shields they also have a special pocket sewn into their robes to keep their i-phones in...

I never indulged myself, but did see women wining and dining them. Mostly German tourists. My brother wanted to get me one for the night but my mum said no!! The conversation at breakfast the next morning might have been a bit stilted.

Jeez, even my 86 year old mother could have been fined for soliciting!! That would have been hilarious!! Sex Tourist stamped in her passport!!

They were very beautiful men. Tall and slim and almost regal.

Should have gone for it Patsy and worried about the stilted breakfast conversation later.smile.png

Those masai warriors are ahead of the game though. They've had those iphone pouches for hundreds of years just waiting for the phones to arrive !

Here's what you might have missed .

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Must be great living in the "Great" socialistic nanny-state of Britain. Well, I'd like to think that's why you more 'independent' Brits are living in the Land of Smiles instead of "Great Britain", but just don't get catch with your wickets and balls whilst playing on the wrong 'turf'. That's an elite game. Only British MPs can do that. rolleyes.gif

The law demands that we atone,
When we take things we do not own;
But leaves the lords and ladies fine,

Who take things that are yours and mine.

Edited by connda
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Wow! Not even America has come up with that one.....yet.

We have legal prostitution in Nevada. Look up the Moonlight Bunny Ranch on Google. But, too bad. You Brits can't indulge. Pfft! Into jail with you commoners.

The law locks up the man or woman

Who steals the goose from off the common

But leaves the greater villain loose

Who steals the common from off the goose.

The law demands that we atone

When we take things we do not own

But leaves the lords and ladies fine

Who take things that are yours and mine.

The poor and wretched don't escape

If they conspire the law to break

This must be so but they endure

Those who conspire to make the law.

Ahhh, the plight of us 'wee people' at the hands of our elite "Law Makers". Not much has changed in 200+ years. Lol biggrin.png

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Wow! Not even America has come up with that one.....yet.

We have legal prostitution in Nevada. Look up the Moonlight Bunny Ranch on Google. But, too bad. You Brits can't indulge. Pfft! Into jail with you commoners.

The law locks up the man or woman

Who steals the goose from off the common

But leaves the greater villain loose

Who steals the common from off the goose.

The law demands that we atone

When we take things we do not own

But leaves the lords and ladies fine

Who take things that are yours and mine.

The poor and wretched don't escape

If they conspire the law to break

This must be so but they endure

Those who conspire to make the law.

Ahhh, the plight of us 'wee people' at the hands of our elite "Law Makers". Not much has changed in 200+ years. Lol biggrin.png

Prostitution is legal across the whole country in the UK; the story is concerning a proposal to change that law. I think you're a bit confused. You're the ones whose government is already telling you that you can't pay for sex. Edited by eaglesflight
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I can just see the BIB. USA can sex, Aussie can sex. South America can sex. UK cannot.

Show me your passport. OK 100 bt to me, UK can sex.

And if they catch a UK guy paying for sex. How to they send him back ? They have a hard time sending back murders.

More like the Thai police and authorities will laugh their heads off at what a bunch of "James Hunts" the British parliament are.

Two generations fought brutal World Wars so the British people could enjoy freedoms. Now, their own governments are taking those freedoms away.

Guns, nope

Knives, nope

Smoking, nope

Sex entertainment, nope

The British government obviously thinks their people, the ones who voted for them, can't be trusted with their own judgement. Ironic or what?

In all my adult life in the UK, I never once met somebody who thought the law should be changed to allow us to carry guns and knives. You might perceive it as freedoms being taken away but in reality, the laws concerning guns and knives in the UK are an accurate reflection of what the majority wants. We look at the murder rate in the USA and are bemused at the desire for gun ownership.

Smoking isn't illegal, sex entertainment isn't illegal.

Our laws on drugs are far less punitive than those in the USA; I'd say the British government is far more enlightened than its American counterpart.

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"pay for sex"?! We all do.. Directly or.. Indirectly. A really stupid idea coming from London. Better yet.. Tax sex! Don't they have more important things to think about.!

No we don't all pay

for sex. I certainly

don't....directly or


Oh really? So this must mean you never had sex?!

I think this means he takes care of himself. Nothing wrong with masturbation. I've had some really bad sex with a partner.

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