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German government slams migrant attacks


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German government slams migrant attacks
By Catherine Hardy | With AP, AFP


"This is shameful"

BERLIN: -- The German government has condemned the latest outbreak of far-right, anti-migrant sentiment in the country as “shameful”.

Last week, angry protesters surrounded a bus full of refugees arriving at a refugee centre in the town of Clausnitz.


The atmosphere was intimidating.

One young boy could clearly be seen in tears as he climbed down the steps.

The spokesman for Angela Merkel, Steffen Siebert, says what happened is “shameful”

“You have to be really cold-hearted and cowardly to plant yourself in front of a bus full of refugees and shout and swear at them.”

“It is reassuring that there are so many people in this region and in Germany as a whole who show day-to-day that this country is not like that.”

Bautzen fire

The incident in Clausnitz is not an isolated one in Germany.

A refugee shelter in the town of Bautzen was burned to the ground a few hours before in the eastern state of Saxony.

Support for far-right

There is concern about the rise of extremism in Germany.

The AFD Party, led by Frauke Petry, has 17% support ahead of regional elections in Sachsen-Anhalt in March.

In numbers
Records show acts of extreme-right violence doubled in 2015 compared to 2014
In 2014, half of those committed were in the former East Germany
231 offences reported in 2016, 47 in Saxony

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-23

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This is what happened what a government decide unilaterally to allow more than 1 million aliens

to a country without to ask the people that will be affected the most, communities that have the

right to object to be saddled with unwanted and unfamiliar people in their midst, people have th e

right to choose whom they want to share their life with in a country that their forefathers have

built and now those strangers coming to share in what they not entitled to..... the people are

speaking up, listen to them.....

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Sorry to see that posters here are unable to see the difference between peaceful protest and rightwing violent acts.

Sorry to see the press persist in writing about the rise of the 'far right' as if this happened in a bubble without idiotic government policies being responsible for it. Smearing all those who oppose suicidal immigration policies as being 'far right' is an insult to the people protesting because their security and way of life has been turned on its head.

You presume too much about other posters attitude to vigilantism.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Anyone see this? ...

This video is mirrored from the original, now censored FB account.

Interesting that Merkel had a word with Mark Zuckerberg asking what he was doing to shutdown anti-immigration content from Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg replied that they were working on it. So it would seem.
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Anyone seen this, false allegations by right wing web sites which have been posted by members of this forum


please define "right wing"

me thinks there is more common sense on "right wing" than on the PC wing

and if "right wing" whatever that is gets very strong then it is caused by the PC wing

and if only "right wing" can get rid of unwelcome aliens in a European country - then "right wing" is very welcome

I guess I know your definition of "right wing": Those who want politicians to work for THEIR people and THEIR country - and not against them

Isn't it?

Edited by sweatalot
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So there has been no violence by Muslim immigrants (that we'll talk about) in Europe = left wing extremist point of view.

Protesting an arriving bus = violence = a left wing extremist point of view.

Where did you read that?

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Sorry to see that posters here are unable to see the difference between peaceful protest and rightwing violent acts.

Sorry to see the press persist in writing about the rise of the 'far right' as if this happened in a bubble without idiotic government policies being responsible for it. Smearing all those who oppose suicidal immigration policies as being 'far right' is an insult to the people protesting because their security and way of life has been turned on its head.

You presume too much about other posters attitude to vigilantism.

I don't presume anything, I read. Unlike you, who is obviously presuming things about me, which are wrong.

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So now the people have had enough of MERKEL'S Incompetence.

This is what happens.

And the MEDIA condemn them for wanting to take THEIR country back.

They do not condemn Merkel and the Muslim Extremists that wreck these countries.

I fear the war against the Muslim Extremists has begun.

And will not end here.

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Anyone seen this, false allegations by right wing web sites which have been posted by members of this forum


please define "right wing"

me thinks there is more common sense on "right wing" than on the PC wing

and if "right wing" whatever that is gets very strong then it is caused by the PC wing

and if only "right wing" can get rid of unwelcome aliens in a European country - then "right wing" is very welcome

I guess I know your definition of "right wing": Those who want politicians to work for THEIR people and THEIR country - and not against them

Isn't it?

Definition of the political right wing in context of the OP and my link is freely available. If you and others wish to defend, minimise & spin as to the extreme danger of the rise of the right wing in the EU in context of the OP, so be it.

Don't know about you personally, but some posts (removed by Mods) by people who support the 'right wing' on this forum are clear evidence of the evil they support.

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Anyone who opposes the government's suicidal mission of letting a country become overrun by unvetted Muslims is now "extreme" and "far" "right wing".

Only those who approve of this national suicide are "normal" and "sane".

I'm going to go clean my M16 again and be happy that I'm not helpless in Europe.


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Anyone seen this, false allegations by right wing web sites which have been posted by members of this forum


please define "right wing"

me thinks there is more common sense on "right wing" than on the PC wing

and if "right wing" whatever that is gets very strong then it is caused by the PC wing

and if only "right wing" can get rid of unwelcome aliens in a European country - then "right wing" is very welcome

I guess I know your definition of "right wing": Those who want politicians to work for THEIR people and THEIR country - and not against them

Isn't it?

Definition of the political right wing in context of the OP and my link is freely available. If you and others wish to defend, minimise & spin as to the extreme danger of the rise of the right wing in the EU in context of the OP, so be it.

Don't know about you personally, but some posts (removed by Mods) by people who support the 'right wing' on this forum are clear evidence of the evil they support.

There isn't any rock solid definition anywhere for "right wing".

And the "rise of the right wing" as you so nicely put it is solely because of the massflooding of economic fortune seekers out of which most are uneducated.

Oh and... in Sweden a few weeks ago a group of senior citizens demanding that the swedish prime minister resign were labeled as nazis, yes NAZIS, by massmedia.

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Slam their own citizens for speaking out and retaliating against people that pretend to be refugees and cover up the rapes, theft and beatings handed out by these same pretend refugees... How does that work then?

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Sorry to see that posters here are unable to see the difference between peaceful protest and rightwing violent acts.

Sorry to see that Merkel and her circle of clowns weren't smart enough to see that the obvious was gonna happen from the outset...

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Anyone seen this, false allegations by right wing web sites which have been posted by members of this forum


please define "right wing"

me thinks there is more common sense on "right wing" than on the PC wing

and if "right wing" whatever that is gets very strong then it is caused by the PC wing

and if only "right wing" can get rid of unwelcome aliens in a European country - then "right wing" is very welcome

I guess I know your definition of "right wing": Those who want politicians to work for THEIR people and THEIR country - and not against them

Isn't it?

Definition of the political right wing in context of the OP and my link is freely available. If you and others wish to defend, minimise & spin as to the extreme danger of the rise of the right wing in the EU in context of the OP, so be it.

Don't know about you personally, but some posts (removed by Mods) by people who support the 'right wing' on this forum are clear evidence of the evil they support.

So would the nasty, horrible "right wing" be rearing it's head if it weren't for the traitorous actions of Merkel and her lackeys? The leftists are far more insidious and dangerous....they would rather sell out their country and their fellow countrymen so they can ponce about patting each other on the back and virtue signal about what wonderful people they are. If you love the refugees so much, how many have you invited into your home, or your family's home where-ever that may be?

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Sorry to see that posters here are unable to see the difference between peaceful protest and rightwing violent acts.

Sorry to see that Merkel and her circle of clowns weren't smart enough to see that the obvious was gonna happen from the outset...

Never an excuse for violence.

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I find it rather disturbing that left and right wing folks are used to qualify protests.

There are people who welcome asylum seekers and there are people who don't want them. Some are peaceful, some are not, nothing to do with left or right.

It is almost like the conspiracy of setting up left against right.

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Sorry to see that posters here are unable to see the difference between peaceful protest and rightwing violent acts.

Sorry to see that Merkel and her circle of clowns weren't smart enough to see that the obvious was gonna happen from the outset...

Never an excuse for violence.
What's the muslims' excuse for violence. They don't need one, it's part of their lifestyle.

Thank goodness for the people who care about their country, labelled by the left-wing press as far right or nazi.

Kick out the muslims AND their lefty fanboys now or regret it later.

Just like during the cold war, the left will attempt to cause civic upheaval.

Edited by jesimps
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Sorry to see that posters here are unable to see the difference between peaceful protest and rightwing violent acts.

Sorry to see that Merkel and her circle of clowns weren't smart enough to see that the obvious was gonna happen from the outset...

Never an excuse for violence.

I never said it was... I was pointing out simple cause and effect...it's a concept known as "reality"... the opposite of visions of utopia held by the regressive left. Why don't you chide the Koreans, or the Japanese for not inviting millions of male, military service age "refugees" in to their countries to provide a little diversity and stimulate the job market?...their mono-cultures could do with a little mixing? Why because it's ok for anyone else to want to preserve their cultural balance...except white European. If you're a white European you just have to suck it up because you're not diverse enough. The Asians are for the Asians. The Blacks are for the Blacks, The Jews are for the Jews, the Arabs are for the Arabs, the Mexicans are for the Mexicans, the Whites? if they want to protect their own culture and people...they are the racists aren't they? You know what happens if you don't affirm and protect your own culture? It dies.

European culture has much to be proud of, things like haebeus corpus, free speech (or the remnants thereof), separation of church and state, freedom of religion. The values that made Europe great are in danger of being squandered by the recklessness and impunity of people like Merkel, not to mention the havoc ahead for Europe. History will not look kindly on her actions, and those encouraging this madness. Cultural relativism is delusional. Wildly different cultures don't mix en masse, especially given the nature of those in question. The fact that there is some violence occurring is regrettable, but not unexpected. Don't look at the symptoms, look to the cause. Resistance to being engulfed in an alien culture in your very home, is hardly unreasonable. Branding anyone who disagrees with the progressive doctrine as racist, or a nazi is just juvenile in the extreme.

It's a recipe for disaster.

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