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Problems Ahead ?


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My woman can't have children and would make a great mother.

She has an 18 year old sister who could probably have children, and a 25 year old sister who certainly can have children.

It has been suggested that one of those has a child for my woman.

Thing is, I'm not so sure about giving my sperm to a hospital and having it done artificially, then again, if I did it naturally do you think there could be problems ahead for me and whoever is involved ?

They get on very well with each other, and get along great with me too, the 18 year old lives with us.

Adoption is not an option.

Anyone had any experiences regarding this subject that they can share ?

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In my opinion it would not be a good idea either way. I would guess you would end up divorced with a pregnant woman. Adopt if you want a child. There are thousands of children available who desperately need parents.

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:D:D:D:D Nice first post . . . Troll alert, troll alert.

Love the first words:

My woman

Sounds like the poster is half Neanderthal, half Cro-Magnon . . . and here's your new avatar: 3za1jqs.jpg

(Gee, should I shag the older sister or the younger sister, it's a dilemma as old as time itself . . . :o )

Edited by Sing_Sling
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(Gee, should I shag the older sister or the younger sister, it's a dilemma as old as time itself . . . :o )

Always the younger sister - unless the older one is hotter! :D

i was going to say that but was worried about the holiday.

Dont woory about all that sperm donating etc. Just take the younger sister out with a nice bottle of wine and tell the wife that you will come back the next day :D

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I gotta admit that is one granddaddy of a problem!

Tell you what, I'm a generous, kind hearted sort of guy so you pass me your problem and I'll take care of it. In return I'll give you my problems which you can deal with while I'm busy.

The bargain of the year.

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My woman can't have children and would make a great mother.

She has an 18 year old sister who could probably have children, and a 25 year old sister who certainly can have children.

It has been suggested that one of those has a child for my woman.

Thing is, I'm not so sure about giving my sperm to a hospital and having it done artificially, then again, if I did it naturally do you think there could be problems ahead for me and whoever is involved ?

They get on very well with each other, and get along great with me too, the 18 year old lives with us.

Adoption is not an option.

Anyone had any experiences regarding this subject that they can share ?

Not so long ago, I had exactly the same problem. My wife no matter how hard we tried and boy we did, could not conceive. This really put a strain on our relationship. As my wife is such a caring kind person, her three sisters stepped forward. The oldest sister being 27 and the youngest a 19 year old beauty. For one night every month I would get to spend 1-2 hours with each of the sisters. Committing to three nights every month. A whole calendar had to be drawn up so the action could be carried out on the optimum day with each of the sisters to increase the odds of conception. This went on for some six months. Nothing, not even a later cycle. Nothing,

We then went to see a family planning doctor. After sitting and speaking with the female doctor how embarrassed was I. One little piece of information and two of the sisters where laden with 6 weeks. This advice I would like to share with you “Turn Her Over”

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You can use a meat baster to impregnate a woman.

1. Stimulate yourself to orgasm and suck the ejaculate into the meat baster.

2. Insert the meat baster into the vaginal canal of the mother-to-be and squirt the ejaculate therein.

3. Wait.

Really, this works. Have your wife do the injections.


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I have a theory that women are incapable of getting along with each other where they are in competition for a man to have children.

They are far more competative than men in this respect.

The conclusion of that theory is that if you get your sister-in-law up the duff (or even start moves in that direction) you will ignite a rivalry that will wreck havoc with you, your wife and the whole family.

And like - What 18 year old girl is going to offer her self up to be knocked up by a farang? Leaving her currency on the mate finding market totally devalued.

I suggest a better plan is use both your hands to type with your posts will improve dramatically.

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You can use a meat baster to impregnate a woman.

1. Stimulate yourself to orgasm and suck the ejaculate into the meat baster.

2. Insert the meat baster into the vaginal canal of the mother-to-be and squirt the ejaculate therein.

3. Wait.

Really, this works. Have your wife do the injections.


If one doesn't have a meat baster... a suitable replacement item is the tip of a man's tongue.

Edited by sriracha john
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You can use a meat baster to impregnate a woman.

1. Stimulate yourself to orgasm and suck the ejaculate into the meat baster.

2. Insert the meat baster into the vaginal canal of the mother-to-be and squirt the ejaculate therein.

3. Wait.

Really, this works. Have your wife do the injections.


Very interesting and practical chownah, but remind me not to come round for a Sunday roast.

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20 responses, and 19 a complete and utter waste of bandwidth, well done members.

Yes Gary A, I feel you may be correct, but it is not me that is suggesting the course of action, it's been suggested to me actually by the people involved. Anyway, I will think about adoption more carefully, I have sugested it before, yet my wife is not at all keen on the idea and prefers to keep it in the family. Oh well, time will tell.

I only posted this to see if there are others here who have had the same experience. I never expected such a childish and pointless response.

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well, if u had kept the post more scientific and technical and put in the health forum, mabye u would have got different responses.

in israel there are couples who have done this but it did not turn out well as the natural mother couldnt give up her baby to her sister.... also, there may be children within your extended family that u could 'adopt' and raise w/o the legal aspect, but with great satisfaction: see sheryl's post about her more or less rearing a close friend's daughter. from my bf, i understand that this is fairly common especially if the parents are working away from home, a sister takes in a child for long periods of time. also, have u checked yourself out for infertility things...

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