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Marco Rubio mocks Donald Trump’s misspelled insults


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A stupid strategy, you cant beat the master at his own game.

If they can't back on topic and start discussing the real issues they have no chance. And if 'the people' don't care about that they'll get what they deserve.

Trump or Clinton......what choice you have for the world.

The leader of the free world....the most powerful man in the world....if that's the case, the WORLD should have a vote in it.....not leave it to Walmart shoppers.

Think I would prefer to see a Kardashian in there and they are a feral mob

Edited by Inyourendo
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A stupid strategy, you cant beat the master at his own game.

He is doing it so far. Trump is good at the insults, but no master of politics.

? Other than racist attacks, threatening countries and ethnic minorities and punching protesters and slandering each other and advocating torture (waterboarding) 'because they deserve it' what actual issues have ANY Republican candidate addressed? Sorry I can't think of one.

The old idiom 'Never get down in the mud and wrestle with a pig. Within a very short space of time onlookers can't tell which one is the pig'

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A stupid strategy, you cant beat the master at his own game.

He is doing it so far. Trump is good at the insults, but no master of politics.

Trump has nothing to do with politics.

And you're saying Rubio is beating Trump. That's not what I'm seeing.

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If and when Donald Trump is nominated there will begin the possibility he could be elected Potus. Presently it is 100% a thought, nothing more. Currently the possibility does not exist.

If Trump does get the nomination, which remains an open question, then the possibility of his becoming Potus would exist. If Trump is nominated, the next step is to consider the probability which is an entirely different beast.

The color of probability is green. Which why until each party completes its respective nominating process, even existing odds, i.e., probability, ramain theoretical. Green is however and nonetheless a serious color.

So speaking of data thx, here are today's lines from oddsmakers in Las Vegas, London, Dublin where they know a bit about democratic elections of a nation's leader.

This time I'm including odds comparisons pre Nevada and post Nevada, with SC D's voting there today. These are the odds as of this day of being elected Potus November 8th, 2016...

HR Clinton today has Potus odds of 4-6 which is a percentage probability of 60.6. Pre Nevada HRC had odds of 4-5 or 55.6%.

Donald Trump today has Potus odds of 9-4 which converts to the probability of 30.7%. Pre Nevada Trump had odds of 11-4 or 26%.


US News and World Report Feb 26, 2016

Trump Will Become President, Says Extremely Accurate Statistician
His statistical model has only ever been wrong once in 104 years.
The odds are ever in Donald Trump's favor.
Helmut Norpoth, a professor of political science at Stony Brook University, has developed a statistical model that predicts a 97 percent to 99 percent chance that Trump will win the 2016 presidential election if he wins the Republican nomination, The Blaze reports.
Norpoth's model has correctly predicted the outcome of every single presidential election since 1912 – save one, the election of 1960, which some believe was rigged. It uses a candidate’s performance in their party’s primary coupled with electoral cycle patterns to determine the likely outcome of the general election.
If Hillary Clinton goes against Trump, the chance of a President Trump is 97 percent, according to the model. If Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic nomination instead, the chances for a Trump victory jump further, to 99 percent.
If the nominee is not Trump, the model predicts that there is still a 61 percent overall chance that a Republican will win the White House, The Statesman reports.

So he came up with this model 104 years ago? Or he analyzed the results of the elections of the last 104 years and came up with a model now? I would presume the latter, and it shows his incompetence that even in retrospect he managed to get a 'prediction' wrong.

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A stupid strategy, you cant beat the master at his own game.

If they can't back on topic and start discussing the real issues they have no chance. And if 'the people' don't care about that they'll get what they deserve.

Trump or Clinton......what choice you have for the world.

The leader of the free world....the most powerful man in the world....if that's the case, the WORLD should have a vote in it.....not leave it to Walmart shoppers.

Think I would prefer to see a Kardashian in there and they are a feral mob

Problem is, a large percentage of voters ARE Walmart shoppers, racists, bigots, and the uneducated... and they're angry as hell.

It's a very sad state of affairs watching this take place, I'm embarrassed of my country.

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Before someone asks if that guy is 104 years old, no, statistical models can be run forward and backward which is what he did.


This is nonsense from The Blaze, a right wing rag. Nothing but click bait for wingnuts.

I'll go with the Publicus bookmaker odds, if that's okay with you.


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You only have to look at Trump's answer to that question about the nuclear triad to realise that he doesn't actually have much of a clue about the issues.

But the other candidates have let him get away with it by allowing themselves to be bullied off the stage with comments about their "low energy", "sweating", etc.

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Time to just face it people. The Trumpster is a shoe in for office. You can whine, debate, argue all you want, the fact is he will be elected. Anyone want to put up or shutup, time to set up a cash pool and put yer $$ where your mouth is.

And I can't wait to see the direction the US goes once he is in. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, and the least of it will be the culling of Reps AND Dems off the hill. "You're Fired" is going to be the new capitol hill buzz word after the Trumpster takes charge. Sooooooooooooo exciting!

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Once they are done with spelling, I hope they can move on to reading.

He speaks at a 4th grader's level not surprising he spells like one to. How much did he have to pay to get through Wharton?

--spells like one to

Pot calling the kettle "black," here. Or, "too." Since this is a spelling topic.

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Once they are done with spelling, I hope they can move on to reading.

He speaks at a 4th grader's level not surprising he spells like one to. How much did he have to pay to get through Wharton?

--spells like one to

Pot calling the kettle "black," here. Or, "too." Since this is a spelling topic.

4th grade, not bad for a non-native speaker.

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Time to just face it people. The Trumpster is a shoe in for office. You can whine, debate, argue all you want, the fact is he will be elected. Anyone want to put up or shutup, time to set up a cash pool and put yer $$ where your mouth is.

And I can't wait to see the direction the US goes once he is in. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, and the least of it will be the culling of Reps AND Dems off the hill. "You're Fired" is going to be the new capitol hill buzz word after the Trumpster takes charge. Sooooooooooooo exciting!

PM me please, and you're welcome to name your stakes.

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Well I guess that's it then. Rubio knows he has no chance of a cabinet or other appointment in a Trump administration. So, let the mud fling. clap2.gif

All the rules have been changed for Trump - as far as what is acceptable to say - and Rubio is the first one to respond in kind - with insults and crude language. It is the only strategy that stands a chance. He is lot smarter and articulate than Donald, but it might be too little too late. I just don't trust Donald - although I agree with some of his points - and am glad that Marco is finally striking back.

The last time I saw Rubio's equal is when my grandmother dragged me off to one of those tent rival meetings. All talk and little action.

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And you're saying Rubio is beating Trump. That's not what I'm seeing.

He only started using Trump's tactics against him 2 days ago. It is too soon to see if it is going to work long-term.

It's late to start and Trump is doing so well.

The trouble with Rubio is that he's Rubio.

The trick is to be the one alternative to Trump in the republican party and try as he might he does come off as a little boy pipsqueak with very limited experience. Now he's BARKING louder. Yippee.

That's partly out of his control, just his physical appearance and youth, but it's still real in politics.

He's trying to sell himself as a mix of the republican JFK and a reincarnation of Reagan, Cubano style. But it's not selling well enough and probably never will. I see him as VICE presidential material only.

I see he does have strengths, but just not strong ENOUGH.

Of course Trump has no political experience, but he makes the case his business empire compensates.

I don't see how Trump won't be nominated now, unless there's some dirty backroom dealing that will piss off Trump voters, which there may be, so in that case it still might be Rubio.

Edited by Jingthing
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You have to wonder if the spelling mistakes were intentional or not.

Intellectuals are by definition, a minority.

You regular Joe (the majority) will be put off by this 'smarter than thou' poke at a billionaire's spelling ability.

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You have to wonder if the spelling mistakes were intentional or not.

Intellectuals are by definition, a minority.

You regular Joe (the majority) will be put off by this 'smarter than thou' poke at a billionaire's spelling ability.

That would be a brilliant tactic if intentional. Trump is indeed a clever media (manipulator. sp?)

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You have to wonder if the spelling mistakes were intentional or not.

Intellectuals are by definition, a minority.

You regular Joe (the majority) will be put off by this 'smarter than thou' poke at a billionaire's spelling ability.

That would be a brilliant tactic if intentional. Trump is indeed a clever media (manipulator. sp?)

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He loves the poorly educated! (His words.)

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Ironic.... Americans pointing fingers at spelling errors.... They have " changed" the spelling of so many words to make them easier to spell, dumbing down the population, whilst citing literacy success in education.

That aside... I think trump has a good chance here... Most non Americans probably never believed that Obama would win, so anything is possible, and so there is no way that I would take jackh up on betting against trump.

Thankfully though, I also believe that regardless of who wins, there will be little change in politics, just a reevaluation of priorities and spending..... And a lot of yap yap yapping

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Problem is, a large percentage of voters ARE Walmart shoppers, racists, bigots, and the uneducated... and they're angry as hell.

It's a very sad state of affairs watching this take place, I'm embarrassed of my country.

Why are they angry.... And how will that effect the election result?

A voting backlash against the existing administration is a common election result... Swings and roundabouts.

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Ironic.... Americans pointing fingers at spelling errors.... They have " changed" the spelling of so many words to make them easier to spell, dumbing down the population, whilst citing literacy success in education.

That aside... I think trump has a good chance here... Most non Americans probably never believed that Obama would win, so anything is possible, and so there is no way that I would take jackh up on betting against trump.

Thankfully though, I also believe that regardless of who wins, there will be little change in politics, just a reevaluation of priorities and spending..... And a lot of yap yap yapping

Being a dumb, hick American, I had to look up your use of "jackh". I used of course the Oxford Dictionary, not that dumb old Webster, American dictionary and got this message Your search - jackh site:oxforddictionaries.com - did not match any documents.


  • Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.
  • Try fewer keywords.

Try to monitor your own spelling errors before condemning an entire country.

Edited by kamahele
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If and when Donald Trump is nominated there will begin the possibility he could be elected Potus. Presently it is 100% a thought, nothing more. Currently the possibility does not exist.

If Trump does get the nomination, which remains an open question, then the possibility of his becoming Potus would exist. If Trump is nominated, the next step is to consider the probability which is an entirely different beast.

The color of probability is green. Which why until each party completes its respective nominating process, even existing odds, i.e., probability, ramain theoretical. Green is however and nonetheless a serious color.

So speaking of data thx, here are today's lines from oddsmakers in Las Vegas, London, Dublin where they know a bit about democratic elections of a nation's leader.

This time I'm including odds comparisons pre Nevada and post Nevada, with SC D's voting there today. These are the odds as of this day of being elected Potus November 8th, 2016...

HR Clinton today has Potus odds of 4-6 which is a percentage probability of 60.6. Pre Nevada HRC had odds of 4-5 or 55.6%.

Donald Trump today has Potus odds of 9-4 which converts to the probability of 30.7%. Pre Nevada Trump had odds of 11-4 or 26%.


US News and World Report Feb 26, 2016

Trump Will Become President, Says Extremely Accurate Statistician
His statistical model has only ever been wrong once in 104 years.
The odds are ever in Donald Trump's favor.
Helmut Norpoth, a professor of political science at Stony Brook University, has developed a statistical model that predicts a 97 percent to 99 percent chance that Trump will win the 2016 presidential election if he wins the Republican nomination, The Blaze reports.
Norpoth's model has correctly predicted the outcome of every single presidential election since 1912 – save one, the election of 1960, which some believe was rigged. It uses a candidate’s performance in their party’s primary coupled with electoral cycle patterns to determine the likely outcome of the general election.
If Hillary Clinton goes against Trump, the chance of a President Trump is 97 percent, according to the model. If Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic nomination instead, the chances for a Trump victory jump further, to 99 percent.
If the nominee is not Trump, the model predicts that there is still a 61 percent overall chance that a Republican will win the White House, The Statesman reports.

Somebody's been reading right wing text and looking at rightwhinge editorial cartoons but it's no matter cause some comic relief is good. We're not laffing at you, we're laughing near you. gigglem.gif

The percentages cited for the election of Potus are of course absurd. No candidate for Potus has ever stood at 99% probability or a 97% probability. Even George Washington elected first Potus unanimously in the Electoral College had to make an appearance so he could leave as a happy man lock.gif . Twice besides.

No one since has been remotely close. The country had until recently been a 45-45 +10 country in the race for Potus but not any more. Since 2008 it's become fluid rather than fixed, with the Democratic party given the advantage.

In the past six elections of Potus, the D party has started from an Electoral College base of 251 votes with 270 needed to win. In 2000 GW Bush walked on chads to get 271 EV's; in 2004 GW got 283 EV's. Obama in 2008 got 365 and in 2012 President Obama got 332.

So let's see what today's odds are cause Las Vegas has been right on each Potus election since 1992 except for chads in the system in 2000.

Oddsmakers after South Carolina and Nevada have assisted us greatly. Realistically and with both feet on the ground.

To be elected Potus:

HR Clinton is at odds of 4-7 or the probability percentage of 63.6%. Before Nevada she'd been at 4-5. After Nevada, 4-6. Now after SC it's 4-7. And counting - on the right side of the dash line. The more up the digit the greater the percentage. Barack Obama maxed out at 83% but no one gets into the 90th percentile of Geo Washington territory.

Donald Trump is at odds of 2-1 which converts of course to the probability percentage of 33.3%. Trump has been inching up from the low 20s of percentage probability since after the first voting event, the Iowa cacuses Feb 1st.

Marco Rubio is at odds of 8-1, or the probability of 11.1% to be elected Potus. Marco keeps on being the incredible shrinking candidate.

Bernie Sanders is at odds of 20-1 (4.7%)

Raphael Edward "Ted" Distrusted Cruz is at odds of 80-1 which is a probability percentage of 1.23% to be elected Potus.

R Nominated Candidate:

Trump still has odds of 1-4 which equal 80% and which is no change recently.

Rubio has odds of 3-1 which is the probability of 25% to win the nomination.

Cruz has odds of 40-1 which converts to 2.24%.

Kasich is likewise at 40-1.

D Nominated Candidate

HR Clinton is at the prohibitive odds of 1-20 lock.gif (95.2%)

For the record, Bernie has odds of 8-1 or 11.1%.

Nobody for Potus gets into the 90th percentile except a Republican candidate being promoted in the mass of highly financed rightwing media. Party nomination, yes, of course 90th percentile. Potus, not since George Washington.

Edited by Publicus
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Ironic.... Americans pointing fingers at spelling errors.... They have " changed" the spelling of so many words to make them easier to spell, dumbing down the population, whilst citing literacy success in education.

That aside... I think trump has a good chance here... Most non Americans probably never believed that Obama would win, so anything is possible, and so there is no way that I would take jackh up on betting against trump.

Thankfully though, I also believe that regardless of who wins, there will be little change in politics, just a reevaluation of priorities and spending..... And a lot of yap yap yapping

Being a dumb, hick American, I had to look up your use of "jackh". I used of course the Oxford Dictionary, not that dumb old Webster, American dictionary and got this message Your search - jackh site:oxforddictionaries.com - did not match any documents.


  • Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.
  • Try fewer keywords.
Try to monitor your own spelling errors before condemning an entire country.

Lmfao.... Jackh is a fellow TV poster... See post 42, where he suggests putting your money were your mouth is and bet on the outcome of the US elections... So let me say it again.... Lmfao!

That aside, from the point of view of a self confessed dumb hick American, did I otherwise err in spelling,syntax or punctuation?

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