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Clinton eyes big win in S. Carolina; Sanders shifts focus


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Clinton eyes big win in S. Carolina; Sanders shifts focus

JULIE PACE, Associated Press
LISA LERER, Associated Press

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (AP) — Hillary Clinton hoped to solidify her position as the Democratic front-runner with a decisive win in Saturday's South Carolina presidential primary, while rival Bernie Sanders moved on before the votes were even counted to focus on Tuesday's contests in multiple states.

The Democrats' contrasting approaches underscored their broader aims and possibilities heading into the delegate-rich races on March 1, or Super Tuesday. Clinton is looking to win by large margins in Southern states with large black populations, while Sanders wants to score victories in the Midwest and Northeast and stay close to Clinton in the South to avoid a blowout in the race for delegates who will choose the party's nominee at the national convention in July.

As Democrats in South Carolina were heading to the polls, Sanders was speaking to about 10,000 people at a Formula One racetrack near Austin, Texas.

"On Super Tuesday the state that is going to be voting for the most delegates is the great state of Texas," he said. "If all of you come out to vote and you bring your friends and your neighbors and your co-workers, we are going to win here in Texas."

Clinton made a stop in Alabama Saturday before returning to Columbia, South Carolina's capital, for what her campaign hoped would be an evening victory party. Polls were to close at 7 p.m. (2300 GMT).

Next Tuesday's contests are particularly important. Democrats will vote in 11 states and American Samoa, with 865 delegates to be decided.

On the Republican side, voters will cast ballots in 11 states, with 595 delegates at stake.

With Super Tuesday looming, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz escalated their argument that front-runner Donald Trump is a conservative impostor, trying to make the case to voters they can keep the ascendant billionaire from claiming the Republican presidential nomination.

Super Tuesday is the biggest single-day delegate haul of the nomination contests and, says Cruz, "the single best opportunity to defeat Donald Trump."

Trump, who has won three states in a row after losing in Iowa's caucuses to Cruz, held a campaign rally in Arkansas with Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor and former presidential candidate who dropped out of the race after a sixth place finish in New Hampshire.

"This guy has a fresh mouth," Trump said of Rubio. He called him a "light little nothing."

In South Carolina, early exit polls showed that black voters accounted for 6 in 10 Democratic primary voters. In last week's South Carolina Republican primary, 96 percent of voters were white.

For Clinton, a win in South Carolina would help wipe away bitter memories of her 2008 primary loss to Barack Obama in the first-in-the-South contest, and establish her as the firm favorite among black voters, who make up a crucial segment of the Democratic electorate, particularly in the southern states that hold Super Tuesday primaries.

As Clinton's race with Sanders has grown tighter, she's moved to fully embrace Obama, who remains popular with Democrats and particularly black voters. Early exit polls showed 7 in 10 voters want the next president to continue Obama's policies.

The exit polls were conducted by Edison Research for The Associated Press and television networks.

Sanders has energized his voters, particularly young people, with his impassioned calls for breaking up Wall Street banks and making tuition free at public colleges and universities. But he knew his prospects in South Carolina were grim.

The senator from Vermont, where just about 1 percent of the population is black, lacks Clinton's deep and longstanding connections to the African-American community. He tried to broaden his economic inequality message and touch on issues of concern to black Americans such as incarceration rates and criminal justice reform, but he struggled to gain traction here.

In 2008, black voters made up 55 percent of the electorate in South Carolina's Democratic primary, according to exit polls. Clinton lost the state overwhelmingly to Obama in a heated contest in which her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was seen by some as questioning the legitimacy of the black presidential contender. But this year the former president has been well-received by voters as he traveled the state campaigning for his wife.

This year, Clinton's campaign has seen South Carolina as an important jumpstart heading into a busy March. More than half of the delegates up for grabs in the Democratic race are on the table in the next month.

While Sanders has the money to stay in the race deep into the spring, Clinton's campaign sees a chance to build enough of a delegate lead to put the race out of reach during the sprint through March.

Going into South Carolina, Clinton had just a one-delegate edge over Sanders after her narrow win in Iowa, her sweeping loss in New Hampshire and a five-point victory in Nevada. However, she also has a massive lead among superdelegates, the Democratic Party leaders who can vote for the candidate of their choice at this summer's national convention, regardless of how their states vote.

In the Republican race, Rubio and Cruz both lashed out at Trump at separate rallies in Georgia, another Super Tuesday state.

At a rally outside the Georgia Capitol, Cruz went after Trump's positions on immigration and gun control, criticized his ethics and hammered him for his frequent use of profanity.

"To the parents: Would you be proud of your children if they came home and repeated the words of Donald Trump?" Cruz told reporters.

Speaking at a football stadium at Mount Paran Christian School in suburban Atlanta, Rubio said: "Donald Trump, a con artist, will never get control of this party."

Trump took specific issue with Rubio's new line that the billionaire is a "con artist."

"I built a great business," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-28

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All you wingnuts should get use to directing the hatred toward "Madam President". Eight years of Obama hatred (he's a negro you know) followed by eight years of Hillary. Of course many of those doing the hating won't make it through the entire HRC Presidency. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68. coffee1.gif

Illegal mailservers, Benghazi, Vincent Foster, Wall street speeches...bring it. Donald Trump and the Republicans are the opponents and that's a train wreck.

It's over before it begins.

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All you wingnuts should get use to directing the hatred toward "Madam President". Eight years of Obama hatred (he's a negro you know) followed by eight years of Hillary. Of course many of those doing the hating won't make it through the entire HRC Presidency. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68. coffee1.gif

Illegal mailservers, Benghazi, Vincent Foster, Wall street speeches...bring it. Donald Trump and the Republicans are the opponents and that's a train wreck.

It's over before it begins.

Hillary is pandering to minorities which can get her a primary win but not a general election win.

Trump is going to kick Hillary over the moon, while she's riding her broomstick. She does, you know, have the distinction of being the only candidate for POTUS who uses a broom for her daily transportation.


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All you wingnuts should get use to directing the hatred toward "Madam President". Eight years of Obama hatred (he's a negro you know) followed by eight years of Hillary. Of course many of those doing the hating won't make it through the entire HRC Presidency. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68. coffee1.gif

Illegal mailservers, Benghazi, Vincent Foster, Wall street speeches...bring it. Donald Trump and the Republicans are the opponents and that's a train wreck.

It's over before it begins.

Hillary is pandering to minorities which can get her a primary win but not a general election win.

Trump is going to kick Hillary over the moon, while she's riding her broomstick. She does, you know, have the distinction of being the only candidate for POTUS who uses a broom for her daily transportation.


You see the hate ooze out. She's a witch! She's a witch! Jeeze

Hillary is pandering?

I admire your misplaced confidence, but the guy has very little appeal outside of a group of angry, poorly educated, old white men.

In order to kick Hillary over the moon a couple of things would have to happen...

Sorry, blink.png I lost my train of thought. I can't think of any scenario that could happen.

Trump gives every voter a unicorn?

Discovers a cure for cancer?

Brings a dead person back to life?

Licks his elbow?

Trump comes up with fair, well thought out, reasonable policies for all people, renounces his past hypocritical, xenophobic, racist, misogynistic stands on everything and stops spewing lies?

No that's not it.

If I think of a way I'll get back to you. whistling.gif

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All you wingnuts should get use to directing the hatred toward "Madam President". Eight years of Obama hatred (he's a negro you know) followed by eight years of Hillary.

Republicans have a presidential hopeful who is black (he's a brain surgeon you know). They also have a couple Hispanics in the running. All the Dems can muster are a couple 70-yr old white people who have only worked in gov't.

The people are finally seeing the Democratic Party for what it truly is...the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK, anti-Civil Rights Act of 1964 and keeping minorities in perpetual poverty in every major city they have controlled for decades.

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Congratulations to our first African American woman president: Hillary Rodham Clinton.clap2.gif

She's so white, she's black. No sax needed!

Perhaps you noticed that she lost the white vote to Bernie. This was a state loaded with minorities unlike the demographics of the entire country.

When she gets to November she'll need those white votes but they will be crossing over to Trump. Trump is pulling record crowds and many of them are "Reagan Democrats". They are current or former union workers who have lost or are concerned about losing jobs to China or Mexico. They are ordinary people who are worried about the massive illegal immigration.

Most voters are ordinary people with ordinary daily concerns and Hillary doesn't address those. She panders to splinter groups and minorities, believing they will make the difference in a general. Not this time as record numbers of people including a lot of Democrats, especially ordinary white people go to the polls for Trump.

There is little talk or concern in this cycle about single issue items such as abortion or gay rights or women's rights or... The people's concern this time is for America. It's a real concern for the country. People only worry about the plight of endangered whales when their own stomachs are full.


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Wonder who sweet brown voted for....?


Why would you post that? To make fun of an ethnic dialect? SICK SICK SICK.

To roughly paraphrase Bill Maher, not all republicans are racist, but if you meet a racist, there's a good chance he's a republican.

Edited by Jingthing
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Wonder who sweet brown voted for....?


Why would you post that? To make fun of an ethnic dialect? SICK SICK SICK.

To roughly paraphrase Bill Maher, not all republicans are racist, but if you meet a racist, there's a good chance he's a republican.

He'd post it because he's a Republican.

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Wonder who sweet brown voted for....?


Why would you post that? To make fun of an ethnic dialect? SICK SICK SICK.

To roughly paraphrase Bill Maher, not all republicans are racist, but if you meet a racist, there's a good chance he's a republican.

He'd post it because he's a Republican.

Sweet Brown is going to vote for the winner in this election too.

The racial types on the perpetually whinging fringe right are going to have to suck it up again. Their only hope is to close Ms Brown's polling station and make her travel across the city to cast her ballot.

HR Clinton has addressed the Republican stop the vote campaign which is worse this time than it had been in 2012 when the federal courts throughout the country threw out the new Jim Crow voting laws. Early voting helps Democrats so Republican racial types in the states are squelching early voting.

Won't work this time either. The racial right.

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All you wingnuts should get use to directing the hatred toward "Madam President". Eight years of Obama hatred (he's a negro you know) followed by eight years of Hillary. Of course many of those doing the hating won't make it through the entire HRC Presidency. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68. coffee1.gif

Illegal mailservers, Benghazi, Vincent Foster, Wall street speeches...bring it. Donald Trump and the Republicans are the opponents and that's a train wreck.

It's over before it begins.

Hillary is pandering to minorities which can get her a primary win but not a general election win.

Trump is going to kick Hillary over the moon, while she's riding her broomstick. She does, you know, have the distinction of being the only candidate for POTUS who uses a broom for her daily transportation.


that's not what the book makes believehttp://www.paddypower.com/bet/politics/other-politics/us-politics?ev_oc_grp_ids=791149

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Hillary beat Bernie with a FIFTY POINT margin in South Carolina. That's beyond impressive.

Bernie's following is liberal whites on the coasts and college aged. Blacks will almost exclusively vote for the establishment Democrat candidate with name appeal which will serve Clinton in a similar manner on Tuesday with all those southern states

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HRC got more of the black vote than Barack Obama did in 2008. President Obama set HRC back in SC in 2008, from which defeat she never recovered.

This time SC sent Hillary Clinton off and running while it's the Republican party that has set itself back 50 years.

Anyone who thinks Republicans are going to gain any black voters away from the Democratic party in this election also has to be down on one knee singing "Swanee."

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Hillary beat Bernie with a FIFTY POINT margin in South Carolina. That's beyond impressive.

Bernie's following is liberal whites on the coasts and college aged. Blacks will almost exclusively vote for the establishment Democrat candidate with name appeal which will serve Clinton in a similar manner on Tuesday with all those southern states

I consider myself a liberal person, but not in the common usage which is understood to be progressive. Fact is, one can be liberal and be a conservative or a progressive.

I have young people in my home all the time because I've got two kids in college. They don't support Bernie because they're not smart. They support him because they're very smart. They see that they're the ones that are going to pay for everyone else and get nothing in return. They don't seem to mind that they will be paying for their grandparents and parents retirements and healthcare but it bugs them tremendously that they are not able to avail themselves of that same healthcare they will be paying for for everyone else.

I feel the same way. After taking every single deduction and exemption that the law allows, I paid just shy of $39k in F.I.T in 2015. What did I get for that? I get to pay interest and principal on debt I don't want. I get to pay for wars and a military industrial complex I don't want. I get to pay my Dad's SS and Medicare which I don't mind. I just wish he'd voted for people that would have saved his contributions till he needed them. They didn't of course, because everyone voted for the "least worst" candidate. It's not the candidates that are the problem it is the people that vote for flawed candidates. They're the worst and they inflict terrible suffering on their fellow Americans. The worst ones would be those expats that don't even have any skin in the game.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Why would you post that? To make fun of an ethnic dialect? SICK SICK SICK.

To roughly paraphrase Bill Maher, not all republicans are racist, but if you meet a racist, there's a good chance he's a republican.

Wonder who sweet brown voted for....?


What a crock of sh*t. Democrats invented racism in America and they continue to perpetuate the myth that it is the Republicans who are racist with the help of their allies in the media. Some of the biggest racists I've ever known vote Democrat.

Republicans say who cares what your skin color is? Study hard, work hard and you will succeed. Democrats say, oh, your skin is darker, you don't have a chance to succeed unless you vote for us and we give you free stuff because you are incapable of providing for yourself. Which of those positions is racist?

It is not a coincidence that leading Republican blacks are successful in the private sector; brain surgeon, CEOs, university provost, high ranking officers in the military, etc. - all educated and successful people. Leading Democrat blacks are self-appointed "reverends", community organizers, and various other grievance activists who should have spent more time in school learning something useful.

Democrats made jokes about the minorities who are running or have run for president this year, a black, two Hispanics and an Indian (not AI). While they had nothing but a bunch of old, white people under that big exclusive tent of theirs. Yet they manage to convince everyone that it is the other party that is against minorities. LOL

Bernie doesn't stand a chance with the black vote because the majority of the black voters aren't all that sophisticated to understand that he is offering a good deal for the average person. Hillary is offering more of the same Democrat crap that hasn't helped blacks over the past 50 years. I may not agree with Bernie's ideas, but he is definitely more honest than Hillary and it is about time the average black voter realized that they need to try something new..either vote Republican or Bernie-Socialist but not the same ol' sh*t that Hillary offers.

Blacks won't start getting what they want from politicians until they let politicians know that they are not entitled to the black vote, that they have to earn it. I don't see that happening as almost all black leaders are in the pocket of the Democrat Party. Just like the old, old days, those leaders are living in the big house and care little for the others as long as they do what they are supposed to do - keep the Democrats in power.

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All you wingnuts should get use to directing the hatred toward "Madam President". Eight years of Obama hatred (he's a negro you know) followed by eight years of Hillary.

Republicans have a presidential hopeful who is black (he's a brain surgeon you know). They also have a couple Hispanics in the running. All the Dems can muster are a couple 70-yr old white people who have only worked in gov't.

The people are finally seeing the Democratic Party for what it truly is...the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK, anti-Civil Rights Act of 1964 and keeping minorities in perpetual poverty in every major city they have controlled for decades.

In 2012 the Republican party nominee for Potus Willard Mitt Romney (his name from birth) lost the Hispanic vote nationally by 47%, lost the Asian-American vote by 44 percent and lost the black vote by 86%.

Republicans and other rightists who are wrong wrong wrong need to improve their message or perhaps to improve themselves. They need to conceive and pursue a radically different and opposite approach, mindset. Having a few token minority of this kind or that type is pathetic, sorry, sad; self-contradictory and self defeating.

Carry on.

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Watching this harridan mouthing platitudes on tv makes me ill....all i can draw solace from is that mr trump will get to her soon enough, once he has secured the nomination along with a running mate who is idolised by blacks and latinos.

Hes gonna hang her out to dry....a corporate sock puppet who thinks she is above the law. Yucks!!!!

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Hillary beat Bernie with a FIFTY POINT margin in South Carolina. That's beyond impressive.

Bernie's following is liberal whites on the coasts and college aged. Blacks will almost exclusively vote for the establishment Democrat candidate with name appeal which will serve Clinton in a similar manner on Tuesday with all those southern states

I consider myself a liberal person, but not in the common usage which is understood to be progressive. Fact is, one can be liberal and be a conservative or a progressive.

I have young people in my home all the time because I've got two kids in college. They don't support Bernie because they're not smart. They support him because they're very smart. They see that they're the ones that are going to pay for everyone else and get nothing in return. They don't seem to mind that they will be paying for their grandparents and parents retirements and healthcare but it bugs them tremendously that they are not able to avail themselves of that same healthcare they will be paying for for everyone else.

I feel the same way. After taking every single deduction and exemption that the law allows, I paid just shy of $39k in F.I.T in 2015. What did I get for that? I get to pay interest and principal on debt I don't want. I get to pay for wars and a military industrial complex I don't want. I get to pay my Dad's SS and Medicare which I don't mind. I just wish he'd voted for people that would have saved his contributions till he needed them. They didn't of course, because everyone voted for the "least worst" candidate. It's not the candidates that are the problem it is the people that vote for flawed candidates. They're the worst and they inflict terrible suffering on their fellow Americans. The worst ones would be those expats that don't even have any skin in the game.

Understand. My post was not directed at the motivations and\or intelligence of the two groups I mentioned only that Bernie's current following lacks sufficient diversity to challenge Clinton. The fifty point margin of victory probably says more about the voters than the candidate. Sadly, I read that Bernie invested a great deal of time and money in SC hoping to combat just this sort of a crushing outcome

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You can ask black people what voting D has done for them, but they know what they'll get by voting R, as do women and the rest of the minorities.

Republicans have gone far right and demonized all minorities. There is no chance of even being competitive with the minority vote, thus insuring a Republican defeat in November.

All the lying, hate and fear spewed out by Fox News and it's terrible Republican candidates is going to change that fact. The Republicans are screwed. They did it to themselves.

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

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I suppose that if I were looking out for myself, I'd have to support Bernie. I'm too old to worry about the astronomical national debt and who is going to have to pay it. I can just stand with my hand out and see how much more I can get from a socialist government. Young people should be looking at a conservative who will actually know how to balance a checkbook. Unfortunately universities have lowered the bar so far that we now have graduates who are only semi literate. They are taking subjects that no one can fail to get a passing grade and those subjects are totally useless in the job market. Insanity has taken over the educational system. And, YES, I blame the bleeding heart liberals who teach crap in our schools. It is difficult for me to believe how anyone could elect a person, not once but twice, who has never had a real job. I would be scared to death to be a young man with a family to raise.

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You can ask black people what voting D has done for them, but they know what they'll get by voting R, as do women and the rest of the minorities.

Republicans have gone far right and demonized all minorities. There is no chance of even being competitive with the minority vote, thus insuring a Republican defeat in November.

All the lying, hate and fear spewed out by Fox News and it's terrible Republican candidates is going to change that fact. The Republicans are screwed. They did it to themselves.

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

You have it all backwards. The right does not demonize minorities. The right doesn't believe they need special treatment because we are all supposed to be equal.

The left treats minorities like children unable to care for themselves. The left scares minorities with stories that Republicans are the monster under the bed waiting to take away all their rights and put them "back in chains". The Democrats are the party of fear and hate.

Obama's entire 2012 campaign was identity politics, creating fear among various groups that the Republicans were going to take away their rights. Where were all these attacks on minority rights during the Bush years where the Republicans controlled Congress and well as the White House?

Attacks on Fox News as "spewing hate" just goes to show that you don't even watch it, that you either make things up or are repeating something you heard from someone else who is ignorant. Maybe I have it wrong, maybe you will post links to some of the hate they promote?

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Republicans lose the minority vote not because of their message. The media is predominantly Democrat, sorry, many are "Independent" just like Sanders. 555

They bury stories about racist Democrat policies. An honest press would ask WHY cities that have been controlled by Democrats for 50+ years are full of perpetually poor minorities?

An honest press would ask just WHAT has voting overwhelmingly for the Democrats all these years done for them?

Percent of black vote going to Democrat in Presidential elections 1976-2012
2012 - 93% Obama
2008 - 95% Obama
2004 - 88% Kerry
2000 - 90% Gore
1996 - 84% Clinton
1992 - 83% Clinton
1988 - 89% Dukakis
1984 - 91% Mondale
1980 - 83% Carter
1976 - 83% Carter
The majority of black voters don't understand that by guaranteeing one party their vote each election, neither party is motivated to do anything for them. Republicans won't get the vote no matter what they promise, and Democrats won't lose it no matter what they do or don't do.
If Democrats ever lose their stranglehold on the black vote, they will cease to exist as a national party. Look at any recent Election Results by County and you will see that major cities with large black populations are the only places where Democrats have a majority...
Bernie Sanders may be sweating the black vote now, but if by some miracle he becomes the nominee, he can be sure to receive over 80% of the black vote...as long as there is a (D) next to his name and not an (I). smile.png

Since Prez Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of 1972 to successfully convert white southerners to the Republican party from a hundred years of voting Democratic, the Republican party has written off black American voters.

The Republican line always spoken in private is that black voters "can't be satisfied." In other words, the Republican party is not interested in whatever is involved or required to win the black vote.

Republicans' problem is that they assign to black Americans their attitude that "can't be satisfied" means goodies and other freebee handouts. It's been the Republican mantra and cliche since 1972. It's not only the Republican message, it is the Republican belief.

Forget black voters being drawn for one moment to the redneck Republican tea party bearing barrels of rightwhingenut flavored kool-aid. Nor can the Republican party build a coalition of its racial white Republican shooter cops and black Americans. It is incoherent to think it can or ever could happen.

It is an impossibility that the unsophisticated voter of any race in 2016 knows anything about what happened in 1972. No chance. But they do know what their situation is like today, and who they have been voting for.

So blacks should continue voting for Democrats, it has worked so well for them the past 50 years. They are in for a big surprise as Hispanics continue to surpass them as the largest minority group in the country and they become the Dems favorite target of affection. Obama & the Democrats have already favored immigrants from south of the border over blacks in terms of jobs and gov't handouts.

This video is about Chicago residents fed up with President Obama ignoring the black community and placing favor on illegal aliens at the southern border.

Edited by mopar71
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You can ask black people what voting D has done for them, but they know what they'll get by voting R, as do women and the rest of the minorities.

Republicans have gone far right and demonized all minorities. There is no chance of even being competitive with the minority vote, thus insuring a Republican defeat in November.

All the lying, hate and fear spewed out by Fox News and it's terrible Republican candidates is going to change that fact. The Republicans are screwed. They did it to themselves.

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

You have it all backwards. The right does not demonize minorities. The right doesn't believe they need special treatment because we are all supposed to be equal.

The left treats minorities like children unable to care for themselves. The left scares minorities with stories that Republicans are the monster under the bed waiting to take away all their rights and put them "back in chains". The Democrats are the party of fear and hate.

Obama's entire 2012 campaign was identity politics, creating fear among various groups that the Republicans were going to take away their rights. Where were all these attacks on minority rights during the Bush years where the Republicans controlled Congress and well as the White House?

Attacks on Fox News as "spewing hate" just goes to show that you don't even watch it, that you either make things up or are repeating something you heard from someone else who is ignorant. Maybe I have it wrong, maybe you will post links to some of the hate they promote?

"The left treats minorities like children unable to care for themselves. The left scares minorities with stories that Republicans are the monster under the bed waiting to take away all their rights and put them "back in chains". The Democrats are the party of fear and hate."

Speaking of 'chains'...

Remind me again, which party does this guy represent.

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Republicans lose the minority vote not because of their message. The media is predominantly Democrat, sorry, many are "Independent" just like Sanders. 555

They bury stories about racist Democrat policies. An honest press would ask WHY cities that have been controlled by Democrats for 50+ years are full of perpetually poor minorities?

An honest press would ask just WHAT has voting overwhelmingly for the Democrats all these years done for them?

Percent of black vote going to Democrat in Presidential elections 1976-2012
2012 - 93% Obama
2008 - 95% Obama
2004 - 88% Kerry
2000 - 90% Gore
1996 - 84% Clinton
1992 - 83% Clinton
1988 - 89% Dukakis
1984 - 91% Mondale
1980 - 83% Carter
1976 - 83% Carter
The majority of black voters don't understand that by guaranteeing one party their vote each election, neither party is motivated to do anything for them. Republicans won't get the vote no matter what they promise, and Democrats won't lose it no matter what they do or don't do.
If Democrats ever lose their stranglehold on the black vote, they will cease to exist as a national party. Look at any recent Election Results by County and you will see that major cities with large black populations are the only places where Democrats have a majority...
Bernie Sanders may be sweating the black vote now, but if by some miracle he becomes the nominee, he can be sure to receive over 80% of the black vote...as long as there is a (D) next to his name and not an (I). smile.png

Since Prez Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of 1972 to successfully convert white southerners to the Republican party from a hundred years of voting Democratic, the Republican party has written off black American voters.

The Republican line always spoken in private is that black voters "can't be satisfied." In other words, the Republican party is not interested in whatever is involved or required to win the black vote.

Republicans' problem is that they assign to black Americans their attitude that "can't be satisfied" means goodies and other freebee handouts. It's been the Republican mantra and cliche since 1972. It's not only the Republican message, it is the Republican belief.

Forget black voters being drawn for one moment to the redneck Republican tea party bearing barrels of rightwhingenut flavored kool-aid. Nor can the Republican party build a coalition of its racial white Republican shooter cops and black Americans. It is incoherent to think it can or ever could happen.

It is an impossibility that the unsophisticated voter of any race in 2016 knows anything about what happened in 1972. No chance. But they do know what their situation is like today, and who they have been voting for.

So blacks should continue voting for Democrats, it has worked so well for them the past 50 years. They are in for a big surprise as Hispanics continue to surpass them as the largest minority group in the country and they become the Dems favorite target of affection. Obama & the Democrats have already favored immigrants from south of the border over blacks in terms of jobs and gov't handouts.

This video is about Chicago residents fed up with President Obama ignoring the black community and placing favor on illegal aliens at the southern border.

The profound caring and concern for black America is duly noted to include your concern for the well being of Barack Obama in his own community of color and history.

I'll advise my black friends, associates, acquaintences among others that the Republican party is interested in coopting stealing preventing soliciting their precious vote.

Trouble for the R party is that no adult black American in the country wuz born yesterday. Nor did any just fall off the turnip truck. Blacks are well aware of the Republican Stop The Black Vote campaign of the recent elections especially.

Republicans more than like the Cubans because Cubans vote Republican, in contrast to those Hispanics who barge on in and immediately become Democrats.

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