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Merkel calls mob that screamed at migrants 'repulsive'


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Merkel calls mob that screamed at migrants 'repulsive'

BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday called the actions of protesters who shouted abuse at a bus full of migrants "repulsive" and "unjustifiable."

Video of about 100 people trying to block migrants from entering a shelter in the eastern village of Clausnitz on Feb. 18 prompted concern about growing extremism in Germany. The number of far-right attacks on migrants has increased significantly over the past year, as more than a million people came to Germany seeking asylum.

Merkel told public television ARD late Sunday that she sees a "polarization" in Germany society, but insisted that her decision in September to keep the country's borders open to migrants had been right.

"I think we're doing better than some people think, but we've got a way to go," she said.

To those who have opposed her course, at time vehemently, Merkel said she was willing to listen. "They aren't convinced yet but I think that I can convince them if the issue is resolved, but we need a certain amount of time for this."

Merkel said her government is working to solve the problems causing people to flee to Europe, but added that those coming to Germany have to abide by its laws, citing what she called the "devastating" incident in Cologne at New Year, when scores of women were robbed and sexually assaulted by men of mostly North African origin.

"Rules must be clear from the start," she said. "Integration isn't just a voluntary matter."

Merkel's center-right party faces its first electoral test since the migrants surge on March 13, when voters elect new regional parliaments in three of Germany's 16 states.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-29

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Germans have to stop the CDU lead gov destroying their country and being over run by millions of migrants!

The "migration" is only the tip of the spear, anyone with eyes can see that the migrants are mostly men.

The second wave of eligible dependents; wives, children and parents will eventually follow.

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West Germans and tourists got brutally attacked right after the fall of the wall. Just because they didn't speak their weird slang.

Asians were always low class people, because many people from Vietnam worked in East German factories.

It seems that nothing has changed so far.

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Pimay1, on 29 Feb 2016 - 08:32, said:

I don't know if Germany has a recall law but if so they should recall this idiot Merkel.

Me neither.

But they must have laws on the safety of those who have lost their mental faculties.

It is time to get her into secure accommodation for her own sake, and for the sake of the EU before this lunacy really rips it apart.

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Who's she calling repulsive?

This woman is repulsive!

Who's she gonna call when they come for her. Oh Wait

she constantly surrounds herself with Armed Security Details and

all the while she denies most Germans of any means of

protection against these migrants.

Then she wants them to accept

these peoples culture and they laugh all the while

as they find her an infidel no matter how good she

mindlessly provides for them.

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The number of far-right attacks on migrants...

I got this far when the article lost all credibility. Germany got about one million so called immigrants/asylum seekers last year and in the light of recent numbers that record will be broken this year. Normal citizens that are affected by this madness are trying to take action.

Germany is going to get us all into a new disaster that is has created for the third time in a century. She must be delusional imagining her communist-socialistic union will eventually become reality. I personally believe she never grow up from the communist beliefs.

If something, she is a despicable person.

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I hope the UK votes to leave this shower of sh*t Europe has become.

No, The UK needs to stay in Europe and work with the millions of Germans, French, Danes, Poles, Hungarians etc etc that don't want or accept Merkel and her cronies "ideal" of some sort of federalist quasi communist social utopia where the state plans and controls everything for you, tells you what you are allowed to do and think, and removes any trappings of heritage and culture that might interfere with their progress.

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They are just sending a message to Merkel that enough is enough, she has crossed the

line and the people are sending her a clear, unambiguous message. Apparently she still

does not hear it. coffee1.gif

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


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What is it in the German psyche that allows these demonic people to rise to power ? Merkel's despicable policy has bought violence and rape and Islamic values to Europe.

Don't look now but most politicians are demonic in nature. On a scale of 1 to 10 she is proving to be an 11. These immigrants are like a cloud of locusts on the move during harvest time. Women are being raped by these animals because they are classed as infidels. What a price to pay for one persons stupidity.

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


How many refugees are you supporting and how many live with you?

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


I'm surprised that you have not suffocated with your head so far in the sand! You left wing drum bangers are a big part of the problem.

Multiculturalism is NOT working, or are you too blind to see that? Oh, and you don't have to be right wing or racist to know this (just before you start playing the race card like lefty do-gooders do when the debate gets too much)

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


I'm surprised that you have not suffocated with your head so far in the sand! You left wing drum bangers are a big part of the problem.

Multiculturalism is NOT working, or are you too blind to see that? Oh, and you don't have to be right wing or racist to know this (just before you start playing the race card like lefty do-gooders do when the debate gets too much)

You have to love those posters who permanently occupy the moral high ground whilst offering nothing in terms of practical solutions or even acknowledging that a problem exists.

Just accuse everyone else of right wing bigotry and job done. You can now feel satisfied and superior without having lifted a finger. Well done!

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


What's your suggestion then?
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I don't know if Germany has a recall law but if so they should recall this idiot Merkel.

sorry to say we don`t....once they are elected we got to stick with them for 4 years..unless she steps down,which she wont or she asks parliament the Vertrauensfrage...question of trust...which even when she does, nobody will want her to step down...they want to hang on to their well paid jobs

she`s behaving like a stubborn little child..but then she does not have to play with them..bah.gif

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