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Need to get out of the house - URGENT

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Rather funny all the people replying saying I was also bored to death when I retired.

Yet any thread about people who are thinking about retiring early are told not to do so because they wont have enough money to do the things they want to do.

There is your answer. Keep working until you have so much money and no reason to spend it.


Go to a casino (Cambodia?) and play low limit poker. Can barely break even but it keeps the mind a little busy and you should be able to get free meals. But travel and stuff away from home you already know about. The idea is what can be done on a somewhat daily basis to keep oneself busy. Volunteer teaching should be a viable thing except in Thailand they frown or flat out won't let you volunteer without a lot of paperwork. I myself am an engineer and a mathematician. I would love to spend 10 or 15 hours a week helping out high school or college students with their calculus, physics or probably most of their engineering courses. I do use my degrees at work and am still fairly technically fluent. Some of the Expat community groups may have some projects or functions they could use some help on. Heck the local groups in your area. Maybe there is something you could join and help organize?


Get yourself a nice little sailing yacht and simply take off with it. There's always something to "tinker" with a boat and that will keep you busy ! ! ! Just saying . . .




Thats the crux of it really....thai women are batshit boring after the sex is done with.

If your average mattress thrash is 3 minutes (including foreplay) who can blame them?


Thanks for the "advises" to get drunk, patronize bar girls or waste my life in casinos. Been there, done that and lost interest long ago.

Get yourself a nice little sailing yacht and simply take off with it. There's always something to "tinker" with a boat and that will keep you busy ! ! ! Just saying . . .


That could be a good idea. I'm not a good sailor, I used to sail a 470 when I was a student but it was a (very) long time ago, but I met a guy a while ago who told me a good way to learn is to join people who sail boats from place to places on behalf of other people who don't have time to do it. He told me for insurance purpose there is a minimum number of people who should be on board even if they are not very useful. So you can join a crew just to make the extra number. You won't get paid but you will learn a lot. Good idea, thanks.



If your Thai isn't really good you might want to consider going to school. I'm currently on a sabbatical and can't stand the idea of just hanging around all day. My school (Duke on soi 13) is 3 hours a day which leaves enough time for other activities.


Sorry , but i do not have your problem ,so i cant help ,my wife and i love each others company , i kid you not .

Yeah it always starts out that way. Total love and respect, some keep it going for 10 years or more... But things change over time, no big surprise, that's life

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

23 years and counting thumbsup.gif


Thats the crux of it really....thai women are batshit boring after the sex is done with.



You seem confident you can get a work permit.

Work permits are not generally available for part time work.

If you are on a retirement visa rather a marriage visa you are not permitted to work (or volunteer)

even if you are on a marriage visa you still need to earn a large amount to get a work permit and for every foreigner the employer must employ 4 thais.


Thats the crux of it really....thai women are batshit boring after the sex is done with.


Oh my, another one. Or is the issue premature ejaculation?


Only boring people feel bored.

You need to get out of the house. Exercise, travel, start a hobby, meet new friends, cheer up. Never feel sorry for yourself.



Thats the crux of it really....thai women are batshit boring after the sex is done with.

If your average mattress thrash is 3 minutes (including foreplay) who can blame them?

He said after the 3 minute mattress thrash. I don't know but I've heard endless yapping about what to eat next and where to go shoPING next gets pretty damned tedious. Having said that, they should've known that before they married them. Hardly long discourses on politics, art and philosophy material, are they smile.png I had a friend who'd constantly complained his wife didn't get Spike Lee or any of his Bob Dylan music collection 'I'm getting 20 years more of this?!' Yup laugh.png


This is not the answer you are looking for, but it may help you adjust.

A forty hour work week is relatively new, in the history of mankind. Primitive man hunted, gathered and beat women on the head with a club, for quick sex. As things evolved, man settled into villages, and grew crops, thus having the means to barter crops for sex. During winters, fermented grain took away the chill out of the air, and made women look even prettier. This meant that man now could pay less for sex...thus enabling him to purchase/trade for horses, cows, pigs and chickens. Of course, the downside to this was that man now became fatter and less appealing. Women started withholding sex, doling it out only to the leaner, more handsome men. The fat man now had to pay even more, for sex.

So there you have it. Fat, old men work long hours in our modern society to get drunk and pay for sex. It is mostly a psychological addiction. If you have money, you don't need to work long hours. You can reverse the whole process. Go to the gym, and get a lean physique. This will make women want to have sex with you for free...or at least a fraction what the rest of us are paying. Get used to roaming around the area, as our primitive ancestors did.....searching for food, beer and sex. Be a hunter/gatherer...of the finest things in life. Women and Beer.


This is not the answer you are looking for, but it may help you adjust.

A forty hour work week is relatively new, in the history of mankind. Primitive man hunted, gathered and beat women on the head with a club, for quick sex. As things evolved, man settled into villages, and grew crops, thus having the means to barter crops for sex. During winters, fermented grain took away the chill out of the air, and made women look even prettier. This meant that man now could pay less for sex...thus enabling him to purchase/trade for horses, cows, pigs and chickens. Of course, the downside to this was that man now became fatter and less appealing. Women started withholding sex, doling it out only to the leaner, more handsome men. The fat man now had to pay even more, for sex.

So there you have it. Fat, old men work long hours in our modern society to get drunk and pay for sex. It is mostly a psychological addiction. If you have money, you don't need to work long hours. You can reverse the whole process. Go to the gym, and get a lean physique. This will make women want to have sex with you for free...or at least a fraction what the rest of us are paying. Get used to roaming around the area, as our primitive ancestors did.....searching for food, beer and sex. Be a hunter/gatherer...of the finest things in life. Women and Beer.

Good advice. Can you tell us what sort of club works best?


This is not the answer you are looking for, but it may help you adjust.

A forty hour work week is relatively new, in the history of mankind. Primitive man hunted, gathered and beat women on the head with a club, for quick sex. As things evolved, man settled into villages, and grew crops, thus having the means to barter crops for sex. During winters, fermented grain took away the chill out of the air, and made women look even prettier. This meant that man now could pay less for sex...thus enabling him to purchase/trade for horses, cows, pigs and chickens. Of course, the downside to this was that man now became fatter and less appealing. Women started withholding sex, doling it out only to the leaner, more handsome men. The fat man now had to pay even more, for sex.

So there you have it. Fat, old men work long hours in our modern society to get drunk and pay for sex. It is mostly a psychological addiction. If you have money, you don't need to work long hours. You can reverse the whole process. Go to the gym, and get a lean physique. This will make women want to have sex with you for free...or at least a fraction what the rest of us are paying. Get used to roaming around the area, as our primitive ancestors did.....searching for food, beer and sex. Be a hunter/gatherer...of the finest things in life. Women and Beer.

Good advice. Can you tell us what sort of club works best?


look for signs that advertise cold beer and hot women.


Get a 20 year old gig. That should take up most of your day. The rest of the time will be spent explaining to your wife why you did not come home last night or what you have been doing for the last couple of days.


whenz i wuz a tad bit younger i used to hop in the beast take some friends get drunk and rip lines (burnouts) in peoples yards

great fun, even hit some garden ornaments by mistake, suppose you could do it here with a motorbike

think like a teenager when you git bored


While you are exploring long term solutions to your problem, you might want to consider discovering Bangkok by bus. For only 200 baht a week, you can buy a season ticket that allows you to travel all over Bangkok, at any time of day, on BMTA buses, (many of which are air conditioned). You can just jump on and off at your whim, and you will be amazed at some of the places that are waiting for you out there.


It's a very common story. You used to live with the same person for years, having breakfast, go to work, back for diner. Enjoy the week end and a couple of weeks holiday together. Happy life together.

Then come retirement, together 24/7/365. And happy together no more.

I need to get the hell out of the house ! URGENT !

A smartass suggested that i spent my days in Starbuck like the people who have been fired and won't tell their wife. Thanks but no thanks

Basically I need an activity, a job, whatever ... that will take me out of the house 5 days a week like in the good old time (I would never have thought I would ever say that !!!). I've run a company in Hong Kong for 20+ years so I can do a lot of things

Any suggestion welcomed

Bangkok area.

Mia Noi.

Posted from my phone using predictive text, please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors.


OP do you live in a city?

If yes i cannot help you.

If you live in a village easy, grow veg/ keep chickens/ rear fish, many things to keep you busy.

Another suggestion is do things together with your wife ( sorry i lost the plot ).

get yourself a loving dog,

who doesnt answer back.

will greet you when you come home,SOBER OR PEEYED.

you can take it for walks,

doesnt snore in bed,

and will always be there for you.

and not forgetting the family doesnt visit.

love me love my dog.


Great post. I got 9 dogs and most of the family stay away keeps me busy and am surounded by love. And you feel good in saving the street dogs and giving them a great life.

A bit of explaining is due why I need a "job" instead doing of one of the numerous activities you all very kindly suggested...endless argument with my wife who thought that driving her to visit her mother or shopping to the mall was more important that my appointment at the gym. And this is true for every other activity that I had leading again to endless and more and more heated arguments.

OK now the real problem is clearer.

Your real issue is not finding things to do/places to go, but asserting your right to do them. While i was going to add volunteer work - lots of worthwhile opportunities there - and also looking into a possible teaching post - these will not necessarily solve the problem.

You need to have a serious talk with your wife.

If the issue is driving her here and there, it might be well worth it to get a second car and (if she can't drive) hire a driver for her. And if that extra expense makes it necessary to go back to work at least part-time, so much the better...

If the issue is that she wants you, personally, to spend time with her then I think the problem is more complicated and really suggest you get into counselling together so that you can come to better understand each other's needs and agree to some mutually tolerable parameters. It is possible that all those years you were working, she felt lonely and was counting on your retirement to provide her with the company she lacked...or she feels that she too ought to be able to have ore leisure time now and shopping/trips to Mom are how she wants to spend it.

It is also possible that having you home all the time has increased her workload and she is feeling resentful about that/feels that you "owe" her something in exchange.

You need to find out what is going on in her head and how your retirement has thus far impacted on her life. She in turn needs to understand that driving her about is for you a chore and that you need some "me time" for personal leisure.

IF you can get all this out in the open and really talk it through, should be possible to reach some acceptable compromises. Like agreed upon days/times that you'll spend together and days/times that you are free to pursue your own activities.

If you are in Bangkok, there are places with both Thai and farang counsellors and experience working with intercultural couples. The challenge, if she is Thai, will be getting her to accept counselling. It is not a culturally familiar concept. If you cannot, then have to see what you can do on your own discussion wise...but a trained counselor(s) would make it easier.

Retirement is a big life adjustment both for the retiree and their spouse.


OK now the real problem is clearer.

Your real issue is not finding things to do/places to go, but asserting your right to do them. While i was going to add volunteer work - lots of worthwhile opportunities there - and also looking into a possible teaching post - these will not necessarily solve the problem.

Thanks a lot Sheryl. We're not really closer to the solution but the fact that you were able to understand what I'm talking about give me some hope.

Thanks again

Talking with other people, I realize I'm not the only one in the same situation. For years we have avoided serious arguments by "escaping" to the office. With retirement this solution is gone. Time to face the music hit-the-fan.gif

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