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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.

Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

He has emergency powers already granted by congress. He starts the sequence which is carried out by the military. Check it out.
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He can join the madman Kim and play in the sandboxes and try to cower the other one in fear

I am wondering if there will be a day where the Barbers of Trump and Kim is finally reviewed ...I am sure GQ would like them shot

This pic was just released out of Pyongyang showing a super-excited Kim with his new Donald-do.


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He can join the madman Kim and play in the sandboxes and try to cower the other one in fear

I am wondering if there will be a day where the Barbers of Trump and Kim is finally reviewed ...I am sure GQ would like them shot

This pic was just released out of Pyongyang showing a super-excited Kim with his new Donald-do.


Hahahahahhahahahahahh now that's a good Saturday laugh !

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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.

Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

He has emergency powers already granted by congress. He starts the sequence which is carried out by the military. Check it out.

The exact procedure is top secret for obvious reasons. There are other people involved to make sure the situation is that serious and for real. There are fail safes to deal with a rogue president. No one would leave that decision to one person.

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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.
Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

He has emergency powers already granted by congress. He starts the sequence which is carried out by the military. Check it out.

The exact procedure is top secret for obvious reasons. There are other people involved to make sure the situation is that serious and for real. There are fail safes to deal with a rogue president. No one would leave that decision to one person.

Well, if the procedure is that top-secret, no sense in debating it, is there?

My authoritative sources are some really good thriller movies and fiction novels!

I hope to God you're right.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

He has emergency powers already granted by congress. He starts the sequence which is carried out by the military. Check it out.

The exact procedure is top secret for obvious reasons. There are other people involved to make sure the situation is that serious and for real. There are fail safes to deal with a rogue president. No one would leave that decision to one person.

The fact that you are carrying on a conversation about the emotional fitness of a soon-to-be Presidential Nominee is more appalling and concerning than whether or not there are proper security measures in place to prevent that unstable individual from pushing the button or whatever in the "football." emergency satchel.

I can't recall any candidate in a Presidential contest so unstable that we ever heard that concern before. But then, we never had such a huge level of frustration and desperation in this Trump demographic before I suppose.

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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.

Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

The secretary of defense must concur under the "two man rule". The president can fire Sec Def if he refused to concur. This can go on until president finds someone that will concur.

I am not really worried that Trump would give the order, but he as neither the experience or the temperament to be president. Even Regan whose election seemed preposterous to some at the time, was governor of California for two terms first.


Edited by thaihome
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The fact that you are carrying on a conversation about the emotional fitness of a soon-to-be Presidential Nominee is more appalling and concerning than whether or not there are proper security measures in place to prevent that unstable individual from pushing the button or whatever in the "football." emergency satchel.

I can't recall any candidate in a Presidential contest so unstable that we ever heard that concern before. But then, we never had such a huge level of frustration and desperation in this Trump demographic before I suppose.

Actually, in 1964, Democrat Lyndon Johnson raised the concerns of psychological stability of Republican candidate Barry Goldwater.

In 1984, Democratic candidate Walter Mondale raised the same concerns about Ronald Reagan, and even ran TV ads to question the suitability of Reagan to carry the "football."

The accusation, particularly from the USA democrats during an election is a well-used tactic.

Source: pages 32-33 in The Psychological Assessments of Presidential Candidates, Stanley Renshon

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Just watched ITV's Piers Morgan interview with Trump.

1. Questions were not exactly hard, but Trump manages to waffle on and change the subject, so he does not really give any clear answers.

2. Piers Morgan does not challenge him at all, he is a very weak interviewer, actually quite hopeless!

I would love to see Jeremy Paxman interview Trump, he would be able to show him up for what he really is.

You'll be able to actually see what he really is, when he's President Trump biggrin.png

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...The accusation, particularly from the USA democrats during an election is a well-used tactic.

You reckon there's a reason for that? ?


Goldwater was extreme, and I can understand the appeal of using that tactic. I guess the reason for Reagan is that somehow he was too old, or slipping in cognizance or maybe too much bedtime with Bonzo, but those are clearly political arguments.

Trump shows the emotional intelligence of a school yard bully, but I don't know of any psychological assessments on him, even from afar. The biggest danger with him is maybe his ego. But his rhetoric is certainly unsettling, and he has always seemed slightly off-kilter, if not clinically diagnosed yet....

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...The accusation, particularly from the USA democrats during an election is a well-used tactic.

You reckon there's a reason for that? ?


Goldwater was extreme, and I can understand the appeal of using that tactic. I guess the reason for Reagan is that somehow he was too old, or slipping in cognizance or maybe too much bedtime with Bonzo, but those are clearly political arguments.

Trump shows the emotional intelligence of a school yard bully, but I don't know of any psychological assessments on him, even from afar. The biggest danger with him is maybe his ego. But his rhetoric is certainly unsettling, and he has always seemed slightly off-kilter, if not clinically diagnosed yet....

Google "psychological assessment trump". There are a couple. The Vanity Fair article is just a hatchet job, but there are two from Psychology Today that are pretty interesting. The one on his supporters nails it quite well. Certainly fits a number of people on this forum.


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...The accusation, particularly from the USA democrats during an election is a well-used tactic.

You reckon there's a reason for that? [emoji6]


Uh, politics?

Three presidential campaigns is a pretty good track record, eh?

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Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

He has emergency powers already granted by congress. He starts the sequence which is carried out by the military. Check it out.

The exact procedure is top secret for obvious reasons. There are other people involved to make sure the situation is that serious and for real. There are fail safes to deal with a rogue president. No one would leave that decision to one person.

Trump is not all there upstairs.

That is all anyone needs to know.

It is not enough however to persuade the like minded.

So the voters will take care of things Nov 8th.

Edited by Publicus
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Some historic polling data...



Reagan 34%

Carter 41%

November result:

Reagan 51%

Carter 41%




Reagan 54%

Mondale 41%

November result:

Reagan 59%

Mondale 41%




Bush 45%

Dukakis 43%

November result:

Bush 53%

Dukakis 46%




Bush 41%

Clinton 26%

Perot 25%

November result:

Bush 37%

Clinton 43%

Perot 19%




Bush 35%

Clinton 49%

Perot 15%

November result:

Bush 41%

Clinton 49%

Perot 8%




Bush 47%

Gore 41%

November result:

Bush 48%

Gore 48%




Bush 47%

Kerry 43%

November result:

Bush 51%

Kerry 48%




McCain 43%

Obama 46%

November result:

McCain 46%

Obama 53%




Romney 47%

Obama 45%

November result:

Romney 47%

Obama 51%



In 1964 the Republican nominee Sen Barry Goldwater was behind in all the polls all the way. Waaay behind, no variation.

This is the same kind of election, only worse for its characters due decidedly to The Ignoramus Himself.

Let's get on snails and watch Trump over the next 7 months flail around in the polling tank. Same as Goldwater. Yes, it's a futures market so we'll have to take it as it develops. There is however the 1964 precedent of the radical Republican radical nominee being under the polling water the whole course of his radical campaign.

Goldwater spent time each day from the convention in the summer to the election in November predicting the biggest ever upset on election day. He got crushed. Nuked.

Meetcha down the road so don't forget the yellow nuke suit..........

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You don't get as rich as Trump be being stupid.

The Republican National Nominating Convention is very likely to hand it to Donald Gump Trump.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Gary makes a decent argument in a very short space and Publicus can only respond by childish name calling. I think that pretty much sums up the thread. Some posters try and have a decent discussion and others try and be cute calling candidates silly names.

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This melodrama with Trump and the GOP just keeps getting better. Naming Cleveland "The Mistake on the Lake" has never seemed more appropriate than with the approaching convention:

Thousands call for guns at US Republican convention


God, that should make for an interesting situation.

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You don't get as rich as Trump be being stupid.

That's a very sad statement.

When one inherits some 300 million (mostly made by providing white only housing to the working class) in 1999 when his father died, it would be difficult to not be worth over a billion today no matter what your basic intelligence is.

We don't know how "rich" Trump is as he has not released his tax returns or financial statement from the Trump Organization. One thing that is very apparent is he is not as "rich" as he claims.


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You don't get as rich as Trump be being stupid.

That's a very sad statement.

When one inherits some 300 million (mostly made by providing white only housing to the working class) in 1999 when his father died, it would be difficult to not be worth over a billion today no matter what your basic intelligence is.

We don't know how "rich" Trump is as he has not released his tax returns or financial statement from the Trump Organization. One thing that is very apparent is he is not as "rich" as he claims.


I'm pretty sure the teams of forensic accountants and financial investigators at Forbes are burning the midnight oil in attempt to unravel this bogus, overstated fortune of Trump's. It wouldn't surprise me when they're finished to find his net worth is no more than $500 million.

The sad thing is the $300 million he inherited is a massive fortune, and somewhat more than Mitt Romney made on his own. To spend your entire adult life overstating your net worth and hyping your "brand" is just narcissism which pretty much sums up his worth as a man.

He's not a self-made entrepreneur who started with little, and created an empire. He's a rich kid bully who started with a lot, and probably turned it into a bit more.

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This melodrama with Trump and the GOP just keeps getting better. Naming Cleveland "The Mistake on the Lake" has never seemed more appropriate than with the approaching convention:

Thousands call for guns at US Republican convention


God, that should make for an interesting situation.

Should work well with the riots Trump is predicting.

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I'm too old to really much care who is elected. If it happens to be a democrat, I'll be dead and gone before the country implodes. I will just feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to try to pay the monstrous debt. If Trump gets the nomination and becomes president, I will take great pleasure in seeing you bleeding hearts squirm. Maggie said it best. Socialism is a great system until people with money run out of money. That may not be the most accurate quote but it is close enough.

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