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Covered cat litter boxes in Chiang Mai

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The wife's new plans, considering that we live in rural Lamphun and her son, daughter-in-law, and extended 'in-law' family live in Chiang Mai, we now have a bedroom in their house so we can make visits. However, our daughter-in-law's house has a cat. Just one. And it smells strongly of cat pee / spray. The cat is an neutered male. They breed the cat.

The litter box is in the downstairs living room and it smells. I've had a number of cats during my life, four of which were 'indoor cats'. We kept the litter boxes meticulous and clean. We also started using covered, filtered cat litter boxes which further cleared the air.


This is the exact type of cat litter box I had in the US. Easy to find in the US (Pet Smart, Walmart, local pet stores), but here in Chiang Mai, I'm not sure where to look.

Has anyone seen a covered litter box like the one above here is Chiang Mai. The in-laws have a tile floor and the furnishings are all wood, no pillows. I'd also like to find a cat pee/spray neutralizer solution that we can use to clean the living room floor and furnishing.


The pet supply near us on the Canal Rd...Mae Hia next to the 7/11 has a few covered cat boxes.....But not of that design.....

The one you show is about the best design and has a washable charcoal filter but I haven't seen in Thailand....They also carry the clay litter sand......


Not much you can do if they think the living room is the appropriate place for the cat shit and piss.

How do they breed a neutered cat?


There's quite a good pet shop in the Chill Park, at the traffic lights at Hang Dong Road / Ring Road intersection (opposite Big C). You could try there, and there's another pet supplies shop about 400 metres further south on Hang Dong Road.


Who in their right mind would keep a cat litter box in a living room? Even one you keep meticulous and clean. Cats like their privacy, just like people when they "use the toilet". We live in a condo and we made modifications to the place to come up with a storage closet that is called the "cat closet" because its primary use is to for the cat box, cat supplies and cleaning supplies. Tried to store paper products in there, but they discovered them and well, you know what cats can do to a roll of toilet paper -- just imagine what two of them can to do to a jumbo pack of 18 rolls of toilet paper.



You can find the spray you are looking for everywhere; pet shops, Tesco, even Thai plastic shops. All the same brand.....

The cat box is more difficult. Yes, they do have them at that shop on Canal Road on the way to Hang Dong, but they are not what you want and they are ridiculously over-priced!

We got ours in Bangkok a few years ago. It is good quality but the plastic is becoming brittle. At the time it was about 1300 Baht. My wife tried to order another similar from the same supplier and she wanted 2500 so we passed. They have a number of models/designs available in Bangkok but not in C.M.

Have to ask....how do the relatives breed a neutered male? Just curious...laugh.png


Not much you can do if they think the living room is the appropriate place for the cat shit and piss.

How do they breed a neutered cat?

How do they breed a neutered cat? Lmao My bad!

Un-neutered cat, i.e., horny and sprays.


Who in their right mind would keep a cat litter box in a living room? Even one you keep meticulous and clean. Cats like their privacy, just like people when they "use the toilet". We live in a condo and we made modifications to the place to come up with a storage closet that is called the "cat closet" because its primary use is to for the cat box, cat supplies and cleaning supplies. Tried to store paper products in there, but they discovered them and well, you know what cats can do to a roll of toilet paper -- just imagine what two of them can to do to a jumbo pack of 18 rolls of toilet paper.

attachicon.gifcat and toilet paper.jpg


Not My House and Not My Cat. thumbsup.gif

I've had a number of indoor cats and a couple of out-door cats too. (If I get another one, it's out-door all the way). Our covered litter boxes stayed in the bathrooms and were kept immaculate, and out male cats were always neutered. I have had fat, lazy blobs of fur that didn't spray (and I mean fat - 15 to 20 lbs lol). In my home, this would be a non-starter. But - it ain't my home. This is the sacrifice that we make to spend more time with the kids and extended family. Our bedroom in their home has always been off-limits for the cat, so there is no-smell. I can live with that. But if I can find a covered litter box, I'll buy it, and if I can find cat spray deodorizer, I'll buy it and go on a cleaning mission the next time were at the kid's house and the family is out working.

"Hummm, it does smell better in here. I wonder why." whistling.gif <no face loss>

FYI, my last cats in the US would shred a roll of TP just to keep us on our toes. "See, we do rule the house human! You're just a guest." So my cats subjected me to the "Your just a guest.", meme way before Thailand did. Lol rolleyes.gif


Who in their right mind would keep a cat litter box in a living room? Even one you keep meticulous and clean. Cats like their privacy, just like people when they "use the toilet". We live in a condo and we made modifications to the place to come up with a storage closet that is called the "cat closet" because its primary use is to for the cat box, cat supplies and cleaning supplies. Tried to store paper products in there, but they discovered them and well, you know what cats can do to a roll of toilet paper -- just imagine what two of them can to do to a jumbo pack of 18 rolls of toilet paper.

attachicon.gifcat and toilet paper.jpg

That is one happy, content cat Nancy. "Whew! The joys of shredding TP! Now to relax and bask in the glory of my accomplishment."


You can find the spray you are looking for everywhere; pet shops, Tesco, even Thai plastic shops. All the same brand.....

The cat box is more difficult. Yes, they do have them at that shop on Canal Road on the way to Hang Dong, but they are not what you want and they are ridiculously over-priced!

We got ours in Bangkok a few years ago. It is good quality but the plastic is becoming brittle. At the time it was about 1300 Baht. My wife tried to order another similar from the same supplier and she wanted 2500 so we passed. They have a number of models/designs available in Bangkok but not in C.M.

Have to ask....how do the relatives breed a neutered male? Just curious...laugh.png

Have to ask....how do the relatives breed a neutered male? Just curious...laugh.png

You breed them verrrryyy carefully! lol OK, busted twice on a typo. Probably won't be the last. biggrin.png


Better to buy a cat door,so it can go out and s£*t in the niebours garden.

regards Worgeordie

As I said to NancyL, Not My House/Not My Cat.

If it was mine, it would be like my last cat (who never learned the 'stay out of the road' lesson in life). My last cat, unlike the dogs, had a free pass to visit inside the kitchen, and into the living room if chaperoned, but got a boot in the butt outside at night, and was trained from a kitten to use the natural bathroom facilities outdoors (why limit yourself to a box when you have the whole yard). Needless to say, I don't own or raise pedigree cats or dogs. Heinz 57 Thai-style for me. Healthier, happier, and less generically inbred problems and traits. The only cat I make exceptions for are the grey, Korat cats (I had one adopt me while living in Korat), but they have their own natural pedigree, not one you get on a piece of paper.


Better to buy a cat door,so it can go out and s£*t in the niebours garden.

regards Worgeordie

How nice of you. Hard to think of where you would be welcome to the neighborhood.


If you are on the super highway headed from Central Plaza towards Home Pro and Big C, you will pass Index. Somewhere before you reach the next intersection you will see a large pet store. I think it has International Pet Store in its name. They sell a variety of covered litter boxes and also a huge variety of litter, "Cats Best" (small granules) is the best, specially designed to be flushed down a toilet.


If you are on the super highway headed from Central Plaza towards Home Pro and Big C, you will pass Index. Somewhere before you reach the next intersection you will see a large pet store. I think it has International Pet Store in its name. They sell a variety of covered litter boxes and also a huge variety of litter, "Cats Best" (small granules) is the best, specially designed to be flushed down a toilet.

If they can't handle toilet paper being flushed down the toilet here, I doubt that it's a good idea for litter-coated clumps of cat waste to take the same journey.


If you are on the super highway headed from Central Plaza towards Home Pro and Big C, you will pass Index. Somewhere before you reach the next intersection you will see a large pet store. I think it has International Pet Store in its name. They sell a variety of covered litter boxes and also a huge variety of litter, "Cats Best" (small granules) is the best, specially designed to be flushed down a toilet.

If they can't handle toilet paper being flushed down the toilet here, I doubt that it's a good idea for litter-coated clumps of cat waste to take the same journey.

Actually, I have been flushing this material down an "eco Toilet" for over year. The toilet probably has 3 cups of water in the bowl. It handles it fine. Of course, I live in a house, not a condo. It's an amazing product. No, I don't own their stock.

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