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PM accuses his opponents of attempting to sabotage the country


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come on Baerboxer tell us what a wonderful speech it was as djjamie seems to have gone quiet or are you the same person?

Nope - your're wrong again. But as usual, that's not really surprising.

We all know that any politician here would do absolutely anything, has many have proven, to get their greedy grimy hands on the trough.

The one in power sees it as sabotage whereas the one trying to regain power sees it as clever tricks. Once the positions are reversed then so are the views.

Do you remember various puppets in the last regime always claiming someone, some group, some NGO or some mysterious "third hand" was out to get them and sabotaging their good intentions? Your memory is somewhat selective so maybe not.

You keep on believing in Shin fairy land if it makes you happy.

Haha yes I remember and how true it was... puppets though? na don't think so as they were democratically elected unlike your hero.

I must say you do make me smile, so that's one good thing about your posts, but I'm not sure you actually live here or actually read anything outside of the Nation. NVM Suthep would be proud of you have you still got your whistle?

don't forget Friday's so tune in and blow that whistle!!!

Edited by LannaGuy
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...with constant meddling through every medium imaginable....

...one has to be blind to not see that the cancer is lurking....waiting to come back and occupy the host.....

...as was mentioned in his T.V. address last night....'People have to stop selling their votes'.....

...so much proof that this actually did happen....and that the climate has not changed yet.....

...there is a megalomaniac with a mountain of money...who will not take no for an answer....

...again...only a fool would pretend it is not so....

...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this....

...sadly....it seems it will take years yet....


"...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this...."


Nothing like a good joke to brighten the day!

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that the next government is transparent, not corrupt and practice good governance

Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance.

If I didn't respect the above I would be making as much noise as I could to and trying my hardest to "sabotage the country"

Well done Prayut. He must be doing something right when the corrupt are up in arms.

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...with constant meddling through every medium imaginable....

...one has to be blind to not see that the cancer is lurking....waiting to come back and occupy the host.....

...as was mentioned in his T.V. address last night....'People have to stop selling their votes'.....

...so much proof that this actually did happen....and that the climate has not changed yet.....

...there is a megalomaniac with a mountain of money...who will not take no for an answer....

...again...only a fool would pretend it is not so....

...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this....

...sadly....it seems it will take years yet....


Only a fool would not yet have realised the reason for the coup was most certainly NOT reform. If it were, name ONE, just ONE?

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Just when you think it's impossible for the guy to dig himself deeper into the not-very-bright hole, he surprises you again.

You are 100% right as far as most on TV and the lucky educated Thais capable of thinking issues like this through are concerned. Sadly, the majority of the PM's television audience probably believe this alarmist and xenophobic propaganda, and it would not surprise me if he is being fed some of these lines rather than speaking for himself.

Most of the Thais I know, at least those who will speak their opinion, are not at all happy with Prayut et al. They want them to go and they want elections. Now they just curse the military.

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come on Baerboxer tell us what a wonderful speech it was as djjamie seems to have gone quiet or are you the same person?

Nope - your're wrong again. But as usual, that's not really surprising.

We all know that any politician here would do absolutely anything, has many have proven, to get their greedy grimy hands on the trough.

The one in power sees it as sabotage whereas the one trying to regain power sees it as clever tricks. Once the positions are reversed then so are the views.

Do you remember various puppets in the last regime always claiming someone, some group, some NGO or some mysterious "third hand" was out to get them and sabotaging their good intentions? Your memory is somewhat selective so maybe not.

You keep on believing in Shin fairy land if it makes you happy.

You just don't get it do you. or are you just being intentionally obtuse?

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Without naming names, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha accused a group of people in attempting to destroy their motherland,..

He is right. The corrupt people make the country broken and the use of public money ineffective.
They sabotage the country.
What about the X lists of 100 names of corrupt officials he has received?

He has yet all the power to clean up the dirt.
Article 44, all political parties are banned, political meetings with more than 5 persons are prohibited, Internet control,
attitude adjustment, media control and an active opposition does not exist at present.

Why the 25,000 open corruption cases are not brought to a close in a high speed through military courts?
Why are not all civil servants with unexplained wealth, which have obviously made their fortunes with corruption, embezzlement and bribes are brought to justice?

These are the real enemies of the country and not those journalists, professors, students or honest officials which designate these abuses.

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...with constant meddling through every medium imaginable....

...one has to be blind to not see that the cancer is lurking....waiting to come back and occupy the host.....

...as was mentioned in his T.V. address last night....'People have to stop selling their votes'.....

...so much proof that this actually did happen....and that the climate has not changed yet.....

...there is a megalomaniac with a mountain of money...who will not take no for an answer....

...again...only a fool would pretend it is not so....

...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this....

...sadly....it seems it will take years yet....


Only a fool would not yet have realised the reason for the coup was most certainly NOT reform. If it were, name ONE, just ONE?

Exactly. I have been saying the exact same thing for quite some time. I also usually add, 80 baht lottery tickets do NOT count as an achievement. And the #1 needed and very necessary reform is the police and judicial system, and Prayut has expressly taken them OFF the table. One has to wonder why?

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The prime minister went on saying that he has wanted the charter draft to pass the referendum.

Did he also add, even if under his breadth, 'or else'?

Typical Thai, when things are not going your way, blame others.

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that the next government is transparent, not corrupt and practice good governance

Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance.

If I didn't respect the above I would be making as much noise as I could to and trying my hardest to "sabotage the country"

Well done Prayut. He must be doing something right when the corrupt are up in arms.

"Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance."

No one (AFAIK) here on TVF is against "transparency, lack of corruption and good governance". What I and many other question is the will and ability of the junta to deliver this. If they really wanted to change Thailand for the better they would welcome inquiries about their personal wealth, reform the military, police and judiciary (for a start).

Tell me; why is none of this happening?

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"Without naming names, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha accused a group of people in attempting to destroy their motherland, reject Thai legal process and encouraging foreign organizations and governments to put pressure on Thailand."

With Thaksin's calendar, Ms. Yingluck's invitation to come to Brussels and many other 'incidents', I guess PM Prayuth is right.

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"The prime minister urged the Thai public not to be misled by these elements whom he accused of trying every possible means to cover up their own wrongdoings."


"Claiming to eradicate rampant corruption allegedly cultivated by the supposedly evil Thaksin regime, Prayuth took political power with an adamant mission to cleanse Thai politics."

"But as it has turned out, Prayuth’s handpicked Cabinet members are not any more ethical than the supposedly corrupt Shinawatras."

"Prayuth appeared angry when Thais demanded the government increase transparency. He reportedly said:"

“I beg you not to dig up anything. There is no benefit in so doing. I need your understanding. But the media has tried to dig up many issues. So have some politicians.

"I must say that you cannot do that for the time being.” whistling.gif


"The prime minister maintained ... that the next government is transparent, not corrupt and practice good governance."

I sincerely hope so.

"Thailand’s ruling military junta is proving to be as clueless about economic policy as it is disdainful for the rights of civil society.

Since taking power in May 2014, both rural incomes and exports have fallen sharply,

and Prayut’s junta has consistently delayed a necessary devaluation of the Thai baht in order to counterbalance the yuan’s slide.

The country lost in 2014 between US$8.5 billion and $12.8 billion in missed GDP growth, FDI flows tumbled by 38.7% in the first 6 months of 2015,

exports contracted by almost 5% while household debt reached a ten-year high.

And since the politics of fear are timeless, Prayut has been looking for scapegoats to distract Thais from the worsening reality of their daily lives."


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that the next government is transparent, not corrupt and practice good governance

Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance.

If I didn't respect the above I would be making as much noise as I could to and trying my hardest to "sabotage the country"

Well done Prayut. He must be doing something right when the corrupt are up in arms.

"Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance."

No one (AFAIK) here on TVF is against "transparency, lack of corruption and good governance". What I and many other question is the will and ability of the junta to deliver this. If they really wanted to change Thailand for the better they would welcome inquiries about their personal wealth, reform the military, police and judiciary (for a start).

Tell me; why is none of this happening?

Well, someone needs to run the countryrolleyes.gif

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"He brushed aside all the criticisms against the charter draft that it was crafted by the Constitution Drafting Committee led by Meechai Ruchupan with an intention to prolong the military juntas stay in power."

Yes he can brush the criticisms aside because the draft is about the military holding on to power forever.

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that the next government is transparent, not corrupt and practice good governance

Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance.

If I didn't respect the above I would be making as much noise as I could to and trying my hardest to "sabotage the country"

Well done Prayut. He must be doing something right when the corrupt are up in arms.

"Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance."

No one (AFAIK) here on TVF is against "transparency, lack of corruption and good governance". What I and many other question is the will and ability of the junta to deliver this. If they really wanted to change Thailand for the better they would welcome inquiries about their personal wealth, reform the military, police and judiciary (for a start).

Tell me; why is none of this happening?

Well, someone needs to run the countryrolleyes.gif

Indeed. Here is a radical idea: Why not hold an election and have the people decide?

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that the next government is transparent, not corrupt and practice good governance

Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance.

If I didn't respect the above I would be making as much noise as I could to and trying my hardest to "sabotage the country"

Well done Prayut. He must be doing something right when the corrupt are up in arms.

"Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance."

No one (AFAIK) here on TVF is against "transparency, lack of corruption and good governance". What I and many other question is the will and ability of the junta to deliver this. If they really wanted to change Thailand for the better they would welcome inquiries about their personal wealth, reform the military, police and judiciary (for a start).

Tell me; why is none of this happening?

Well, someone needs to run the countryrolleyes.gif

Indeed. Here is a radical idea: Why not hold an election and have the people decide?

Thai people have shown not to be mature enough, just like the opponents the PM refers to seem like Amply Rich elite and petty adolescents who care about self only.

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...with constant meddling through every medium imaginable....

...one has to be blind to not see that the cancer is lurking....waiting to come back and occupy the host.....

...as was mentioned in his T.V. address last night....'People have to stop selling their votes'.....

...so much proof that this actually did happen....and that the climate has not changed yet.....

...there is a megalomaniac with a mountain of money...who will not take no for an answer....

...again...only a fool would pretend it is not so....

...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this....

...sadly....it seems it will take years yet....


Only a fool would not yet have realised the reason for the coup was most certainly NOT reform. If it were, name ONE, just ONE?

You're crazy. What about the lottery tickets? They're now 80 Baht. No ifs or buts. There is a another one but can't remember off the top of my head.

Oh, yea. That guy on TV who stole millions of Baht. He got a fine of thousands of Baht, a prison in absentia sentence and pressure to quit his job.

And you said I couldn't name any.

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"Those words don't sit well with these "opponents" of which despise this dream that Paryut and the majority of Thai's want which is transparency, lack of corruption and good governance."

No one (AFAIK) here on TVF is against "transparency, lack of corruption and good governance". What I and many other question is the will and ability of the junta to deliver this. If they really wanted to change Thailand for the better they would welcome inquiries about their personal wealth, reform the military, police and judiciary (for a start).

Tell me; why is none of this happening?

Well, someone needs to run the countryrolleyes.gif

Indeed. Here is a radical idea: Why not hold an election and have the people decide?

Thai people have shown not to be mature enough, just like the opponents the PM refers to seem like Amply Rich elite and petty adolescents who care about self only.

Notwithstanding the condescension of this statement, who's fault is it that those making up the overwhelming majority of this country, the poor, have not been educated or allowed a Democracy to develop here? Couldn't be 22 coups could it?huh.png

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come on Baerboxer tell us what a wonderful speech it was as djjamie seems to have gone quiet or are you the same person?

Nope - your're wrong again. But as usual, that's not really surprising.

We all know that any politician here would do absolutely anything, has many have proven, to get their greedy grimy hands on the trough.

The one in power sees it as sabotage whereas the one trying to regain power sees it as clever tricks. Once the positions are reversed then so are the views.

Do you remember various puppets in the last regime always claiming someone, some group, some NGO or some mysterious "third hand" was out to get them and sabotaging their good intentions? Your memory is somewhat selective so maybe not.

You keep on believing in Shin fairy land if it makes you happy.

Nobody has mentioned the Shins. It's you junta crowd, you have a Shin obsession. If you lot, including the big yin, could forget about harking back to and taking revenge against the Shiniwatras, then maybe, just maybe, this country could move forward.

As it is, your lot refuse to be held accountable for anything. Everything is down to Thaksin and co.

You'll be spouting the same mantra long after he's passed on most likely.

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...with constant meddling through every medium imaginable....

...one has to be blind to not see that the cancer is lurking....waiting to come back and occupy the host.....

...as was mentioned in his T.V. address last night....'People have to stop selling their votes'.....

...so much proof that this actually did happen....and that the climate has not changed yet.....

...there is a megalomaniac with a mountain of money...who will not take no for an answer....

...again...only a fool would pretend it is not so....

...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this....

...sadly....it seems it will take years yet....


Only a fool would not yet have realised the reason for the coup was most certainly NOT reform. If it were, name ONE, just ONE?

You're crazy. What about the lottery tickets? They're now 80 Baht. No ifs or buts. There is a another one but can't remember off the top of my head.

Oh, yea. That guy on TV who stole millions of Baht. He got a fine of thousands of Baht, a prison in absentia sentence and pressure to quit his job.

And you said I couldn't name any.

"The guy on TV" is probably the most recognized TV news figure and in his boat because he openly wouldnt support the Junta boys.

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"Without naming names, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha accused a group of people in attempting to destroy their motherland, reject Thai legal process and encouraging foreign organizations and governments to put pressure on Thailand."

With Thaksin's calendar, Ms. Yingluck's invitation to come to Brussels and many other 'incidents', I guess PM Prayuth is right.

Calendars and an invitation to Brussels is an attempt to destroy the motherland?

I doubt it.

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"Without naming names, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha accused a group of people in attempting to destroy their motherland, reject Thai legal process and encouraging foreign organizations and governments to put pressure on Thailand."

With Thaksin's calendar, Ms. Yingluck's invitation to come to Brussels and many other 'incidents', I guess PM Prayuth is right.

Calendars and an invitation to Brussels is an attempt to destroy the motherland?

I doubt it.

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No one (AFAIK) here on TVF is against "transparency, lack of corruption and good governance". What I and many other question is the will and ability of the junta to deliver this. If they really wanted to change Thailand for the better they would welcome inquiries about their personal wealth, reform the military, police and judiciary (for a start).

Tell me; why is none of this happening?

Well, someone needs to run the countryrolleyes.gif

Indeed. Here is a radical idea: Why not hold an election and have the people decide?

Thai people have shown not to be mature enough, just like the opponents the PM refers to seem like Amply Rich elite and petty adolescents who care about self only.

OK, so the mature elite will govern for the immature Thais, right? Tell me, are they all as mature as Uncle Too?

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...with constant meddling through every medium imaginable....

...one has to be blind to not see that the cancer is lurking....waiting to come back and occupy the host.....

...as was mentioned in his T.V. address last night....'People have to stop selling their votes'.....

...so much proof that this actually did happen....and that the climate has not changed yet.....

...there is a megalomaniac with a mountain of money...who will not take no for an answer....

...again...only a fool would pretend it is not so....

...the military was brought in in a drastic noble attempt to put an end to this....

...sadly....it seems it will take years yet....


Only a fool would not yet have realised the reason for the coup was most certainly NOT reform. If it were, name ONE, just ONE?

You're crazy. What about the lottery tickets? They're now 80 Baht. No ifs or buts. There is a another one but can't remember off the top of my head.

Oh, yea. That guy on TV who stole millions of Baht. He got a fine of thousands of Baht, a prison in absentia sentence and pressure to quit his job.

And you said I couldn't name any.


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