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BANGKOK...Saw a girl sprawled - out on Sukhimvit/Soi 18 Friday night, 11pm. I saw her face with blood coming from her mouth. She looked dead. Paramedics were trying hard to revive her! There was a huge traffic jam and many police and rescue workers! I can't find any info on this!!! I looked and looked! Nothing. What happened to her? Dead??? How'd it happen??? Was she hit by a car? Or fall from foot bridge?


Wow, now I know why there are 24 hour news channels. Used to wonder who in the world would want to know about events that do not concern them?


More than 20000 dead on the roads annually, about 50 per day,

Would you expect each case to be covered in English(?) language sources?

Not even on Thai TV!

There are some Thai language sites that show most of the daily carnage if one cares.


I asked a serious question. I saw this young girl die. Why would 3 <deleted> waste their time being smart asses?? Oh wait, I just answered my on question...


Try going back to the scene and asking around. I have a few Thai friends that have done that. A few days later went back and got updates from people that work around there, noodle carts etc.


I asked a serious question. I saw this young girl die. Why would 3 <deleted> waste their time being smart asses?? Oh wait, I just answered my on question...

You didn't see her die, you saw her severely injured. I'll be a smart ass before a drama queen any day - now back to your tv.

Someone sent info regarding a tg getting hit on the 1st. What I saw happened on the Friday night the 4th. Thanks anyway. I've given up on finding out about it. On that day and night there was a lot of accidents and death in this country...


Someone sent info regarding a tg getting hit on the 1st. What I saw happened on the Friday night the 4th. Thanks anyway. I've given up on finding out about it. On that day and night there was a lot of accidents and death in this country...

...as the world turns.

Bit of a morbid fascination you had for a moment there jimmy.


NanLaew I just wanted to know more of the story. More precisely, how it happened. If you have nothing to say other than criticise people you are just another dumb a@shole!!!


NanLaew I just wanted to know more of the story. More precisely, how it happened. If you have nothing to say other than criticise people you are just another dumb a@shole!!!

Thank God for that post. For a moment I thought I was the only one.


farang 1979 - NO. It's just one of those things...wish I never stoped to look! Thanks for your question. Many took my post and this young woman's death as an opening for criticism and rediculousness. To those who exhibited this mentally ill behavior - get some help.


OP has a nice attitude

In fairness to the Op he has asked quite a reasonable question - there are many incidents which we see but never know more of.

Why do we want to know? perhaps we are nosey, but I'd like to believe there is more to it than that. I for one like to know so I can protect myself and those around me from a similar fate.

There are many examples of people being electrocuted by something seemingly innocuous (recently beach lights). Hit by a bike on the sidewalk / pavement, hit and run while crossing the road.... I take note of these events as a reminder to be careful.

Those who feel nothing for the tragic demise of a stranger are sub-human, those who say mind your own business are simply insular self centred human beings.

As the Op wrote, many took his opening post as an opportunity for ridicule and criticism, some suggested he mind his own business but were unable to live by their own advice.

The smart &lt;deleted&gt; as usual crawl out of the woodwork and prove they are anything other than smart.

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