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Thai woman claims she was hit by car belonging to British Embassy

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I can believe it. There is a culture at the British Embassy in Thailand that denies responsibility for anything. It's procedures are illegal, it asked the British journalist being sued for defamation (for exposing human trafficking) to sign a form of indemnity before it would even consider offering help. The Consul, Ms Joanna Roper, is a liar (there, I've made myself open to a defamation suit) and the entire embassy is a waste of time and money.

Makes you proud to be British.

You're so courageous making yourself a target for a defamation claim, presumably your real name is A Skeptic, then? Isn't the British Ambassador Mark Kent, who's Joanna Roper? Did she perhaps refuse to do something for you the British government does not allow her to do?

You work for the embassy Scouse? Funny to see a northerner go out of his way to protect an office that does absolutely nothing for its 'serfs'

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Having watched the video it is obvious that the motorcyclist was at fault. The British Embassy car stopped and waited for an opportunity to turn right which it did, but a white car refuses to stop overtaking on the car on the wrong side of the road. Moments later the motorcyclist playing follow my leader also over takes on the wrong side of the road clipping the front of the car which was stationary. The car did not suddenly pull out into the road and hit her. This is just another example of the local drivers refusing to give way especially motorcyclists, just try crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing. I hope she was insured but not likely if she was living hand to mouth as stated.

"Having watched the video it is obvious that the motorcyclist was at fault"

That's an opinion, it's not mine, when I cross a road with my car I do take care I can do it without any one having to brake suddenly to avoid me,.

I made a screen shot, maybe one two second before impact, at the time the car did not yet crossed the median line, how far I should say how near is the bike? 10/15 meter from the car ? How on earth it could have been avoid, certainly not easily.like it or not I'll call that force the passage, sometimes it

works sometimes not.


Look at the second screen shot less than a second before impact the bike did not crashed the car but the contrary...you still doubt it screen shot 3coffee1.gif




Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!

They must have different road rules in Thailand then, in the rest of the world cars turning onto a main road from a side street have to give way to oncoming traffic. It was poor defensive driving by the motorcyclist but definitely not at fault, she deserves everything she gets out the stupid car driver.


Most foreign Embassies in London follow International Law and always claim diplomatic immunity. This should also apply in Thailand until they change International Law. So why worry be happy and smile like a Thai.


The motorbike was on the main road I assume and VW entered this road without being careful. If this is the case, the guilty party is only VW driver. Police report and insurance company of both drivers should settle the case, unless the victim takes a lawyer and sue the VW driver's insurance for damages like suffering, loss of income, medical treatments, rehabilitation,future treatments, child care for the child she has, medical-rehabilitation aids, personal care giver to help during recovery, etc


Bet there'll be no comment from the high and mighty in the embassy.

The British Embassy says it is in the hands of the insurers and rightly so. Like myself, they don't susbcribe to this pathetic song sahn, krien jai rubbish either.

what you are saying is it is legal (ok) to run over people . is not there a law saying you cannot run over people ? regardless of $$$ asked or given , what about the driver ? you need to get up off your brain , give the bar stool a break and your ass brain some air .....


Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!

They must have different road rules in Thailand then, in the rest of the world cars turning onto a main road from a side street have to give way to oncoming traffic. It was poor defensive driving by the motorcyclist but definitely not at fault, she deserves everything she gets out the stupid car driver.

Once again...the right of way rule has evolved for the very reason you see in the video.

All the traffic already existing in the main road have what is deemed as right of way .....meaning any vehicle attempting to turn into the flow of traffic in either direction has to GIVE right of way to the existing traffic.

It is a simple safety rule that works for everyone.

If you practice right of way and everyone practices right of way then far less accidents.

Meantime, here in Thailand most of the drivers will deliberately poke the nose of their vehicle into the traffic flow while the traffic flow tries to go around the vehicle until the offending vehicle is blocking the lane and everyone comes to a stop to allow the offending vehicle to make their move.

Sure it is very common and the way that they drive here while everyone agrees if you do not drive like that then hardly anyone will let you get cross over to the far lane or let you blend into the near lane.

I do not disagree....but when an accident happens, such as this and it is on film then it is a clear example of how right of way was not practiced resulting in another accident.

When asked: What caused the accident???..... then it is clear the car was attempting to cross through the near lane and get into the far lane without waiting until there was safe distance between the on coming cars before pulling out into the traffic....and Bang...someone did not see the car in time or did not have time to slow down enough or no room to go around the car....and Bang...another collision

The car caused the accident while the motorcycle driver was not doing anything that can be faulted.

If someone more or less suddenly pulls out in front of you and is blocking your travel while at 30 or 40 or 50 kilometers per hour and you have no room to move or not enough distance to react accordingly then how can you be blamed for another persons dangerous actions that are easily judged as being an aggressive and dangerous driving maneuver on their part

Why do I post this several time: Because, this is a matter of life or death or serious injury caused by the driving antics seen in the video and it needs to be emphasized the importance of right of way to curb the amount of further accidents.

I know the Thais will not care and just keep on doing what ever they please...but still, someone is in the wrong and someone caused the accident and that someone was the person driving the car...not the motorcycle driver.



Well reading it at watching the clip, I would say that the motorcyclist is not blame free either, the VW is across the road for a good while before the collision showing that instead of slowing down to allow it to complete it's move, tried to overtake, which the driver was probably not expecting.

Taking a neutral view the driver is correct not to visit and not to accept responsibility/liability and let the insurance company sort it out, and has probably been advised the same by the embassy's lawyers.

Really there is no story here, other than the rider trying to force the issue via social media, or wouldn't even be published if it wasn't an employee of the embassy.

That said, it doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for her injuries or the situation she is in, but it certainly isn't as clear cut a case as is made out to be.

High Nose of Brits Embassy !!

They above,

no need to answer at least !!

That's behavior of Brits we know !!


Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!

I look at it and you are 100% right the bike should have miss the car slowly coming out I would say the bike rider was not looking ahead.

I think you both should learn traffic rules !!

This car was " pressing out to the flowing traffic !!

The car was not allowed to push into a the flowing traffic,

if it was hindering a bike or a car

- for example to brake to leave the car to enter the main advancing road !!

The embassy car had to wait until there was no car or bike coming along close to the crossing !!!


I wonder how the diplomatic immunity works in Thailand. When I lived in Nee York it was a nightmare. The UNbtypes would get in an accident and get off scott free - police could not even give them parking tickets

It is an International convention, specifically The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) which Thailand ratified on 23 Jan 1985. As such they are obligated to follow the convention the same as any other signatories.

One thing to be aware of is that not every Embassy/Consulate employee has the same degree of immunity and are broken down into various categories and even within a category may have other levels of limitations. So depending on this individuals position will determine any legal consequences that can occur.

That would mean the Car driver in fault could not be charged for wrong driving

( pushed into main privileged street and guilty for the exident )

but he - his insurance or his working company have to pay for the victim !

the hospitalization,

for might be his handicap in future,

and the bike damage !!


Bet there'll be no comment from the high and mighty in the embassy.

The British Embassy says it is in the hands of the insurers and rightly so. Like myself, they don't susbcribe to this pathetic song sahn, krien jai rubbish either.

The Embassy is handling it the correct way.

The Embassy Insurance Co was called to the scene of the accident and the traffic police was called to the scene of the accident. There was NO hit and run involved.

From there on out it is the Insurance Co. job to sort it out who is at fault. If the Embassy says but one word in the accident the Insurance Co. can refuse to handle the case. Same as the Insurance Co. can refuse to handle the case if the Embassy even send a bunch of flowers or a basket of fruit to the injured.

As for the injured person you can bet the only insurance she has is the Government Uninsured motorist insurance which she must have otherwise she could not have the yearly registration sticker for her motorcycle. The Uninsured motorist insurance will take care of the hospital / medical expenses and nothing more, and that is how she got out of the hospital by the Uninsured motorist policy picking up the tab. The Uninsured motorist insurance is so that the hospitals / medical are not being stuck with the bill(s). As the Government hospitals are being stuck with the bills year after year with Tourist who do not have insurance. For 2015 the Thai Gov. hospitals are stuck with a Bt. 3,000,000 of unpaid bills by foreign tourist having no insurance.


Ain't she heard about diplomatic immunity? Sorry she'll just have to pay her own hospital bills.

Diplomatic immunity may most likely not be an issue here :

- first of all we need to know if the driver was holder of a UK diplomatic passport (it could have been an employee of the Embassy using an Embassy car and the driver may have been a Thai national)

- nothing indicated a crime was committed for which diplomatic immunity could have been requested

- as far as we know it was a regretful accident involving a car registered as belonging to the UK Embassy and "the driver did not flee the scene" : it means it is indeed an issue to be settled by insurance companies

The driver only spoke English.


The Thai woman was hit by a car, everyday event in Thailand.

My vehicle was just recently hit by a Thai driver not paying attention.

Both our insurance representatives attended the scene, and I doubt I will ever see the driver again.

I can understand the car driver not wanting to attend further because I would be expecting some extortion......

Is it possible the Thai motorcycle driver had insufficient insurance and cannot pay her medical bill, I thought only tourists did that.


I wonder how the diplomatic immunity works in Thailand. When I lived in Nee York it was a nightmare. The UNbtypes would get in an accident and get off scott free - police could not even give them parking tickets

It is an International convention, specifically The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) which Thailand ratified on 23 Jan 1985. As such they are obligated to follow the convention the same as any other signatories.

One thing to be aware of is that not every Embassy/Consulate employee has the same degree of immunity and are broken down into various categories and even within a category may have other levels of limitations. So depending on this individuals position will determine any legal consequences that can occur.

That would mean the Car driver in fault could not be charged for wrong driving

( pushed into main privileged street and guilty for the exident )

but he - his insurance or his working company have to pay for the victim !

the hospitalization,

for might be his handicap in future,

and the bike damage !!

It's an insurance issue, nobody gives a sh!t about 'blame' - it's all about money. If the person on the bike had no license, tax or insurance then nobody will care and this includes the insurance company.

Such is life. British embassy or not, this is Thailand.


Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!

I look at it and you are 100% right the bike should have miss the car slowly coming out I would say the bike rider was not looking ahead.

I think you both should learn traffic rules !!

This car was " pressing out to the flowing traffic !!

The car was not allowed to push into a the flowing traffic,

if it was hindering a bike or a car

- for example to brake to leave the car to enter the main advancing road !!

The embassy car had to wait until there was no car or bike coming along close to the crossing !!!

And here in the actual real world, you know very well there are ZERO gaps in traffic to do as you suggest.

The car driver waited for a while, then slowly edged out when there was a slight gap, a white vehicle went past and that followed a a couple of seconds later with the bike ALSO trying to edge past but had nowhere to go to.

If the bike rider was looking (or even using the few brain cells she had), she easily had time to avoid the accident. Impatience and stupidity (on the bike riders part) caused the accident, by not slowing down and going for a gap that was no longer there and a gap that anyone with a brain cell could see would close.


Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!

I look at it and you are 100% right the bike should have miss the car slowly coming out I would say the bike rider was not looking ahead.

I think you both should learn traffic rules !!

This car was " pressing out to the flowing traffic !!

The car was not allowed to push into a the flowing traffic,

if it was hindering a bike or a car

- for example to brake to leave the car to enter the main advancing road !!

The embassy car had to wait until there was no car or bike coming along close to the crossing !!!

And here in the actual real world, you know very well there are ZERO gaps in traffic to do as you suggest.

The car driver waited for a while, then slowly edged out when there was a slight gap, a white vehicle went past and that followed a a couple of seconds later with the bike ALSO trying to edge past but had nowhere to go to.

If the bike rider was looking (or even using the few brain cells she had), she easily had time to avoid the accident. Impatience and stupidity (on the bike riders part) caused the accident, by not slowing down and going for a gap that was no longer there and a gap that anyone with a brain cell could see would close.

You are wrong.

The car driver is not supposed to be edging out into traffic and deliberately forcing the on coming cars in the near lane and then also the far lane to be forced to stop so they ( who ever they are ) can proceed with their aggressive and dangerous move....which is exactly what caused the accident.

It is very simple: Had the car waited for a safe distance interval to make their maneuver then the accident would not have happened....but no...they forced their way into the traffic flow and the end result was as you see in the video....an accident ..that they caused right from the beginning.

This is not about Thai style driving being the normal everyday way of driving and been acceptable...rather it is all about what caused the accident and who caused the accident and it is clearly the fault of the car driver.

If a car in front of you misses the their turn into a side road and then abruptly stops and then proceeds to back up so they can make that missed turn and someone or you plow into the back of them then you are going to blame yourself as you were not doing anything wrong...but the driver stopping and backing up is doing something wrong and the cause of the accident.

A perfect example of Thai style driving and it occurs all to often and it does cause accidents and will continue to cause accidents.

As long as Thai style driving involves deliberately and aggressively forcing their way into oncoming traffic to force the oncoming traffic to stop you can be assured that all the more accidents will be happening today and in the future...for sure.

You and others are blaming the motorcycle when she was cut off while she had the right of way while the car edging out into the traffic the way it did was creating a dangerous situation for any other person passing by in that lane.



Someone close to the source revealed to me that the lady driving the bike neither had a licence or was on an insured bike.

I'm not sure which is true, as it's reported by Coconuts that they bike rider had por-ror-bor (compulsory) insurance.

I was also told that aggressive compensation demands by the bike riders brother were immediate and injuries exaggerated, hence, the driver of the VW distanced herself and left the issue in the hands of her insurance company - rightly so, I would suggest.


Bet there'll be no comment from the high and mighty in the embassy.

The British Embassy says it is in the hands of the insurers and rightly so. Like myself, they don't susbcribe to this pathetic song sahn, krien jai rubbish either.

what you are saying is it is legal (ok) to run over people . is not there a law saying you cannot run over people ? regardless of $$$ asked or given , what about the driver ? you need to get up off your brain , give the bar stool a break and your ass brain some air .....

It is illegal not to have the compulsory minimum insurance but thousands of locals and a fair few rude and pontifical foreigners embrace the me first and the rather fanciful bigger vehicle ALWAYS pays notion, particularly the motorbike riders. Maybe you like the quaint, cultural mores of your hosts when it comes to dicing with death on 2 or 4 wheels thus absolving oneself of all responsibility for your decisions and actions. I much prefer the concept of som nam nah.

Oh, and First Class insurance as well.


You are wrong.

The car driver is not supposed to be edging out into traffic and deliberately forcing the on coming cars in the near lane and then also the far lane to be forced to stop so they ( who ever they are ) can proceed with their aggressive and dangerous move....which is exactly what caused the accident.

gemguy - do you or have you ever driven in Bangkok ?

While your assertion is correct in the black and white world of simple rights and wrongs carrying forward those opinions into everyday kaleidoscopic multifaceted life would quite often leave you stranded for we don't live in a simple world.

There is much more to this accident than the VW pulling out. Is the Motorcycle speeding for example?

As someone wrote earlier on in this thread - If you were to follow your 'wait for the perfect gap' ideology you might well find yourself at the junction for a significant amount of time. You'd probably find yourself facing the frustration and aggression of those other drivers you have held up by refusing to 'edge out'...

The driver of the VW was not driving aggressively, she was however driving assertively which is the only way to drive in Bangkok, or any Capital City for that matter, while enabling progression through heavy traffic.


... You and others are blaming the motorcycle when she was cut off while she had the right of way while the car edging out into the traffic the way it did was creating a dangerous situation for any other person passing by in that lane.


She was "cut off while she had right of way..." Really?

If you take time to observe the post-accident video, behind the VW which is stopped at the point of impact with the hazard flashers on, there's a nearside lane wide enough for a bus to drive through. Why didn't the motorbike rider aim for that HUGE gap?

She was not cut off. She chose to ride the rear bumper of the white car preceding her without being able to see what the white car was moving out to avoid. It is called spatial awareness and not many local drivers have a clue about it. Like the ones that pull out in front of you then toddle along at 10 kph, straddling 2 lanes of faster traffic while looking for their favorite somtam shop.

The motorbike driver was most likely hidden from the VW drivers view since she was switching lanes close behind the speeding white car probably with the intent of undertaking the white car (on its left) before it had moved back into the left most lane. To make it easier for you, she played 'shoot the gap' and she lost.

Sorry for her lifetime scars and limp and the currently starving kids. But not much.


You are wrong.

The car driver is not supposed to be edging out into traffic and deliberately forcing the on coming cars in the near lane and then also the far lane to be forced to stop so they ( who ever they are ) can proceed with their aggressive and dangerous move....which is exactly what caused the accident.

gemguy - do you or have you ever driven in Bangkok ?

While your assertion is correct in the black and white world of simple rights and wrongs carrying forward those opinions into everyday kaleidoscopic multifaceted life would quite often leave you stranded for we don't live in a simple world.

There is much more to this accident than the VW pulling out. Is the Motorcycle speeding for example?

As someone wrote earlier on in this thread - If you were to follow your 'wait for the perfect gap' ideology you might well find yourself at the junction for a significant amount of time. You'd probably find yourself facing the frustration and aggression of those other drivers you have held up by refusing to 'edge out'...

The driver of the VW was not driving aggressively, she was however driving assertively which is the only way to drive in Bangkok, or any Capital City for that matter, while enabling progression through heavy traffic.

Yes I have driven in Thailand while I now take taxis everywhere while I observe these sort of accidents caused by aggressive driving conduct happening all too often while I always, as in everyday, see near misses happening all around me in my travels watching how the taxi drivers drive and all the other drivers and how they drive.

Once again you and others are making ( excuses ) for who caused the accident and or what they did leading up to the accident occurring.

It is not a matter of what you think or your opinion rather it is a matter of who was doing what at the time and how their driving conduct was, for the record, greatly increasing the chances of creating the conditions for an accident.

It is a moot point if the lady driving the motorcycle was going faster than the supposedly posted speed limit ( That is an assumption ) as it does not change the first fact that the driver of the car was performing a dangerous and aggressive driving maneuver ( First ) and the core reason the accident that did happen....seconds later.

Regardless of the practice seen in the video being an everyday occurrence and or their "driving style" it still remains an aggressive and dangerous way to drive resulting in thousands of accidents occurring the same or similar throughout the country.

Trying to reason that the Thais drive this way or that way as a valid reason to absolve the car driver from any responsibility or wrong doing and claim the bike driver should have done this or should have done that AFTER the fact which clearly shows the car driver deliberately and aggressively placing the car into the traffic flow to force the other vehicles to stop ...so the car driver could proceed to the far lane and continue conducting the same dangerous and aggressive maneuver....which, in this case, did not work out the way as planned...and bang...another accident occurring under the same or similar conditions and driver conduct.

Had the car proceeded into the far lane and then continued to deliberately and aggressively force the on coming vehicles in the far lane to also stop, then there was a high chance of another vehicle colliding with the car....but that did not happen because before the car got that much further another vehicle did collide with the front end of their car while deliberately and knowingly putting themselves and others in harms way.

Every time you or any other driver makes that kind of dangerous or shall we say high risk maneuver you or they well know it is considered a dangerous move and everyone well knows that the move is relying on ALL the other drivers to see what is occurring around them and give way or come to a stop..to accommodate the maneuver .....but obviously, as seen in the video, sometimes, not all the other people that are being entangled in the / your / their dangerous and high risk maneuver are alert enough or have room or time to stop..... and then vehicles colloid...as is often the case.

If you were an insurance adjuster and have to make judgment on what type of driving conduct and or who caused the accident then it is obvious the driver of the car ( created) the condition while the end result was another accident...as often does happen when any driver does what is seen in the video.

Passing multiple vehicles when and where they should not be passing is also a common and everyday practice here in Thailand

When an accident does happen then everyone involved or witness to the event would want to understand what caused the accident and or who was involved in the accident.

If witnesses or better yet a video camera clearly records that a motor cycle driver was speeding and deliberately and aggressively passing multiple vehicles on the wrong side of the road and collided with an on coming car then you are implying that the driver of the other vehicle is complicit because they did not get out of the way in time and or did not accommodate the reckless driving of the motorcycle driver.

In effect you are arguing ...just because the reckless driving conduct of the motorcycle driver is common everyday driving practice here in Thailand so that simply absolves the motorcycle driver of wrong doing......so shift the blame onto the car driver that did not get out of the way in time or did not see what was occurring while they should have been more alert and therefore avoided the collision while it is now their own self inflicted problem for letting it happen to them and they will have to deal with it on their own and no sympathy is afforded them...as that is exactly what you are implying.

That is Weird logic if you think like that and obviously you and others are beginning to develop the same mentality as the Thais, if and when you make excuses for aggressive or dangerous or reckless driving conduct that is the root cause of an accident causing death or grievous bodily harm to others because of your or other peoples reckless driving conduct.



You are wrong.

The car driver is not supposed to be edging out into traffic and deliberately forcing the on coming cars in the near lane and then also the far lane to be forced to stop so they ( who ever they are ) can proceed with their aggressive and dangerous move....which is exactly what caused the accident.

gemguy - do you or have you ever driven in Bangkok ?

While your assertion is correct in the black and white world of simple rights and wrongs carrying forward those opinions into everyday kaleidoscopic multifaceted life would quite often leave you stranded for we don't live in a simple world.

There is much more to this accident than the VW pulling out. Is the Motorcycle speeding for example?

As someone wrote earlier on in this thread - If you were to follow your 'wait for the perfect gap' ideology you might well find yourself at the junction for a significant amount of time. You'd probably find yourself facing the frustration and aggression of those other drivers you have held up by refusing to 'edge out'...

The driver of the VW was not driving aggressively, she was however driving assertively which is the only way to drive in Bangkok, or any Capital City for that matter, while enabling progression through heavy traffic.

Yes I have driven in Thailand while I now take taxis everywhere while I observe these sort of accidents caused by aggressive driving conduct happening all too often while I always, as in everyday, see near misses happening all around me in my travels watching how the taxi drivers drive and all the other drivers and how they drive.

Once again you and others are making ( excuses ) for who caused the accident and or what they did leading up to the accident occurring.

It is not a matter of what you think or your opinion rather it is a matter of who was doing what at the time and how their driving conduct was, for the record, greatly increasing the chances of creating the conditions for an accident.

It is a moot point if the lady driving the motorcycle was going faster than the supposedly posted speed limit ( That is an assumption ) as it does not change the first fact that the driver of the car was performing a dangerous and aggressive driving maneuver ( First ) and the core reason the accident that did happen....seconds later.

Regardless of the practice seen in the video being an everyday occurrence and or their "driving style" it still remains an aggressive and dangerous way to drive resulting in thousands of accidents occurring the same or similar throughout the country.

Trying to reason that the Thais drive this way or that way as a valid reason to absolve the car driver from any responsibility or wrong doing and claim the bike driver should have done this or should have done that AFTER the fact which clearly shows the car driver deliberately and aggressively placing the car into the traffic flow to force the other vehicles to stop ...so the car driver could proceed to the far lane and continue conducting the same dangerous and aggressive maneuver....which, in this case, did not work out the way as planned...and bang...another accident occurring under the same or similar conditions and driver conduct.

Had the car proceeded into the far lane and then continued to deliberately and aggressively force the on coming vehicles in the far lane to also stop, then there was a high chance of another vehicle colliding with the car....but that did not happen because before the car got that much further another vehicle did collide with the front end of their car while deliberately and knowingly putting themselves and others in harms way.

Every time you or any other driver makes that kind of dangerous or shall we say high risk maneuver you or they well know it is considered a dangerous move and everyone well knows that the move is relying on ALL the other drivers to see what is occurring around them and give way or come to a stop..to accommodate the maneuver .....but obviously, as seen in the video, sometimes, not all the other people that are being entangled in the / your / their dangerous and high risk maneuver are alert enough or have room or time to stop..... and then vehicles colloid...as is often the case.

If you were an insurance adjuster and have to make judgment on what type of driving conduct and or who caused the accident then it is obvious the driver of the car ( created) the condition while the end result was another accident...as often does happen when any driver does what is seen in the video.

Passing multiple vehicles when and where they should not be passing is also a common and everyday practice here in Thailand

When an accident does happen then everyone involved or witness to the event would want to understand what caused the accident and or who was involved in the accident.

If witnesses or better yet a video camera clearly records that a motor cycle driver was speeding and deliberately and aggressively passing multiple vehicles on the wrong side of the road and collided with an on coming car then you are implying that the driver of the other vehicle is complicit because they did not get out of the way in time and or did not accommodate the reckless driving of the motorcycle driver.

In effect you are arguing ...just because the reckless driving conduct of the motorcycle driver is common everyday driving practice here in Thailand so that simply absolves the motorcycle driver of wrong doing......so shift the blame onto the car driver that did not get out of the way in time or did not see what was occurring while they should have been more alert and therefore avoided the collision while it is now their own self inflicted problem for letting it happen to them and they will have to deal with it on their own and no sympathy is afforded them...as that is exactly what you are implying.

That is Weird logic if you think like that and obviously you and others are beginning to develop the same mentality as the Thais, if and when you make excuses for aggressive or dangerous or reckless driving conduct that is the root cause of an accident causing death or grievous bodily harm to others because of your or other peoples reckless driving conduct.


Good to see you have given up on that earlier Right of Way rubbish.



Absolutely silly to read this judicial lecture about right of way of someone who obviously can not cross a road or right turn in Bangkok.

He would starve in his car.

No idea about the need of consideration, attention and adjusted speed?

And this is not only common sense but ALSO part of traffic law in civilized countries.

In my last country it was simply referred to as "paragraph one" wink.png

You go ahead and create or cause your own self inflicted accident.......and when it does happen to you then the record will show that you caused the accident ( yes you ) while your pleas for sympathy and or your excuses will not change what did happen......including the responsibility and accountability on your part while your broken hip and fractured spine and broken up face will always be there to forever remind you of your argued simplest logic and mentality and how you see things concerning your practiced driving conduct and the ramifications...just like the Thai Way of thinking.....that you readily defend.

Ha ...judicial lectures indeed...lol



Bet there'll be no comment from the high and mighty in the embassy.

But, in fact, the embassy did comment. But knowledge of that would have required reading the article.


normal behaviour in Thailand, don't admit anything and let the insurance deal with it,

Why else would one pay for first class insurance other than for this type of scenario?

Given the individual driving was not Thai, how do you dismiss this as normal behavior in Thailand?


i wonder if it had been farang motor cyclist hit by a thai driven car.guess WHO'S FAULT.

But as that is not the case here, how is it relavent?

A number of years back I was paid 100k for compensation by an insurance companyfor lost time and motorcycle repair when I laid my bike down to avoid a driver who suddenly pulled a u turn across 3 lanes on petburi near sukhumvit soi 3.

Funny thing is I didn't have a license, though nobody ever asked.

I was treated very fairly by the insurance company I thought.

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