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Rivals questioning whether they'd back Trump as nominee


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Rivals questioning whether they'd back Trump as nominee

JULIE PACE, AP White House Correspondent

PALM BEACH, Florida (AP) — Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and John Kasich suggested Saturday they may not support Donald Trump if he becomes the Republican nominee, as violence at the front-runner's rallies deepened the party's chaotic chasm.

Tensions ran high at Trump's latest rally, when U.S. Secret Service agents briefly formed a protective ring around the candidate, then left the stage and allowed him to continue speaking at an airport hangar outside Dayton, Ohio.

Trump's campaign said the agents rushed the stage after a man attempted to breach the security buffer. The man was "removed rapidly and professionally," spokeswoman Hope Hicks said.

A defiant Trump has denied that he has encouraged violence at his events. But the scenes from his aborted rally in Chicago on Friday night appeared to be a final straw for some rivals who had pledged, despite deep concerns about his qualifications, to support the billionaire businessman if he were to become the nominee.

Rubio, the Florida senator, told The Associated Press that Trump is driving apart "both the party and the country so bitterly" that he may not be able to support the billionaire if he's the Republican nominee.

"It's an ongoing pattern," Rubio said. "And it's clear to me that he knows what he's doing."

Kasich, the Ohio governor, said the "toxic environment" Trump is creating "makes it very, extremely difficult" to support him.

"To see Americans slugging themselves at a political rally deeply disturbed me," Kasich said while campaigning in Cincinnati. "We're better than that."

The extraordinary shift by the two came just a few days before Tuesday's elections in five states, including their home states of Florida and Ohio. Rubio and Kasich must win their home state contests to stay in the race and try to chip away at Trump's delegate lead. The delegates will choose the party's nomination at the national convention in July in Cleveland.

The only candidate to stand by his pledge to support Trump if he becomes the nominee was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is closest to the businessman in the delegate count.

"I committed at the outset, I will support the Republican nominee, whoever it is," Cruz told reporters Saturday.

President Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Dallas, said those who aspire to lead the country "should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another." He said leaders should also "speak out against violence"

"If they refuse to do that, they don't deserve our support," he said.

Trump insisted he'd done nothing to exacerbate tensions, despite having previously encouraged his supporters to aggressively — and sometimes physically — stop protesters from interrupting his raucous rallies.

Trump told CNN late Friday: "I don't take responsibility. Nobody's been hurt at our rallies."

He did several interviews as cable TV networks broadcast footage of the skirmishes both inside and outside the Chicago arena where he had planned to speak.

At the event near Dayton, the audience chanted Trump's name as the Secret Service agents rushed the stage. Trump did not explain what had happened, but said: "Thank you for the warning. I was ready for 'em, but it's much better if the cops do it, don't we agree?"

Trump also held a rally Saturday in Cleveland and had an event scheduled for later in the day in Kansas City, Missouri.

The brash billionaire's unexpected political success has roiled the Republican Party. Most leaders expected his populist appeal would fade as voting contests began and largely avoided criticizing even his most extreme comments out of fear of alienating his supporters.

But after 24 primary elections and caucuses, Trump remains the front-runner and leads his rivals in the all-important delegate count.

Republican leaders are grasping for a last-ditch idea to stop Trump from claiming the nomination. They've talked about a contested convention and about whether to rally around a yet-to-be-determined third-party candidate. All are long shots at best and would probably rip the Republican Party apart.

The chaos in Chicago was sparked in part by Trump's decision to cancel his rally after skirmishes broke out in the crowd that, unlike past Trump events, was packed with protesters — many of whom had organized ahead of time with the intent of keeping Trump from speaking.

Many anti-Trump attendees had rushed onto the floor of the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion, jumping up and down with their arms up in the air after the event was called off. Some isolated confrontations took place afterward and police reported arresting five people.

As Trump attempts to unify a fractured Republican Party before Tuesday's slate of winner-take-all primary elections, the confrontations between his legion of loyal supporters and protesters who accuse him of stoking racial hatred have become increasingly contentious, underscoring concerns about the divisive nature of his candidacy.

In a telephone interview after postponing his event in Chicago, Trump said he didn't "want to see people hurt or worse" at the rally, telling MSNBC, "I think we did the right thing."

But Chicago police said they had sufficient manpower on scene to handle the situation and did not recommended Trump cancel the rally. That decision was made "independently" by the campaign, said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-13

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".....President Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Dallas, said those who aspire to lead the country "should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another." ...."

That's rich........Do as I say....Not as I do

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It’s actually sort of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party. Trump has kicked in their door, flash-banged his way into the room and has them all paralyzed with abject terror.

It’s kind of like a corporation that claims to run the most secure and most dependable bank on earth getting taken over in broad daylight..........by one guy.

Edited by Hayduke
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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

No, that's not it. What really p*sses me off is that they seem so freaking determined to hand the election to that loathsome HC life form.

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It’s actually sort of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party. Trump has kicked in their door, flash-banged his way into the room and has them all paralyzed with abject terror.

It’s kind of like a corporation that claims to run the most secure and most dependable bank on earth getting taken over in broad daylight..........by one guy.

What this also highlights is if anyone is against the normal status quo where all the money people are happy it is shock & horror, amazing how easy it is to rock the boat and how unstable the country really is.

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

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You know who'd I vote for: They guy that eveey politician in my country hated biggrin.png

Excellent point.....

Trump is disliked because he is so unlike the others. He speaks his mind, and addresses issues that have been ignored by Obama..and the others.

Build that wall....and let the mexicans pay.

Bring Jobs back to Americans (which he should be fantastic at)

Call the shots as you see them.....tahell with lying politicians. Tell them.

Most importantly...do what the world really fears the most....Pull businesses out of Foreign Countries and bring them back to the USA. Put those lazy radical chicago street thugs to work. Get them off welfare. Support the military...and make decisive wins...not political ones.

Europeans are starting to shake and quiver....as they see the inevitable coming. TrumpOmania.. Push that fed lending rate way up....lol. We are not appreciated anyways...overseas... so lets make that work for us.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Will Bernie endorse Hillary as she represents much of what he has railed against since announcing his candidacy?

Or....will he announce that he can't, in good conscience, offer his support?

If Hillary picked someone like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as VP, that might mollify Bernie and gain his support.

Remember that Bernie Sanders is an Independent and not a Democrat by party affiliation. But he is allowed to caucus with the Democrats to get committee assignments and allowed to participate in the Democrat primaries for candidacy of the POTUS. Failure to offer any measurable support might have significant political reprecussions for him.

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

You mean someone who has not been convicted of any wrongdoing?

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

No, that's not it. What really p*sses me off is that they seem so freaking determined to hand the election to that loathsome HC life form.

Thats right, say hello to HRC Admin #1, maybe even 2 and your Gone Old Party will not have smelled the oval office for 12-16 years.

Good riddance to right-whingers.

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The anti-Trumph crowd in Chicago was mostly all Mexicans and none of them where going to vote Republican anyway. Interesting that they get to deprive a GOP candidate of his right to speak at a rally and democrats think that is okay.

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Trump again. It's more than two threads per day on him. You know what they say in show business: "There's no such thing as bad publicity."

Trump should be a pegged topic on T.Visa, and all news about him added to that heading, instead of dozens of individual threads about him.

Carson just came out 2 days ago to support Trump. He said, "there are two Trumps" inferring that one is thoughtful and one is a hot-headed idiot.

Is that a complement? At any time, when someone is conferring with Trump, how do they know which Trump they're talking to? ....or when he announces an edict? ....is it emanating from the Trump who isn't belligerent or is it the name-calling quick-to-anger divisive, threatening ignoramus Trump? Advice to rednecks backing Trump: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. ....but which Trump will you get? Easy answer: he flip-flops so often, you'll bet both Trumps. Two for the price of one, what a deal ! ....from the master deal maker gigglem.gif

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

I read that too. It'll be a stretch though since Trump is out-polling the others including Rubio by about 2:1.

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Quote "President Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Dallas, said those who aspire to lead the country "should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another."

There will always be protesters especially on topics of migration, trade deals and the freedom for corporations to write laws that allow them to rip off the public. The public is angry because Trump is telling them how it is and it is only those operating illegally or unfairly who are objecting to protect their asses.

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It’s actually sort of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party. Trump has kicked in their door, flash-banged his way into the room and has them all paralyzed with abject terror.

It’s kind of like a corporation that claims to run the most secure and most dependable bank on earth getting taken over in broad daylight..........by one guy.

That is certainly one way of looking at it and a large number of people do.

Another is, which party really gives the people a choice and which is controlled by secret power brokers?

The Republican party that had over a dozen very diverse candidates ranging form career politicians to people who have never run for office before? Only "the People" would back Trump, people who have every right to be fed up with politicians.

Or the Democrat party that offered up only one candidate because "it is her turn"? Don't forget, Bernie is not a Democrat, he is just crashing their party and making it more interesting.

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More and more non-white, non-Nazi, non-KKK, non-racist Americans are backing Trump...

"Charles Evers, the 93-year-old brother of slain civil rights icon Medgar Evers, explains his support for Donald Trump for president."

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".....President Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Dallas, said those who aspire to lead the country "should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another." ...."

That's rich........Do as I say....Not as I do

Yeah where does obama get off being half black anyway???

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

As opposed to the cocaine sniffing draft dodger Bush they elected for 8 years?

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