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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump toast, maybe on top of those 5 bankrupt casinos ( I mean when odds are stacked AGAINST the bettors how does a casino go bankrupt "Art of the Deal"? hit-the-fan.gif)

But a bread line could be in order, Toasted Trump nuggets. Trumper loaf. Staler GOP but Trump sour ( cuz he's whinin about the process)dough.

Bring on the bread as the Trump business machine is waaaaaay overrated.

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By "yes men" I suppose you mean the nearly ten million people who have voted for him so far? It's not his ego or his imagination that won him every district, every country in Pennsylvania yesterday, or nearly all of the delegates in all five states. It was a massive rout by the voters.

He has won the women's vote in every race so far, also. Women like jobs and a secure country too.


With few exception, voters for Trump (and Cruz and Kasich and the other Reps) have been Republican. So, if you wrote "Republican women's vote" you'd be closer to being on the mark.

When Nov. 8 rolls around, it will be a whole different ball of wax. There are a whole heck of a lot of women voters in the US who aren't registered Republicans.

Trump is winning with women. He has a great talent for putting labels on people and making it stick. Hillary will be "Vote for me because I'm a woman and it's time for a woman POTUS." Trump will counter "Gender isn't supposed to matter" and call her names for doing it. Trump will successfully mock her as "Crooked Hillary" and don't forget, many women don't like Hillary.

So far, every strategy Trump comes up with hits a home run.

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Trump toast, maybe on top of those 5 bankrupt casinos ( I mean when odds are stacked AGAINST the bettors how does a casino go bankrupt "Art of the Deal"? hit-the-fan.gif)

But a bread line could be in order, Toasted Trump nuggets. Trumper loaf. Staler GOP but Trump sour ( cuz he's whinin about the process)dough.

Bring on the bread as the Trump business machine is waaaaaay overrated.

Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him


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By "yes men" I suppose you mean the nearly ten million people who have voted for him so far? It's not his ego or his imagination that won him every district, every country in Pennsylvania yesterday, or nearly all of the delegates in all five states. It was a massive rout by the voters.

He has won the women's vote in every race so far, also. Women like jobs and a secure country too.


With few exception, voters for Trump (and Cruz and Kasich and the other Reps) have been Republican. So, if you wrote "Republican women's vote" you'd be closer to being on the mark.

When Nov. 8 rolls around, it will be a whole different ball of wax. There are a whole heck of a lot of women voters in the US who aren't registered Republicans.

Trump is winning with women. He has a great talent for putting labels on people and making it stick. Hillary will be "Vote for me because I'm a woman and it's time for a woman POTUS." Trump will counter "Gender isn't supposed to matter" and call her names for doing it. Trump will successfully mock her as "Crooked Hillary" and don't forget, many women don't like Hillary.

So far, every strategy Trump comes up with hits a home run.

Off your sig line "do a reality check" mate.

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Also, I'm not sure when the 2012 Republican primary race stopped being a competition, but it was already long over at this stage of the primaries. So if the conclusion is foregone, you're going to have a lot smaller turnout. In a way, a large turnout is proof that Trump is actually less popular, since it's taking him so long to secure his victory.

Trump started with 17 people in the race. He still has two other contenders. In 2012 Romney had no such obstruction and at this point he was already all alone.

Trump still has two losers hanging on and together pulling about 40% of the vote even though they are mathematically eliminated. They are there because the Elites are backing them in a desperate ploy to try to stop Trump. They know that with Trump, their power and gravy train are over.

The people want Trump. The power brokers are panicked. We're seeing history made.


If Trump is such a threat to the wealthy and powerful, why is his tax plan so generous to them? And, I might add, to himself. The only time I got an answer to this in this forrum was from a Trump supporter who actually believed that Trump's tax plan would increase the amount of taxes the wealthy paid. Once I pointed out to him that this was false, he went mum on the subject. There's some kind of weird mental block operating here.

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Also, I'm not sure when the 2012 Republican primary race stopped being a competition, but it was already long over at this stage of the primaries. So if the conclusion is foregone, you're going to have a lot smaller turnout. In a way, a large turnout is proof that Trump is actually less popular, since it's taking him so long to secure his victory.

Trump started with 17 people in the race. He still has two other contenders. In 2012 Romney had no such obstruction and at this point he was already all alone.

Trump still has two losers hanging on and together pulling about 40% of the vote even though they are mathematically eliminated. They are there because the Elites are backing them in a desperate ploy to try to stop Trump. They know that with Trump, their power and gravy train are over.

The people want Trump. The power brokers are panicked. We're seeing history made.


If Trump is such a threat to the wealthy and powerful, why is his tax plan so generous to them? And, I might add, to himself. The only time I got an answer to this in this forrum was from a Trump supporter who actually believed that Trump's tax plan would increase the amount of taxes the wealthy paid. Once I pointed out to him that this was false, he went mum on the subject. There's some kind of weird mental block operating here.

"Mental block" welcome to the right-whinger "make America great again".


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Trump toast, maybe on top of those 5 bankrupt casinos ( I mean when odds are stacked AGAINST the bettors how does a casino go bankrupt "Art of the Deal"? hit-the-fan.gif)

But a bread line could be in order, Toasted Trump nuggets. Trumper loaf. Staler GOP but Trump sour ( cuz he's whinin about the process)dough.

Bring on the bread as the Trump business machine is waaaaaay overrated.

Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him


Here's an article about how Trump got a financial analyst fired for questioning the financial soundness of his casinos. And slandered him, too. You see, the analyst made the unforgivable error of telling the truth about Trump's financial shenanigans. The analyst fought back and won a big legal settlement against Trump.


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Trump toast, maybe on top of those 5 bankrupt casinos ( I mean when odds are stacked AGAINST the bettors how does a casino go bankrupt "Art of the Deal"? hit-the-fan.gif)

But a bread line could be in order, Toasted Trump nuggets. Trumper loaf. Staler GOP but Trump sour ( cuz he's whinin about the process)dough.

Bring on the bread as the Trump business machine is waaaaaay overrated.

Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him


Here's an article about how Trump got a financial analyst fired for questioning the financial soundness of his casinos. And slandered him, too. You see, the analyst made the unforgivable error of telling the truth about Trump's financial shenanigans. The analyst fought back and won a big legal settlement against Trump.


Nice. The "Art of the Deal" scheister gets scheisted. I guess you could say he got "schlonged"?ph34r.png

But of course he'd be an A-! president according to the JDGruens, slipperylobsters, Asherons, Neversures, because "financial shenanigans" will be status quo in the Trump government.


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The desperation here among those who only reside within the Trump bubble is truly remarkable.

And getting more scary by the day.

They know he is a bigot, a mysoginist and a liar who deceived his own business partners.

They know he has employed convicted felons, done business with mafioso, merchants of death and had a Mob lawyer.

They know he has said he is willing to nuke Europe and the Middle East.

They know he is massively ignorant on Foreign Policy.

They know he has cheated on his wife.

They know he has disparaged people of race, religion and gender.

They know his claims of deporting over 11 million people is a ridiculous proposition.

They know he cannot prevent any religious group en masse from entering the United States.

They know his ludicrous notion of building a "wall" will never materialize.

They know his team has now claimed his outrageous rhetoric is "all an act".

And yet, they are like blind lemmings. They don't care. They continue to ignore it all. Absolutely stunning.

Why? For their own pipe dreams of self interest and personal gain.

The followers of fools like Trump are far more volatile than the Bloviator himself.

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Trump will be the next President. Donald Trump would not be in the race unless he can win it. At least he has American interest at heart. He is not a career politician he is a business man who can repair a lot of what's wrong with America. The elites are scared to death of him because they can't control him, Donald Trump is Street smart and those who think someone will try to do a Kennedy on him, It's not going to happen. His policies in most case's make a whole lot of sense. As regards the Muslim issue, Just take a look at Europe and see the problems we have with them. We have them walking around in England establishing Muslim areas, Check it out on Youtube.

I love the fact he's so anti-PC. All political correctness is oppression of free speech.

Obama has been a complete disgrace for America and Hillary has proven to be untrustworthy.

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Trump will be the next President. Donald Trump would not be in the race unless he can win it. At least he has American interest at heart. He is not a career politician he is a business man who can repair a lot of what's wrong with America. The elites are scared to death of him because they can't control him, Donald Trump is Street smart and those who think someone will try to do a Kennedy on him, It's not going to happen. His policies in most case's make a whole lot of sense. As regards the Muslim issue, Just take a look at Europe and see the problems we have with them. We have them walking around in England establishing Muslim areas, Check it out on Youtube.

I love the fact he's so anti-PC. All political correctness is oppression of free speech.

Obama has been a complete disgrace for America and Hillary has proven to be untrustworthy.

he's a phony bag of wind who has bankrupted a slew of companies

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By "yes men" I suppose you mean the nearly ten million people who have voted for him so far? It's not his ego or his imagination that won him every district, every country in Pennsylvania yesterday, or nearly all of the delegates in all five states. It was a massive rout by the voters.

He has won the women's vote in every race so far, also. Women like jobs and a secure country too.


With few exception, voters for Trump (and Cruz and Kasich and the other Reps) have been Republican. So, if you wrote "Republican women's vote" you'd be closer to being on the mark.

When Nov. 8 rolls around, it will be a whole different ball of wax. There are a whole heck of a lot of women voters in the US who aren't registered Republicans.

Trump is winning with women. He has a great talent for putting labels on people and making it stick. Hillary will be "Vote for me because I'm a woman and it's time for a woman POTUS." Trump will counter "Gender isn't supposed to matter" and call her names for doing it. Trump will successfully mock her as "Crooked Hillary" and don't forget, many women don't like Hillary.

So far, every strategy Trump comes up with hits a home run.

I'm trying to find one thing in NeverSure's statement that has a modicum of truth to it, ......and can't.

Here are some of Trump's home runs:

>>> threatening 35 to 45% added trade tariffs. Sure to spark a trade war that Americans lose, by higher prices for consumer goods.

>>> offending and angering every world leader he has any dealings with.

>>> not knowing about abortion issues

>>> ordering illegal actions, like killing ISIS' family members, and increasing torture methods. Among other things, Trump will contribute mightily to increased ISIS membership. Plus, whenever ISIS catches an American, it can further justify torturing him, and then killing him and his extended family members. "That's what Trump does!" Trump is the greatest aid to ISIS recruitment. He thinks he can wipe out ISIS by carpet bombing dozens/hundreds of Dune villages. Sorry Donald, it ain't gonna work. It's like going out in combat boots and stomping on termite mounds, thinking you're going to eradicate the pests.

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Why? Because HRC is so much more worse. And why you cannot see it mystifies us.

Tell us what about Hillary's proposals are worse than those of Donald Trump's? I'm sure you are intimately acquainted with the details of the plans offered by both. Is it that you like the fact that taxes on the wealthy will be disproportionately lowered? Or that he has no plan for controlling the large financial interests that dominate wall street? In both these regards his plans definitely do differ from HRC's. Anyway, I look forward to your detailed analysis.

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Trump will be the next President. Donald Trump would not be in the race unless he can win it. At least he has American interest at heart. He is not a career politician he is a business man who can repair a lot of what's wrong with America. The elites are scared to death of him because they can't control him, Donald Trump is Street smart and those who think someone will try to do a Kennedy on him, It's not going to happen. His policies in most case's make a whole lot of sense. As regards the Muslim issue, Just take a look at Europe and see the problems we have with them. We have them walking around in England establishing Muslim areas, Check it out on Youtube.

I love the fact he's so anti-PC. All political correctness is oppression of free speech.

Obama has been a complete disgrace for America and Hillary has proven to be untrustworthy.

And Trump would not have borrowed hugely to build his casino empire unless he was sure he could win there too. Yet, somehow..

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If Trump is as universally hated by the voters as he is by the establishment of both parties, then his "machine" is already stopped. The media regularly touts his 60%-plus "disapproval ratings" so it's a moot point....right?

On the other hand, Trump would represent a completely asymmetrical opponent with a seemingly popular message that both parties are a mess and in the pocket of the Powers That Be. Clinton will dust off the status quo, decades old playbook and campaign by assuring the voters that the only thing that stands in the way of utopia is placing her and the Democrats in complete power.

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If Trump is as universally hated by the voters as he is by the establishment of both parties, then his "machine" is already stopped. The media regularly touts his 60%-plus "disapproval ratings" so it's a moot point....right?

On the other hand, Trump would represent a completely asymmetrical opponent with a seemingly popular message that both parties are a mess and in the pocket of the Powers That Be. Clinton will dust off the status quo, decades old playbook and campaign by assuring the voters that the only thing that stands in the way of utopia is placing her and the Democrats in complete power.

Really, has she promised that "utopia" somewhere in the past? Or have you managed to hack into her campaign plans? Or are you just bloviating? Again, this is the guy who wants to give a huge tax break to the rich. I don't think a lot of voters are aware of that, as yet. Probably not a real popular idea given the current state of things. Even a majority of Republicans when polled think taxes on the rich should be increased.

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If Trump is as universally hated by the voters as he is by the establishment of both parties, then his "machine" is already stopped. The media regularly touts his 60%-plus "disapproval ratings" so it's a moot point....right?

On the other hand, Trump would represent a completely asymmetrical opponent with a seemingly popular message that both parties are a mess and in the pocket of the Powers That Be. Clinton will dust off the status quo, decades old playbook and campaign by assuring the voters that the only thing that stands in the way of utopia is placing her and the Democrats in complete power.


I'll have to break my rule of not quoting just this one time.

Here, we appear to have a bi-polar example of a poster quoting, and answering himself.

Scary indeed.

Edited by iReason
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Just watched the "grand" Trump "major" foreign policy speech where he tries to pivot to being presidential.

He read the speech.

No lying Ted.

No personality.

I've never seen him so FLAT.

The presentation was AWFUL. Makes Hillary Clinton look like charisma city.

As far as the content ... the presentation was so BORING I hardly noticed.

It isn't from him. He is too inexperienced to actually know anything about foreign policy.

So some wonks wrote it for him. Not from his heart, and you could tell.

If that's his presidential tone, he would be better off going to back to the Lyin Ted dog and pony show.

He'll put the country to SLEEP otherwise.

You know a REAL presidential leader uses advisers of course, but needs to be have CORE VISION that comes from within.

Trump does not have that, and he never will.

He's businessman.

Edited by Jingthing
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The desperation here among those who only reside within the Trump bubble is truly remarkable.

And getting more scary by the day.

They know he is a bigot, a mysoginist and a liar who deceived his own business partners.

They know he has employed convicted felons, done business with mafioso, merchants of death and had a Mob lawyer.

They know he has said he is willing to nuke Europe and the Middle East.

They know he is massively ignorant on Foreign Policy.

They know he has cheated on his wife.

They know he has disparaged people of race, religion and gender.

They know his claims of deporting over 11 million people is a ridiculous proposition.

They know he cannot prevent any religious group en masse from entering the United States.

They know his ludicrous notion of building a "wall" will never materialize.

They know his team has now claimed his outrageous rhetoric is "all an act".

And yet, they are like blind lemmings. They don't care. They continue to ignore it all. Absolutely stunning.

Why? For their own pipe dreams of self interest and personal gain.

The followers of fools like Trump are far more volatile than the Bloviator himself.

They are in fact what Trump months ago said they are, i.e., "My fans."

Fans. Trump has fans, not supporters.

I mean, if I said to a fan of Newcastle their team sucked, would anyone expect the fan to quit on the team. Anyone saying this kind of thing to a fan of a sport would risk getting decked.

Trump has fans.

Trump fans follow the W-L column along with Trump himself.

There's apparently a W coming up at the R national convention in July, but there's a big huge L coming up at the cup match in November.

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Just watched the "grand" Trump "major" foreign policy speech where he tries to pivot to being presidential.

He read the speech.

No lying Ted.

No personality.

I've never seen him so FLAT.

The presentation was AWFUL. Makes Hillary Clinton look like charisma city.

As far as the content ... the presentation was so BORING I hardly noticed.

It isn't from him. He is too inexperienced to actually know anything about foreign policy.

So some wonks wrote it for him. Not from his heart, and you could tell.

If that's his presidential tone, he would be better off going to back to the Lyin Ted dog and pony show.

He'll put the country to SLEEP otherwise.

You know a REAL presidential leader uses advisers of course, but needs to be have CORE VISION that comes from within.

Trump does not have that, and he never will.

He's businessman.

Here it is for those who'd like to judge for themselves. Start at 34:20.

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Just watched the "grand" Trump "major" foreign policy speech where he tries to pivot to being presidential.

He read the speech.

No lying Ted.

No personality.

I've never seen him so FLAT.

The presentation was AWFUL. Makes Hillary Clinton look like charisma city.

As far as the content ... the presentation was so BORING I hardly noticed.

It isn't from him. He is too inexperienced to actually know anything about foreign policy.

So some wonks wrote it for him. Not from his heart, and you could tell.

If that's his presidential tone, he would be better off going to back to the Lyin Ted dog and pony show.

He'll put the country to SLEEP otherwise.

You know a REAL presidential leader uses advisers of course, but needs to be have CORE VISION that comes from within.

Trump does not have that, and he never will.

He's businessman.

Watched much of it myself and quickly recognised why the people who wrote it didn't allow Trump to release their names. It wuz a dud and a stinker. I wouldn't want my name associated with the 1963 New York Mets either.

Boring and laughable as Donald tried to adopt his Sunday go to meetin' tone and manner. Sort of like the truck driver on a couple of beers who has to meet his gal's minister.

Trump needs the energy of the crowd mob, he needs to barb, slash, burn, do his own speaking, not to read something written by anonymous others who probably also wrote the A B C's of foreign policy for Sarah Palin.

A stiff performance that had no cadence to his speaking, no awareness of the audience as he had to focus on reading and pronouncing slowly and as if he were a statesman. He just dressed up his usual lines to include the "believe me" nonsense.

Doubt we'll be seeing much more of this mortician's convention stuff from The Donald.

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If Trump is as universally hated by the voters as he is by the establishment of both parties, then his "machine" is already stopped. The media regularly touts his 60%-plus "disapproval ratings" so it's a moot point....right?

On the other hand, Trump would represent a completely asymmetrical opponent with a seemingly popular message that both parties are a mess and in the pocket of the Powers That Be. Clinton will dust off the status quo, decades old playbook and campaign by assuring the voters that the only thing that stands in the way of utopia is placing her and the Democrats in complete power.

Really, has she promised that "utopia" somewhere in the past? Or have you managed to hack into her campaign plans? Or are you just bloviating? ..........."

I crown you "Literal Stillborn"

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OK, folks, it looks like this is really happening now.


No, what makes Donald Trump something new in American political life is that he’s all of these things at once: a racist, nativist demagogue with few ties to government, no experience in public office, no service in the armed forces, and little to no knowledge of anything involving governance, from policy to basic questions like, “What is the Supreme Court, and what does it do?” If you conjured all the ignorance and arrogance in America and gave it human form, you would have Donald Trump, give or take a spray tan.
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still more entertaining than the robotic, nails on the blackboard, welling up with faux passion & emotion delivery exhibited last night in Philly by Clinton

You must have been sporting welding goggles while sitting on nails, if you watched HRC's speech and didn't see it as inspiring. She was also gracious toward Sanders. Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined, .......all things Trump isn't. I watched Trump's speech also, and half of it was semi-mumbling/rambling on about delegate numbers. He's sounded as presidential as the NFL linebacker who is helped off the field after a head-butt injury, "yea, we're gonna win. Go team. The other guys are losers. We got more points. hey doc, you got somethin' stronger than aspririn? Go Steelers!"

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Chris Christie standing behind the Donald during the post NY primaries speech was hilarious.

The look on that guy's face is somewhere between "geez, I think I have to fart, I wonder if anyone will notice" and "I wonder if I can still make the late innings at Yankee stadium, hot dog extra mustard".

Spray tan dude and the goof, "Hey Boo-Boo I think there is a picnic basket".

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