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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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IT’S OFFICIAL: DONALD TRUMP Breaks Bush Record With Most Votes Ever for Republican Primary Candidate.

"With his win tonight in the State of Oregon along with previous victories in West Virginia and Nebraska, Donald J. Trump broke George W. Bush’s record with the most votes won by any Republican Primary Candidate in party history.
George W. Bush won 10.8 million votes in the 2000 Republican primary. Donald Trump has won 11.1 million votes so far this year." LINK
Let's remember that Trump started in a field of 17 candidates to split the votes with. Two others are still on the ballots (Cruz and Kasich) and are still getting votes. Trump still has several primaries including the big state of California to add to his total.

Let's also remember that this is the first time in a long time that the primary season was contested for so long. Naturally, a contest brings out a lot more voters in states that usually don't play a role in the selection of a candidate.

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Donald Trump will not be president: History, polling data and demographics all point to a single result

Trump is more likely to lose in a historic rout than he is to win the White House laugh.png

"The demographic lesson of 2012 is clear. In a diverse nation, Trump has little hope of winning the presidency when 84 percent of nonwhite voters won’t vote for him."clap2.gif

The biggest demographic:

"The Trump campaign faces an equally daunting gender gap. According to the Gallup Poll, 70 percent of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

Women made up 53 percent of the electorate in 2012, which makes them the single largest demographic group."

"The “Trump effect” has already sparked a huge increase in voter registration by Latinos.

The pace of registration is so great that it is projected that almost two million more Latinos will vote in 2016 than voted in 2012.

Moreover, the surge in Latino registration is occurring in key states, like Florida, Nevada, Colorado and Texas."


Get used to it; a bunch of angry white men ain't gonna cut it. thumbsup.gif

It's going to be splendid watching diverse Americans bring the Wall Street Funded Bloviator to his knees.


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Who Are Trump's Supporters?

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women.

About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30."

One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree." biggrin.png


'murica... laugh.png

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Who Are Trump's Supporters?

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women.

About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30."

One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree." biggrin.png


'murica... laugh.png

Do you have any breaking news a little more current than September 9, 2015?

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The angry white men are older.

And many posts that apparently you have missed. Here are a few to get you up to date: #2076, #2145 and #2175.

But let's be honest, the Wall Street Funded Bloviator's minions prefer to ignore facts.

So, what's your take on these numbers from May, 5 2016?

"Trump has little hope of winning the presidency when 84 percent of nonwhite voters won’t vote for him."

"70 percent of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. Women made up 53 percent of the electorate in 2012, which makes them the single largest demographic group."

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The angry white men are older.

And many posts that apparently you have missed. Here are a few to get you up to date: #2076, #2145 and #2175.

But let's be honest, the Wall Street Funded Bloviator's minions prefer to ignore facts.

So, what's your take on these numbers from May, 5 2016?

"Trump has little hope of winning the presidency when 84 percent of nonwhite voters won’t vote for him."

"70 percent of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. Women made up 53 percent of the electorate in 2012, which makes them the single largest demographic group."

I usually don't read your posts. They are a waste of my time.

I can't explain why that particular one caught my eye. Maybe because you didn't use your newly found word, "bloviator".

I do believe that strategy has served me well, so don't expect me to change it.


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Why Trump Won't Win: The demographics do not look good for him in a general election campaign.

"First and foremost, Trump is not a candidate who is appealing to the majority of Americans –

67 percent can't see themselves voting for him in November, according to a March NBC/WSJ poll. laugh.png

He has a 25 percent positive rating and a 64 percent negative rating and is trailing Hillary Clinton by 13 points and Bernie Sanders by 18."

"Furthermore, 43 percent of Republicans believe he will be harmful to their party;

27 percent of all voters feel Trump’s version of change for the country would be right and a full 52 percent believe it would be wrong."

"And even before most of the violence at the Trump rallies and the latest Trump rhetoric,

50 percent believe “Trump’s comments are frequently insulting and he has the wrong approach to the issues.”

Only 18 percent believe Trump “tells it like it is and has the right approach on many issues.” clap2.gif


Dem's the numbers. Time to get your heads out of the sand; angry white men. thumbsup.gif

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping Bloviator is gonna go down. Yuge!

It will be Magnificent!

Edited by iReason
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Who Are Trump's Supporters?

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women.

About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30."

One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree." biggrin.png


'murica... laugh.png

Do you have any breaking news a little more current than September 9, 2015?

Well over half the voters in the US have a high school education or less so I'm guessing a similar stat would apply to the other candidates as well. Besides that, only about a 1/3 of the population have a Bachelors degree or higher

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The 'experts' and the vested interests said Trump wouldn't win the GOP nomination. They all thought it was a joke and just ridiculous.






And then the GOP People started to have their say - and the GOP People will get their man.

Now the experts and vested interests are all saying he will not be POTUS - they say it is a joke and it is just ridiculous.

Cant wait to find out if the USA People will speak the same way.

And meanwhile the Clinton machine is starting to unravel - but I would like to see Trump Vs Clinton rather than Trump Vs Sanders.

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Republicans and Hispanics: The Extent of the Damage Done

"Surveys of Latinos conducted by the Gallup Organization, NBC News and CNN all show that the party’s brand has been hurt by the language of the 2016 contest.

Data from ImpreMedia and Latino Decisions that spans the three years after Mitt Romney’s loss detail the magnitude and depth of the reaction to the 2016 campaign."

"In 2012, only 18 percent of Latino voters thought Mr. Romney was “hostile” toward Hispanic voters. By November 2015, the number who thought that had jumped to 45 percent.

The largest shift was among those 18 to 35.

More than three times as many young Latino respondents think the party is hostile toward them compared with 2012 results (a move to 65 percent from 18 percent in 2012)."


And millions more of them are currently registering to vote. thumbsup.gif

The "Great Unifier" cheesy.gif

Well, I suppose he has unified with Wall Street while being educated by the GOP Establishment.


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Never, ever sell a guy like Trump short because you'll lose every time. Cheers.

Reality check: Trump has been a loser several times. Besides his two divorces and four bankruptcies, he has lost several lawsuits - some of them where he was counter-sued, and he lost those also, costing Trump tens of millions of dollars. When that happens, there's always a clause specifying the winner can never disclose how much Trump paid out.

LMFAO!!! ????

Important to note they've been sheared ??

When at a loss for talking about issues or policies, show a pic of some sheep. Shall we pity Trump fans? Maybe they need to do some deep knee bends, to get oxygen to their addled brain cells - the few that are still functional after drinking all that Trump vodka (before that, it was Kentucky moonshine).

I'm looking forward to each time makes a new declaration. Can't beat the entertainment value. Each time he opens his pie hole he contradicts what he asserted earlier, or he makes a claim that's not based on any reality. Already he's backing away from his multiple promises of building his wall. Now his fans are saying "it's a suggestion." BULLLLLLSHIIIIIIT. Trump promised hundreds of times, in every huckster way he knows, using phrases like, "Trust me folks, We're going to Build that Wall" and "The Wall just got ten feet higher" That's a 30 foot high wall, Mr. Trump, stretching nearly 2,000 miles from the Pacific coast to the Gulf of Mexico, crossing at least 2 indian reservations and four national parks. The stretch down the Rio Grande will be particularly interesting, as it will entail buying hundreds of acres of private property, or else just taking the property from land owners. Sounds like something Trump will enjoy doing. Estimated cost: between 30 to 50 billion. Big money, that's what impresses Trump. Oh yea!

I may show up for the contests to see who can get over the wall the quickest (estimate: 5 minutes). Let's see: a ladder and a rope. Not too rough. Alternatively, a shovel (the footings won't be more than 5 feet deep).

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A note about Latinos and blacks and other minorities (though some are majorities: for example, in L.A., white folks are a minority).

Anyhow, people don't necessarily vote according to their ethnic group or skin color. Latins aren't so much affected by being offended by white supremacists like Trump. Most Latin folks aren't that easily offended. They're voting for much the same things as other Americans are voting for: job security, health benefits, etc. Most Latins and blacks are comfortable with who they are. Sure, there are some who get offended, and then get angry. Those are the minority who make the news headlines. Most are going about their lives much like everyone else.

Americans in general aren't as thin-skinned and easily offended as Trump (who threatens to sue people for the slightest reasons).

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imho Donald Trump is just a sit in candidate for big money and big banks to anoint Hilary Clinton. They are both horrible candidates from my view. The Bernie Sanders campaign has had huge masses of people showing up at his rallies is the candidate that could and should beat both Trump and Hillary, however everything has been set up against him. It seems to me that the DNC has effectively become the new republican party. Of course it will have a few social or humanitarian issues for people to think they are getting something, yet the wars will continue, banking will continue.. the big business subsidies will continue.. business as usual in America. I see change is coming from both the Sanders and Trump outsiders campaigns. people are sick of it.. but in the end it will just be a show with feigned tight races while the anointed Hilary takes office. Why else has she and Bill made so much money in the last decade? Anyhow.. just my point of view..

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Republicans and Hispanics: The Extent of the Damage Done

"Surveys of Latinos conducted by the Gallup Organization, NBC News and CNN all show that the party’s brand has been hurt by the language of the 2016 contest.

Data from ImpreMedia and Latino Decisions that spans the three years after Mitt Romney’s loss detail the magnitude and depth of the reaction to the 2016 campaign."

"In 2012, only 18 percent of Latino voters thought Mr. Romney was “hostile” toward Hispanic voters. By November 2015, the number who thought that had jumped to 45 percent.

The largest shift was among those 18 to 35.

More than three times as many young Latino respondents think the party is hostile toward them compared with 2012 results (a move to 65 percent from 18 percent in 2012)."


And millions more of them are currently registering to vote. thumbsup.gif

The "Great Unifier" cheesy.gif

Well, I suppose he has unified with Wall Street while being educated by the GOP Establishment.

Here's a more current poll, Trump gained a couple of points just this week, and only trails Hillary by 3%.


Notice the poll is by NBC, not FOX.

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This is like the Hillary email server nonsense the Republicans are hanging their hats. Democrats don't need this. Trump is enough of a buffoon on his own.

This Trump University crap really happened, but I wouldn't think this would have much impact on the election. It will probably get continued and when Trump eventually loses, he'll declare victory and insult the plaintiffs, the usual.

By the time the Trump University case gets decided, Trump's name will have an asterisk beside with the final election results.

*Did not compete

The FBI is investigating Hillary because there is a serious crime involved. The FBI is not investigating Trump University. wai2.gif

Latest poll.

Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 45, Clinton 41

Trump +4

In 1996 GA voted for Bill Clinton over Bob Dole, 47-45.

Other than that however...

2004 Bush 58 Kerry 41

2008 McCain 52 Obama 47

2012 Romney 53 Obama 45

In 1968 GA voted for George Wallace.

Donald Trump leading the state polling in GA is a yawn. Doesn't change a thing. Nor does it save Trump or the R party.

Maybe so, but Ohio is a bit more interesting,

Since 1944, Ohioans have sided with the losing candidate only once – opting for Nixon over Kennedy in 1960.

Currently Trump leading the polls in Ohio 43 % to 39 %


Also only 1% difference in Pennsylvania, which went Democratic in last 8 elections

Also only 1 % in Florida as well..

Will Certainly be an interesting election

Edited by CWMcMurray
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That's why you should vote Bernie.

And stop fixating on two losers. thumbsup.gif

Like many here...


Either way, the Wall Street Funded Bloviator is going to get slaughtered.

Some wise man once said: "it's perfectly normal to be a socialist when you are 20 but if you are still a socialist when you are 30 then you are retarded".

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